Teasing Pleasing Family - Cover

Teasing Pleasing Family


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - While on summer vacation the Conways have sex with every member of their family that they visit. It is a first for some and something that other family members have wanted to do for a long time! Incest with something for everyone.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   InLaws   Rough   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Novel-Pocketbook  

Christy and her parents left the next morning. The minute they were on the highway, Christy's parents started discussing their country relatives.

"I know Meg's my sister and she's got a right to live her own life," Brad Conway told his wife. "But how she could marry a redneck like Luke and waste her life out here in the middle of nowhere still beats me."

"They seem happy enough," Helen Conway said of her in-laws.

"But Meg went to college, had her whole future in front of her," Brad said. "And I doubt Luke finished high school. Then there's that kid of theirs. Jake. He's taking right after his hayseed father. Talks like he's got a headful of air and a mouthful of mush."

"Christy seemed to like Jake," Helen replied, then looked over her shoulder at her daughter in the back seat. "Didn't you, honey?"

Nodding, Christy took the opportunity to suggest, "Yeah, I kinda thought that when we're driving back home we might be able to stop there again. It was like, well, real peaceful. Jake showed me a lot of stuff about, uh, how different it is in the country than the city."

"Forget it!" Brad Conway snorted. "On the way back we'll stay right on the interstate, drive straight through as fast as we can. Spend the night at a motel where we can get something else for breakfast besides those damned grits."

Hearing this, Christy decided to drop it for now. While her parents continued to talk, she took a nap and dreamed about Jake's big cock. It was almost as if he were fucking her all over again in the back seat of the car. When she awoke, her cunt was so wet that she asked her father to pull into a rest-stop, so she could use the john to wipe herself.

After that, Christy just looked out the window at the scenery as the farm country gradually changed to the outskirts of a city almost as large as the one in which they lived. This wasn't the only thing it had in common with home. Her brother Denny lived there now, starting his own family with his wife Elise.

"Looking forward to seeing your big brother, honey?" Christy's mother asked.

"Sure," Christy said, but she was really thinking a lot more about the hung cousin she'd left behind than Denny. After all, she couldn't fuck her own brother.

Half an hour later they were there. Denny lived in an apartment that was just large enough for him, his wife and the baby they were expecting so with three visitors it strained at the seams. There was a rollaway bed for Brad and Helen in a room that would eventually be used as a nursery, but Christy would have to make do with the couch in the living room.

Because of the sleeping arrangements, Christy had to wait until everybody else was through talking before she could turn in. Feeling tired, she didn't have much to add to the conversation. So she just sat there and sneaked some wine after dinner, waiting until she could treat herself to another wet-dream.

Around midnight, things finally broke up. Grateful to be alone, Christy put on her nightie and tested out the couch, finding it more comfortable than she'd expected. Curling up on it under a sheet and blanket, she snuggled her hand between her legs and rubbed her cunt to lull herself to sleep.

However, before she could drop off, Christy heard footsteps. Peeking out from under the covers, she saw her brother in his pajamas. Standing in the hallway, Denny was looking straight at her.

"You awake, Sis?" he whispered.

Christy remained motionless, not answering. Her brother repeated his question, louder this time. Christy kept her silence, while she watched Denny slowly edge toward her.

He was being very careful about something. It seemed to take him forever to get to the couch. By the time he had, Christy had her eyes tightly shut, doing her best to convince him that now wasn't the time to disturb her.

"You awake, Sis?" Denny said again, standing directly over her at this point.

Christy pretended to snore, just not in the mood for her brother. But if she wanted him to go away, she was using the wrong strategy. For, it turned out, asleep and helpless was exactly how Denny wanted to find her.

"I'll just take a quick look, that's all," she heard him mutter to himself under his breath. "What she doesn't know won't hurt either of us."

Christy held her breath as her brother then slipped the covers from her body. Even though she was afraid to look, she could feel Denny's eyes all over her. And since she only wore a sheer nightie, there was plenty for him to see.

"Mmmmm, Sis, you grew up real nice," Denny murmured. "Everything I remember from when I was still at home, and now a whole lot more to go along with that."

Christy squirmed. How could she help it? Her brother's ragged breath now caressed her nearly bare ass, raising goose bumps. Denny was leaning over to get a better look at her cunt.

He was panting. "Cunts don't get any sweeter than this beauty. Damn, I can smell how good it must taste. Wonder if Sis is still cherry?"

The goose bumps had spread all over Christy by now.

"God, what I'd give to suck and fuck her," her brother muttered. "Whole time we were growing up it was all I could do to keep my hands off her, and she's got me even hornier now."

Christy didn't know what to do. Frantic, she ran the past through her mind in search of clues about her brother's alarming behavior. And, her memory forcibly triggered, something abruptly stood out which she had never before seriously considered...

When Denny was still at home, she recalled, it would happen when she was taking a bath. How often he'd seemed to walk in on her by accident. Then, afterward, he'd always wind up in his own room with the door shut. What had he been doing in there? Christy was starting to get a pretty good idea.

Tonight, of course, he couldn't withdraw into his bedroom. His wife was in there. But it was obvious to Christy that he was on his way to somewhere private to do something about the hard-on which she saw jutting from his pajamas when she dared to peek out of one eye at him.

He left a moment later. Christy heard a door open and close down the hallway. And sitting up in a daze, she found herself mentally focusing on the big cock she had just glimpsed. "I never knew he was so hung," she whispered to herself, seeing him in a whole new light. Then, comparing him to her cousin, she added, "God, Denny's cock's even bigger when it's hard than Jake's was."

The next thing she knew, Christy had left the couch, her curiosity too strong to resist. Across the living room and into the hallway she went. To her left she saw a sliver of light from beneath a closed door. The bathroom. That's where her brother was, the same place she'd been when Denny had accidentally walked in on her so many times while they'd been growing up together.

"It's my turn now," Christy whispered.

She made her move before she lost her nerve. Suddenly she'd opened the bathroom door, ready to claim that she hadn't known anybody was inside. Instead, she speechlessly stood there and stared at the sight awaiting her.

Denny was sitting on the john. His cock seemed even bigger to Christy now that she was staring at it. What's more, in his stroking hand, his cock was just this instant erupting with a torrent of jizz.

"S-sorry you had to see this, Sis," Denny said as he came, caught in the act of jacking off. Then, trying to save face, he said, "Isn't easy having a pregnant wife. Guy's gotta do something about the way he feels."

Christy didn't know what she'd say until she heard it herself, and it was as bold as her brother's cock was big and hard. "Elise doesn't have anything to do with it--with us," she bluntly said, dismissing Denny's explanation about his wife. "You're jacking off on account of me. You're horny for me--always have been."

Denny didn't deny it. "H-how'd you know?"

Christy could have told him that she hadn't been asleep when he'd been fooling with her on the couch, but that would have probably made him feel so guilty that she'd have had to listen to a whole string of more sorry excuses. And her uncontrollably aroused cunt made her too impatient for that.

"I've always been the same way for you," Christy stated, recklessly changing the past to suit the present. "That means, in case you want me to spell it out, h-o-t! Girl keeps her eyes open when she's got a crush on her own brother, just hoping he feels the same about her. So I know all about how you used to beat your meat because of me--same as you did tonight."

"Th-then why didn't you do s-something?" Denny sputtered.

"I did. Same thing you did," Christy said. "Want a demonstration?"

Her brother gulped and nodded for her to go ahead.

Christy went to the bathtub. She sat on the edge, one foot propped on the rim and the other extended on the floor. This made her short nightie bunch around her hips, exposing her cunt. Then, snaking her fingers through her wispy cunt-bush, she began massaging her cunt.

"I played with my cunt so many times, thanks to you."

"Show me... show me more," Denny urged.

"Mmmmm-hmmmmmmm," crooned Christy, poking her middle finger into her cunt. "Feels good. 'Specially now that I get to look at your big cock while I'm finger-fucking myself."

"I-I'll jack off along with you, Sis," Denny said.

"No, I've got a better idea."

"Yeah, Sis?"

"I'll suck you instead."

"You sure, Sis?"

"Just put that big cock in my mouth and try me, stud."

Denny sprang off the john. Christy's mouth was wide open. Denny took aim and filled the target with his surging cock. Christy did the rest, deep-throating him to his balls while she continued finger-fucking her own cunt.

"God, Sis, you're terrific!" Denny praised Christy's expert cock-sucking. "Always knew that if you ever gave me one it'd be the best blow-job I ever got."

Christy, though, had just begun to bend her brother's mind with her sexy ways. First, she'd tangle up his spurs some by seeming to go in the opposite direction than the one in which she was actually headed. This occurred when, all at once, she separated her mouth from Denny's hard-on.

"What's wrong, Sis?" he anxiously asked. "You were sucking my prick so good."

"But," Christy said, "I know what'd make me suck it even better."

Denny nervously waited for an explanation.


Christy popped her finger out of her cunt and passed it under her brother's nose.

"Smell sweet?" she asked.

Denny nodded.

Then Christy put the same sticky finger in her brother's mouth.

"Taste even sweeter?" she asked.

Denny nodded again.

"Then go for it where it's sweetest," Christy said. "Eat my cunt if you really want your cock sucked as good as it gets."

To get into position to make good on her suggestion, Christy took advantage of what was available on the spot. Leaving her perch, she slithered down into his tub as if it were a sunken bed and spread herself out in all her glory.

"Sixty-nine!" she said.

Denny followed her into the tub without further delay. Facing in the opposite direction, he dangled his cock and balls above her head while looking down at her reeking cunt.

"Go for it!" Christy cried.

Her brother burrowed between her parted thighs, mouth flush with cunt-lips, tongue surging into cunt-gash.

"Mmmmm, that's more like it." Christy moaned with pleasure.

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