Swapping With Laura - Cover

Swapping With Laura


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Laura who has not been married very long, is having problems with their sex life. After confiding her problems with her next door neighbor, she gets tricked into joining 'The Park Palisades Women's League'. Here she is introduced to drinking and drugs, which eventually leads her to losing her inhibitions and she has sex with another couple, a bunch of dogs and finally her own husband.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   BDSM   Rough   Swinging   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Laura's mouth went dry. Often before, her husband Ralph had tried to get her to put her mouth on his penis, but she had always resisted. That sort of thing was too animal, too obscene for words. And she was always annoyed with him afterwards. No nice girl could possibly want to do such a thing. Straight sex was all right, part of the duties of married life, but that was wanton, lustful, a perversion of the natural act. She had nothing against sex per so, but that was depraved.

"I won't do it," she muttered weakly, but with strengthening resolve, when she could get her breath. "You can't make. me do it."

Mark laughed at her refreshing naivete. "All right," he told Cleonora over his shoulder, "start addressing the envelopes."

Accordingly, Cleonora picked up the remaining pictures and moved ethereally across the large bedroom to a writing desk on the far side.

"Wait!" cried Laura urgently as all of her previously happy life flashed before her eyes, a life that would end swiftly and completely if the photographs of her with Rover ever went beyond this house.

"Wait! I'll do it! Come back! Please!"

Cleonora sat down at the desk and picked up a ball point pen, shuffled some envelopes, and looked across the room at her. Mark grabbed Laura's thick yellow hair and pulled her across the bed until his desire-swollen penis bumped jerkingly against the smooth rosy softness of her cheek. "Kiss it!" he barked, sure of himself now. "Kiss it or she addresses those envelopes!"

Laura bit her lips together and resolved to get it over with as fast as possible. After all, she had no choice. She could console herself with that thought.

Her long dark eyelashes fluttering over her snugly closed eyes as she allowed her lips to be pushed against the smooth rubbery softness of her neighbor's cock-head.

"Holy Christ," she heard his deeply masculine voice boom above her. "That's a witch's kiss. I said a kiss, not a goddamned chicken peck. Kiss it! Open those sexy red lips!"

Her sensually pouting lower lip rubbed all across and around the tip of Mark's throbbing rod, while his fingers twisted tightly in her hair, pulling her face along. Laura could feel the pulsating, blood- filled ridges of his penile shaft against her mouth, and, considered how Rover's penis might feel against her lips in a similar situation, but didn't dwell on that overlong. Her stomach felt as if it were turning over like a cement mixer full of gravel. She had expected to be disgusted, and yet she wasn't. Instead there was a strange scent all around Mark's loins that was quite pleasant, and the press of his cock- flesh on her mouth had nowhere near the sensation she had expected.

Goddamn," she heard him curse again, and then his fingers were fumbling with her lips, trying to open her mouth as his blood-heavy penis pressed forward against the tightly clenched opening. He increased the pressure, and it felt as though her lips were being pushed back through the even sharpness of her teeth. Then Mark grunted and gave an extra hard shove which made her gasp involuntarily. This in turn gave his penis still more access, and all of a sudden it crushed through her full moist lips and plunged deep into the warm wet furnace of her mouth. It's throbbing hardness slithered up the length of her tongue, filling her mouth completely with its powerful thick fleshiness before she could do anything about it.

"That's it, baby... beautiful... beautiful..." Mark clutched her hair and bent over slightly as he stuffed his pulsating rod as far into her mouth as it would go. Her soft moist lips closed over it lilts the smoothest, most delicate of snug young cunts. He closed his eyes and his nostrils flared as he touched the back of her throat, making her gag.

Laura was surprised that his penis actually tasted so pleasant. She had certainly not expected it to. But the fluttering in her belly was now quite real as his long thick cock filled her oral cavern to the brim. She was literally feeling a type of sexual excitement from the presence of his member between her lips. There was no denying it.

"Suck... suck... suck..." Mark breathed, working his hips back and forth. Laura felt his cock slipping out of her mouth, then back in again. Somehow it was the most natural thing in the world for her to taste it with her tongue. She had entertained a particle of lurid curiosity for some time with respect to male sexual organs, and now she was having a way of satisfying it that no one could accuse her of being lascivious. As she was literally being forced beyond her will to participate in this glaring obscenity.

The pumping of Mark's pelvis escalated rapidly, and he ground his penis around and around inside her captive mouth. His hands held her blonde head in a vise-like grip, his fingers gripping her ears and hair when necessary to force her total cooperation. He was a tall man, but the bed had been built at especially the right height for just such lewd occasions.

She struggled mentally against this obscene rape of her throat, but at the same time the flutterish feeling in her loins was increasing rapidly. She licked the first spot of cum off the tip of his thrusting hardness, and found that it was surprisingly pleasant, vaguely salty, partly sweet. She could feel the warm moisture increasing up between her legs as it occurred to her that it was just this sort of seminal liquid that Rover had shot up into her cunt. Her pussy lips began to itch all over again, and she was unable to repress a soft, sensual moan as Mark's cock moved more rapidly in and out of her mouth.

"That's it," said Cleonora, somewhere in the background. "She likes it."

Mark grunted something unintelligible, his neck muscles straining, his loins grinding around and around before it jerked outward again. He held her hair still, and was snorting huffily as he realized that his naive blonde neighbor was beginning to meet him halfway. "On the bed," he gasped, wanting to really enjoy it. "Let me get on the bed. Remember--the pictures."

Laura remembered. That was her rationale for letting him do this to her in the first place. She continued to suck on his cock laboriously as he worked himself around so that he could lie down on the bed. In a moment her long blonde hair was waving over his muscular stomach. He held her hair and head in bondage and looked down at her. She had really gotten the idea. Sucking from blackmail or--? In any case it was exciting to be lying there watching her full, stiff-nippled breasts swinging about his legs and occasionally grazing them, watching her beautiful girlish face sucking ecstatically at his pulsating rod.

And she was ecstatic--even though she still hated herself for it. Her cunt felt warmer than ever, and was secreting so madly that she needed something hard and thick there to quell the ache. The sheer illicitness of the act was exciting in itself--and then more so as Mark stuffed his middle finger up through her blonde, hair-fringed cunt to plunge it deeply into her squirming vagina.

"Oh-oh," she gasped. "Don't do that. Oh my God." And she resumed to sucking his hotly pounding cock, which felt like a keg of dynamite about to explode.

For once Mark's obscene mouth was still. He wanted so much to shoot all of his white-hot sperm up into her throat that he couldn't think of anything else. When her hands came up to stroke his thighs and testicles affectionately, he was not surprised because his mind simply was not functioning. Everything in his being was focused solely within the tormentedly burning muscle of his penis.

Once her tongue had begun licking and lapping at his thickly bloated member, it seemed the most natural thing to Laura to actively suction it. And the more she sucked, the more her pussy tingled and itched. She squeezed her thighs together to ease the desire that was glowing so lasciviously within that ready hot core between her legs, but it was no use. When she remembered the way Rover had fucked her and licked her pussy, that made it all the worse. The hot moist shelter of her mouth sucked more ravenously, even as humiliation and shame washed over her like a tidal wave over a tropical isle.

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