Swapping With Laura - Cover

Swapping With Laura


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Laura who has not been married very long, is having problems with their sex life. After confiding her problems with her next door neighbor, she gets tricked into joining 'The Park Palisades Women's League'. Here she is introduced to drinking and drugs, which eventually leads her to losing her inhibitions and she has sex with another couple, a bunch of dogs and finally her own husband.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   BDSM   Rough   Swinging   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

The girl's eyes widened with horror and she jerked her hand back against her mouth, screaming with alarm. She tried to lower her legs and roll off the bed, but the huge dog stood above her, growling dangerously. Consequently she fairly froze with her fingers still deep inside the lust-moistened confines of her hot young pussy. The dog moved forward menacingly, his great brown eyes fastened hungrily on the helpless teenager's defenselessly upturned loins.

Then her voice returned abruptly and she began screaming with terror: "Oh God, help me somebody! Oh my God... don't let him... oh..."

The audience stirred tremulously, a heated ripple of excitement passing through the feminine assemblage in the deep blackness in front of the silver screen.

Laura, brought so abruptly out of her miasma of molten sensuality, wanted to leap up and do something to protect the girl in the movie. It took some while before it occurred to the drugged young bride that this was, after all, just a movie. She groaned again without thought as Rover's long hot tongue swiped relentlessly rough her streaming wet vaginal opening.

Gasping voicelessly then, she struggled yet one more time, albeit weakly, to resist. Her half-ridded eyes were smoky with illicit desire. "Arggghhh... ohhhhooohhhh... Rover... oh... you... you mustn't..."

Goose pimples sprang up all over Laura's burning young flesh as Rover lapped expertly at her tiny bouncing clitoris, but she couldn't tear her half-swooning eyes from the motion picture moving so obscenely to its inevitable climax. In the film, the teenage girl was still quivering in hapless fear, her small taut breasts shaking titillatingly beneath the snarling German shepherd's snout.

The huge beast lowered his head between the shivering young love- slave's soft cream-white legs. His cold damp snout spread through the slickly curling black hairs of her pubic "vee" and sniffed at her now nakedly exposed vaginal mouth. His tail wagged and he trembled all over as if he had located a bitch in heat. The girl moaned, terrified, as his cold nose suddenly slid lower and contacted her tiny puckered anus. She shivered and made a faint little cry as the animal's tongue shot out lizard-like and ran wetly up and down the entire cleft between her trembling white thighs, its tip flicking teasingly at the small, defensively clenching anal ring.

"Oh... oh... oh... no... nooooooooo..." she crooned, trying to twist out of his way, but the big dumb animal used his forepaws accurately to keep her in position, and his tongue was inexorable in its attack on her burning young flesh. When she squirmed too much he raised his head, snarling, and this froze her into position once more. He then lapped greedily again at the narrow pink slit between her thighs, running his lengthy tongue wetly along its full distance, from her tightly held little anus, up over the slim pink edge of her seeping wet cunt, and over the small sensation-primed pleasure bud of her clitoris standing high and stiff atop her pubic mound. The teenager sighed and moaned as his great tongue spread through the soft, hair-fringed flesh, dragging the desire-inflamed folds of her pussy after it.

His tongue continued to flick mercilessly between the girl's widespread thighs, stopping sporadically to curl more deeply between the walls of her vainly resisting vagina, when suddenly a long, drawn-out groan of contentment was dredged from the girl's passion-wetted throat. She jerked spasmodically, helpless in the grip of a lust too obscene to be believed, as the great animal licked and snuffled relentlessly at her raging young loins.

Laura couldn't repress a shudder. Her eyes dazed over and she panted helplessly, watching this amazing display of unspeakable lewdness. By now Rover had corkscrewed his tongue into her own boiling cunt to an unbelievable depth, drawing it tantalizingly out again in a way that was driving her crazy. This maddening teasing of her hot young pussy was making her entire belly tingle lustfully. In another moment she would go out of her mind.

The frightened sobs and lascivious groans in the film had now turned to soft, sex-pleading mewls of ardent desire. The movie dog's thickly dithering tongue moved mercilessly up and down between the helpless girl's thighs--just as Rover was doing to Laura--drawing cries of ecstasy where previously there had been terror. The child love-slave raised her hands, held them motionless with indecision in the air above her writhing white body, and then dropped them with a helpless, enslaved moan to tightly grip the dog's ears.

"Ohoooooohhhh, that's it... ooooooooh lick me... yes please lick me... oh my God..." A deep, guttural moan of pure desire echoed from her young throat, and suddenly she jerked her legs outward in order to provide the animal with greater vat access to her love-hungry vagina. She pulsed his snout forward up inside her well-lubricated vaginal mouth, and his enormous tongue swirled deeper up into her moist hot passageway, ravishing her eagerly accepting vaginal walls without mercy.

The girl was by now incoherent with lust. She begged shamelessly and encouraged the German shepherd desperately as he lapped between her widely out-thrust thighs. He worked like the savage beast he was, while Laura saw through her sex-drugged stupor that his glistening red penis was slowly emerging from its furry sheath below the dog's belly.

Abruptly the shaggy brute lifted his nose from the pleading girl's genitals to nose her over onto her stomach. Her resistance had changed to servile surrender. She seemed to be enslaved by the huge beast panting and drooling over her lust-crazed young-girl flesh. She fell face forward into the soft pillows on the bed as the animal nudged her hips upward before his tremulously jerking loins.

Once she was kneeling in the proper position, her cunt raised up, his immense head lowered again and his thick pink tongue slithered far up into the exposed cleft between the groaning girl's buttocks.

Laura was breathless from this incomparable performance, but even more so from the rhythmic tongue-fucking she was getting along her vaginal furrow from Rover. She gasped and made small, hoarse groans, gripping his furry head for support as she continued to watch the lurid film.

In the film the girl reached back in order to spread her cream- white ass-cheeks open like a curtain from her delicately throbbing anus, giving the dog's tongue plenty of room as it worked on her burning hot crevice with increasing urgency.

"Ah... oh... oh... that... that's it... daaaaaaaarling... oh my God... my God!" the mournful sobbing cries of pure lust tumbled from her parched young lips.

Watching this licentious depravity, Laura could feel the flame escalating in her own belly. The aching hunger spread from her abdomen all the way up into her heaving, passion-swollen breasts. She labored, gasping for breath, cursing herself for enjoying it so, squirming down harder into the pillow under her buttocks while her pelvis arched outward in order to push her cunt tighter into Rover's wildly lapping face.

On the screen the German shepherd was nuzzling the lust-paralyzed girl's pussy, shoving his massive head down between her pelvis and the bed. Laura's eyes widened in amazed disbelief as he raised the girl's loins up with it, and she gasped as she realized what obscenity the animal must be up to.

The teenager knelt up obediently, elevating her whitely luring buttocks, bending before her furry master in willing surrender. His long, relentless tongue had crushed her resistance with its vigorous and unremitting attack on her sensitive young sexual organ. The girl was on all fours and the huge dog now mounted her smoothly spread ass-cheeks, his forepaws gripping her sleek young back, his curling lips dripping saliva all over her naked flesh. His glistening scarlet penis slipped from its furry sheath, dripping milk-white animal cum from its beveled tip. The tapered end of it slipped and danced in the hot, damp crevice of her loins as the dog trembled and jerked, trying to locate the girl s softly haired cunt.

Sobbing, the teenage brunette looked behind her, shifting her upraised buttocks in order to capture the dog's rapidly lengthening cock-shaft. She strove desperately to scabbard the long, pinkly glistening organ in her voraciously grasping cuntal mouth, but the dog's penis kept slipping up to rub maddeningly against her clitoris, the throbbing redness of his penis contrasting starkly with the girl's glistening pink pussy. Laura was hopelessly awash with forbidden sensation. Everything in her mind cried out against the terrible seductive power of what she was seeing in this movie and the depraved reality of Rover's ardently raping tongue, but everything in her flesh cried more, more! In front of her, her teenage counterpart was guiding a German shepherd's slippery cock into her virginal young cunt, while below, under her very own skirt, Cleonora Franklin's dog was licking obscenely at her cunt. But that was something the young bride barely had time to think about. Her attention was riveted back to the screen where the movie dog suddenly found his footing and buried his angry red cock with a merciless lurch up inside the innocent young brunette's upturned vagina. It slithered forward with a wet rush until it was sunk to the hilt in her quivering white belly, the animal's sperm-filled testicles swinging below to smack heavily into the girl's wetly dripping pubic hair. A moan of relief broke from her lust-contorted lips and she moved rhythmically back to meet the thrusts of the panting anima!.

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