Swapping With Laura - Cover

Swapping With Laura


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Laura who has not been married very long, is having problems with their sex life. After confiding her problems with her next door neighbor, she gets tricked into joining 'The Park Palisades Women's League'. Here she is introduced to drinking and drugs, which eventually leads her to losing her inhibitions and she has sex with another couple, a bunch of dogs and finally her own husband.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   BDSM   Rough   Swinging   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

The first time.

Looking back, it seemed to Cleonora Franklin like only yesterday. How many cocks both animal and human had she had in her mouth since then that abandoned night when she had first sucked her own dog's penis? The young brunette couldn't remember. Too many and yet not enough.

Once they had crossed the line into the dual animal/human orgy, the possibilities accumulated swiftly, until finally Mark had encouraged her to let Rover fuck her.

Indeed, she hadn't needed much encouraging. Her eagerly seeping pussy was writhing with sexual want by the time Rover had gotten there, since she had considered their illicit union so frequently in her imagination.

And he didn't disappoint her. So that Rover proved to be the second love of her life, after Mark. He fucked with such furious speed that it was difficult to imagine that there existed any woman or girl in the world who could resist him after he had once worked his canine will on her.

As Laura Saunders would soon find out, no doubt.

That Laura Saunders, wasn't it?" Mark asked again, propping himself up on one elbow and looking down at her lewdly bobbing head.

Cleonora nodded, smiling. She had begun sucking in earnest on Mark's penis, but as her imagination and memory drifted lazily, she had taken to merely fondling it with her hand and running her thumb over the subtly seeping tip where a clear liquid was periodically appearing in the tiny slit.

And once she had been introduced to bestiality there had been no turning back for her. Gradually she enlarged her circle of friends to include a number of other beautiful women around Park Palisades who also kept German shepherds and were secret addicts of canine love.

And now the Franklins lived for the day when Laura Saunders would be introduced to their circle of debauchery.

Cleonora's eyes narrowed. She had vowed that that day would come soon. The little bitch had teased them long enough. Laura was so supremely gifted with her long golden hair and pear-shaped breasts, her long-legged body, and one of the prettiest and most disconcerting faces Cleonora had ever seen anywhere. Little wonder it must seem to the young wife that the world revolved around her devoted little blonde cunt. The rules were always different for women of great beauty--and especially so when they gave every appearance of not knowing that they were beautiful.

"You didn't answer me, darling," Mark said, putting his index finger under her chin and lifting her pretty face. "And you've stopped eating me. I can't be that offensive, can I?"

Cleonora gave a little laugh and cupped her left hand underneath his soft hairy testicles, and fondled them gently. "You know that's not true, lover. I was just daydreaming."

"That may be, sweetheart. But that doesn't excuse you from sucking off Big Papa. Christ, look at my fuckin' cock. You've left me as horny as an old bull loose in a school for virgins. If you don't suck junior off soon, he's going to shoot his stuff all over your pretty face. So come one mama. Let's feel those juicy red lips of yours sliding up and down on my big fat rod. Start eating, lover."

Cleonora laughed again her sensually full lips barring back over even white teeth. All that ridiculous talk was scarcely necessary for her. Mark's cum was a sweet nectar drink that she couldn't really live without. She would have drunk it from a tap in the kitchen had it been available. And she would have swallowed it spurting out of Mark's penis just now, except that just as she pressed her soft, sultry red lips against the rubbery tip of his ardently aroused manhood, the doorbell rang.

"Oh Christ," Mark snarled, but Cleo only laughed as she leaped to her feet and hurried to put on her robe. He stood up and, still gripping his cock, went over to the southwest wall of the living room, where he pressed a hidden button in the panel to open a concealed door in the wall. In another moment he was on his way upstairs via a secret stairway to the bedroom, as his wife was opening the hall door for Laura Saunders by herself.

"Hello darling," Cleonora gushed, putting her arms around her beautiful blonde neighbor and hugging her.

"Hi," said Laura bashfully, hugging her back. Then she stepped inside and Cleonora closed the door behind her, leading her young charge down the brief steps into the elegantly mosaic hall. Rover came prancing up to Laura's side and occasionally licked her hand as he walked along beside her.

Their hearty, affectionate welcome always made Laura feel so warm inside. When she had the opportunity, her fingers gripped the sleek fur on the back of Rover's neck, liking the smooth feel of it.

"Come along," said Cleonora as they entered the enormous living room. "I hope you won't mind--Mark's upstairs taking a shower. But he'll be down in a little while. Like a drink?"

"Well-I..." Laura hesitated. She had thus far managed to fend off the Franklins when they indulged--and expected her to indulge also--in the drinking of alcoholic beverages. But perhaps there was no harm in it. After all, her friends could scarcely have been described as alcoholics, and yet they seemed to enjoy an occasional drink.

"Oh, come on, Laura. You know, you're not a child anymore."

That did it. Laura couldn't bear to be thought of as juvenile by Mark and Cleonora. They were so sophisticated and worldly. Everything they did seemed to be invariably right. She couldn't help being intimidated. They always seemed so sure.

"What would you suggest, then?" she asked.

Cleonora smiled warmly and went back of the bamboo bar. "How about some wine? A cream sherry should be just the thing." Without saying anything further, she bent over and took a bottle of Bristol cream sherry from beneath the bar. Taking a sparkling clear goblet from the shelf, she uncorked the bottle and poured the glass half full, then passed it across the bar to Laura. "Go ahead, dear. It will help you to relax."

Laura was doubtful, but the whole business had happened so swiftly that it would have been awkward to reject the drink. She picked it up and sipped it carefully, then tried to down it as if it were fruit juice. This made her sputter as some of the drink went up her nose.

Cleonora giggled and came around from the bar to slap her on the back. Laura coughed and then ventured to finish off her sherry with a second gulp.

"You mustn't bolt it, dear," Cleonora told her too late. "That's not water, you know. Wine should always just be sipped. I'll pour you another. Let's see if you can do better this time."

As good as her word, Cleonora swiftly poured more of the amber liquid into her empty glass. Laura didn't think to protest as the second glass of sherry was placed in her hand. Everything happened too fast when she was around the Franklins. They had such dominant personalities and tended to push her around, but she didn't really mind. In a way it was this very dominance which reminded her so much of her own parents. Although, of course, Mark and Cleo's attitudes toward everything were much different from those of her mother and father.

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