Swapping With Laura - Cover

Swapping With Laura


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Laura who has not been married very long, is having problems with their sex life. After confiding her problems with her next door neighbor, she gets tricked into joining 'The Park Palisades Women's League'. Here she is introduced to drinking and drugs, which eventually leads her to losing her inhibitions and she has sex with another couple, a bunch of dogs and finally her own husband.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   BDSM   Rough   Swinging   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Baffled by her own lack of cogent resistance, Laura allowed herself to be taken downstairs. Mark and Cleonora gripped her upper arms as she stumbled along, but she would have gone anyway, she was so intimidated. Occasionally Rover's smoothly-furred body brushed against her leg, sending a thrill of well-remembered ecstasy through her shivering body. How could she possibly forget the way he had thrilled her, sent her spinning off into outer space into an organ that fairly tossed her pretty blonde head from her shoulders? Ralph had never come anywhere near thrilling her as much, and she didn't know whether to be happy or sad over her adulterous debauchery. She had sinned, surely. But, on the other hand, her insides felt so wonderfully relaxed now. Could so much joy be a sin?

The muffled sounds of sensual activity filled the entire downstairs of the Franklin house like smoke spreading out through the air to fill every nook and cranny. Laura trembled with heady anticipation of the sexual unknown and her vaginal valves sent out another wash of fresh lubrication. She was reaching such a state of excitement that she could barely stand. She was convinced that, if Cleo and her husband hadn't been holding her, she would have dissolved right down into the lush purple carpeting.

The study was in unbelievable sexual disorder. The lights had been turned up, and there was no longer a motion picture on the silver screen atop the dais, but what was going on all around the room was by far more licentious than ever the film had been.

The room was a writhing, squirming mass of bodies both furry and smooth, and throughout, grown women were fucking and sucking German shepherd dogs and in turn being obscenely sucked and licked by them. Some had combined in a vainly of daisy-chain orgies, and not a few "couples" were practicing analingus and/or sodomy.

Women were squealing and mewling throughout the room as they made love with their magnificent beasts. "Oh darling," they moaned, "that's it, go fuck your big mama!" And, "Lap my cunt, Satan! That's a good doggy! Eat Mommy's snatch!"

Laura recoiled at some of the filthy language that infested the musky air of the lust-filled room. But she couldn't escape the fact that the sights and sounds that attacked her senses here were making her feel terribly immoral. If she hadn't been naked to begin with, she would have felt a terrific urge to rip off her clothes and join the obscenely cavorting throng.

But the Franklins' hands restrained her, and her mind was still telling her that she should not give in to the baser interests that were gnawing at her vitals and making sensual mincemeat of her private parts. Her mind told her that she was pure, and that she could still remain so- --despite the terrible way they had used her. She had been forced, after all. She had done nothing tonight of her own free will.

But then why had she enjoyed it so much?

She had been forced to give in, through drugs and threat of blackmail, and through bondage, but she hadn't been forced to enjoy it! No, that had come from some deep dark pit in her inner soul. Shame was not an adequate word to describe her feelings. Shame and confusion. Joy and humiliation, rage and happiness an mixed up together. Ralph would have referred to such a condition, puffing medically on his pipe, as "multi-phrenial."

Before her very eyes, the nearest couple were engaging in active sodomy. The woman was about thirty-nine, with long red hair falling down her back which her dog was using as a cushion as he reamed her well-lubricated nether passage, his long tongue hanging pantingly outside of his mouth to drip saliva all over her back. Laura stared fixedly at the way his glistening penis was slipping in and out of the woman's puckered anal opening, which was clinging to it for joyous dear life on the outstroke. There was something thrilling about even that, although the inexperienced young bride imagined it hurt terribly. Still, the woman seemed to be enjoying it, moaning and groaning as if it was the most wonderful that had ever happened to her: "That's it, Rex-oh God, fuck me; I can't stand it, darling!"

There were some females in the big room who looked to be only teenagers--apparently young girls who had brought their own pets, or perhaps come with their mothers. Some of them had blonde hair, long or curly, others were dark, or brownette or redheaded. They had large breasts, medium and small. They came in all shapes and sizes.

But all of them had that one thing in common. They were engaged in obscene liaison with a German shepherd. Laura stared as if transfixed and gulped, feeling a new wash of cuntal moisture wetting her inner thighs.

"Come on." Mark pulled her forward, stepping gingerly over several writhing groaningly connected couples.

"Get the virgin-seducer," said Cleonora behind them.

"Don't worry."

Mark and Cleonora led her across the living room, threading a careful path through the squirming mass of female and canine bodies. Then they mounted the platform in front of the motion picture screen, still holding in bondage their precious blonde charge, and Mark raised his hand and called for silence.

There was a wave of disgusted mumbled protest as couples, triples and quadruples became disjoined, their eyes focusing unwillingly on the trio in front of them. "We've got a virgin here," Mark told them, cutting through the murmur of their discussions. "At least, a virgin in one way. But we've also got the virgin seducer!"

There was a roar of approval from the crowd and a sprinkling of applause from the audience. The women and girls shook out their hair and gave him respectful attention, the dogs sitting on command but with their cocks still hard and gorged with blood.

"Go get it Cleo."

But Cleonora had already opened the hidden closet in the panels next to the platform and was wheeling out the virgin seducer, a contraption which totally mystified Laura. It was red leather all across its top and looked like something that might be used by a gymnast to work out on, but there were also manacle-type attachments at all four corners, just above the wheels.

It arrived in front of her and Mark knelt down, still tightly holding her wrist, to make an adjustment in the equipment that retracted the wheels. The heavy invention now sat solidly on the platform. He reached underneath and released small cloth tabs which caused two holes to fall out of the device.

Laura thought it was strangely rounded, with odd curies and hollows. The next thing she knew, Cleonora and Mark had grabbed her arms and shoulders and were propelling her towards the strange device.


But it was too late and they were too strong for her. Pushing her forward, they forced her to bend over so that her breasts fell through the two large holes. Then they stretched out her arms and fastened her wrists into the red leather manacles at one end of the machine.

A deep indescribably electrifying shock raced through the frayed nerve-endings of her abused young flesh as the startled blonde realized what they must be preparing her for. "No!" she cried out, sobbing. "No! Don't! Oh please!" She wriggled her buttocks and legs, trying to get off, but in another second, their strong hands had attached manacles to her ankles by stretching out her legs to the opposite end. The only way she could position herself now was on all fours.

Mark turned to the audience as she sobbed with hopelessness. "Well," he asked, "who wants to volunteer their animals to help Laura find herself. I need three volunteers."

There was a chorus of volunteers as the women called out, offering their dogs for the job. He selected three--one huge brute known as Handsome, another called Rex, and a slender young German shepherd answering to the curious name of Fidelis.

All the dogs came up onto the stage. Cleonora had taken a marijuana cigarette and was smoking indolently, her eyes glazed with depravity. Laura whined and struggled in fear, but it was no use. Her long blonde hair fed all around her glowing hot body.

Mark came over and the three dogs gathered around. All of a sudden she felt his thumbs on the fleshy lips of hair lining the outer flesh of her unwillingly moist cunt, and he pulled them slowly apart. She held her breath and prayed desperately for the moral strength to fight off what was about to happen.

His middle finger plunged upward into her burning hot pussy and she groaned as he worked it lewdly around inside. There was an exquisite feeling of cool air rushing over the rising bud of her nakedly exposed clitoris. It rippled up her quivering belly and out into the nipples of her lewdly hanging breasts, drowning out temporarily the throbbing humiliation she was feeling.

"All right, boys," he said in back of her. "You know what to do. Come on."

There was a patter of paws all around her imprisoned body as the dogs selected various parts of her helplessly bound body. One elected to lap his long wet tongue across the tingling tips of her throbbing breasts, while another came up around in front of her, stood up on his hind legs and put his forepaws on her upper back, trying to mount her face. She gasped as she felt a lengthy swipe of tongue reaching underneath her bent-over body to slice a soft wet mass of destruction across the hairlines flanges of her openly seeping cunt.

Laura tried to avoid the German shepherd penis that was searching for her mouth by swinging her head from safe to side, but then some of her hair got in her eyes and movement became awkward. The animal's tapered pink cock bumped wetly against her nose and her eyes glimpsed his cum-inflated balls underneath its base. The scent of his genitals was strong in her nostrils, and, unaccountably, she found it exciting.

The devils danced faster around the rough pink edges of her naked pussy as the dog in back of her delivered one long wet lap after another. Her mouth fell open and her eyes rolled up in her head. She thought she was going to swoon away from the many different sensations attacking her defenseless flesh. It was simply impossible to fight off all of them merely through concentrated thought, because, the minute she concentrated to fight off one, there was a flurry of diverting excitement in some other part of her body. There was no way she could win against them.

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