Suzy In Bondage - Cover

Suzy In Bondage


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Suzy finds herself at a gambling hall trying to get her unscrupulous fiance out of debt. Little does she know that the gambling is rigged so that she loses 'all'. She is then forced to use her body to satisfy the whims of anyone to pay her debt and her fiance's debt off. She also learns that her father has been blackmailed into paying money to keep things hush-hush in which he takes his own life for being involved. Is there anyway for Suzy to get out of trouble?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Blackmail   Lesbian   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

After Frank Hammer left her, Sue collapsed back onto the couch.

"Was I raped or not?" she asked herself.

It certainly had started that way. But then her body had seemed to take over. In a sense, it had betrayed her. The young blonde moaned in shame as she remembered the disgusting abandoned way she had reacted to Hammer's brutal fucking.

"I've got to get out of here," she murmured. But when she got up, she found that Hammer had taken her clothes with him. She had nothing.

Nor was there anything in the room to wear. She tried the door, and as she expected, it was locked. Not that she was about to go running out stark naked, anyhow.

She sat down to wait. Every time the naked girl heard a sound near the door, she jumped with fright. Being naked added to her feeling of insecurity.

The wait proved to be a long one. Most of the day passed. Gradually the girl began to realize she was very hungry. Were they going to let her starve? she wondered.

About five in the afternoon there was the unmistakable sound of a key in the lock. Sue jumped up.

"Mr. Hammer... you can't keep me-" she said as a man came into the room.

But the man wasn't Frank Hammer. It was a big, heavily built man with a battered, cruel face.

"Oh!" Sue yelped.

She ducked back, looking for something to cover her nudity. All she could do was attempt to wrap the cover from the couch around her. But it was hard to pull it loose.

"Wooooooeeeeeee!" the man whistled, a grin spreading over his coarse face as he stared at the frantic, naked girl. He caught flashes of blonde cunt hair, pink-nippled tits, soft inner thigh.

"My name's Hank, honey. I brought yer dinner," he said, still leering.

Sue saw he had a tray in one hand.

"P-Put it down," she stammered.

"Aaaw... I'll bring it over to you, kid," he snickered.

Sue was too afraid to move as the big man came toward her. She thought she was about to be raped again.

But after a close, grinning look at the little blonde's nude body, Hank put down the tray and went out the door. Sue heard it lock behind him.

Then, realizing she was starving, she attacked the food. When it was gone, she wished there had been more.

Sue was kept semi-hungry for a long time. That, plus her nudity, and the fact she never knew who would come in with her food tray, kept a steady tension on the already nervous girl. Fear began to turn to apathy. Clearly they were going to keep her here forever.

Then, on the third day, Hammer came in with Glenda. Sue, by now, was so used to being naked that she stood up and walked straight to the pair.

"I want out of here," she demanded. "Do you know what can happen to you if you're convicted of kidnapping?"

"Kidnapping?" Hammer glanced at Glenda with a grin. Then he looked back at Sue. "You're an employee here. Your name's on the books. As far as I know, you're staying here of your own free will."

"Working here! What do you mean?"

"Remember what I told you, honey? That you were going to entertain my guests. Well, I've got some, uh... associates coming in from the East. They're gonna like that sweet little body of yours."

Sue paled. "I won't do it!" she said flatly. "I don't care if you threaten to tell my father about me or not. I'm not going to be used any more!"

Hammer's eyebrows raised menacingly. "Oh?" Then he turned to the door. "Bring it in, Hank," he ordered.

Hank came through the door, pushing a heavy metal table mounted on wheels. There were straps dangling from either end of it.

"Lie down," Hammer ordered the girl.

"No... I won't!"

There was no doubt in Sue's mind that Hammer wanted to strap her to the table. Her skin crawled at the thought of being at his mercy.


"No!" Sue shrieked as the two big men wrestled her up onto the table.

Hank took the opportunity to cup one of her tits in his meaty hand. Sue shuddered at his touch.

She was quickly strapped down, her hands over her head, her ankles bound to the lower end of the metal table, far apart, so that her thighs gaped open. Cool air washed over the girl's naked cunt. She realized how vulnerable her crotch was.

"Now... tell me again you won't do what I say," Hammer said amusedly.

Stubborn anger flared in Sue's eyes. "I won't. I won't let you make me into a whore for your... your associates!"

Smiling, Frank took a metal rod from his coat pocket. It was about an inch and a half thick and two feet long. Wires trailed from one end. The other end was rounded off smoothly.

"This, my sweet little Suzy, is something the French used when they were in Algeria. It was a magic wand that made people do whatever the French wanted them to do. They would betray their friends, tell secrets, promise to be good in the future. The French used it on men, women, old people, even little children. It was very effective. I've always wanted to see just how effective."

"What... what are you going to do with that thing?" Sue gasped. She stared in fascination at the innocent-looking metal rod.

"Stuff it up your cunt and turn on the juice," Hammer said. "I understand the affects are... electrifying." He laughed loudly.

"You... you wouldn't!"

"I would!" Hammer snapped back. "Unless you agree to give your precious little body to whomever I say."

"No! I won't!" Sue said desperately. "I can't let you turn me into a... into a thing!"

She believed, she hoped, Hammer was only bluffing. Sue looked toward Glenda for help. Certainly such a fine-looking woman wouldn't let something like this happen to another woman right in front of her!

But Sue was in for a shock, in more ways than one. "She's a stubborn little bitch," Glenda said coldly. "Here, Frank... let me do it."

There was no sign of mercy in Glenda's face. All Sue saw there was an inexplicable hate. "Get Hank out of the room," Glenda said.

Hammer ordered the obviously disappointed Hank to leave.

"Please don't," Sue whispered to Glenda.

But Glenda slid the rod up between the cringing girl's thighs. Sue flinched away from the cold metal.

"It helps if you put a little grease on it," Hammer said. "Makes it conduct better."

The grease was smeared on. "Uuuuuhhhhhh," Sue grunted as Glenda started shoving the cold metal rod up into her cunt.

She writhed and twisted on the table, but the rod went in easily. So far the only pain she felt was from the leather straps cutting into her wrists and ankles.

The rod even felt a little good up inside her cunt as it slowly warmed from her body heat. Sue was afraid she was once again going to shame herself by reacting sexually.

But she never had time. Glenda plugged the other end of the trailing wiring into a wall socket.

"Let's give the little bitch a light jolt to make her realize we mean business," Glenda said coldly. She flicked a switch in the base of the rod.

"AAAAIIIIYYYYYYY!" Sue shrieked.

It felt as if a thousand tiny claws were ripping at the inside of her cunt. Her whole pelvic area spasmed. Glenda turned off the power.

"Does that give you an idea?" Glenda asked, smiling thinly.

Sue lay panting on the tabletop. Her whole body was trembling with shock. Never before in her life had anything hurt her so much.

"Why... why do you want to do this horrible thing to me?" she asked the beautiful woman bending down over her.

Only Glenda wasn't beautiful at the moment. Her face was twisted into an ugly mask of hate. "I detest you spoiled little rich bitches," she snarled. "Always getting the best and the most. Treating other kids like dirt. Not even speaking to what you call 'poor white trash'. Jesus. Smirking little princesses like you helped make my life miserable a long time ago. Until I learned how soft and gutless you are."

Sue was stunned. Hammer suddenly asked her if she was going to do as he asked.

"I hate you, you slimy toad!" she burst out in one last spasm of courage.

"Why... you little slut!" Hammer reached over and twisted a dial in the base of the rod. Glenda pushed the switch.


It was ten times worse than the first. She hadn't thought anything could be more agonizing than what had happened before, but she had been wrong. Her lithe young body twisted and writhed on the tabletop. Every muscle and tendon stood out starkly.

They left the current on a long time. When they finally turned it off, Sue was half-unconscious.

"That was about quarter-power," Glenda said. "I hear that in Chile, they sometimes get it up to about half-power before the victim's cunt is ruined forever."

That did it. Sue might have been able to take more pain. But the thought of being permanently mutilated was too much. She'd do as Hammer demanded. She might be able to escape later.

"Please! Don't do it again!" she babbled. "I'll do anything you say!"

Glenda smiled. "Let's test her, Frank," she said with a tight smile. "Let her up."

Frank unfastened the straps. He helped Sue to her feet. She stood swaying shakily. She wanted to feel her cunt, to see if it was all right, but hated to do it in front of her two tormentors.

"We'll see if you're telling the truth," Glenda said. The tall brunette began slowly taking off her clothes.

"What... what are you going to do?" Sue asked haltingly.

"It's what you're going to do that counts," Glenda said.

She was smiling as she took off the last of her clothes. Despite her fear, Sue realized the other woman had a very beautiful body. She almost envied Glenda her big full tits, and lush curving loins. But why had she taken off her clothes?

Glenda lay down on the couch, on her back. She spread her legs, baring her cunt. She pulled open her pussy-lips with her fingers. Sue found herself staring into the other woman's juicy pussy slit.

"Eat it," Glenda ordered the stunned girl.


"Eat my cunt. Kneel down and stick your tongue up it!"

"But... but...

"I think she needs another dose of the magic wand," Frank said from behind her.

Without a word, Sue dropped quickly to her knees and scrambled between Glenda's thighs. Glenda was still holding her cunt open. Its pink interior gleamed wetly at the horrified blonde.

She was supposed to put her mouth against that hairy, wet thing! Slightly sickened, Sue watched drops of liquid beading up on the thin inner lips. Clearly Glenda was getting excited already.

Could she do it? Put her mouth down into that slippery, furry gash? Why not? After all, she hadn't minded when men did it to her. In fact, it had driven her crazy with passion. But God, for her to do it to another woman was... was... Lesbianism!


A cold touch against her ass made Sue leap forward. Overcome by fear, she shoved her face down between Glenda's thighs. She was vaguely aware of soft smooth skin against her cheeks.

But the kneeling girl was more acutely aware of the musky, heady odor drifting up from Glenda's dripping cunt. She had, of course, smelled her own cunt odor, but never this close.

Another cold touch against her ass, another yelp of fright, and Sue knew she had to do it. Holding her breath, she shoved her mouth against Glenda's gaping cunt.

"Don't just lie there, you little twit... use your tongue!" Glenda snapped.

Sue cautiously stuck out her tongue. A rich taste flooded her mouth. She almost jerked her tongue back, but decided Glenda's cunt didn't taste all that bad. She licked again.

"Mmmmmmmm... that's the way. Stick your tongue right up into my crack," Glenda sighed. "Come on... lick harder."

Eyes closed, Sue continued licking. Glenda's thickly tangled pubic hair tickled her nose. She could feel the other woman's thighs start quivering as her tongue delved deeper into her steamy slit.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhh... start further down at the bottom. Lick a little harder. Now... now... my clit. Suck it right into your mouth."

Humiliated, Sue crouched on all fours between Glenda's widespread legs, her mouth buried in the other woman's cunt. But it was better than the terrible agony she had just endured. She decided she'd lick Glenda until she came. As for the other things Hammer wanted her to do...

Sue jerked as she felt a finger shoving up between her thighs. Automatically she tried to jerk away as the finger shoved into the deep crack between her ass-cheeks and sought out her cunt.

"Hold still, you little bitch," she heard Hammer rasp from behind her.

Whimpering, the frightened girl froze.

Hammer was kneeling behind the crouching young blonde. At first he had been smiling in triumph as Sue scuttled in between Glenda's legs and began to lick the girl's cunt. But the longer he watched, the hotter he became.

He had once thought about having both these lovely women at once. Now here they were, naked, locked together in an obscene tangle of quivering female flesh. He stared at the increasingly passionate expression on Glenda's face as Sue's tongue continued to lance into her brown-furred cunt.

Sue's lush little ass was thrust back toward him. His cock began to swell in his pants as he stared. Underneath the smooth curves he could make out the blonde fluff of the girl's cunt hair.

Kneeling, Hammer slipped his hand up between Sue's soft thighs from behind. His questing finger prowled through her soft pubic hair until it located her pussy-slit.

"Jesus, she's wet!" he muttered. He wondered if the metal rod had done it. Or having a face full of cunt. Hammer remembered how Sue had gotten so excited three days before, despite herself.

"We'll see if it happens again," he grunted. He sank his finger up into Sue's tight wet cunt.

"Uuuummmmppphhhh!" the little blonde exclaimed. Her breath bubbled through Glenda's gushing pussy juices, but she was smart enough to keep on licking.

Frank started shoving his finger in and out of Sue's slick little cunt. He felt her vagina slowly open up, like it had before. Either it was automatic with the girl, or she actually liked what he was doing!

Oh, no! Sue thought. Once again she felt pressure rising in her cunt as her body took over. As much as she hated having Hammer touch her, pleasure was rising in her cunt as he finger- fucked into her tight vaginal tunnel.

Slow heat trickled through Sue's naked loins. Her pelvic muscles weren't obeying her any more. To her horror, she felt her hips jerk back, skewering her cunt down against Hammer's thrusting finger.

"Hey! You're not licking any more," Glenda said irritably.

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