Suzy In Bondage - Cover

Suzy In Bondage


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Suzy finds herself at a gambling hall trying to get her unscrupulous fiance out of debt. Little does she know that the gambling is rigged so that she loses 'all'. She is then forced to use her body to satisfy the whims of anyone to pay her debt and her fiance's debt off. She also learns that her father has been blackmailed into paying money to keep things hush-hush in which he takes his own life for being involved. Is there anyway for Suzy to get out of trouble?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Blackmail   Lesbian   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

By dawn Ben was more than five thousand dollars down. As the alcohol fumes cleared from his head, he knew he'd been suckered. Glenda's smile turned more and more into a sneer. Finally, she took the last of the chips and tossed them back.

"You're a born loser, kid," she said. Hips swaying provocatively, she walked over to Frank and put her arm possessively on his shoulder. Frank was smiling coolly.

Ben stood staring down at the table. Staring at his stack of markers. Then he looked up at Glenda.

"Why?" he cried. "Why?"

"For fun," she replied. "Thanks for the fuck. Too bad your cock's so small."

Totally beaten, Ben crept home with his tail between his legs. In his little living room, he poured himself a drink and sat meditating on Frank's warning.

"Pay me in a week or buy some crutches," Frank had said in his deadly, flat voice.

"Oh, Jesus... I'm finished!" Ben sobbed into his drink. He sat in the living room for the rest of the day, full of despair, not even answering the phone.

Ben was silently, soddenly drunk by the time Sue came over. She had begun to worry about him. She'd called several times but there had been no answer. She let herself in with her own key.

"Ben... what's the matter?" she cried when she saw his blank, hopeless face.

"I'm finished," he muttered. His voice was steady enough. The only way Sue could tell he was drunk was by his eyes.

"What do you mean, finished? I thought we cleared all that up yesterday."

Ben didn't even try to lie. "I went back," he said slowly. "I lost. I dug myself a hole I'll never get out of."

"Ben!" Sue was shocked. My God! It had all been for nothing.

"We'll... we'll have to do it again," she said bravely.

"Not a chance. Hammer says he won't let me near the place until I've paid him."

"Then I'll go by myself."

"Good luck. He'll eat you up just like he ate me."

"Don't you even care? Are you just going to sit there?" Sue asked in exasperation. Full of youthful energy, she ached to do something. Ben's alcohol-soaked brain had lost all powers of resistance.

"I'll... I'll go talk to Mr. Hammer," Sue gulped. "I don't think he's really a bad man."

"Oh, Jesus, you're incredible," Ben snorted hopelessly.

Sue stuck out her chin. "Well... I'm going to give it a try anyhow. Don't you have anything to say to encourage me?"

Ben looked thoughtfully into his glass. "Shut the door on your way out," he said finally.

"Ooohhh... you... you..."

Sue slammed out of the house. She was tempted to let Ben stew in his own juice. But even though she was fast losing respect for Ben, he was, after all, her lover. Even more important, he was her first lover. The first to shove a cock up into her virgin cunt. Sue hadn't yet learned how many cocks there were in the world. How easy it was to switch from one to another.

She loved Ben, she'd help him. But there were other reasons that drew her back to Frank Hammer's casino. Yesterday she had found there a strange excitement that was new to her.

Part of it was the gambling. The tension, the fear that vanished into triumph when a big pot was won. The feeling of challenging life.

And of course, there was Frank Hammer. Sue had put out of her mind her strange reaction to Frank Hammer. But her body remembered. Remembered the hot thrill that had run through it as it toyed for a moment with the thought of him making love to her.

Going to the bank, she drew out her savings - five hundred dollars. Then she drove to the casino.

"Well... look who's here," Glenda said to Frank when Sue came into the gaming room. The little blonde was looking around helplessly, very vulnerable at the moment.

"I think I'll go over and see what I can do for her," Frank said with an inscrutable smile.

"What are you up to, anyhow, you sneaky bastard?" Glenda asked him with an answering smile. "Could you just be trying to get into that little broad's pants?"

"An interesting question. You figure out the answer. But think about one thing. Would I risk five grand on that Jackson asshole just for a piece of ass? Or would I? Looks like a pretty nice little piece of ass."

Leaving Glenda to puzzle it out, Hammer walked over to Sue. "Have you become an addict already?" he asked her, smiling.

"I... I want to help Ben out. He's... lost some more money, hasn't he?"

Frank looked sad. "I'm afraid so, Sue."

"Would you, could you just kind of... forget it?" Sue asked without really expecting him to agree.

Frank shrugged helplessly. "Unfortunately, no. I have... other partners, who wouldn't like that at all. You understand?"

Sue thought she did. The Mafia. She shuddered as she thought about what was in store for Ben.

"Do you mind if I play?" she asked.

"No, of course not. Go ahead. Anything you need, just ask."

Sue turned and went to the tables. Considering what a threat Hammer was to Ben, she wondered why she found it so thrilling to talk to him. There was an underlying threat to the man that both repelled and attracted her.

Under orders from Hammer, the croupier at the roulette wheel let Sue win for a while. A shill was sent to encourage her to bet wildly.

Very suddenly Sue hit a losing streak. Her money vanished. "Just a bad run," the shill, a middle-aged woman said. "With the kind of luck you've been having, you could get it back in a few more tries."

So Sue went to Hammer to ask for a loan. Like she had seen Ben do.

"Sure," he said. "You're good for it."

After that, a nightmarish disaster slowly wrapped itself around Sue. She lost and lost. Worst of all, the gambling fever had gained complete control of her. She knew, she was sure the next spin of the wheel would signal the change in her luck. But it didn't. She signed more and more markers, without even paying attention to how much they were for.

Finally the pit boss held up a palm when she went to him for more money. "You're in too deep," he told her. "You'll have to put up some collateral before we advance you any more."

"Too deep? How much have I spent?"

"Three thousand dollars."

Sue was stunned. Her world fell in ruins around her feet. Three thousand dollars! How could it have happened so fast?

She went straight to Frank Hammer. "I... there's been some kind of mistake," she blurted out. "That man said I owe you three thousand dollars."

"That's right," Hammer said amusedly. "Are you ready to pay it?"

"But... I could never get my hands on that kind of money!" Sue said in a small shocked voice.

Hammer's face grew hard. "I'm afraid you'll have to. I'm not a charity. Between Jackson and you, you owe me eight thousand bucks."

"But... but... it's not right!

"Oh, isn't it?" Hammer said acidly. "You'd walk out of here smiling if you'd won my money, wouldn't you? Now it's my turn to smile. When can you pay? By the weekend?"

"Oh, no, I just couldn't!"

"You know what happens to welchers in this business, don't you?" Hammer said coldly.

"You... you wouldn't!" Sue said, the color draining from her face.

"Work you over? Probably not necessary in your case. That creep Jackson we'll have to make an example of. He'll be in the hospital for a long time. But we won't have much trouble getting the whole three thousand in your case."

"What do you mean?" Sue asked, mystified.

"We'll just ask your father for it."


Sue was horrified. She'd rather be beaten up than have her parents know.

"Or maybe we'll ask his investors if they know what kind of daughter he has."

"You wouldn't do a thing like that! You'd ruin him!"

"Too bad."

"But isn't there some other way I could repay?" Sue asked desperately. "By the month?"

Frank looked thoughtful. "There might be one way," he said.

"How? I'll do anything!" Sue burst out.

Hammer smiled. Almost leered. "You may have to," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"You can work it off. Here in the club. Entertain some of my customers."

"Entertain?" Sue's face was white.

"You know what I mean," Hammer said. "With a body like yours you could work off your debt in a couple of months."

"I could never do that," Sue said with a shudder.

"Then I go to your old man."

Tears started to roll down Sue's cheeks. She knew she was beaten. Her Christian upbringing told her she had sinned and must pay for it. But this way? She doubted she could do it.

Hammer saw that he was pushing the girl too far too fast. He had to let up the pressure.

"Tell you what. Maybe you can work it off just with me. Come on into the back room with me. We'll give it a try."

When he saw Sue hesitating, he put on the screws again. "You have five seconds to decide!" he rapped out. Taking her hand, he started tugging her toward a door.

Sue was too confused to resist. A minute later she found herself in a luxurious room behind Hammer's private office. It was softly lighted. The furniture was rich and comfortable- looking.

A huge couch lay along one wall.

Oh, God, he wanted her to fuck him! Sue realized. She was expected to pay off!

"Okay, baby, let's see what I'm buying," Hammer said.

"What... ?"

"Take 'em off. Get out of your clothes. I want to see the eight-thousand-dollar body I've invested in."

Sue was unable to move. She knew she had to do what Hammer asked. If she didn't, he'd ruin her, ruin her father, and have Ben beaten up. Only a little while ago she'd thought she was attracted to Frank Hammer. But the very ruthlessness that had intrigued her now filled her with fear and loathing. He wanted her for a plaything, nothing more. A slave.

Hammer could tell from the look on Sue's face that she was beaten. No matter what he did to her now, he'd never have to pay for it. She'd never talk. He might as well have some fun.

"By God, if you won't strip, I'll help you!" he suddenly snarled.

Striding forward, Hammer caught the top of Sue's light summer dress with one big meaty hand. He jerked down. The dress tore all the way down to her waist.

Sue tried to struggle free, but Hammer held on to her dress. He tugged again, spinning her around. The rest of the dress was ripped from her body. Sue stood half-naked before the grinning Hammer, wearing only her panties and bra.

"Stop! Stop!" she screamed. "I won't let you do this to me!"

"Oh? What're you going to do?" Hammer sneered. "Scream? Nobody'll hear you. This room is soundproof."

As if to prove his point, he grabbed the cringing girl's arm and spun her around. He ripped loose the catch of her bra. Sue desperately clutched the torn strip to her tits, not wanting to let go.

But Hammer snatched one end and pulled the bra from her. Sue was left naked to the waist, trying to cover her tits with her hands.

"Now... the panties. Even if I have to knock you down," Hammer growled.

Sue knew she was beaten. Now all she wanted to do was avoid more violence. "No! Please, don't touch me!" she pleaded. "I'll... I'll take them off."

Blushing with shame, Sue took her hands from her tits and hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties. She had to lean forward to take them off. Her solid young tits peeped out between her tightly clamped-together upper arms, the nipples like little pink targets.

Finally Sue straightened up, completely nude. She forced herself to stand with her hands at her sides. All of her naked body was visible to Hammer.

"Say," he said admiringly. "Maybe I'm not making such a bad deal after all."

For almost a minute he stood staring at the shame-filled girl's nude body. Her tits were all he'd expected. They swelled proudly out from her slender rib cage, firm, smooth, perfectly shaped. Sue was standing with her legs pressed tightly together. All Hammer could see of her cunt was a burst of fluffy blonde cunt hair. But he knew he'd be seeing more soon.

"How come you wasted yourself on the zero, Jackson?" he asked Sue.

She stood facing him, mute, all pink and gold and ivory. She tried her best not to think.

"Now it's time for you to see what you're getting," Hammer smirked.

He began taking off his clothes. Sue didn't want to watch but couldn't help it. Her eyes were drawn as if by a magnet.

To her horror, the frightened girl found herself admiring Frank Hammer's broad, powerful chest. For the first time she realized how soft and weak Ben really was.

But she got her biggest shock when he took off his pants. Hammer tossed his trousers onto a chair. Sue's eyes were locked on his loins as he bent down and stripped off his shorts. Then he straightened up.

My God! He had the biggest cock Sue had ever seen! Or even imagined!

Still only half-hard, Hammer's cock dangled alongside one powerful thigh. Below it, hairy and wrinkled, hung his huge balls. Sue could see the blood starting to pound into his immense organ as he started slowly toward her.

God! He wanted to fuck her with that huge thing! He wanted to shove it up into her nineteen-year-old cunt. Impossible! It would split her in two!

"D-Don't come near me," Sue pleaded, her hands held out defensively as Hammer moved closer.

He easily evaded her grasp, took her in his arms and jerked her close against his naked body.

"God damn! Your skin's like velvet!" he exclaimed.

Sue was intensely aware of his huge cock pressing painfully into her belly.

"C'mere!" he grunted, and mashed his lips down on hers.

"Mmmmmpppphhhhh!" Sue choked out.

Hammer's tongue was filling her mouth, worming past her soft lips. He held her for a long time, until Sue thought she was going to pass out from lack of air.

And all the time his cock was growing larger and larger, pressing against her belly.

Finally Hammer pulled back. His hands began to roam over Sue's cringing body.

"Fantastic tits... fantastic!" he kept repeating. His powerful fingers were kneading the cushiony mounds, digging into the flesh. Sue felt defiled, used.

Then Frank's hand was running down over her belly... sliding across her softly curved loins.

It was heading for her cunt!

"No... no..." Sue gasped. She had an image of his finger sinking abruptly up into her tender pussy. Now that she was actually faced with it, the shame seemed too much to bear.

Sue was so busy defending her cunt that she lost her balance. Legs pressed tightly together, she teetered for a moment. Hammer took immediate advantage of her precarious position.

"Take a load off your feet, kid," he said. Placing one big hand between her tits, he pushed.

Sue tottered backward, struggling for balance. Then the edge of the big couch caught her behind the knees.

"Oh!" she yelped, and sprawled across the couch. It was more bed than couch. There was plenty of room for her to lie across it full length.

As she fell, Sue's naked legs scissored open, fighting for balance. With her thighs gaping, she suddenly realized her cunt was unprotected. Desperately she struggled to close her legs.

But she was too late.

"Comin' in!" Hammer crowed.

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