Suzy In Bondage - Cover

Suzy In Bondage


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Suzy finds herself at a gambling hall trying to get her unscrupulous fiance out of debt. Little does she know that the gambling is rigged so that she loses 'all'. She is then forced to use her body to satisfy the whims of anyone to pay her debt and her fiance's debt off. She also learns that her father has been blackmailed into paying money to keep things hush-hush in which he takes his own life for being involved. Is there anyway for Suzy to get out of trouble?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Blackmail   Lesbian   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Who's the blonde chick with Ben Jackson?"

Big Frank Hammer was leaning nonchalantly against a crap table in his casino. The beautiful brunette to whom he'd just spoken followed his gaze. Her eyes ran up and down Sue Ryan's taut young body, appraising her coolly.

"You planning on taking away more than his money, Frank?" she said, smiling slowly.

"That wouldn't be a bad plan, Glenda," Hammer mused. His eyes raked over Sue's pleasing form.

"Fabulous pair of tits."

"You know... she does look kind of familiar," Glenda said. "I may have seen her picture somewhere. Maybe the society page. Hold on. I'll find out."

Hammer watched Glenda move away across the crowded floor, her lush hips swaying provocatively. Damn fine-looking woman. Then he glanced over at Sue, at her blonde loveliness. What a kick it would be to have both of them in bed at the same time.

After making a few inquiries, Glenda came swaying back. Heads turned as she passed.

"I was right. It was the society page. When she got engaged to Jackson. Her name's Sue. She's Henry Ryan's daughter. The guy who runs that big brokerage firm downtown."

"No shit!" Hammer exclaimed. "How does a gutless asshole like Ben Jackson rate that?"

"I think he brings out the mother instinct in young girls," Glenda said.

Hammer looked at her sharply. "How about you?" he demanded. "Does he do anything for your mother instinct?"

"You should know better, Frank," Glenda replied coolly. "If I were ever unlucky enough to be a mother, I'd eat my young."

"I'll bet you would," Hammer grinned. "That's why I keep you around. In case I have any young that need eating."

"Like little Miss Ryan?"

"Could be," Hammer said thoughtfully. "That gorgeous little hunk of ass might be useful someday."

"I'd love to play fun games with her awhile," Glenda said. "I hate perfect little bitches like that. With their prim, holier-than-thou manners."

Glenda's face hardened for a moment. Her stunning beauty vanished under a mask of cold viciousness.

"You just hold yourself back until I give the word," Hammer warned her.

Just then one of the pit bosses came up to Hammer. "That Jackson guy's asking for more credit. Should I give it to him?" he asked doubtfully.

Hammer hesitated a moment. His eyes were on Sue rather than Ben. "Sure... go ahead," he ordered. "Make it a limit of another two grand."

The pit boss looked surprised. Hammer usually wasn't one to give money away to a bad risk. But he shrugged his shoulders and walked back to Ben. He'd learned a long time ago never to question Big Frank Hammer.

Ben was tense as he watched the pit boss come back toward him.

"It's okay, Mr. Jackson," the pit boss said. "Up to another two thousand."

"There... I told you!" Ben said excitedly, squeezing Sue's arm. "I told you you'd bring me luck!"

"But what if you lose, Ben?" Sue asked. But her heart wasn't in her question. Frankly, she was fascinated by the casino. It wasn't at all like she'd imagined. Instead of dirt and stealth, she was faced with glitter and liveliness.

"Everyone's so well dressed," she whispered to Ben. She had wondered why he wanted to wear his tux.

"Sure... it's a high-class place," Ben said, grinning broadly. "Come on... let's hit the tables."

Taking his stack of chips, Ben pushed toward the roulette tables. "You try your luck," he told Sue.

"But I don't know what to do," she demurred. Nevertheless, she played. Within a short time she was immersed in the gaming.

"Oh, Ben... I didn't know it could be so much fun!" Sue bubbled as she raked in a stack of chips.

"It sure as hell is... especially when you're winning," Ben said ruefully. "I told you you were lucky. Look! Your number's come up again!"

Sue was indeed lucky. Over the next hour she won steadily, until she and Ben were over a thousand dollars ahead. Even after paying off the four thousand Ben was in hock to Hammer.

Worried, the pit boss sidled up to Hammer. "Hey, Frank! That Jackson character's gettin' rich off your money!"

Hammer flicked the ash off his cigarette. "Let them win a little more. Then peel 'em back until they're maybe three, four hundred ahead. String 'em along."

Ben saw the pit boss talking to Hammer. "Hey, Frank!" he called. "Afraid I'm going to win for once?" As usual, Ben had been drinking. He was a little out of control.

Hammer walked over to Sue and Ben. He smiled, the picture of urbanity. "Not at all, Ben," he said suavely. "It's good for the image when somebody makes a killing. I'm glad to see you winning."

Hammer looked inquisitively at Sue. "You haven't introduced us," he reminded Ben.

"Oh... yeah. Sue, this is Frank Hammer, the owner of this joint. Frank, this is Sue Ryan, my fianc e."

"Delighted to meet you, Miss Ryan," Hammer said, bowing slightly. "May I call you Sue?"

"Yes... please," Sue stammered.

Hammer was looking straight into her eyes. Suddenly her legs felt weak. There was an overpowering aura around Frank Hammer. Of power, ruthlessness. A little flutter started in her belly. A moist heat grew between her thighs.

Frank gave her another long look. Sue felt as if he were probing into her soul. Into the darkest, most hidden parts of her.

"Don't let me take you away from your gaming," he said finally. "I hope you have good luck."

Stunned, surprised by her reaction to Hammer, Sue turned back to the table. She didn't win very much after that. Finally, when they were down to three or four hundred dollars, she suggested they leave.

"Don' wanna." Ben said drunkenly. "Wanna win big."

Suddenly Sue felt disgust for Ben. "I did what you wanted, didn't I? You got your money back. Now take me home or I'll go by myself!"

Ben's mouth dropped open. Never before had Sue talked to him this way. His bravado collapsed, and without a struggle, he took her home.

"Don't you want to stay with me tonight?" he asked miserably.

"No. Go home and sleep it off."

Unhappily Ben drove home. His little house seemed cold and empty. Ben was one of those unfortunate persons who can never stand to be alone. Not even for a few hours. He had to drink when he was alone. To kill the fear.

Opening another bottle of whiskey, Ben sat down by the phone. He started calling women, not so much to try to get them to sleep with him as to have someone feminine to talk to. But he always ended up abusing them over the phone.

He was talking to a former girlfriend on the East Coast when there was a knock on the door.

"Hold on, Doris," he muttered into the phone.

Ben nearly choked on his drink when he opened the door. Glenda, from the casino, was standing on the porch, smiling softly at him.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" she asked in her low sultry voice.

"Huh? Oh, yeah... sure. Come in," Ben muttered. His mind was still in a drunken haze. When he had ushered Glenda in, he quickly hung up the phone.

"Uuh... what brings you here?" he asked lamely.

"You. I was watching you at the casino tonight. It occurred to me I hardly know you. I'd like to do something about that."

Ben was stunned. Was he imagining it or was this beautiful woman making a play for him? The mocking, sultry look in her eyes suggested she was.

Ben's blood began to boil. His eyes swept up and down Glenda's lush figure. God, what a build! She was bigger than Sue. Fuller, more mature. Ben guessed she must be about twenty- five. God, what a fuck she must be!

But then fear swept over him. Glenda was Big Frank Hammer's girl. Fucking around with her would be like fucking around with dynamite!

"Aren't you going to ask me to sit down?" Glenda asked.

"Sure... sure..."

Ben waved Glenda toward the couch. He started to sit down on a nearby chair. But Glenda caught his hand and pulled him down beside her.

"I was watching you tonight," she said as he sat stiffly beside her. "I like your style."

Glenda had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. She thought Ben Jackson was a gutless creep. Like Frank did. But he did have a nice body. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad after all. Trust Frank to know what he was doing.

"You don't seem happy that I'm here."

"Oh, no... no... I'm glad," Ben blurted. God he was glad! But he was scared. Glenda was so close to him he could feel her body heat. And smell her subtle perfume. She was leaning a little toward him and he found himself staring down the scooped- out neckline of her low-cut dress. What a woman! But she was Frank Hammer's woman!

"Relax," Glenda purred. "I'm not going to bite."

Her hand was on his thigh. To Ben, it felt as if it were burning right through his pantleg.

"You're a very handsome man," Glenda murmured in Ben's ear. And she meant it.

But all Ben could think of was that her hand had shifted a little. Now her fingertips were resting just over his cock. Horrified, he felt his prick begin to grow inside his pants. She'd notice!

She did. Glenda smiled. "Good. I thought you liked me," she said. She knew she was going to have to do it all herself. Her hand moved another inch and gently squeezed Ben's cock through his pants.

"Uuuunnnnggghhh," he grunted. He felt as if he were going to cum in his pants. Incredible. Never before had a woman turned him on so fast. Glenda exuded a kind of earthy sensuality that would melt the balls of a brass monkey.

"You want me to suck it?" Glenda panted.

"Oh... Jesus no!" Ben groaned. The hell with Frank Hammer. He'd do anything to have Glenda touch his cock again.

She sensed it and boldly pulled down his zipper. Ben's shorts tented up through the opening, pushed by his swelling cock.

"Why do men wear such silly underwear?" Glenda said. Reaching in, she fished Ben's cock out through the open fly.

Ben stared down as Glenda's long slender fingers wrapped around his cock. She slowly slid her hand up and down the meaty shaft.

"Do you mind if I suck a little?" Glenda asked. She gave Ben's cock another squeeze. Not a bad prick, she thought approvingly. A little small, but well shaped.

"You want to suck it?" Ben panted. "Oh Christ... how can a guy answer a question like that. Suck it... fuck it... take it home with you. Anything you want. Oh, God, but you're a gorgeous woman!"

Smiling, Glenda got off the couch and knelt on the floor in front of Ben. Her eyes were looking up at him, laughing, as she stuck out her tongue and ran it slowly up and down the underside of his cock.

"Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh," Ben moaned. God! This incredible woman was driving him nuts! He stared down to where her tongue was tickling the underside of his massively swollen glans.

"Maybe I won't suck it. Maybe I'll just lick it," Glenda said. "Like a popsicle."

Ben's cock was swelling larger and larger. The biggest he'd ever seen it. God! What a day! This afternoon he'd taken Frank Hammer's money! Now Frank's girl was sucking his cock!

Ben began to feel very good, very powerful. What a hell of an easy conquest this Glenda was turning out to be. Even easier than the dozens of coeds he'd seduced.

"Suck it, baby," he said boldly.

"Uh-uh. If I do you'll cum. And I've got other ideas for your cock," Glenda said.

"No... no... suck it for just a minute," Ben pleaded.

Glenda shrugged. "Well, okay. But if you shoot off, it's going to cheat you out of the best piece of ass you've ever had."

"Just for a minute," Ben repeated.

A moment later he watched Glenda's mouth open wide. His cock disappeared inside.

"Oh, Jesus!" he moaned.

Glenda had one of the hottest, sexiest mouths he'd ever felt wrapped around his prick. He could sense her tongue fluttering against the underside of his ultra-sensitive glans as she sucked. Automatically his hips bucked forward.

But Ben had pushed his luck too far, as usual. Suddenly he knew he was going to cum. His cock began to buck and jerk up inside Glenda's smoothly sucking mouth.

"Oh, no!" he groaned, trying to fight back the insistent signals shuddering up from his drum-tight balls.

But it was Glenda who saved the day. As soon as she sensed Ben was cumming, she pulled her mouth away from his cock. Her thumb and forefinger instantly clamped around the tip of his prick. Hard. Painfully.

"Ooooowwwwww!" Ben yelped. "Take it easy! You're gonna pinch the damn thing in two!"

"Take it easy, Tiger," Glenda said acidly. "If you'll take time to notice, you'll realize you're not cumming."

It was true. Glenda's sudden action had nipped Ben's orgasm in the bud. His cock was shrinking a little, shocked from the sharp pinch.

"Now, Junior," Glenda said, standing up. "I came over here to get fucked. Either you're up to it or you're not. Is that the bedroom in there?"

"Uuh... yeah."

"I'm going in there. Alone. Give me five minutes. Then if you still want to fuck, come in after me. Without your clothes on."

Ben's eyes followed Glenda as she walked into the bedroom. God, what a woman! She sure as hell knew how to walk. Really, she wasn't any more beautiful than Sue. It was just that she knew exactly what to do with what she had.

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