Reluctant Swappers - Cover

Reluctant Swappers


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A young married couple is coerced/tricked into swapping. The young wife is also brought out of her shell and becomes more brazen and daring with her sexual urges.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sharon stared in amazement at the tall, beautiful woman who was striding into the living room. She was so surprised to see Myra Green that she forgot for a moment that she and Dick and Ron were all stark naked.

"Myra..." she whispered, involuntarily trying to cover herself.

"You poor girl!" Myra clucked, moving over towards where Sharon was lying. For a moment, the young wife was afraid that the older woman was going to strike her, but to her surprise, she found herself being enveloped in her arms, and pressed close to her warm, feminine breast. Sharon was too surprised to raise any objection, and she found, with astonishment, that it actually felt good, being cradled lovingly like that, very safe and secure. The two men were staring aghast at Myra; Ron discomfited, his face beet red, Dick casual and smiling.

"Well, honey, how did you get here?" he asked at last, with that curious smile still playing about his lips.

"Never mind that!" Myra snapped, her eyes glowering. "You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves, sandwiching the poor innocent girl like that!"

"She didn't seem to mind it," Dick laughed, "in fact, I'd say she rather enjoyed it!"

Myra knew that Sharon was really none the worse for wear, but she knew that Ron's wife was very young and inexperienced, and her heart went out to her. She could sense that there was a knot of fear convulsing her deep down, that she herself probably didn't even know about. It was obvious that Ron and Sharon had patched up, and she was glad of this, she thought, as she stroked the younger woman's sleek blonde hair. Myra had sensed that there was something wrong with Ron when he left her so early, obviously agitated, and with her long knowledge of young married men, intuitively hit on the truth. Knowing that her husband was already with Sharon, Myra had decided that she'd better drive over and straighten things out, if need be.

But she admitted to herself, with a chuckle, that her motives weren't all altruistic. She knew Dick well and knew that he would be able to turn the scene to his advantage, and the jealous thought of her husband having all that fun by himself cinched the decision and urged her to take action. Now she was glad that Sharon apparently appreciated her presence. She really was a beautiful girl, she mused entirely without rancor, observing the smooth gold of her chiseled features, the sculpted lines of her nakedly slender young body. She could see what had made Dick so mad to get her, and could forgive him his headstrong action in this case. The thing that really surprised her was that Ron Fleming could have shown any interest in anyone other than this lovely young creature.

Ron was staring at her in open mouthed amazement and she stifled a laugh.

"Don't worry Ron," she soothed, "I'm not going to harm your beautiful wife... it's just that she needs a woman's comfort now!"

That's right, Sharon thought dreamily, that's exactly what I need, and she raised no objection when she felt Myra's face nearing hers, and felt the touch of her warm lips on her own mouth. Myra was kissing her, and she didn't mind. In fact, she liked the other woman's kiss... there was something sweet and undemanding and relaxing about it, after the avaricious demands of the men. Amazingly, she found herself responding, parting her lips and allowing the older woman to slip her tongue inside. It felt good, she thought happily, I like it!

Myra continued to smile, seeming to float down beside her on the floor until Sharon felt the gentle brush of her soft hand on her brow and in her hair. Her belly and the soft inner sides of her satiny thighs seemed to quiver in empathy to the beautiful older woman's delicious touch. Momentarily, a fleeting trace of apprehension endeavored to make itself felt, but soon passed in the glow of warmth that had spread throughout her entire being.

A shiver rippled through her at the touch of Dick's wife's hands moving down her throat, coming to rest on the nakedly firm globes of her breasts. Myra's long slender fingers were brushing electrically against the hardening nipples, caressing them ever so lightly, and Sharon moaned almost inaudibly, aware of strange new feelings cascading through her. The older woman's fingers were feather soft, like velvet, as they stroked the sensitive aureoles, tweaked the buds of her nipples, nearly turgid again, and brushed along the tender flesh of her flanks. Oh, good God, how good it felt... so light, so soothing...

The essence of Myra's sensuality seemed to engulf Sharon as she enjoyed the delicate and slender hands on her suddenly tingling breasts. An ensemble of mixed emotions surged restlessly within her mind and body, feelings that she had no power nor desire to resist. She felt as if mesmerized as Myra's exquisite face moved closer to hers and its perfect, full and soft mouth closed down once again upon her own, tenderly, moistly, warmly... finally, with increasing urgency. Sharon's lips felt strangely soft in response, and she vaguely sensed them being pressed apart by Myra's sweet tasting tongue slipping between them into her mouth. Moments later, Dick's wife's voluptuous body was stretched out against her own, with only Myra's flimsy clothes between them, separating breasts, bellies and loins.

Dick was staring bemusedly at the scene, not surprised at his wife's amoral behavior, and still captivated by his lovely protegee. The wild three way fuck had really titillated him, and he felt a sort of pride in how well his talented pupil, Sharon, had responded to the call of sensual delight. He wasn't at all surprised to find himself still enraptured by her gorgeous young body, and found himself drawing near and nearer to where the two women were kissing and wantonly fondling each other.

Myra smiled up at him as she saw him approach, and made movements which obviously indicated she wanted to be naked, but did not want to interrupt her soothing caresses of Sharon's ripe unresisting body.

Dick grinned back at her, and as she turned her attention to Sharon once again, began to remove her clothes slowly until she lay completely naked beside the voluptuously panting Sharon.

Ron stared uncomprehendingly and in disbelief at his wife, his eyes blinking as though he were having hallucinations. He couldn't believe, at first, that she had actually accepted the other woman's kisses and caresses, but now what was even more astounding was the fact that she didn't protest as Myra pressed her own wildly sensual body against her. He was conscious of a feeling of deflation almost at the knowledge that there was obviously a side of his wife that he didn't know about... a side which Dick Green must have uncovered... which he, her husband, was unable to do. Peeved as he might be over that, he had to admit that he was glad it was uncovered... no matter what the reason... and he could scarcely believe that this lovely exotic creature was his wife. She had amazed him by responding to his cruel, bad tempered fucking, and he had been flabbergasted when she had accepted Dick in her anus at the same time, finally reaching a climax from the wild two way fuck. Now she was revealing still another side of her personality, one in which she seemed bent on the pursuit of sex, any kind of sex; and Ron felt a strange lurid thrill of excitement as he watched the unusual scene, conscious of a rising force of lust in his loins.

"You are a darling girl," Myra whispered huskily and hotly into Ron's wife's mouth. "Too beautiful... too fragile to take the kind of punishment you just did. Now you just relax, dear... Myra's going to make it all beautiful for you, a new kind of beauty, one you never knew existed before... just relax... relax..."

"Ummmmmmmmmmm... yessssss," Sharon moaned softly, wishing she could somehow show this beautiful older woman her appreciation of what she was doing. Of their own volition, her hands reached up and found the full mounds of Myra's cream white breasts. She wanted to show Myra how grateful she was for her kind caresses, her exhilarating kiss... she wanted to let Myra feel the wonderful sensuality of female hands on her breasts, just like she herself was feeling them. She found the soft warn flesh and ran her fingertips along the smooth surface, searching further until she found the hard berries of Dick's wife's nipples awakening eagerly at her touch. They felt firm and resilient, and new thrills excited Sharon as she stroked and massaged the breasts of another woman for the first time in her life.

Myra kissed her again and Sharon met her tongue automatically with her own, feeling the gentle, loving hands caressing her breasts enticingly and moving down over her with an intimate tenderness that seemed to fill her heart with untold affection for this beautiful, understanding woman. She felt the hands stroking her sensitively quivering buttocks and drawing her tightly into soft, satiny fleshy loveliness.

Again, a brief sensation of schooled repugnance filtered through her, but she refused to let it grow. Something erotically fascinating... strangely forbidden; yet sensuously beautiful, was happening to her... Whatever it was, she wanted it... wanted it to continue... The cool air which bathed her nakedly aroused body was bringing her tiny, ruby nipples to a rigid hardness, then Myra was pressing close to her once more, massaging her own splendid nakedness against Sharon's soft, supple flesh, their nipples rubbing, their full, firm breasts flattening against one another's, their thighs meeting as did the soft, silken curls of their sensually rotating hair covered pubic mounds.

Sharon's husband watched the tableau spread before him with disbelief, and yet with growing fire in his sperm recharged balls. His freshly satiated cock was already semi hard again, stirred into life by the sight of his wife and the voluptuous Myra Green locked lewdly in each other's arms, their perfect little cunts pressed up against each other tightly. Ron saw, too, the leering expression on Dick Green's face as he bent over the nakedly prone couple with his huge cock completely erect and drooling.

Sharon gasped out with the erotic tremor that rippled over her tingling, sensitive flesh and through her delightfully aroused mind, as Myra's hand caressed the orbs of her rounded, quivering buttocks, spreading them apart and tenderly easing between to stroke her tight little anus with a knowing and gentle finger. Once more, the voluptuous blonde wife trembled erotically, and a second later Myra rolled her onto her back, her hand tracing down over the full arched line of her hips to her gently curved thigh. The beautiful brunette slithered down her body and gently pressed Sharon's legs open until the older woman was kissing the creamy, warm skin of her inner thighs, working slowly upward toward the unshadowed, hair lined flanges of her wantonly aroused pussy.

Momentarily, Sharon seemed to emerge from her fluffy minded enchantment, abruptly raising her head to see that she was being watched by her husband and Dick Green. Then she lay her head back on the floor, uncaring and smiled warmly at the glowing sparkle in Myra's green eyes as they locked on the narrow pink slit between her own legs, where already drops of warmly perfumed moisture glistened from her building passion. Wild sensations raced through her as she saw the dark haired beauty greedily flick out her small tongue tip to swipe the pungent droplet into her mouth, then draw her tongue from the point where the coral slit joined the smooth cleft between her buttocks. Sharon moaned as the tantalizing tongue traced the thin pink line of her wetly blushing vaginal lips to its little clitoral peak, sending a vibrant tremor over her shameless writhing body. Enchanted, she watched as Myra tenderly, with her thumbs, brushed aside the tiny entanglements of pubic hair and spread apart the tightly clinging cunt lips until her gleaming red clitoris burst into full view. Then, as the ripples of desire grew into seismic waves of rapture, Myra began to lick it tenderly.

"Ohhhhh... Myra... That is so good... ohhhhh... don't ever stop..."

Ron jerked his gaze to his wife's ecstatically fluttering half closed eyes, only barely managing to tear his attention from Myra Green's lesbian sucking of Sharon's moistly quivering cunt. He couldn't believe it! She was another woman! Ron noticed that his rigidly erect cock was now standing out rock hard from his trembling loins; and unconsciously, as he watched the salacious scene before him, he began to play his hand over the smooth foreskin, pulling it back and forth over the swollen, bulbous head. He watched mesmerized as Myra easily lifted his wife's legs and pressed them all the way back against her ripe upthrust breasts.

Sharon raised her head to watch the ravishing older woman nuzzle her face again into her genitals, her dark tresses grazing tauntingly against the soft flesh of her belly as Myra began to lick and suck at her pussy with a lewd hunger.

The sensations Sharon was feeling in her loins were breathtaking... yet, even as she had begun to wantonly squirm and writhe beneath Myra's delicious hot licking tongue and sucking lips, certain revulsion toward their obscene lesbian performances were mounting within her. Her upbringing and natural instincts were in revolt. Even though she well knew that such forbidden perversions went on in the world about her, she had never in her wildest imagination conceived that she could be a willing part of such an act... but there she lay! Sprawled on her back with her legs raised high and her thighs widespread in licentiously growing desire beneath the beautiful female creature whose hot educated mouth and tongue were instigating unbelievably lascivious pleasures inside her... if she wasn't careful she would cum... really cum with this magnificent gorgeous woman sucking and licking so beautifully at her cunt... ! In spite of its wickedness it was heavenly... !

"Oh... God!" Sharon gasped in the bliss of her ravishment. Myra was sucking her erect little clitoris and nipping at it with her sharp white teeth, sending violent spasms of ecstasy spiraling through her. It was maddening... erotically maddening... Then, the older woman's tongue was sliding smoothly in and out of her wetly throbbing vagina, moistly rotating at its tight elastic mouth, slipping deeply inside her again. Abruptly, she felt her hips being raised by those small, slender hands cupping the rounded moons of her buttocks, and she held her knees back tight to her erotically aching breasts as she felt the moistly taunting tongue trail downward through the smooth yielding crevice below her vagina to her anus. There it licked before its tip pressed firmly into the puckered little hole, penetrating only a short ways, though she tried to help by relaxing the outer muscles to the fullest. Once more, the wildly licking tongue returned to her throbbing hot cunt, and curled up into her, then flicked back to her clitoris again with the pressure mounting deeper and deeper in her loins.

Dick laughed to himself as he watched his wife perform. God damn! She was an insatiable woman, taking sex any way she could get it! No wonder they'd never had a dull moment in their married life. Dick glanced at Ron, and chuckled silently. Sharon's husband was staring in wide eyed excitement at the lesbian debauchery before him, kneeling upright, his hand stroking his long distended cock with frantic fervor. Dick grinned, and began to stroke his own rigid shaft gently, teasingly, until it throbbed painfully under his touch. Both he and Ron continued to stare at their wives as though hypnotized? stroking their massively pulsating cocks almost in unison.

Myra raised her head from Sharon's heatedly moistened cunt and smiled at the young wife. "Come down here and kiss me, you darling," she whispered throatily.

Sharon lowered her legs and obediently got to her knees, her heart pounding in her chest. She wrapped her arms hungrily around the other's neck and planted her wetly parted lips on the soft warm mouth, tasting the poignant essence of her own vagina there. The taste, the smell, the entire situation was causing her head to swirl in a deep wanton desire.

Myra held her inside her arms, then pressed Sharon's cheek against the soft resilient flesh of her own breast. She ran one hand down over the naked girl's soft belly... downward through the silken pubic hair to her wet pussy, drawing a finger up between its moist quivering lips.

Sharon whimpered and tried to move closer; then, without volition, her head dropped to the woman's beautifully shaped breast and pressed the hardened nipple into her mouth. At once she began to suck hungrily, wetly, as her timidly trembling hand began moving over the lush warm flesh of Myra's body.

"You like me, my pet?" Myra whispered, hotly.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm... oh, yes... yesssssss," she moaned, her lust filled brain swirling...

"You are so sweet and lovable, my dear... mmmmmmm... tell me, Sharon darling... have you ever made love to a girl before?"

"Oh, no... no, never..."

"But you like it, don't you... ?"

"I... I don't know... don't know what's happening to me... but it's beautiful... yes, beautiful... !"

"And the best is yet to come, my love... for both of us... as we kiss and suck each other's pussies at the same time," Myra breathed passionately, her soft hand caressing her love partner's delicate cheek resting against her full breast. "Would you like that... to lick and kiss my cunt, to bring me pleasure as I brought you rapture, Sharon?"

The young blonde wife's brain reeled, and her belly churned with the carnal stimulation Myra's lewd words and meaning aroused in her as prurient sensations soared through her sensually provoked body.

"Oh, God... !" she gasped uncertainly, looking upward into the excited, sparkling green eyes of her teacher. "Oh, God... I don't... don't know... don't know... !"

But the decision had already been made as Myra slowly pressed her back onto the floor, then kissed her once as she knelt beside the girl, trailing her moist tongue downward between her ripe young thighs and again extending her tiny pink tongue to caress the erect little clitoris. Abruptly, the wild tingling sensations were beginning all over again inside the blonde wife's abdomen. Sharon wasn't aware of how long the magnificent enthrallment between her legs went on before she opened her eyes to the feel and sight of Myra's nakedly sensual body moving up over her. The long white columns of the older woman's thighs were spreading wide, knees snuggling in against her ribs... the luscious snowy buttocks moving backward above her face until the alluring sight of that other beautifully moistened vagina was completely exposed before her.

In the shadowy midpoint between those gorgeously ovaled, moon shaped buttocks Sharon could see the tiny, hairless oval opening and the coral slit of her partner's lovely blushing vagina with its hair lined lips opened enough to view the succulent pink flesh within. Small, sparkling dewdrops of passion aroused cuntal moisture clung to the pouting, fleecy lips. Uncontrollably, she moved upward as if bewitched, until the musky perfumed scent reached her nostrils. Without thinking about what she was doing, she suddenly lashed out with her tongue, going deep into the raw velvety flesh toward the beautiful creature's clitoris... reaching up to clutch at the warm twin mounds of the buttocks and draw them down tighter to her face while she ran her tongue wildly through the warmly fleshed layers of the already seeping cunt... probing the slight pungency of the vagina, as her own desires continued to soar like a runaway rocket in her wantonly excited brain.

Sharon sensed her own clitoris palpitating maddeningly in its flushed, erect state, and her breath was beginning to catch in her throat sharply at every grazing caress of her lover's delicious tongue. She eagerly pressed her wet open mouth tighter into the tender succulence of the cunt before her, separating the soft, fleshy lips protecting its slightly bearded vaginal slit. Then her mouth became a ravenous vacuum, open and hot, with nothing but tongue greedily invading the moistly seething fissure... nothing but tongue lashing at the erect clitoris, tongue everywhere in the willowy girl's now hotly clasping channel, lubricious with its tangy secretions blending with her own saliva...

Sharon was cocooned in bliss, enraptured by the new sensations she was feeling, carried away by the seductive charms of the older woman. They remained orally fucking each other into greater and greater heights of arousal until she heard Dick Green's hoarse voice through her euphoria.

"Sorry, girls, but I can't stay out of it any longer."

Sharon stifled a gasp of surprise when she glanced down and saw that Dick was hovering between her knees. Vaguely, she wondered what he was doing. In the back of her mind, she felt that she wanted to be left alone, to enjoy Myra's soft, feminine embraces, but at the same time...

She drew in her breath quickly as Dick eased his wife off her wildly aroused body, and then she felt the now familiar nudging of a thick hardened cock at her wet tender vaginal flesh, still tingling from Myra's electric kisses. Dick's thick turgid cock was urgent and insistent, and Sharon flinched from the contact. His hands were crawling over her thigh, and the young wife trembled, clinging to Myra as he guided the hot pulsating head towards the thin, vertical mouth of her vagina, positioning it at the wantonly tingling entrance to her body.

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