Reluctant Swappers - Cover

Reluctant Swappers


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A young married couple is coerced/tricked into swapping. The young wife is also brought out of her shell and becomes more brazen and daring with her sexual urges.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

The moment her husband's words penetrated her ears, Sharon felt her whole world come crashing down on her. The realization of what she had done was brought home to her with resounding force, and she saw herself as her husband must be seeing her, naked with Dick Green's reddened face still suspended over her wetly quivering cunt. She shuddered at the thought and stared back at Ron's livid face, silently beseeching him for mercy.

"You cheating bitch!" he snarled again, taking a step towards her.

"Now just a minute, Ron..." Dick began, almost amused by the young husband's fury.

"And you!" Ron snapped, turning towards the man who had been sucking his wife, "I ought to break your neck, you son of a bitch!"

"Take it easy, Ron," Dick started again, "I can explain..."

"Explain how come you were in my living room going down on my wife?" Ron sneered, his face ugly. "Well, just try."

"Ron, please..." Sharon interrupted piteously, and then was sorry she had spoken. Her husband turned to her again with new venom, enraged that she seemed to be defending her lover, and he reached for her brutally, pulling viciously on her long hair.

"Oughhhhh!" she sobbed helplessly, "Stop, please, Ron, you're hurting me..."

"Listen to me..." the naked banker began again, but was cut short by the young husband's shout.

"You stay out of this! This has to do with me and... and this slut!"

Sharon winced from his invective, wishing she could disappear into thin air. She had never felt so embarrassed and humiliated in her life. It was the end... of their marriage, her life... she was destroyed beyond recall... Ron would never forgive her.

"Oh, darling, please listen..." she begged, but her plea was useless. Ron was like a stranger, a cold, unfeeling and very angry stranger. She was afraid of him, deathly afraid... he might kill her!

He grabbed her roughly, still mouthing obscenities, his face inscrutable as Sharon cringed nakedly against the floor, her hair matted around her face, her eyes fearful and bulging wide.

"No, please, Ron... I'm sorry... I didn't mean..."

"Shut up, whore!" he screamed, raising his hand and slapping her full across the face with savage force.

"Now Fleming, watch..." Dick began but was silenced by Ron's murderous reply.

"She's my wife... I'll do what I like! I told you to keep out of this!"

Sharon was sobbing wildly now, her arms thrown protectively around her face, her whole frame wracked with convulsive moans. Oh God, what terrible anger had she unleashed in him? What could she do to stop him?

There was silence for a moment, and Sharon heard the rustling of clothes. Her heart pounding with apprehension, she peeped out from under her arm, and then her throat went dry and chalky as she saw that Ron, too, had stripped down totally naked! But her eyes were fastened immovably on the huge, distended erection of his grossly enlarged penis, hovering like a giant python over her. God, she'd never seen it so large! She continued to stare at it with mounting fear, unable to drag her sight away from it, so pulsatingly alive was it, like a separate entity.

With a gasp, she felt her husband's hands on her knees, roughly forcing her thighs apart, until she thought she'd scream from the unbearable strain. He was glaring lustfully at the wet open furrow of her vagina, revealed by his brutal strength. A cold wave of fear washed over her as she saw his murderous expression, and she was forced to shut her eyes.

"Oh, Ron, please don't..." she wailed again, desperately trying to escape her husband's vicious grasp.

"Open your eyes, whore, and see what I've got for you!" he leered cruelly, his eyes roaming lasciviously over her nakedly quaking body. She refused to obey, unable to look again at the monstrous erection.

"Look at what I've got for you, slut!" he shrilled again, his fingers like talons in her flesh.

She forced herself to look once more at the thick, snake like length of Ron's angrily inflated cock, and couldn't disguise the look of dread which came over her face. It was huge! Bigger than she'd ever seen it before! He'd kill her with it!

She stared, wide eyed with horror, as he settled himself on his knees between her open legs, the enormous shaft hotly nudging against her inner thighs. Her mouth was arid, and she tried to whimper but no sound would come. She could hardly believe that this nightmare was happening to her, and she knew how prisoners must feel when they are facing the torture chamber... filled with numbing disbelief, yet quaking with paralytic fear. She wished she could faint, but knew she wouldn't. There was no escaping her husband's anger, it was her punishment for what she had done. She had been unfaithful to him, and now she must face the consequences. Even though Ron himself had been unfaithful to her, she knew that her lot would be different from his, even though the crime was the same. That was woman's role, to be cast as the real sinner, and the fate of countless generations of women had subconsciously prepared her for it. There was no escaping the wrath of a wronged husband...

She moaned as she felt her husband's hands fumbling with the warmly sensitive flesh of her vagina, pulling apart the soft, fleece-rimmed folds, exposing the entire helpless crevice of her pussy, baring it completely to his wild, unreasonable lust. There was something so lascivious about his contorted features that Sharon hardly recognized him, and she wondered if she was going crazy. The world was turned upside down, thrown into complete chaos, and she was sure she'd never find her way out of it.

Through tear-swimming eyes, she watched as her crazed husband guided the head of his anger engorged penis towards her tight little vaginal opening, and cringed back from the hard contact of his hot unyielding maleness. She steeled herself, gritting her teeth, waiting for the ultimate humiliation...

"AAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH... OH NO! PLEASE STOP... PLEASE DON'T!" she begged shrilly as she felt the giant head push past the thin, futilely resisting lips and began to worm itself up inside her wet, fearfully cringing cunt.

"OOHHHHHHHHHhhhhNnnnnnnnnnnn..." she sobbed again, as her body felt as if it was being split in two by the huge invading cudgel which was entering her defenselessly quivering flesh. She tried to struggle. to dislodge the steel like skewer up between her wide held thighs, but her movements only seemed to draw it even further into her belly, and she resisted, fighting to control the hysterical moans which were rising in her throat in response to the diabolical pain which was invading her.

"How... do... you... like... that whore?" Ron gasped, as he forced his cock deeper and deeper into her warm resisting little pussy, oblivious to her disgust and fear and agony. His venomous words cut her like a knife, lacerating her flesh, tearing sadistically at her heart. He hated her, that was obvious, she thought pitifully, fresh tears coursing down her face.

"Hhhhmmmmppphhh... aaahhhhhhhh..." she gasped again as she felt the rubbery tip of his forcefully slithering cock graze against the softness of her cervix. He was all the way in! She could feel his burning balls brushing against the nakedly spread cheeks of her ass, and the crisp pubic curls at the base of his long sunken penis tickling against her swollen vaginal lips. She was at his mercy, and there was nothing she could do about it, except lie there limply and take whatever he gave her.

At last he began to withdraw, with painful slowness, his massively pulsating penis pulling out with it the tender interior membrane of her tormented cuntal walls. He withdrew almost completely and then hesitated before slamming forward again with all his might, his face wreathed with a vengeful, leering grin.

"Aagh! Aaagghhh! Aaaaaggghhhh!" she wailed as new pain assaulted her. It was unbearable! He was killing her... she'd never be able to walk again. And the worst of it all was, he didn't seem to care. All he was interested in was abusing her, punishing her for something he, himself, had done too, and satisfying his own perverted lust.

Ron watched his wife's beautiful young face contorted in agony below with sadistic pleasure. This'll teach the little bitch he thought. His wounded pride flailed at him, urging him on to domineering bestiality, goading him into brutality to ease his own pain. He'd make her suffer, the way he had suffered when he walked in and found her being tongue fucked to orgasm by another man's lips.

He began to fuck into her with cruel hard strokes, feeling the abrasive rush of his cock as it sliced into her upturned young pussy, feeling the warm harsh tug as it withdrew, pulling little tendrils of the moist pink flesh with it. His hands reached forward and clamped down on the finely ripened mounds of her breasts, his fingers clutching at the soft flesh, raising red welts on the golden smoothness, wringing sobs of pain from his helplessly writhing young wife. But he couldn't stop himself. He was borne along on the wings of his hurt feelings, his savage lust... and his guilt. In the first few minutes of terrible discovery, he had completely forgotten his own failings... that he had just a short time ago been fucking the wife of the man he had caught with Sharon. But now that fact came back with pristine clarity, and he felt a deep disgust inside him, disgust at his own sin, disgust at the way he was taking it out on his wife... his own crime and hers... she was bearing the brunt for both of them...

But he couldn't stop himself as he unmercifully fucked into her cringing form. He felt he was a man no longer... just a raving beast venting his primitive emotions on a hapless woman.

Sharon had ceased moaning; the clearing of the initial pain lessened her anguish, and now she felt nothing but numbing emptiness. Her body, grown so accustomed to love, was not reacting to her husband now... but his was not love.

Ron was incensed by her lack of response, her inertia, her apparent lack of feelings.

"This is the way to fuck a whore!" he panted lewdly, "now act like one... put some life into that hot little ass of yours... start grinding, slut..."

Dear God in heaven, help me... Sharon sobbed to herself, her husband's words seething in her brain. But he's right, I am a whore... only a whore would do the things with another man that I've done. I deserve to be treated like this, I deserve it. So I'll be a whore to him! She began rotating and undulating her loins up against him, tentatively at first and then with increasing enthusiasm.

Then Sharon stiffened, unable to believe that she had really felt the beginning tingle of familiar pleasure up between her legs. But she had! There was no denying it. She tried desperately to quench it. She couldn't let him know that her body was reacting to his animal screwing... she just couldn't. But there was no stopping it. The erotically rippling sensation grew out of all control, fanned, it seemed, by her resistance to it, until her entire voluptuous young body was shaken by a convulsive shudder. She was beginning to enjoy the brutal, almost sadistic fucking her husband was subjecting her to, and she couldn't hide it any longer.

"Mmmmmmmm... oooooooohhhhhh..." she sighed as her pelvis began a slow familiar churning, and her warm cuntal flesh rippled with the first tiny rolling waves of pleasure. She was responding to her husband, and she couldn't help herself.

Ron stopped for a moment, unable to believe his senses. He just couldn't believe that his prim wife was reacting to his lewd fucking of her in front of another man, reacting in a way he had never dreamed possible. But she was! She was mewling with pleasure, her sensually naked body alive with pleasurable sensations, far more aroused than he had ever seen her before.

"Honey..." he began tentatively, staring down at her face. It was transformed now, wearing a look of supreme rapture, and suddenly, her arms reached up and embraced him, pulling down to her, opening her wetly parted lips to receive his tongue. A wave of pleasure swept over him, washing away his anger, his guilt, washing him clean of everything but a blinding happiness as he realized that his wife was responding fully to him for the first time ever!

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