Reluctant Swappers - Cover

Reluctant Swappers


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A young married couple is coerced/tricked into swapping. The young wife is also brought out of her shell and becomes more brazen and daring with her sexual urges.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Dick Green rested one arm lightly across the back of the seat as he eased his car onto Oro Canyon Road. He gazed briefly across to the passenger seat, where Sharon Fleming stared out the window at the magnificence of the plush homes lining her side of the street, and smiled lewdly to himself. It had been easier than he'd expected!

He'd called up Sharon in the middle of the afternoon, as he and his wife had planned the night before, and found that she didn't know where her husband had disappeared to. Dick had told her that Ron had gone to offer Myra some critique of her paintings, and then proposed that they go to his home to join the two "artists" for some drinks. Sharon had hesitated, but then accepted gratefully, and Dick had picked her up at her house not 20 minutes later, barely able to keep his excitement in check when she greeted him at the door dressed in the shortest of mini dresses. Her smoothly creamy thighs had raised in him an almost unbearable anticipation, and it was all he could do now to keep from reaching out and caressing her as she sat so unsuspectingly beside him.

"We're almost there," he said to her, smiling warmly.

"What a beautiful neighborhood," Sharon returned, without turning her head from the window. She hadn't imagined that the Green's were so well off But then again, he was the vice-president of a bank...

She'd been hesitant at first about accepting his invitation for drinks, partly at any rate because of the strained atmosphere between Ron and herself that morning. Although she hadn't wanted to admit it to her husband, Sharon had been deeply hurt by his almost animalistic behavior the night before. But then she'd decided that perhaps a few drinks with a gregarious couple like the Greens were perhaps just what the doctor ordered, that this was the perfect chance to ease the tension between them. She was in good spirits now, as the car made its way up the broad avenue of Oro Canyon Road, and she turned to her host gaily.

"Are Ron and Myra expecting us?" she asked him.

"No, we're going to surprise them," Dick whispered back conspiratorially.

"I hope Ron is still there. He might have left by now."

"I somehow doubt that," Dick chuckled. He turned the car into his driveway, and pulled quietly up in front of their rambling home. He got out and shut his door as noiselessly as he could, and then watched Sharon close her door almost soundlessly with feminine grace. Perfect! Now if everything was as planned...

"Well, Ron is still here anyway." Sharon said to him. "At least his car is." Sharon impulsively linked her arm in Dick Green's as they made their way around the Fleming's car and up into the house Dick opened the door without a sound, and ushered Sharon inside. The living room was empty.

"Now, where could they be?" Dick asked himself aloud, barely able to keep a smile from his lips. "Maybe they're back in Myra's studio."

Suddenly, the sounds of giggling and girlish twittering reached Dick and Sharon's ears. It seemed to be coming from the opened sliding doom that apparently led into the backyard.

"Oh God, Myra, that's it! Suck me! Suck my cock, you beautiful, loveable whore!"

Sharon froze, her mind joggled by the crude, lascivious sentence she had heard. Her face contorted with confused horror, and she turned to Dick. Her breath seemed choked in her throat like a lump of molten steel. "What, what was that?" she managed.

"I don't know. It sounded like a man. Like... Ron!" he whispered. The picture of indignation and anger, he grabbed Sharon's tender hand. "C'mon, let's see what the hell is going on!"

"But, I..."

Sharon was almost pulled off her feet by the prodding Dick Green. She wanted to run, to flee from what her brain told her was an impossibility, but yet an all too real reality. But the banker's strength was too much. Still confused, still unready to accept the fact of her husband's infidelity so callously at hand, Sharon let him take her to the sliding doors, and there, hidden by some hanging drapes, she peered onto the grassy stretch of back yard. She took one quick glance and her whole, wonderful world shattered like crystal glass. She tried to scream, to die, to blot out the scene she was witnessing, but the horror, the outrageous defilement of her soul, was too great! Abjectly, she turned and buried her now tear-streamed face into the comforting broadness of Dick's chest.

"Oh, no... no, no, it can't be! Not Ron!" she moaned, her sounds of anguish muffled by Dick's body. "I don't believe it!"

What she had so briefly seen was her husband and Myra Green locked in the age old embrace of mutual oral manipulation. They were lying on a fluffy beach towel, completely naked, their hands coursing over each other's bodies, their mouths and tongues bobbing hungrily up and down between each other's legs. They squirmed and writhed as though demon possessed, the lewd wet sounds of their mutual sucking resounding through the air.

Dick Green maintained his shocked, indignant expression as he saw his wife moaning with abandon while she voraciously sucked the large, wetly glistening cock sawing between her lips, and as he saw Ron's wildly bobbing head licking the pink, tender flesh of Myra's pussy. Inwardly, he glowed with satisfaction and sadistic pleasure, and he felt his always eager cock begin to harden in his pants. He brushed against the sobbing Sharon, feeling her softly ripened curves mold themselves to his body, and he had a sudden, almost overwhelming desire to grab her, violently strip the few wisps of clothes off between them and join the shamelessly fucking couple on the large towel. But he knew women well enough to be certain this was not the proper time. He would have to wait until the horrified and helpless shock in Sharon fumed into anger and revenge. A scorned or wronged woman would do anything against her errant mate and stupidly abandon the morals of a lifetime doing so. He would bide his time and slowly work her into the temper he needed.

"I don't believe it!" she gasped again.

Dick tried to look pained as he folded his arms about her protectively. "It's true, Sharon. I'm afraid it's true."

She shuddered. "They're acting like... animals!" She tried to blank out the horrid, disgusting scene, but her mind's eye kept focusing on the picture of Ron and Myra in their perverted pose. How could he do such a things She remembered the previous night, when he had acted so bestially. And now he was doing this unbelievably obscene thing to another woman...

Almost hypnotically, Sharon fumed and saw again the salacious sight before her. All she saw or cared about was the horrible lewdness being performed on the towel, and she gaped in disbelief, her eyes absorbed by the passionate writhing. Myra was at a fever pitch, her tightly ovaled mouth straining to swallow the whole rigid penis pumping in and out between her lips. Even as Sharon watched, Myra devoured the moistly shining cock all the way up to Ron's pubic hair, so that none of the thick fleshy shaft was left to view. She continued to stare, frozen by shock, stunned by the blatantly lewd scene.

Myra's free hand was pumping up and down on the long hard shaft in lewd rhythm with her licking, and as she inhaled the pungent masculine odor of him, a wild thrill of excitement rippled through her. Expertly, she ceased her wild tongue washing, and then, with infinite slowness, closed her lips warmly and moistly around the hard rubbery head, pressuring it just below the mushroomed cap, holding it tight like a rubber band.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Christ, your hot little mouth feels good on my cock..." Ron moaned into her warm perfumed pussy as he pushed his thick throbbing cock into her lust contorted face. He felt her teeth nibbling gently at the spongy flesh, and her tongue tripping eagerly around his long sensitive hardness, as she slowly began to move her soft warm mouth up and down its full length.

She continued to suck and lick more hungrily on the distended organ, goading it into an even greater rigidity and width, her palm kneading softly and teasingly at the roiling heavy sac of his testicles. Her wetly sucking lips ovaled even more tightly around the throbbing circumference as she strove to enclose more and more of it in her warm buttery mouth, taking it far back inside her until the tip of it was brushing against her tonsils. Her cheeks were puffed with the hotly pulsating flesh inside as her fingers held the vein-marbled shaft around the base, guiding it into her wildly salivating mouth... and she felt the pulse beat of his turbulent hot blood as it coursed through the virile young cock she had excited to the supreme heights of arousal by her wanton, unabashed sucking...

Sharon drew in her breath as she watched her husband take his hands and spread Myra Green's fleshy inner thighs even further apart to reveal the moist, blood engorged vaginal slit and its wetly throbbing pink surface matted with his saliva. Then Ron dropped his head again, and Myra's shamelessly writhing cunt was once more lost from sight. Out there, on the towel, Dick's wife moaned deep in her throat and locked her legs around his head, her nakedly sculptured hips moving with the rhythm of his burrowing tongue.

Involuntarily, subconsciously, Sharon found herself beginning to thaw with Myra's lewd undulations as Ron continued to gluttonously lick the woman's vaginal area. "I can't stand it!" she gasped, steeling herself to cease the sympathetic movements of her body. "Stop them, please! We have to go out there and stop them!"

"No," Dick said."

"But you can't... that's your wife, and... we must stop them!"

Her words were a jumble of incoherence, an idiot's babbling. Dick knew that she was almost ready to crack, and that it was time to take her away. Her mind was filled with wretchedness, and to make her view more might jeopardize his plan. The last thing he wanted to do was make a scene now. Later, but not now. He turned her head away from the couple and looked deeply, concernedly into her shock-dazed eyes.

"No, honey. Let them be. I'm as hurt and angry as you, but to stop them now would only make matters worse. We saw them, and we'll confront them, but later when everybody has calmed down. Let's be level headed about this."

"Then let's leave. Now! Take me home, Dick please!"

Nodding agreement, he led her out the way they'd come and back toward the car. "That's probably the wisest thing to do at the moment. We'll talk this over on the way back, like full-grown adults."

Sharon managed to stem her tears, and taking a deep breath to help gain control, she let Dick hand her into the car.

He reached in across her lap, brushing against her firmly curved thighs, opened the glove compartment, and brought out a large flask.

"Here. Drink this. It's scotch. It'll help."

She did, willingly, taking a long swallow. Gratefully she handed the flask back, but he indicated she keep it. Getting in, he started the car and backed quietly down the driveway.

They didn't talk for awhile, and the bewildered young wife's head swam with the damning sight she had just witnessed. She had never seen Ron so lust provoked, so wicked. His hardened penis had never seemed so huge, certainly it hadn't been in all their married life, she was sure of that! And then there was Myra, with her long tanned legs flaying obscenely around his head, sucking his... sucking... Sharon took yet another drink of the flask she clasped tightly in her anguished hands.

Ron's cock, thought Myra as she sucked it joyously, was almost as large and gifted as her husband's. Yes, Dick had been right: the Flemings had been an excellent choice, and his idea of her seducing Ron first was marvelous! All the more time to enjoy the strange and exciting thrill a whole new prick, and the wonderment of new wrinkles to the same tricks. She felt the extra tingle of sexual passion at knowing that she and Ron might at his very moment be under observation spied upon in the act of love by her husband and Sharon Fleming... and that thought sent new shivers of pleasure through her lust perverted senses. She loved that! She adored to have her sensually perfect body displayed and paraded in front of voyeurs and if she could have, she would have loved to be gang fucked on a stage in front of an audience. How lucky she had been to find such an understanding and cooperative husband as Dick, and she returned to her task with renewed gusto, her mind filled with the exciting warmth of Ron's magnificently pulsating cock.

She tasted his masculine piquancy, the tang of his pungent genitals, smeared as they were with her own vaginal lubricating juices, and the thought of what she was doing sent wild tremors of delight coursing through her. Her warm wet tongue brushed along the thick base of the hot pole of flesh and grazed the wide underside to its coronal ridge, sticky and protruding from the thick foreskin, washing and playing with it with caressing, lapping strokes. And then she returned to its base and the hair covered sac of his testicles, the wiry hairs tickling her chin and cheeks and lips, as her warm saliva dribbled freely down his testicles to be soaked up by the towel beneath them. She removed his wildly pulsating cock for a moment, the cool rush of afternoon air making Ron moan with tingling pleasure, and she took hold of it with one hand and stroked it hard up and down, up and down, as she coated his balls with sweeps of her hot hungry mouth, her full red lips bending to catch as much of his fragrant flesh as possible. Ron moaned again and raised his leg, making Myra move over him more fully; and then she squatted over him, her legs on either side of his head, her nakedly widespread cunt mashed down against his face, while she trailed her tongue along his foreskin. She continued to stroke him, to squeeze and jerk his massively hardened shaft with her hand, the tantalizing beat making him squirm and lift his legs to expose the crinkled little brown star of his anus.

Myra licked along the cord like ridge between his widespread buttocks, circling tauntingly around his tightly puckered anal opening, painting his inner thighs with the saliva of her love, then stiffening her tongue and ramming it into the crinkled sphincter of his rectum. All the while her own pubic area was burning with the fire like lashes of his tongue and flaming sweep of his heatedly eager mouth upon her erect clitoral bud and cunt. She was wild with a mindless erotic frenzy, the sensations jolting her belly and loins with almost high voltage intensity and driving her with breakneck speed to a crashing orgasm. God! She had to cum with his beautiful giant cock in her mouth, with her cheeks bloating to the sudden spewing of his mighty cum. She had to taste his warm semen, to suck him dry to the balls! Quickly she trailed her tongue back over his sperm churning scrotum and along his heavy, sheering, blood-infused shaft at its pulsating head, before wetly slipping her tightly ovaled lips down over it again.

Ron groveled in her cunt, her spasmodic up and down fucking rhythm in finely honed tune to his hard thrusting tongue. The abandonment, the complete capitulation to this wonderfully hot bitch overwhelmed him; and the excitement of it all still blotted out any thoughts except the delicious sexual encounter of which he was a willing partner. It had been like a scene from some stag movie or an all too vivid wet dream, it was unbelievable... just to lazily rise from a still-moist bed and move nakedly to the out-of-doors. Dick Green's wife had shown neither remorse nor the slightest hesitation, unlike the still modest wife of his. Myra strutted around the house completely naked, her full ripe breasts jiggling proudly, her firmly tanned thighs and cum soaked pubic hair enticing him. The fleeting idea of covering himself seemed like a theory of the Dark Ages, and he, too, found a strange, magical excitement at parading in front of her, his semi hard, still blood engorged cock dangling and swaying pendulously between the lumps of his spent balls.

Then stretching nakedly out under the warm sun...

The free and easy play of hands upon each other in broad daylight, entirely in the open...

These had all been new to Ron, and tremendously arousing! Within seconds, she had made him fully erect again, and then climbed over him, taking his huge pulsating hardness with her hand to lead it into her dilated, wetly gaping pussy. She had fucked him, leaning over him in such a way to enable him to suck the rubbery hard nipples of her softly dangling breasts. Wild... absolutely, mind blowing wild! And then, just as he was about to shoot yet another stream of sticky cum into her, she had asked him to kiss her cunt and he had happily acquiesced. He was kissing her moistly perfumed pussy now, while she in turn licked and teased his eagerly throbbing penis. How long had he wanted to feel the soft fleece of a woman's pubic area and smell the tangy musk of a hot desire ridden pussy as it blossomed to his mouth, and here, now, with this vibrant sensual female, he was doing just that! If only Sharon, his own wife, wanted his kisses, his tongue in her cunt; his cock in her mouth... Oh God! He could feel his lust swollen member flow along the inner roof of the strange mouth, and a moan began to build deep, deep within his chest.

He breathed hard and blew into her, the proud cheeks of her smoothly rounded ass clenching, then relaxing in front of his excited face. He pried her spread loins wider, pushing his mouth hard up against the sweet wetness of her vaginal slit, and she squirmed in ecstasy. He drew her over him so that her wetly palpitating, soft pussy was sunk deep upon his nose and lips. Then holding her tight around the hips, so she couldn't slip away, he thrust his thick, wet tongue forward between the warm fleshy vaginal as far as it would go. He heard her gasp excitedly and renew her nibbling with frenzied motion. She jerked forward with his hot teasing contact, quickly screwing herself down upon him harder. Her heated palpitating vaginal passage contracted, opening and closing around his tongue like a tight rubber band, until he had a difficult time breathing. His breath exploded into her with tiny, mewling grunts, that muffled themselves into oblivion, and then he spread her still wider with his palms and began to eagerly curl and flick his tongue at the expanse of her pearl white backside. He sucked and licked while she wantonly ground her ass around his face, almost out of control.

Her wildly twitching cunt flowered open wider, her secretions cascading down her sleek inner thighs and his chin while he ran his tongue around and around her stretched vaginal opening. He could feel her muscles hollow and contract around his head and sides of his cheeks, and he plunged slave like, his tongue making wet sluicing sounds as it burrowed deeper into her excited young cunt with each wicked thrust. The tantalizing odor which assailed his sex flared nostrils was a bubbling mixture of her pussy and its deepest lubrications, her thin sweat filmed skin, and the orifice of her anus. He lifted his lashing tongue from the oral fucking he was giving her warm, slick pussy and he moved along to the little brown anal ring, rimming the crinkled edge and darting inside with stabbing thrusts that brought shrieks of wild delight from her suddenly insane body. Then he returned, licking the softly throbbing cuntal lips and plunged into the wet pink layers to discover her tremblingly erect clitoris. He began to suck and tease it unmercifully, his teeth biting tenderly, his tongue reaming the little button of love, while she churned and writhed above him in the lewd dance of unholy desire.

She was almost ready to cum!

He rammed his tongue deep down around her writhing hole, rounding and covering her viscous opening to bring yet further guttural moans from her cock filled mouth. Her soft warm thighs clenched him viciously, and he could feel her wet flesh slip moistly around his tongue as if the nibbling, hair lined mouth was trying to snap and rip out his tongue by the roots, devouring it completely with all its might. She snaked her heels against his shoulders and rubbed her hotly palpitating pussy against his face as he licked the tormented, flame seared vagina. The cords of her muscles stood out all along her nakedly writhing body and she sucked savagely, almost painfully, on his penis with an everincreasing vacuum and strokes.

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