Raped Degraded Daughter - Cover

Raped Degraded Daughter


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A teen learns that she loves her dad very much, even after he rapes her continuously for days. She loves him so much in fact, that she uses her 'newly-found-love-for-sex' to get him a better paying job.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Rough   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

As if he were the kindest father on the block, Jim Simmons left his daughter writhing helplessly on the sofa and went into the kitchen to fix coffee for her and himself. When he returned with two cups, setting them down on the coffee table, Linda stared at him in disbelief. How could he be kind to her after what he did?

"Have some coffee, baby," her father said casually, as if this were a normal morning. He sat on the edge of the sofa near Linda's feet and sipped from his cup. "Mmm, good. Come on, have a cup with me."

Linda sat up, but felt funny sitting next to him stark naked, her ripe tits jutting, her thighs still moist from her juicy cunt.

"Daddy, I can't sit here like this," she said weakly, averting his gaze. "Can I get dressed?"

"Sure," he replied.

Linda looked at him oddly as she pulled her robe around her naked body. He was actually going to let her cover her nakedness?

"Wear that cute blue sweater," her father said. "And that new miniskirt you bought the other day."

"Why?" Linda asked suspiciously. "Why do you want me to wear those things?"

"Just do as I tell you!" her father growled, scaring her. When Linda headed for her bedroom, he yelled: "And no undies!"

I know what he's after, Linda thought sadly as she saw herself in the mirror. She dropped her robe and surveyed her lovely, naked body. And she knew why her dad wanted her to dress sexy. He wants to get a hard-on from me, she thought angrily.

She slipped into the skirt and sweater then looked in the mirror again. Sure enough, she looked sexy and pleasing to the eye. No wonder her father wanted her dressed this way. Without her mother here, he could leer at her all he wanted. And now he had plenty to leer at! Linda could see her nipples poking little bumps of their own in her tight sweater. She wanted to wear a bra.

She felt very self-conscious as she returned to the living room and the sofa. She sat down without looking at her father, who was glaring at her, getting an eyeful of her teenaged beauty! The skirt was very short, high on her lovely, curvy thighs. And she just knew he was staring at her tits with their pointy nipples!

She took a sip of her coffee. Her slim fingers trembled against the cup. She swallowed hard. A hot flash passed through her body for some strange reason.

"Daddy, please don't look at me like that," she murmured weakly, feeling like a bug under a microscope.

Jim Simmons grinned lewdly. "I've been wanting to look at you this way for a long time, without that bitch interfering. I saw you go to school the other day in that outfit. You gave me one helluva hard-on that morning! You knew it, too!"

"I did not!" Linda cried, mouth agape in innocent shock.

Her father laughed at her. "Play innocent if you want, but you don't fool me, baby. I've been watching you like a hawk. You were always siding with your mother. You liked it when she fought with me and pissed me off. And you cockteased me a lot."

"I didn't, I swear!" Linda protested weakly. She couldn't look her dad straight in the eyes because she knew she was lying. She had deliberately cockteased him lots of times, just to make him mad, just to get even with him for being so mean. Now she had a sinking feeling that she was going to have to pay for all those times.

"You dress like that to cocktease the boys in school, don't you?" her father asked slyly.

"No!" Linda cried. She didn't want her father thinking that way about her. There was a bulge growing in his shorts, and it was making Linda very nervous. So she tried to explain a girl's position.

"I just want to look pretty," she said. "That's all. A girl likes to look nice, you know. It doesn't mean she's... you know... teasing."

"Well, you are pretty," her father readily agreed, grinning lewdly.

"That isn't what I mean," Linda said, seeing his gaze dance across her pointy tits and naked thighs. "You don't look at me the right way."

"What do you mean?" Jim laughed.

"You know what I mean. You don't look at me as if I'm pretty. You undress me with your eyes. You look at me dirty, as if I was wearing these to make you... you know."



"Well, you do make me horny, no matter what you wear. You know that. You're a lovely, sexy teenaged chick."

"I don't want to be like that! Not to my own father!"

"Why not?" her dad chuckled, deliberately eyeing her heaving tits. "Fathers need sex, too."

"Not with their own daughters!" Linda cried with indignation.

"What if their wives aren't giving them any pussy?" he challenged.

Linda dropped her eyes from his when he said pussy. "Well, that's their problem."

"No. It's a family problem then," her dad said. He moved closer to her and slipped his arm across her back. Linda cringed slightly as he caressed her shoulders gently, almost lovingly.

"Walk around the room for a while," her father said softly. "I want to admire you."

"Admire me!" Linda exclaimed. "You don't want to admire me! You want to lust after me!"

"Getting smart, aren't you?" Jim chuckled. He gave her a little push and said, "Come on, be nice to your old man. Let me see how you look. Pretend you're getting ready to leave for school. You don't know how many times I've watched you out the window as you walked to the school bus. God, but you're a sexy little thing!"

"Daddy," Linda breathed. "Don't get so excited about me! You frighten me when your voice gets so low and you look at me that way!"

He pushed Linda up onto her feet and repeated his desire for her to pose for him and walk about the room.

As if she were leaving for school, he had said. A bell rang in Linda's young mind. What if she did pretend to be leaving for school? And what if she actually opened the front door... and ran like hell!

Her young heart started to beat rapidly behind her jutting tits as the thought of escape occurred to her. But as she moved around the room, with her father's eyes devouring her tits, legs and ass, her heart began to sink again.

Where would she run to? Her nearest relative, Aunt Anna, lived over fifty miles away! And how could she run to the neighbors? God, what would Mrs. Andersen think if she knew about this incest? And that nice Christian man, Mr. Turner! Why, he'd be shocked out of his mind to hear that a father had fucked his own little girl! The whole neighborhood would find out! Linda would be stared at forever! Look, people would whisper, there goes Linda Simmons. Poor girl. Her father fucked her!

Thoughts like these completely devastated Linda. At the door, she suddenly grabbed the doorknob for support and broke into uncontrollable tears that dumbfounded her father.

Jim walked over to her shuddering body. He pressed his hard-on against her ass and rubbed her shoulders soothingly. "What's the matter, baby?"

Linda could only sob pitifully at first. It took her a while to catch her voice, then she cried: "I hate this... I hate you! I wanna go to Aunt Anna's house... I wanna run away from here... away from you."

"Nonsense, baby," her dad said gently. He turned her in his big hands, then pressed his massive chest against her tits. Lifting her chin up, he kissed her mouth warmly.

"You look even sexier when you cry this way," he said, and Linda felt his cock jolt excitedly between her defenseless thighs. She sobbed louder as he kissed her mouth again. Was there nothing she could do that wasn't sexy to her father! Even her tears turned him on! What was she to do?

"Come with me," Jim said thickly, taking her hand. "I know what you need."

"Daddy... no." Linda wept, trying to hold back.

He pulled her across the carpet, past the sofa, and into her cozy bedroom. He pulled her weakened body against him and kicked the door closed. Jim kissed her hotly then, filling her mouth with his lewd tongue. Linda gasped through the kiss to feel her nipples stand up and her pussy tingle!

Jim tugged at her hand and pulled her to the floor. He couldn't even wait to get her to the bed! Forcing her to the carpet, he panted hornily, beside himself with lust for his lovely little girl.

Linda looked at her lewd father with wide eyes. He was kneeling beside her body, keeping her pressed to the carpet. Then he settled on an elbow next to her, and his free hand slipped down over her flat belly to the edge of her short skirt.

"My sexy little schoolgirl," he murmured.

Linda shivered and peered down over her body at his wrist, a hairy thing wedged between her thighs. She instinctively clenched her legs closed, and her hands shot down to push at his, to keep his dangerous fingers from her susceptible pussy.

"Please, Daddy, don't," she pleaded.

Then she gasped as his strong fingers rubbed right up against her exposed cunt!

"Relax your pretty legs, baby," her father said in a lilting voice, as if trying to hypnotize her into sex. "Just relax. You'll like it. There's nothing like loving your own family. Why let some dirty boys maul your pretty pussy? Keep it in the family. Relax now, and let your dad show you some real pleasure."

His lilting voice went on and on, mesmerizing Linda as his disturbing fingers did their wicked work.

"Please, Daddy!" Linda squealed when she felt her clit erect and tingle. It was a bad sign for her, a good sign for her raunchy father.

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