Raped Degraded Daughter - Cover

Raped Degraded Daughter


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A teen learns that she loves her dad very much, even after he rapes her continuously for days. She loves him so much in fact, that she uses her 'newly-found-love-for-sex' to get him a better paying job.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Rough   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Please, Daddy! No more! Stop! Ohhh, don't make me cum anymore now!"

Jim Simmons sat up on the bed and surveyed his pretty daughter's vibrant young body. "Just wanted you to know who's boss around here. Gotta start the day right, baby. With a wet pussy."

He stared at her cunt and grinned lewdly. It sure was wet! Linda felt embarrassed by both her moist pussy and her father's wicked stare, so she shut her pretty legs.

Jim just chuckled and said: "Come on. Get up and fix us some breakfast. Ham and eggs sounds good. Get your little ass moving."

Linda slithered out of the bed, away from her dad, and padded naked to the closet, where she pulled out her pink robe. "Is it all right if I wear this?" she asked her father. She was getting trained fast!

"Go ahead," Jim said. "But nothing under it."

"But I should wear panties!" Linda protested.

"I'll only tear them off you," her dad said, laughing.

Linda sighed in despair and slipped into her robe. She never realized just how tightly it fit her until today, now that she was self- conscious about her blossoming young body. Her mother had bought the robe for her last year--when her tits were still small things. Now, when Linda belted the robe around her slim waist, her jutting tits separated the top in a lovely V. Her father's hot gaze roamed over the firm curves of her half-naked tits. Linda tried to close the robe farther, but it wouldn't work. She was a bigger girl now, and that was all there was to it. She'd have to suffer her dad's hungry glances until she could get another robe, or at least get dressed.

As she prepared breakfast in the kitchen, she wondered if her dad would ever let her get dressed again. He was sure acting strangely since his wife left. He always had a hard-on now! His cock had grown enormous this morning as he sucked her pussy. Was he going to walk around with that thing all day? What did he have in store for Linda today? What depravity? What humiliating act?

She heard him on the telephone as she dished out ham and eggs. He called her school to report her ill for the day. Then he called work to tell his foreman that he had the flu. When he hung up, Linda had a trapped feeling in the pit of her stomach. She felt caged.

Her feeling of desperation only increased when her father came to the table for his breakfast. He was wearing only his shorts and sporting an obvious hard-on in them. He practically posed before his daughter when he saw her eyes gravitate to his crotch. Linda swallowed nervously and tore her gaze away. His crotch was so bulging! He had such hefty balls and a long thick cock! His whole lap was menacing to the teenager.

She sat down quickly and started gobbling her food. She was glad when her dad sat down so she wouldn't have to see his crotch, so she wouldn't have to remember that his giant cock had been drilling in and out of her virgin pussy!

"You look beautiful this morning," Jim Simmons said, grinning with appreciation at her half-naked tits.

Linda scowled at him. "I wish you wouldn't say nice things to me. I know you don't mean them!"

"But I do," her father said.

"You do not! You make me ashamed to be pretty! Why do I have to sit here like this?" She peered down at her round, firm tits, so exposed to her dad's horny eyes.

"Because you are beautiful," he told her simply. "I've always liked to look at you at the table. It was hard to admire you with the old bitch around, but now I can tell you honestly just how I feel about you. You're beautiful and lovely and desirable--all the things I wished your mother was. You're fresh and clean and sexy."

"See what I mean?" Linda cried. "Sexy! That's all you're really thinking about! You don't mean all those nice things! You just want to have sex with me!"

"What's wrong with that?" Jim wanted to know. "It shows how much I love you."

"Love me! You raped me! You took my cherry! I was saving it for the man I married someday! Look what you've done to me!"

With that, she leaned back in the chair and deliberately threw her robe wide open so he could see every inch of her sexy body. Her tits heaved and her thighs opened to expose her wet pussy.

"Just look at me!" she cried, tears filling her eyes. "You've turned me into a slut! I never wanted you to touch me! Now look! I'm so ashamed! I've never been so humiliated in all my life! What would people think!"

"No one has to know about us," her dad said.

"But I know!" Linda wailed. "I don't feel like your little girl anymore! I feel like some young whore you picked up somewhere to... to... fuck!"

Jim's prick shot up in his shorts when his pretty daughter said that word. It was the first time.

He got up and moved to her side.

"You're getting all upset over nothing," he said soothingly. He set a hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Don't touch me!" she cried and her tears fell down her cheeks onto her naked tits.

"I just want to soothe you, baby," Jim said. "After all, I am your father. So you're upset. I can understand that. But you're being silly, Linda. You couldn't save your cherry that long. Some boy would get it sooner or later."

His logic didn't impress Linda. "Even so, at least it would have been a boyfriend! Not my father!"

"There, there," her dad soothed, stroking her soft hair slowly, eyeing her tits hungrily. His cock was throbbing wildly in his shorts, but he knew he'd have to play it cool today, if he was going to get lots of ass from pretty Linda.

"Ohhh, Daddy!" Linda cried, pulling her robe closed as she felt his tender hand on her head. "How could you have done this to me? I always knew you were thinking about it, but I never dreamed you would do it... not to your own little girl! I am your daughter, ain't I, Daddy? Ain't I? I heard you tell Mom that I'm not, that some other guy got her pregnant."

Jim dropped to his knees beside the weeping girl. He kept one hand on her head to stroke her hair. The other settled on her naked thigh and caressed slowly.

"I just said things like that to rile your mother. Of course, you're my daughter, Linda. I said things like that because I was sexually frustrated. You're old enough to understand things like that, aren't you?"

"I... I think so," Linda sniffled.

"Sure you are. Your mother has been a bitch to me, denying me sex night after night. A man needs sex, baby."

"But you drink so much," Linda sobbed as her dad's fingers touched her pussy-lips. "And you were so mean to Mom. You hit her. You hit me!"

"That's because women have to be kept in their places, baby. Try to understand. See how sexy you look? See how hard you make my prick? See how horny you make me? A woman is supposed to take care of a man when he's horny. She's not supposed to lock her legs closed and keep him out. She's not supposed to curse him and humiliate him when he's trying to make love to her. Haven't you noticed that I'm nicer, now that I've fucked you?"

"But that isn't right!" Linda cried. "Mom should have... well... you know... taken care of you."

"But she didn't! That's just the point. And the more she avoided me, the sexier you looked to me, until I thought I'd burst with love for you. I had to fuck you, Linda. Don't you see? I didn't really hurt you, did I? I made love to you. Sure I had to slap you around a little, but only until you behaved. If you're a good girl for me, I'll be real nice to you... like this." His fingers diddled her pussy and one teased her open, wet cunt-mouth. "Doesn't this feel good when you let it?"

"I don't want it to feel good," Linda cried. New tears began to fall.

"You've got to stop fighting it, sweetheart," her father said. "Let go and enjoy it. You'll like sex if you let me teach the way. You don't want to grow up like your mother, do you? Want to be a cold- hearted bitch who castrates men? Or do you want to be pretty, sexy, and fuckable? Don't you want lots of boys to fall all over you? What do you think sex appeal is? That's when guys smell your sexy cunt, when they know you fuck, then they all want to get into you. That's what makes a girl really popular. So feel good about your sexy body and hot passions."

"I can't! I can't!" Linda wailed. "I just can't!"

Her father suddenly stood up. Before she knew it, he had her up across his powerful arms.

"You just need more practice, baby," he said, carrying her across the room.

"Daddy... no." Linda said weakly, breathing rapidly as her father carried her into the living room. "Please... no more."

He stretched her lithe young body out on the sofa, then knelt beside her. Her senses reeled even as her dad's hand reached into her robe to caress a firm, pointed tit. Her lewd father's nearness made her head spin and her body feel funny, especially deep in her pussy. She felt breathless, helpless, hopeless when she was near him like this.

He kissed her cute little ear and whispered something naughty about her pussy as his hand covered her fur. Then his mouth sought one of her pink nipples and he sucked it gently. Linda flexed under her dad's relentlessly lewd hands and mouth. She could only gasp and whimper as wicked pleasure overwhelmed her defenseless body.

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