Raped Degraded Daughter - Cover

Raped Degraded Daughter


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A teen learns that she loves her dad very much, even after he rapes her continuously for days. She loves him so much in fact, that she uses her 'newly-found-love-for-sex' to get him a better paying job.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Rough   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jim Simmons pressed his daughter's body down on the bed. His big hands moved with lightning speed, empowered by his pent-up lust. One hand pulled the top of her dress down in front. The other shoved her dress up high on her flat belly. Then his glazed eyes devoured her cute little blue panties and matching bra. The bra was delightful, just two small triangles of filmy blue stuff. He could see Linda's nipples through the cups and her pussy through the light panties. Linda gasped as his gaze roamed freely over her lithe young body. She felt naked beneath his horny stare and his burning eyes told her that her nightmare had begun. Her worst fears were going to come true.

"Daddy... please don't look at me like that." She tried to cover her body. Her father looked mean and shoved her hands away.

"Just let me look at you," he said sternly. He pinned her wrists to her sides so she couldn't adjust her dress modestly. He wanted to enjoy a free look at her ripe, pointed tits and young pussy.

Linda shuddered. Tears stung Linda's blue eyes, and she whimpered.

"That isn't all you want to do to me. I know what you want to do." She sniffled like a hurt child. "Please don't, Daddy. Please don't do it to me."

Her father was excited by her softness and pleading voice. "Don't do what to you?"

"You know what."

"Tell me."

"No! You just want me to talk dirty!"

Jim laughed lewdly and his eyes seemed to blaze with fires.

"Tell me what you don't want me to do to you," he cajoled. He eyed her pouting young lips with lust and whispered: "Let me hear you say it."

"No!" Linda cried, twisting her face away so she wouldn't have to see the raw lust in his eyes.

"You will, baby," her father said slowly. "You'll say lots of nice sexy things, one of these days. You'll see."

"I never will!" Linda cried.

"Yes, you will. You're gonna do everything I tell you, you little cockteaser. Don't play coy with me. You've been cockteasing me for over a year now, and you know it. You sexy little bitch. Well, don't worry. Your old dad knows what you need. I've got what you want."

Linda could only twist helplessly and cry out: "Let me go! Leave me alone! Don't you dare touch me! I'll scream! I'll tell on you!"

To her dismay, her dad's eyes flared menacingly and he suddenly slapped her across the face. Her head jerked on the bed under the force of the blow. He slapped her again and glared at her until she burst into tears.

"Don't you ever say a thing like that again, you little bitch!" he snarled dangerously. "You hear me? You threaten me like that, and I'll beat you within an inch of your life! Scream, will you! Tell on me, will you!"

Linda didn't realize what she had let herself in for. But she soon found out. To her surprise and dread, her father stumbled to his feet and unbuckled his belt. Linda watched him unsnake the belt from around his waist, saw the leather strap swing loosely in the air.

"Daddy!" she gasped. "Wha... what are you going to do?"

Her answer came in a stinging blow of the belt to her naked young thighs. Linda screamed to feel the sudden pain. Her father had never spanked her in her life, much less beat her with his belt! Now the leather strap whistled through the air again and again. Linda cried out and bounced on the bed with each blow to her body. The belt smashed against her defenseless tits. Then her father seemed to aim for her crotch. The very end of the belt whipped against her pussy. Screaming, Linda jerked around onto her belly to escape the belt, but that left her ass fully exposed, and her father took advantage of her position. He gave her ass quite a few whacks of the strap, until the poor girl was whimpering and weeping soulfully. Only then did he let the belt fall to the floor. Linda sobbed and shivered, and she curled up on the bed.

Her father, breathing heavily and smelling of stale liquor, knelt on the bed and pulled her body around. He got her onto her back and gazed lewdly at her.

"Now are you gonna be a good girl?" he sneered.

Linda swallowed audibly, fear gripping her heart. Her tits heaved and her breath came in little gasps as she surrendered and whimpered: "Yes... yes!"

"That's better," her dad said, grinning lustfully. Leaning down, he plastered his mouth against hers. He plunged his thick tongue into her small mouth and filled it with his lust. Linda caught her breath as the weight of his body crushed her to the bed. Sobbing helplessly, she went lax as his tongue fucked in and out of her mouth and she submitted to his superior male strength. She was cornered, trapped like a helpless little animal. Her father was boss, master, and she was servant, slave. She cried softly as her dad kissed her in a dirty way. Against her will, her tits and pussy came alive.

In that moment of fear and anguish, Linda knew that she was slave to more than just her father's incredible lust for her. There was the matter of her own blossoming body. Even as her dad's tongue ravished her unwilling mouth, she remembered the sex scenes she had peeked at. She remembered peering into their bedroom and seeing her father's immense cock raping Janet's cunt, and she remembered the stirrings within her own body when she looked at those dreadful scenes. What frightened her now, as her father's big body pinned hers, was that she could feel those same stirrings deep in her cunt, and she didn't want them! But she couldn't stop them!

Jim Simmons breathed heavily through his flared nostrils as he kissed his sexy little girl and felt her lithe young body so vibrant beneath his. In his growing passion, he broke the wet, sloppy kiss, slipping his horny mouth to Linda's soft, smooth throat. His big hands moved up and down her sides, dragging her dress this way and that until more of her flesh was touchable.

Linda felt his hot hands run up and down her body, making her more and more naked. Her senses reeled as her flesh crawled with unwanted sensations. The feelings made her go weak, like a kitten succumbing to gentle stroking. She felt incredibly helpless now. Her father's lust seemed to be drowning her in a sea of sensation.

She was too young to realize that her father was systematically and subtly seducing her. And he was enjoying himself. He would have raped her, if it had been necessary, but the whipping had rendered her obedient enough to seduce.

All Linda knew was that she was afraid of her father now; afraid to defy him, afraid to fight against him, afraid to stop him from raping her. As gentle as he might be with her, this was still rape to the young girl. Her drunken, raunchy father was ravishing her against her will, defiling her, shaming her. And she knew that she could never tell a soul about this! How could she? She would be so ashamed! How could she tell even her best friend that her dad was feeling her up, lying on her with a huge hard-on in his pants?

She wanted to curse her father, the way her mother often had cursed him, but she could only whimper helplessly beneath his great weight as he licked his tongue over her neck.

She wanted to protest in some way when she felt her father's fingers clawing at her little bra, but she could only weep softly as he lewdly bared her jutting young tits, mauling them with his rough hands. Her tears fell faster when his hand reached down to push at her panties. Linda heard the small things rip, and she cried harder as his fingers contacted the soft flesh of her naked young cunt.

She gasped when she felt him press one big finger between the lips of her pussy. Her whole body stiffened and she cried: "Daddy! No! Please don't put your finger in me!"

"What's the big deal?" her father muttered into her ear. "Don't try to tell me you're really a virgin!"

"But I am! Oh, I am! Daddy, please! I am a virgin! I've never let a boy do that! I swear! Daddy! Please believe me! Don't hurt me!"

"There's one way to find out," Jim Simmons groaned lustfully, and he gently pushed the tip of his middle finger into his daughter's tight young pussy-hole. When he met with fleshy resistance, he gasped. "Jesus Christ! You've been telling the truth! God damn! You're still cherry? God damn!"

"I told you!" Linda cried hopefully. Now that her dad saw that she was telling the truth, he'd take pity on her, wouldn't he? He wouldn't break her cherry, would he? "So let me go! Don't hurt me, Daddy! Let me go! I've been saving it for my husband."

To Linda's dismay, her father laughed lewdly.

"Your husband!" he bellowed. "You expect to save your cherry until you get married?"

"Yes! Yes!" Linda wailed, trying to close her thighs against her father's disturbing hand.

"You're nuts, baby," her dad murmured. "You'll be lucky if you're still cherry tonight!"

"Daddy! No! Ohhh, no, Daddy! You wouldn't! Please, let me go! Let me go!"

She started to struggle and fight in earnest then, and Jim realized that he'd have to change his tactics. He shouldn't have frightened her like that. It was stupid of him.

He pinned her writhing body down, quickly kissed her ear and whispered: "Easy, baby, easy. I'm not taking your cherry, am I? See? I'm just petting your pussy. Come on, now. Just relax. You know I want to play with your cunt. You've been driving me crazy for so long."

"I... I didn't mean to," Linda said nervously as she relaxed her legs. Maybe if she let her dad feel her up, she'd be safe.

"That a girl," Jim murmured soothingly, kissing one of her jutting tits and rubbing her pussy-lips softly. "Just relax and let me play with you. I don't want to hurt you, Linda. I just want to have some fun."

The heat of his mouth startled Linda as he gently sucked one of her proud, jutting tits. The moving wetness of his tongue made her pink nipple spike and tingle more than it ever did when she played with it. A soft moan escaped her throat as her father ravished her tit and gently rubbed her moist cunt-lips.

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