Of Course She Loves a Horse - Cover

Of Course She Loves a Horse


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - After making it with two dogs, two women make it with each other, then they go to work on a Forest Ranger who came by to check in on them. And what is the Forest Ranger's wife doing, she loves a horse of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Well fucked and sucked, the hounds were slumbering in the corner, twitching with doggy-dreams.

Valerie and Cindy were cuddled together on the fluffy rug by the fireplace. Valerie was stretched out on her back and Cindy was leaning over her, kissing her and licking her lips. Cindy could taste her own cunt juice on Valerie's mouth and tongue and it was making her eager to try some cunt-lapping, herself.

Before today, Cindy would have been shocked and disgusted by her desires but now she saw such things in a different light. If Valerie, so feminine and sensual, enjoyed eating her pussy, it couldn't really be wrong, she reasoned. And even if it was a little naughty, the girl just knew pussy would be delicious. If her own pussy juice was so tasty on the other woman's lips, second-hand as it were, she could just imagine what it would be like to suck that sweet cream out of a hot cunt! The prospect was making her drool, her saliva dribbling into Valerie's parted lips. Cindy's tongue shot into the woman's mouth, entwining with Valerie's. The girl whimpered and squirmed, sliding her tongue in and out of Valerie's mouth and planning to slide it in and out of her cunt, too.

Valerie sighed and stretched. Her long, lithe body glistened in the gentle light of the log fire. Her wide, bushy pussy triangle lay like a shadow over her lower belly.

Cindy began to kiss her way down the woman's stomach, her lips moist and parted, panting on that velvet flesh.

"You don't have to, honey," Valerie whispered, thinking that maybe the girl figured she owed her a favor and didn't really want to go down on her pussy.

"I know... I want to," Cindy whimpered. "My tongue is hot for your cunt, Valerie... my tongue's burning!"

Valerie smiled happily. Her lush thighs parted. Cindy kissed down her belly and ran her tongue through the dark curls of the older woman's luxuriant cunt mound, slobbering into that thick jungle. Shifting lower, she licked up the insides of Valerie's thighs. She gazed lovingly at the woman's pussy. Valerie's cunt- lips were peeled wide open and the darker inner cunt flesh, streaked with pussy cream, was exposed. Cindy was staring right up that fuck-hole she intended to suck out and the sight was driving her wild with pussy-hunger. She licked her lips. She paused, prolonging the moment, savoring the delicious sight before she began to feed. Her tongue, virgin in respect to cunts, was tingling. Cindy's mouth was as hot as her cunt had been before Valerie sucked her off.

The blonde girl pushed her tongue out and touched the tip against Valerie's clit. Valerie shuddered. Cindy drew back, smiling, relishing her first-ever lick of pussy. With that very first taste, Cindy realized that cunt-lapping was going to be a joy and that from now on she was going to be sucking Valerie off a lot--and maybe any other sexy girl that happened to want her cunt sucked.

She licked again, lightly, tracing up the parted folds of the woman's cunt-lips, taking a lap on each side and then fluttering her tongue against her clit.

"Oooooh," Valerie moaned. "Tongue-fuck me, darling--lick me and suck me and make my cunt cream."

Cindy slid her tongue up inside Valerie's flooded cunt slot, stirring it around, then began to stab in and out, using her tongue just as if it were a tiny prick. Valerie's loins jerked and churned and cunt juice poured onto Cindy's taste buds. The girl parted her lips and clamped them to that soaking pussy, sucking hard.

Cindy looked up. "Is that right?" she asked.

"Ummm--you know it is," Valerie sighed.

And Cindy did know that, too. She had discovered that a normal girl needed no previous practice or experience--that sucking a cunt was the most natural thing in the world. She lowered her blonde head again. Her golden curls were resting on the shelf of Valerie's cunt mound and her face was framed by the woman's firm thighs. Valerie gazed down the arched plane of her body, loving to see that blonde head buried in her steaming groin. She could tell from the way Cindy was whimpering that the innocent girl was enjoying her hot pussy.

Cindy's tongue fluttered and her lips sucked. Her hands slid under Valerie's firm, heart-shaped ass, raising her crotch higher. The girl was rubbing her whole face around in that swampy cunt slot, her mouth wide open and plastered to the flowing fount, drinking from Valerie's creamy bowl with wet slurping sounds.

Valerie's hips and belly began to jerk in a fucking motion, working her pussy into Cindy's willing face. Cunt juice poured down her crotch and Cindy dipped down to lap it up. Her tongue slid up the juicy crack of Valerie's ass. That, too, was a tasty treat and Cindy was feeling suck-crazy by this time, wanting to do it all. Grasping the woman by the hips, she gently turned her over so that Valerie was face down on the rug. Cindy spread the cheeks of her ass wide open and ran her tongue up and down the ass crack, then fluttered it into Valerie's asshole.

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