Of Course She Loves a Horse - Cover

Of Course She Loves a Horse


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - After making it with two dogs, two women make it with each other, then they go to work on a Forest Ranger who came by to check in on them. And what is the Forest Ranger's wife doing, she loves a horse of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Tall in his well-polished boots, handsome under his fawn- colored Stetson and lean in his park service uniform, Richard Wood stood on the porch of his mountain cabin, surveying the rolling landscape through binoculars. Wood was a game warden doing double service as a fire watcher, and lived year round in his isolated cabin with his wife, Michelle. She was bored shitless by their lonely life--but she had found certain interesting compensations that made the boredom more sufferable.

Wood smiled when he saw the thin plume of gray smoke drifting up from Valerie's cabin. She always seemed pleased to see him and a visit to the sexy woman was always a treat. The front of his tight-fitting trousers began to swell at the prospect.

Wood turned back into the house.

Michelle was reading a magazine, her shapely legs parted and a lot of creamy thigh showing under the hem of her short skirt. She had never adapted to wearing clothing more suitable for life in the wilds. She wore boots, but they were fashionable ones. She always wore a garter-belt and stockings.

Wood thought it was kind of absurd--but it turned him on, too.

She glanced up from the magazine. She was a pretty girl with high cheekbones and a heavy mane of auburn hair, a bouncing ass and well-rounded hips and big tits. Looking at her parted thighs, Wood, who was already feeling horny, wondered if he should fuck her. Fucking his sexy wife was no hardship and they fucked frequently but, at the moment, Wood decided that he should save his hard-on for Valerie. After all, he could fuck his wife any day, and Valerie was only available the odd weekend.

"I saw some smoke over on the next ridge," Wood said. "I guess I better go have a look, in case it's a brush fire."

"All right, darling," Michelle said.

A flicker of a smile passed across her sensual lips. She knew perfectly well where her husband was going, and why. She had followed him one time, having become suspicious, and had seen him go into the cabin with Valerie. But the knowledge that her husband was being unfaithful to her didn't trouble Michelle in the slightest. In fact, it was handy for her purposes, since it got the man out of the way and allowed her to indulge in her own naughty inclinations.

"Are you taking the Jeep?" she asked.

"Thought I might ride the horse," Wood said. He rather liked the image of himself in the saddle.

Michelle looked down, concealing an annoyed frown. "I really had intended to groom the horse this afternoon, Richard," she said. "His coat is quite matted. Take the Jeep, instead, okay?"

Wood shrugged and nodded. Although his wife hated most things about life in the wilds, she had always seemed to be fond of the horse. That pleased Wood--who hadn't the faintest idea of just how fond of that horse his wife was, and in what manner.

"I'll be back in a couple of hours," he said.

"Take your time," said Michelle.

Wood went out. Michelle sat in the chair, waiting until she heard the Jeep start up and drive away, bouncing over the rough road. Then a smile brightened her face. She drew the hem of her skirt higher and gazed down at her crotch.

Michelle was not wearing panties.

Her naked cunt bush was framed by the straps of a black garter-belt and above her stocking tops her bare thighs were smooth and soft. She had a luxurious pussy mound, the reddish cunt hair curly and thick and the triangle spreading wide on her belly, a tendril trailing up to her belly button. Her cunt-lips were unfolded now, peeled back wide, and her slot was streaming cunt juice. She slid a hand down, cupping her soaking pussy and rubbing her fingertips against the stiff nugget of her clit. She purred, squirming against her hand.

"Daddy's gone away for a while," she crooned softly to her amazing little fuck hole as if it were an intelligent being. "That means you're gonna get some real exercise."

She rubbed her erect clitty again, causing her whole body to shudder with pleasure. She slipped two fingers into her slippery hot pleasure channel and began to stroke slowly in and out. She threw her head back and her body arched with pleasure as her tight little buttocks squirmed in the chair. But then she drew her hand away. There was no way she was going to settle for a hand-job-- not with the pleasure that was waiting in the barn.

Michelle stood up and removed her blouse and skirt, leaving her high boots, stockings and garter belt on. She didn't imagine that the stallion cared about such embellishments as erotic garb, but looking sexy made her feel sexy and therefore enjoy it more.

With her naked pelvis slung in the straps of her black garter belt like a juicy missile in a slingshot and her firm-globed ass swinging like a pendulum, Michelle went out of the cabin and walked down the path leading to the small barn where the horse was kept.

The stallion was a buff-colored quarter horse, agile and nimble, with speed and endurance. It was just the right sort of mount to use in the thickly forested and rugged mountains, both for Wood, who rode it--and for his wife, who let the horse ride her.

When Michelle entered the barn, that stallion raised his head and nickered softly. He was growing happily accustomed to these visits from his master's wife. His soft nostrils flared as he got a whiff of hot pussy and his dark cockhead came sliding slowly out from the leathery cock sheath. He snorted and pawed at the ground and his massive prick began to harden and lengthen.

Michelle gazed at the formidable stirrings of his arousal with happy expectations. His long prick jerked up to the horizontal, the thick cockshaft sprouting out from his belly like a slimy baseball bat.

Michelle just adored that colossal horse-prick. She had only one regret--she was only able to take about two-thirds of it up her cunt and it seemed a shame to waste the other third.

She waited just inside the door, enjoying the sight of his rapidly growing prick and inflating balls. Then she moved to the side and bent down, her lush ass hiking up. There was smooth- bottomed sled in the barn, used mainly for hauling firewood across the snow, but Michelle had found a better use for it. Hauling the horse's ashes was a lot more fun than dragging firewood. The sled was just the right height so that, when she reclined upon it, her cunt was level with the horse's prick, and it made a perfect fucking platform.

The surface of the sled was stained just under where her ass had been churning and her cunt had overflowed the last time she had used the sled, lathering the polished wood. Reminding her, as it did, of how much she had enjoyed creaming on the cuntful of pounding stallion's prick, the sight caused Michelle to tremble.

She took the sled by the rope lead and dragged it across the barn to the horse's stall. The stallion eyed her and neighed, muscles rippling in his powerful haunches. Michelle pulled the sled in beside the powerful beast and his head bobbed down, mane tumbling. His tongue shot out and he nuzzled her cunt bush. She parted her thighs and his rippling nostrils flared against her steamy pussy. He lapped at her cunt, nickering softly.

Michelle turned around and bent over. Placing her open palms on the cheeks of her ass, she spread them apart. The horse ran his tongue up the crack of her ass and slurped at her asshole.

She let him tongue her ass for a minute or two, then turned and sank to her knees beside him. Knowing that her husband was going to gone for some time, Michelle saw no reason to hurry and decided to enjoy some preliminary love-play before she got fucked.

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