Of Course She Loves a Horse - Cover

Of Course She Loves a Horse


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - After making it with two dogs, two women make it with each other, then they go to work on a Forest Ranger who came by to check in on them. And what is the Forest Ranger's wife doing, she loves a horse of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Who shall I suck off next?" asked Valerie, as the dog wriggled up to her and Cindy arched her back and squirmed on the edge of the couch, her cunt overflowing with the foaming nectar of her lust. Valerie looked back and forth between the delicious hairy pussy and the dog's tasty-looking cock.

"Do me," Cindy whimpered.

"Woof," said Buck.

Valerie wrapped her arm around the dog and slid her other hand under him, fondling his cock and balls. His haunches rippled as he fucked through her fist. His amber eyes glowed and his long red tongue was hanging out, dripping doggy-slobber.

Using his prick like a leash, Valerie dragged the hound closer to the couch. Cindy sat up and closed her legs.

"Keep that fucking dog away from my cunt," she said.

Valerie had thought that the girl might enjoy a little tonguing from the dog, but now she realized that Cindy was not quite ready for that yet. There was no point in trying to break the girl in too fast, not with the whole weekend and, hopefully, other weekends ahead of them. In fact, if she had been alone with the doggy, Cindy would have welcomed his cunt-lapping, but she was still too shy to allow it with Valerie a witness.

"Um hum," Valerie said, nodding. "I want that delicious pussy for myself, honey--you and Buck can share my mouth."

Cindy let her lush thighs open again, whimpering with need. Valerie pulled the dog up beside the couch. With one hand on his prick and the other on his collar, she hauled him up, so that his front paws were on the couch, beside Cindy's hip. His long cock loomed out over Cindy's trembling loins. Valerie rested her chin on the girl's golden triangle and yanked Buck's cock level with her mouth. Her pink tongue came out and she began to lick the dog's cockhead.

Cindy stared down, seeing Valerie's face and Buck's prick through the arch of her cleavage and over the plane of her belly. She watched the woman's tongue slide all over the dog's meaty cock and whimpered. Cunt juice poured down her crotch.

Buck yelped and squirmed, pushing his prick into Valerie's face. Her lips parted and she slurped his cockhead into her mouth, purring happily as she nursed on his succulent cockmeat.

Then she drew her lips off the animal's prick and twisted her face down into Cindy's foaming crotch. Her tongue shot out and she began to lick and lave the girl's steaming pussy. Cindy gasped and moaned. Valerie's tongue was as good as she had imagined it would be, working its moist magic on her smoldering cunt.

"God--your cunt is so fucking delicious," Valerie murmured, stabbing her tongue up the girl's fuck-hole and then flicking it across her tingling clit.

Her lips clamped over Cindy's frothy cunt slot and she sucked with enthusiasm. Neglected, Buck whined and humped, shoving his prick through Valerie fist and nudging the cocktip against her cheek.

Valerie turned back to the dog and sucked his hot cockhead into her mouth. She sucked so deeply that she seemed to be trying to inhale his cockmeat right down into her lungs.

Cindy's hips and belly pumped impatiently. Valerie pulled her lips off Buck's cock and clamped them onto Cindy's cunt again. Cindy shuddered, her ass churning. Buck fucked through Valerie's hand again. His fiery red cockhead, slippery with her saliva, squeezed out and a blob of spunk oozed from his piss-hole and dropped onto Cindy's belly. The girl squealed when she felt that hot slime splash onto her. Valerie slid her tongue across and lapped the tasty dog-cum up, whimpering hungrily.

Valerie kept switching back and forth, sucking Cindy's cunt and the dog's cock in rotation, savoring a two-course meal and yearning for the creamy dessert that would follow. Valerie adored cum and cunt juice equally, and the prospect of drinking both at once was driving her wild.

"Ummm," she purred, sucking on Cindy's pussy and then, "Ahhh," as she nursed on the dog's prick.

Her head ducked down and she slid her tongue up through the crack of the blonde teenager's ass, licking out the cunt juice that had seeped into that tight crevice. Cindy hiked her ass higher and Valerie's tongue slipped into her asshole. The hungry woman rimmed that tight brown bud for a moment, then ran her tongue up in a long slurp that laved the girl from shit chute to cunt mound, lapping up cunt juice and laying a slippery trail of saliva in its place. She turned to mouth the dog's prick. Cindy's pelvis jolted in a fucking motion. Valerie turned back and forth, tongue flashing and lips sucking ravenously as she gorged on the double treat.

Doggy-jism trickled from Buck's piss-hole and coated Valerie's tongue. She buried her face between Cindy's thighs and spread that steaming-hot joy juice onto the girl's cunt, then lapped it back up, blended with Cindy's cunt juice into a savory sauce.

The combination was tangy and musky and spicy. Valerie's taste buds were sparking as she drooled into Cindy's open pussy, whetting her appetite with every slurp. Greedy gourmet that she was, Valerie decided to mix herself a spectacular meal. She spread the girl's creamy cunthole wide open with her fingers. Her other hand was on the dog's prick. She aimed the head of his cock at Cindy's sodden cunthole and began to jack his cock. Buck whimpered and humped, fucking through his mistress' hand. His flaring cockhead pushed out, aimed at Cindy's pussy. Frothy white dog-cum streaked the hot-red cockmeat and dripped into the blonde girl's pussy slot.

"I'm gonna jerk the doggy off right into your cunt, honey," Valerie rasped, her voice husky with passion. "Then I'm gonna suck his cum out of you while I make you cream."

"Ooooh--yes," Cindy moaned.

Buck's cockhead was only inches away from Cindy's gaping cunt crater as he fucked through Valerie's fist. Valerie pumped back to the hairy root of his prick, and his cock-knob flared out, pulsing and throbbing. The darkhaired dog lover licked his prick as she stroked him and Buck began to tremble and whine with rising need. His prick expanded in her hand and Valerie began to jerk his cock faster, eager for the results.

Holding Cindy's cunt wide open, Valerie beat the dog's cockmeat up and down vigorously. Cindy stared down, watching the animal's prick swell and ripple, waiting to feel his jism splash into her cunthole. Buck lurched and rumbled, his hindquarters heaving.

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