Of Course She Loves a Horse - Cover

Of Course She Loves a Horse


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - After making it with two dogs, two women make it with each other, then they go to work on a Forest Ranger who came by to check in on them. And what is the Forest Ranger's wife doing, she loves a horse of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

"That'll be King," Valerie said, smiling. "I'll bet he got a whiff of your pussy--and I'll bet he's got a hard-on too."

"Are you gonna... ?"

"I'll take care of King, first. And then I'll go down on you again, after you're all hot and horny."

Cindy was in two minds about this. She hated to have Valerie's mouth neglect her cunt, but she knew how thrilling it was to watch the depraved woman fuck her dogs. She smiled weakly and nodded. Valerie got up and moved to the door. Cindy gazed at her heart-shaped ass seeing the naked woman in a new light, in a way that she had never looked at a woman before--thinking how smooth and sexy and desirable a female body was.

And how delicious, too!

God--am I gonna turn into a cunt-sucker, Cindy wondered, very much aware of the way her mouth was watering.

But the idea didn't shock her, as it would have yesterday. If a gorgeous, glamorous, feminine woman like Valerie sucked cunts, it couldn't be too awful.

Still, she fucks her dogs--and I'd never do anything that depraved, Cindy thought. Even if those big dog-pricks do look so fucking nice. The confused girl began to blush at her own imagination.

Valerie opened the cabin door and King came bounding in, yelping and squirming and, sure enough, his prick was as hard as a rock and his balls were swollen with cum. He shot past Valerie and halted, skidding on the floor. He twisted back violently, his spine jerking, and began to immediately lap at her ass. Valerie laughed and turned around and the eager doggy slapped his tongue at her cunt bush, his haunches lowering and his tail wagging and his hindquarters quivering with expectation.

The dog had been romping in the forest, looking for juicy bunnies to chase, when the delicious fragrance of two hot cunts had come drifting from the cabin, borne on the fresh mountain air and permeating the woodlands all around. Lapping pussy was a lot more exciting than chasing a bunny.

King had brought his hard-on home.

Valerie dipped at the knees and parted her thighs, letting King slap his tongue into her, wet crotch. She lowered herself, then raised up again and his head went up and down after her pussy. Cunt juice and doggy-slobber poured down the insides of her shapely thighs.

After a few moments she stood upright again and took the excited dog by the collar, leading him closer to where Cindy was sprawled on the couch. Cindy closed her legs immediately, thinking that maybe Valerie wanted the doggy to give her cunt some tongue. But Valerie was only moving the performance closer to the spectator.

Valerie knelt down beside the dog.

"You gonna fuck him, too?" Cindy whispered.

"No," Valerie said. "I'm in an oral mood now. I think maybe I'll wash down the cunt juice I just swallowed with a nice load of hot, thick doggy-jism."

"Oh!" Cindy squealed.

The idea of sucking a dog's prick seemed even more naughty than fucking him--and just as thrilling. Her well-sucked cunt began to heat up again and, although she hated to admit it, her mouth was feeling pretty hot and horny, too.

Valerie curled onto her flank beside the dog. King stood stiff legged, awaiting his mistress' whims. Valerie reached under the brute and slid her open hand up and down his hairy cock sheath. His naked red cockhead flared out and his prick jerked and pulsed. Valerie folded her fist around his cock and skimmed up and down lightly, just brushing over the throbbing cockshaft. Then her grip tightened and she began to jack him off. His hairy cock sheath folded up at the ledge behind his prick-knob as her hand pulled up and as she pushed back to the root of his prick, his cockhead ballooned out, angry red and flaring and throbbing. The dog whimpered and humped, fucking his fat cock through Valerie's stroking fist.

Cindy's palms were itching for a feel of doggy-prick. She knew it would be a real thrill to have one of those thick cockstalks throbbing in her fist. Of course, she would never frig a dog's prick--well, not in public, anyway.

Maybe if, sometime over this long weekend, she had a chance to be alone with one of the dogs, so that no one would ever know except the dog, who could scarcely blow the whistle on her, the way some of the boasting loudmouthed boys she had petted with did- -just maybe she might give one of the horny hounds a hand-job. What a turn-on to pump the cum out of a dog's prick, to see the creamy stuff squirt from his cockhead and feel his cockrod buck in her fist! That was as far as she would go, of course. Just give the brute a hand-job, nothing more naughty than that--nothing like Valerie was about to do.

Valerie was really and truly going to give the doggy some head! Cindy's mind reeled and spun. The sexy teenager was overcome by lust.

Valerie had slipped her head under the hound and was licking her lips. The dog's red cockhead was looming up right in front of her face. She glanced across and smiled at Cindy, pleased to see how interested the girl looked--knowing that by the time she had finished milking the dog's cock and balls, Cindy would be hot as a pistol again, and ready to give Valerie another tasty snack on her sweet pussy.

Valerie pushed her fist back toward the dog's bloated balls, skimming his cockhead naked. Her tongue flicked against the cocktip. King whined and Cindy gasped. Curled up in the corner, Buck raised his head from his paws and, when he saw the treat that was in store for his canine companion, his cock began to stiffen again.

Valerie ran her wet tongue all over the head of the dog's prick, laving his cock thoroughly. His naked cockmeat was so hot that her saliva was almost steaming from his cock-knob. She held his prick at the base, not frigging him now, wanting to do the job with her mouth without any assistance from her hands. If she was in a hurry, Valerie hastened the conclusion of a blow-job by jerking the doggy off as she mouthed his cock-knob but, with the whole weekend ahead of her, she could afford to savor the tasty task.

Her tongue slid around on the underside of his cockhead, then glided up the slope and lapped at his piss-hole. She drew back to see the results. A glob of spunk oozed out and clung, heavy and sluggish, to the tip of his cockknob.

"Ooooh," she murmured, and her tongue flipped out, gathering that slimy blob onto her taste buds. She let it roll around on her tongue for a moment, then gulped it down. "Yummy."

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