Of Course She Loves a Horse - Cover

Of Course She Loves a Horse


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - After making it with two dogs, two women make it with each other, then they go to work on a Forest Ranger who came by to check in on them. And what is the Forest Ranger's wife doing, she loves a horse of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Amused by the girl's shy diffidence, Valerie was smiling--but the lips that smiled were creamy and trembling. She turned away from the dog who, his lust spent, wandered off to curl up in the corner. Valerie knelt before Cindy.

"You sure you don't mind?" she asked, with mild sarcasm.

But, not waiting for a reply, she leaned down and began to lick at the backs of the girl's knees. Valerie's tongue was lathering Cindy's flesh with dog-cum and saliva. She licked up and down those glorious legs. She kissed and tongued the girl's feet and worked up her calves, and her lips brushed up the inner slopes of her thighs. Cindy trembled, both with nervousness and, more, with desire.

The woman, cunt hungry as she was, was in no hurry to feast on that sweet young pussy. Now that the end result was certain, Valerie was enjoying the foreplay. She licked up Cindy's legs as far as the leg-holes of the girl's denim shorts, where the material was sucked into the vee of her crotch as if her cunt were a cloth-attracting magnet. Pulling the leg-holes out with her fingers, she licked at the creases where Cindy's thighs joined her body, working on one side and then the other and, as she switched across, pausing to blow her warm breath onto the girl's crotch. As she did so, she saw the crotch of Cindy's shorts darken and grow even damper.

Knowing what a tasty treat was smoldering there, right in front of her face, separated only by a slender band of denim, Valerie began to drool and her tongue tingled. She pushed her tongue out and ran it, flattened, up Cindy's crotch. She could feel the heat come through the denim and taste the cunt juice that had seeped into the material.

She lapped at Cindy's crotch again, slurping moistly. She kissed the sodden denim, blowing through it and feeling the teenager's hot cunt ripple on the other side. She sucked at the seepage, then slipped her tongue up the leg-hole, flicking in and out at the crease, not actually making contact with Cindy's cunt.

Was this how lesbians did it? naive Cindy wondered. Did they just mouth each other through their clothing?

"Aren't you gonna take my shorts down?" she asked timidly.

Valerie smiled at the question and at the hint of disappointment that could be discerned in the girl's tone. This seduction was going as well as Valerie had hoped it would. Cindy was truly innocent and inexperienced, but her sweet body was so naturally horny that Valerie felt certain the girl would be ready for anything by the time the weekend was over, and there were so many things to teach her.

"Yes, darling--I'm going to take your shorts down," Valerie whispered. "I'm going to tongue-fuck your naked cunt and suck your sweet cunt juice out of you."

Cindy trembled, eyelashes fluttering.

Valerie's thighs tensed as she leaned higher. She began to lick the girl's belly. Her tongue probed Cindy's belly button and slid on up, licking at her fat tits again. Valerie was spit- bathing the teenager's trim body. She laved the hollow of her throat, licked her neck, dipped in to tongue her armpit.

Cindy was vibrant, moaning softly as she sprawled there, feeling as if Valerie was using her as a mere plaything--and simply adoring to be played with.

Valerie kissed and licked back down to Cindy's belly. She hooked her fingers under the waistband of the girl's shorts and, without opening the fly, pulled them lower. The upper curls of Cindy's blonde pussy hair appeared as the shorts were dragged down. Valerie ran her tongue through that golden forest.

"Shall I take your shorts down now?" she asked teasingly.

"If--if you want to--I guess it's okay," the shy girl said, trying not to reveal her burning desire.

"Do you want me to?"

"I guess so."

"Ask me, then," Valerie demanded, running her tongue, rustling, through the golden filigree of Cindy's cunt bush.

"I--I said--you could," Cindy whimpered.

"Ask me! Say please! Tell me what you want!" Valerie rasped. Her green eyes flashed. Cindy whimpered, feeling as if she were a dog being made to beg for a bone. She hesitated. How could she voice her desires? Letting the woman eat her pussy was one thing being passive, allowing it, pretending that she was only doing it to please the older woman didn't seem so shameful. But to be made to plead for what they both wanted was mortifying. She stared down at Valerie, pleading with her eyes, wordlessly. But she saw the determination on Valerie's face and realized that, no matter how much the woman lusted for her naked cunt, she was not going to do it unless and until Cindy made that compromise. Cindy gulped.

Then, surprising herself, the words seeming to come out without any instructions from her mind, she said: "Take my shorts down. Use your mouth on my naked cunt. Oooh, Valerie, please suck me off!"

She blushed and Valerie smiled triumphantly.

The dark-haired beauty unsnapped the waistband and slowly drew the zipper down. The shorts wedged open and Valerie's tongue slurped at Cindy's plump cunt mound. Then she began to tug the shorts down over Cindy's ass and hips. Cindy squirmed, helping her. The sodden shorts dragged down and the teenager's pussy was bared to Valerie's gaze. Valerie purred at the sight. Cindy's cunt was rosy-lipped and unfolded, the slot awash with creamy lather and her clit taut and trembling.

Valerie drew the shorts down and off Cindy's feet. She spread the girl's sleek thighs apart, her head moving between them. She blew on Cindy's pussy and, as if that creamy slot were a glowing ember, saw the flames of lust leap higher as Cindy's clit and cunt-lips flushed. The folds rippled and cunt juice slid down the gash of her pussy.

Valerie gazed up at the girl's face and raised her eyebrows. Cindy knew what the woman wanted and, no longer in any condition to hesitate, said: "Suck my pussy, Valerie! Make me cream with your tongue!"

Valerie gave a contented sigh and leaned closer, her tongue pushing out. She tapped the tip against Cindy's clit. The girl seemed to explode at the first light touch, her whole lithe body jerking violently. Her slim back arched and her long legs trembled.

Valerie concentrated on Cindy's clit to begin with, using only her tongue at first. She flicked and fluttered and laved that swollen nugget of sensation. Slippery with cunt juice, the stiff clit slid against her tongue and Cindy began to moan continuously. Valerie realized that the girl was going to cream soon--too soon. Valerie had gotten her so hot that there was no way her climax could be prolonged for any length of time--her first climax, anyway. But there would be more, longer and lingering and leisurely, giving Valerie a chance to dine to her heart's content on that succulent pussy before she was rewarded by the girl's coming.

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