Of Course She Loves a Horse - Cover

Of Course She Loves a Horse


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - After making it with two dogs, two women make it with each other, then they go to work on a Forest Ranger who came by to check in on them. And what is the Forest Ranger's wife doing, she loves a horse of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Cindy watched Valerie's foot rub the dog's cock and balls and saw his naked cock-knob flare out. His piss-hole was parted and moist, pre-cum bubbling out. Cindy still didn't believe that Valerie would actually fuck a dog--let alone give one a blow-job.

Letting a doggy lick her cunt was naughty, but not really so terrible. And now the naive young blonde figured that Valerie was merely going to make the dog come with her foot or, at most, with her hand. Even that tame prospect was a real turn-on. Cindy gazed at his throbbing cockhead, imagining what it would be like when his jism came squirting from his piss-hole in frothy jets. The sight and the prospect caused her pussy to overflow. A nugget of cunt juice slid out of the leg-hole of her brief shorts and gleamed on her creamy thigh, like a pearl on velvet.

Then Valerie took her foot away. Giving Cindy a sideways glance, both amused and pleased by the young girl's fascination, Valerie patted the couch beside her.

Buck was no novice at this game. He gave a happy, excited yelp and bounded up, one forepaw on either side of the woman's supple hips and his hind legs on the floor. His massive prick loomed out over the woman's cunt mound and belly. His haunches bunched with muscle, then humped, driving his cock against her stomach. A blob of spunk dripped from the cock-knob and ran into Valerie's belly button. The blob was still connected to his meaty cockhead by a gossamer thread of jism.

Cindy squealed.

"Yeah," Valerie said, reading the girl's mind accurately. "I'm really gonna let him fuck me, honey."

She squirmed down and thrust her big tits up. The dog's bubbling cockhead slid against her nipple. Then he humped again, shoving his slimy fucker up into her cleavage, fucking her between the tits. His prick had left a slippery trail of slime up her stomach as the fiery red crown nudged into the soft crack of her cleavage.

Cindy felt as if she were going to faint. Every nerve in her body was tingling.

Valerie let the horny hound fuck her tits for a moment, then she reached down with both hands. She cupped his bloated balls in one hand and folded the other around the thick root of his prick.

She levered his cock down, so that his prick-knob rustled in her curly cunt bush. Doggy-slime matted the ebony curls, glistening in that dark jungle. Squirming, Valerie slid upward and pulled the hound's cock down into her groin.

Holding his prick by the hilt, the woman began to move the tip of his cock up and down in her steaming cunt slot, using his prick like a spoon to stir her cream bowl and rub against her clit.

"Oooooh--he's so hot and hard," she murmured. "What a lovely cuntful he's got for me today."

My God--the woman is totally depraved, Cindy thought. But she had to admit that that dog's prick looked wonderful. She just knew that she would be fantasizing about dog-cock the next time she frigged herself off--not that she would ever actually do such a sordid thing in reality. Fantasy was harmless, she knew.

But this was no fantasy. That hard red dog-cock was sliding up and down through Valerie's pink cunt-lips and brushing over her clit as, tilting her wrist, she levered his cockmeat through her cunt slot. His seeping piss-hole was dribbling scum into Valerie's pussy slot so that, as her wrist moved, she seemed to be whitewashing her cunt with some big, meaty brush.

Changing her grip, Valerie pulled the head of the doggy's prick up into her cunthole. She shifted her hips, getting into position. Then she took her hands away from his cock and balls. Now the clever hound needed no further manual assistance. Well trained and obedient, he knew just what to do.

Buck nudged his loins out and all of his naked cock-knob vanished up Valerie's smoldering cunt slot. Her wet cunt-lips fluttered and rippled as they collared his prick just behind the crown. Buck whined and pushed another inch of cockmeat into her, through that tight pink collar.

Valerie arched her back, not moving herself, but waiting for the dog to bury his bone.

The hound fucked in slowly, inch by inch. His long, thick cockshaft disappeared up her fuck-hole gradually until his fucker was buried to the balls, all of his prick inside her cunt. Then neither of them moved for a moment. The doggy was savoring the pleasure of having every inch of his cock enveloped in clinging pussy, and Valerie was thrilling to the sensation of having her hot cunt stuffed to the very brim with a load of iron-hard, throbbing doggy-prick.

Valerie moved first, pumping her pelvis and fucking her cunt through an inch or two of dog-cock. She rolled her hips from side to side, winding her tight fuck-hole around on his thick cunt- stuffer like a juicy nut onto an iron bolt. Her pussy was squashing as her talented cunt muscles sucked on his cockmeat. The interior rings closed in concentric circles, running up his cockrod as if she were jerking him off with her pussy.

Buck whimpered at the feeling. His whole hairy body was trembling and his tongue was lolling out, still dripping cunt juice along with his doggy-slobber. His long tail swished behind him as he prepared for the assault, like a rudder steering his loins.

Then the dog went wild.

His hindlegs scrabbled at the floor as he pulled his prick out until only the naked meat of his angry red cock-knob remained in her steaming pussy, then he fucked all of that long prickrod back into her. His cock-lance hissed up her soaking fuck-hole.

"He's fucking you!" cried Cindy, in wonderment and awe. "The dog is fucking your cunt!"

"You bet your sweet ass, honey--and I fucking love it!" Valerie gasped as she pumped her cunt down to meet the dog's next fuck-lunge. He fucked in to the balls, his swollen balls swinging in to slap on her ass like the clapper of some meaty bell.

The hound's haunches rippled and quivered. He fucked faster and harder, berserk with the joy of it. His prick jerked out, coated with cunt cream, then rammed back up that smoldering pussy with a violence that rattled Valerie's bones. He was tilting her ass up as he stuffed her full of cockmeat.

She writhed and thrashed about under the brute, meeting him in counterpoint, pushing her pussy down as he fucked in and rolling her hips as he drew out. Her cunt walls molded themselves around the contours of his throbbing prick, clinging and massaging every inch as it fucked in and out.

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