Of Course She Loves a Horse - Cover

Of Course She Loves a Horse


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - After making it with two dogs, two women make it with each other, then they go to work on a Forest Ranger who came by to check in on them. And what is the Forest Ranger's wife doing, she loves a horse of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Cindy moved away, her sweet ass sliding along the couch. She pulled the front of her shorts up and fastened them, then sat with her legs firmly pressed together. A trickle of cunt juice ran slowly down her leg.

Valerie stared at the girl in disappointment. She knew where she had slipped up, of course. She had misjudged Cindy's arousal and had finger-fucked her too long. Now that the girl had creamed, she was once more in control of herself. Valerie was going to have to wait, obviously, until the girl was horny again.

But cunning Valerie knew how to arrange that.

"Look, I'm sorry--but I'm just not that sort of girl," Cindy said. "I shouldn't have let you suck my tits and finger-fuck me, even--but I sure won't let you suck my cunt."

Valerie shrugged, playing it cool--although she was anything but cool. She was lusting for Cindy's pussy.

"I'm real sorry if you thought... Well, if I've frustrated you," Cindy said. "I mean, if I led you on--"

Valerie laughed. "I've heard about cock-teasers," she said. "But you must be a tongue-teaser."

Cindy giggled, pleased that Valerie was laughing about it, instead of being angry.

"Don't worry about me, honey," said the older woman. "I just thought you might enjoy it. I'm not gonna be frustrated this weekend. There's a handsome game warden who lives on the next ridge and he usually comes over to see me, then--" She paused, gazing impishly at Cindy. "And then, I can always fuck my dogs."

"W-what?" Cindy stammered.

Valerie grinned. Cindy's expression was so startled and shocked that it was amusing.

"Sure. Why not?" Valerie said. "I let the dogs fuck me a lot. I enjoy it and they enjoy it, and what's the harm? It's really a turn-on to have a big horny dog fucking your cunt, panting and whimpering. Sometimes they howl when they come."

Cindy's mouth was hanging open and she was shaking her blonde head from side to side in disbelief.

"You're putting me on," she said.

"Oh, no. I'm quite serious." Valerie replied.

"I don't believe you actually... actually fu... fuck dogs!"

"Oh? Well, I don't want you to think I'm a liar--so I suppose I'll have to let you watch."

"I--I could never watch anything so disgusting!" Cindy said. But her fascination was evident, despite her words.

"No? Well, suit yourself, Cindy. I'm gonna have me some doggy-prick right now. You can watch or not."

Cindy knew that she should refuse. But she was intrigued.

"Well--maybe just for a minute," she said, her resolve weakening. "Not because I'm interested or anything, just to see if you really were telling me the truth--which I still don't believe."

Valerie got to her feet. She opened her blouse and slipped it off. Her tits were firm and thrusting and her nipples stood out rigidly.

Cindy could not help but stare at those lovely tits, and wonder why she found them so exciting.

Valerie grinned, noticing the girl's interest in her body. She unfastened her slacks and lowered them. She was wearing brief bikini panties, drawn tightly across her loins.

She stepped out of the slacks and then hooked her thumbs under the elastic band of her panties and squirmed out of them. She raised one knee to remove them from her foot--and to give Cindy a good look at her steaming-hot pussy.

Valerie's cunt bush was a dark jungle, a luxuriant, wide triangle of ebony curls, and her open cunt slot flowed through her crotch like a sluggish, swampy river through a forest. Cindy wanted to look away, but she couldn't. Her eyes were glued to Valerie's creamy cunt. Valerie lifted the other leg, drawing the panties off. The crotch-band was soaking wet. When she tossed them aside, the panties fluttered to the floor like a butterfly with wet wings. She stood for a moment, letting Cindy stare at her body. It made Valerie tingle to have the nubile teenager's eyes on her--and it was encouraging, as well.

Then Valerie turned and moved to the door.

King had vanished into the woods but Buck was sniffing around in the front yard. Since both dogs were of the same breed and had cocks of equal size and vigor, Valerie never cared which one she fucked--although sometimes she liked to fuck both of the horny brutes at the same time, one cock up the cunt and one cock in the mouth.

"Here, boy!" she called.

Buck raised his head, one ear cocked. His nostrils twitched as the fragrance of hot pussy drifted across the yard on the wholesome mountain air. His amber eyes glowed and his cock began to instantly elongate and stiffen. He took one tentative step and paused.

"C'mon, boy--hot pussy!" Valerie called.

She heard Cindy gasp behind her and grinned. "Come and get your doggy yummy!" she called.

My God, she's really gonna do it, Cindy realized. And, at the realization, despite herself, the girl began to get hot again. Fucking with an animal was depraved, she knew--but it was all the more exciting because of that. Cindy would never, ever, do such a naughty thing, herself--so she thought--but she couldn't help but be fascinated.

Buck yelped and came bounding across the yard.

He rushed through the doorway so fast that he skidded on the floor, his paws scrambling. He was squirming and wriggling with anticipation, fully aware of what the summons from his naked, aromatic mistress meant. He was aware, too, of the sweet scent of a second hot cunt in the room and gave Cindy a glance. His sensitive nostrils were assailed from all angles. He trotted over to Valerie's abandoned panties and sniffed at them, then ran his long red tongue up the sodden crotch-band.

"He knows what's good," Valerie said. "Even if you don't."

Buck had clamped his white-fanged jaws on the sweet-scented panties and was shaking them about.

Cindy gulped when she saw that the dog's prick was swelling. She felt as if she were in some wildly erotic dream, as if it couldn't be really happening. As she stared at the brute, the red knob of his naked cockhead came sliding out the front of the hairy sheath. That red prickmeat was so glossy that it seemed to have been polished. And at the other end of his long cockstalk, his balls were swollen like balloons about to burst.

Valerie came over to the couch and sat down beside Cindy, her ass perched on the edge and her long legs trailing to the floor. Her thighs were parted. She gave the girl a wink and patted her bushy cunt mound.

Buck looked up, the panties trailing from his jaw. Then he let the panties drop. Why settle for a doggy-bag when he could have a proper meal? He barked and came trotting over with his prick swinging under him.

The doggy thrust his head in between Valerie's smooth thighs, his nose twitching, following the delicious scent. The black button of his nose tapped against the woman's clit and she shuddered at the contrast between that cold nose and her steaming- hot clit. She slid her hands down and drew her cunt-lips open, exposing the dark inner folds, streaked with cunt juice. The dog whined and his tongue came out.

He began to lap at Valerie's soaking pussy slot and tingling clit.

"Ahh," she sighed.

Cindy was gaping at this scene. She knew that she should be repelled by such depravity, yet she was fascinated instead. Her nipples had softened and her cunt cooled after she had come on Valerie's hand. Now those tit tips stood out again and her cunt began to simmer.

Buck ran his long, nimble tongue up the woman's cunt-lips, slurping at the hairy folds. She squirmed ecstatically, her ass grinding on the edge of the couch. The dog lapped at her clit and Valerie moaned with pleasure at the wet strokes. Then the horny hound stabbed his pliable tongue right up inside her fuck-hole. It fucked in and out and Valerie shuddered. As the dog's tongue flipped out of her pussy, cunt juice sprayed out, splattering in her black pussy bush.

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