Of Course She Loves a Horse - Cover

Of Course She Loves a Horse


Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - After making it with two dogs, two women make it with each other, then they go to work on a Forest Ranger who came by to check in on them. And what is the Forest Ranger's wife doing, she loves a horse of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

As soon as Cindy had entered the room, both dogs began to lap at her loins. Buck slurped her ass and King slapped his tongue against her cunt mound. She swayed between them, pushing her ass back and then thrusting her pussy forward. She dipped at the knees and her thighs parted. King's wet tongue slapped at her soaking, smoldering pussy from the front and Buck's tongue slid into her crotch from behind, then skimmed on up the crack of her ass. Doggy-slobber and pussy juice ran down the smooth slopes of her thighs.

"Ooooh," the horny teenager moaned, trembling as those long hot tongues swept into her steaming crotch. She dipped lower, hunkering down, her ass churning.

Cindy didn't really intend to do anything awfully naughty. She honestly didn't. She figured that she would let the doggies lap her pussy and cream their tongues and then reward them by giving each of them a hand-job, nothing more serious than that. She would get her rocks off and have the thrill of feeling those stiff pricks throb in her hands and see their fuck juice spurt out. And that, she thought, would be enough.

She hunkered between them, feeding the hungry brutes out of her hairy doggy-dish. They had stopped yelping and were whining and whimpering softly, their tongues slapping in steadily.

Cindy saw no reason why she should wait until she creamed before she began pleasuring their cocks--and her hand. Jerking them off would be a bigger thrill while she was still so hot and horny, while they were still lapping her toward the peak.

She got down on all fours. Her ass was hiked up and thrust back, thighs parted, so that Buck could slurp her pussy from behind while she handled King. She ran her hands down the hound's quivering flank and dipped under his loins, cupping his balls. She whimpered when she felt how swollen those hairy balls were, feeling his thick jism-load slosh around inside the ball-sac.

She pulled her hand up onto his cockshaft, folding her fist around it and feeling it vibrate and pulse. She push-pulled on his cockrod. His hairy cock sheath folded up behind the fat cock- knob as her fist pulled up and then skinned back, leaving his cockhead naked and flaring. She gazed at that angry red prick, eager to see his cum gush out.

Buck's slobbering tongue ran through her crotch, lapping her from her clit back through the open cunt slot and then flipping on up into the crack of her ass. Pussy nectar sprayed out and doggy- slobber poured in. Her ass jerked against his snout. The doggy shoved his head in and his muzzle nudged her fuck-hole. His cold black nose rubbed against her fiery pink clit. Waves of intense sensation rippled through her loins and ran up her thighs.

She pumped King's prick steadily, hoping that the doggy would shoot his jism at the same moment that she creamed on the other dog's steadily slurping tongue.

But then that tongue stopped slurping. Buck's haunches lowered, bunching with muscle. His hindpaws clawed at the floor. Cindy wriggled her ass about, wanting more tongue.

And then the dog suddenly mounted her.

"Oh!" the girl cried, startled when she felt his weight on her hiked-up ass.

Buck could hardly be blamed, being accustomed to fucking his mistress and finding this equally juicy girl in the doggy-fucking position.

Cindy cupped a hand over her pussy, blocking the entrance. The dog humped. His prick bumped the back of her thigh and nudged the cheek of her ass, then it slid up the crack of her ass. He was whining as his haunches heaved, desperate to get his cockmeat buried.

Cindy shook her ass, trying to dislodge the tenacious brute, but he clung to her like a gargoyle to a wall, determined to retain this familiar and desirable position.

Cindy shifted her hand onto Buck's cock, gripping it by the base and trying to pull him off her ass. But as she jerked his prick, she inadvertently rubbed his prick-knob into her creamy cunt slot. The girl cried out when she felt his fiery cockhead brush her clit.

Cindy had already had her pussy shot full of doggy-jism, when Valerie had held her cunt-lips open and jacked the dog off into the entrance. She didn't guess that it would do any harm to have another dose of dog-cum spurted into that gaping crater. Jerking him off into her cunt wasn't the same thing as fucking him, after all.

Neglecting King now, she began to frig up and down on Buck's cockshaft, holding his cock-knob against her steaming cunt slot. The powerful hound humped, fucking his prick through her pumping fist--and the tip of his cockhead wedged into her cunthole.

"No!" Cindy gasped, shaking her ass.

Her hand pulled back, but instead of dragging his cockhead out of her cunthole, she merely skinned the cock sheath back, causing that fat slab of prick-meat to flare in her cunt-lips and throb against her explosive clit.

Buck heaved it to her again. His cock-knob went deeper and a couple inches of stiff prick fucked into the girl's cunt. Cindy gasped.

God, it felt so fucking good! Her mind swirled, dazed by fuck-lust. Was it so bad, after all? Was it so much worse to have the doggy cream inside her cunthole than to have him merely soak the entrance? Well, maybe it was--but on the other hand, it would feel so much better!

Abandoned to lust, trembling and moaning, Cindy lost her willpower. She just had to let that doggy fuck her!

She drew her hand away. Buck, no longer restrained, gave a happy bark and his haunches slammed in. He drove every inch of his long, thick cock up Cindy's fuck-hole.

"Oh!" she cried. "Oooooo!"

She was stuffed full of throbbing dog-cock, his cockhead hot in the depths of her cunt and his cockstalk filling the tunnel and his balls jammed tightly to her crotch. She wriggled on that huge spike. Buck held his fucker balls-deep in her while his hindlegs and haunches braced for the assault. Then he began to fuck wildly.

Cindy moved with the hound, slamming her ass back as he fucked his cock into her cunthole and twisting her hips as he drew back out. Her cunt muscles clutched his cockrod, rippling and sucking on it. The doggy was panting and drooling as he clung to her ass and fucked his cock into her soaking cunt with bestial vitality.

Cindy's ass heaved up and her head went down. The smooth globes of her ass rotated and churned. Her eyes were fluttering and her lips were parted and panting. She had forgotten all about King, who was still standing in front of her, whining. She had given him the first half of a hand-job, and the beast was more desperate than ever. But King, too, was Valerie's pet--and had learned a trick or two himself.

The dog yelped and hopped up, folding his forelegs around her shoulders and mounting her head, just as Buck had mounted her ass. His hindquarters bucked and his spine twisted into an S-shape as he shoved his slimy prick into her face.

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