Of Course She Loves a Horse - Cover

Of Course She Loves a Horse


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - After making it with two dogs, two women make it with each other, then they go to work on a Forest Ranger who came by to check in on them. And what is the Forest Ranger's wife doing, she loves a horse of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Valerie's head jerked around in surprise but she was not the sort of woman who was easily embarrassed and, seeing that Wood was grinning and that he had a big cock-bulge in his crotch, she shrugged.

Cindy was mortified at having been caught sucking a cunt and the girl blushed deeply as she looked at the game warden across one of Valerie's head-embracing thighs. Still, she didn't know him, nor he her, and it wasn't as awful as if she had been caught by someone she knew. And she too noticed his hard-on. She even managed a feeble smile from between the bracket of those sleek thighs.

Wood was, in fact, a bit of a prude or, at least, not very imaginative about the embellishments of sexual encounters. He loved to fuck and suck with women. But seeing two women together struck him as sordid--and yet it was extremely stimulating, as well. After all, it wasn't as if he had any claims on Valerie, who was no more than a casual fuck in his life. It wasn't as if he had caught his wife with another woman, for instance. But Michelle, he knew--or at least he thought he knew--was not the sort of woman to go in for such perversion.

Wood would have been more shocked if he'd arrived earlier and caught Valerie sucking and fucking with the hounds. He was only a game warden and never dreamed of such depraved games with dumb animals--not knowing his wife as well as he thought.

Nor his stallion, for that matter.

The man stood there, his Stetson tipped back and his boots gleaming in the dancing firelight, a big grin on his face and his cock and balls pounding away in his groin.

"Errrr--this is my friend, Cindy, Richard," Valerie said.

"Pretty close friend eh?" he chuckled.

"Oh, we were just fooling around a little. I mean, we aren't dykes or anything like that."

Wood scratched his head under the brim of his hat, never having realized that dykes and cunt-suckers weren't the same thing.

"I was hoping you'd show up," Valerie said, slowly drawing away from Cindy's cream-soaked face.

Cindy took a last lick as that juicy cunt slid from her mouth.

"Let's both work on his big prick, shall we?" Valerie suggested.

His prick throbbed at those words.

Cindy hesitated, then nodded. Getting the guy involved seemed the best way to keep from being too embarrassed and, too, that big cock-bulge in his uniform trousers looked interesting.

The dogs were stirring, still lying on their flanks but with their cocks swelling and hardening. Valerie noticed this and frowned slightly. She knew Wood well enough to realize that he would be profoundly shocked, if not disgusted, by bestiality. He was a handy weekend lover and she didn't want to risk alienating him. She figured that the best thing to do would be to get him out of the room before he noticed the condition of those canine cocks.

"C'mon--let's go to the bedroom," she said, getting to her feet.

A drop of pussy juice splashed from her cunt and splattered on Cindy's tits. Cindy sat up, then stood. Wood moved toward them, paying no attention to the dogs. His cock was sticking out like a pointer, seemingly directing his movement toward the girls, predicting a flight path for his cum-load to follow when, soon, that fluid missile launched.

Valerie took his hand and led him from the room. Cindy, following, saw that Buck and King both had hard-ons again and she hesitated. The girl had lost all her inhibitions now, and was dying for a chance to be alone with those horny hounds. But she still didn't want Valerie, and certainly not Wood, to know. With a sigh, she followed the other couple into the bedroom and closed the door.

She still had the rest of the weekend ahead of her--and in the meanwhile there was a nice big human cock to be dealt with, and the blonde teenager could hardly complain.

The bedroom was pleasantly rustic, with pine-paneled walls, hunting prints and a patch-work bedspread in gaudy hues. Standing beside the bed, Valerie began to undress Wood with nimble fingers. Cindy moved in to help and they stripped him down between them. His torso was lean and hard, with a jagged white scar where a bobcat had slashed him in the course of his duties. When they lowered his pants and his prick and balls came into view, Cindy murmured with admiration. Wood's prick was long and thick, with a mushroom shaped purple cock-knob. The underside of his cockshaft was seamed by a fat ventral vein and his balls were bloated.

"Isn't he fantastic?" Val enthused.

"Fantastic," Cindy agreed, staring in awe at Richard's huge boner.

Pleased by their attention, he thrust his hips out, causing his prick to tower up before him. Valerie knelt and slipped his fat cockhead into her mouth, sucking gently. She glanced at Cindy. Cindy giggled and knelt beside Valerie, pushing her tongue out and licking up and down his fat, pulsating cockstalk.

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