Of Course She Loves a Horse - Cover

Of Course She Loves a Horse


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - After making it with two dogs, two women make it with each other, then they go to work on a Forest Ranger who came by to check in on them. And what is the Forest Ranger's wife doing, she loves a horse of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Cindy Carson's plump tits bobbed saucily in her tee shirt as she jumped out of the station wagon in front of Valerie Tyson's weekend cabin. Cindy was eighteen, nubile and enthusiastic. Valerie was twenty-six--and even more enthusiastic, in her fashion. She had invited the younger girl to spend the weekend at the mountain retreat and Cindy, eager to get away from the city for a few days, had jumped at the chance. The girl thought it was going to be a relaxing weekend.

"Carry the grocery bags in, honey, will you?" Valerie asked. "The door is unlocked. I'll let the dogs out of the back and join you in a second."

Cindy bent down to pick up the grocery bags. Her heavy tits swayed and her big nipples peaked the cotton material of her tight tee shirt. Holding the grocery bags cradled to her tits, Cindy turned away--and Valerie's jade green eyes fixed upon the young girl's heart-shaped ass.

Cindy was wearing cut-off jeans, so tightly molded to her lithe loins that they might have been painted on. The crack of her ass was evident and the brief shorts were drawn in to the vee of her crotch. Valerie smiled and her tongue ran across her lower lip. Her gaze moved down to the girl's smooth, shapely thighs. She could just see the faintest rim of asscheek in the leg-hole of the girl's brief shorts.

Did Valerie Tyson want those lovely legs wrapped around her head? You bet your ass she did. Her mouth was watering at the delectable sight.

Valerie was looking forward to a naughty weekend.

She hoped fervently that Cindy would be agreeable, but if the girl wasn't, well--there were always the dogs.

Cindy bounced up the steps and entered the cabin, all her movements unconsciously provocative, a girl who just naturally aroused desire, who made cocks hard and tongues hot.

Valerie opened the back of the station wagon and the two big black-and-tan hounds came bounding out, yelping and squirming, happy to be in the country again--and perhaps looking forward to the pleasures they had grown accustomed to from their mistress.

Valerie stroked their heads and then, glancing toward the cabin to make sure that Cindy wasn't watching, she knelt down between the wriggling dogs and slid her hands under them, stroking their pricks.

Buck and King stopped wriggling and stood stiff-legged and quivering. Their cocks began to swell and harden. Valerie ran her hands up and down their cocks for a moment, loving the way those pricks responded, starting to throb so promisingly. But then she drew away and stood up. The dogs gazed up at her in a puzzled manner. Usually when Valerie started playing with their cocks, interesting things transpired. But at the moment the woman was more interested in Cindy.

Just because a woman was an animal lover didn't mean that she couldn't be kind to girls, as well.

"Later, fellas," she said. "Go chase a fucking rabbit or something--Momma's gonna chase some hot pussy."

The hounds gave the canine equivalent of a shrug, knowing from long experience that they would soon be called into service. They began to frolic in the yard, and Valerie went into the cabin.

Cindy was putting the boxes and cans on a high shelf in the small kitchen alcove, wanting to make herself welcome and helpful- -and, in her innocence, never dreaming just how helpful she could be to a woman of Valerie's deviate inclinations. As the girl stretched up, her tee shirt was drawn to the contours of her succulent tits and the crotch-band of her shorts was dragged into her cunt gash.

Cindy turned to the older woman, smiling.

The two were nicely contrasted. Cindy was a blonde, her hair worn short and curly, with big blue eyes and that bouncy, nubile, spectacular body. Valerie was green eyed, with a wide, sensual mouth. Her hair falling straight to her shoulders.

"Gee, it was so nice of you to invite me for the weekend, Valerie," Cindy said. "I mean, it's not as if we knew each other awfully well or anything."

"We will," Valerie said suggestively.

"Oh, I do hope so," Cindy said happily, pleased at having been befriended by this glamorous and gorgeous older woman.

Cindy worked as a clerk in a shop that Valerie frequented. The girl was accustomed to being appraised and admired by men but, being somewhat naive, had failed to notice the way that Valerie had looked at her.

"You see--I like you," Valerie said.

"I'm real glad. I like you, too."

"The same way?" Valerie asked, tilting one eyebrow up.

"Errr--well, sure. I mean, I guess so," Cindy said, not at all sure what the woman meant.

Valerie took the girl by the hand and led her to the couch. They sat down side by side. Cindy was confused--and Valerie was smoldering with desire for this sweet teenager. The moment she had first laid eyes on the girl, Valerie had lusted for her. The woman was by no means a confirmed lesbian. Far from it. She fucked lots of men and she sucked cocks and, too, there were the dogs, who had lovely cocks, as well. But Valerie enjoyed all the variations of sex--and sucking pussy was one of them.

Valerie placed a hand beside Cindy's cheek and gently turned the girl's face toward her.

"Kiss me," she whispered.

"But--we're both girls," said innocent Cindy, trembling slightly, filled with doubt and confusion and, Valerie hoped, the first faint stirrings of dark desire.

But when Valerie pressed her lips to Cindy's mouth, the girl made no attempt to pull away. The trembling grew stronger. Valerie kissed her lightly at first, just brushing their lips together. But then she parted her lips and her tongue flicked out, licking at the confused girl's mouth and pushing into it.

Cindy gave a little gasp. The girl had been kissed that way by boys, and enjoyed it. Now she sucked on Valerie's tongue and, although she didn't know why, she enjoyed it every bit as much. Her tongue entwined with the older woman's. Her lips parted wide and they kissed passionately, panting into each other's mouth, swapping tongues and saliva back and forth, grinding their mouths together.

It was Valerie who drew away first and, leaning back, gave Cindy an inquiring took.

Cindy was blushing and averted her gaze. The naive girl was totally confused by her own emotions and reactions to the situation. Why should it be so nice to kiss another woman?

"Gee--you kissed me just like a guy," she murmured.

"I like to kiss you," Valerie whispered, her voice husky with desire. "I want to kiss you all over--"

"Oh! Oh, gee! I--I'm not like that," Cindy said nervously.

Valerie's hand moved onto the girl's plump tit. She felt the nipple explode in her palm and smiled, growing more confident. It was evident that, although she was innocent and naive, Cindy was passionate. Valerie gently massaged that fat tit. Cindy grasped Valerie by the wrist, as if to pull her groping hand away. But then she seemed to change her mind and simply held the woman's hand to her tit.

"You have such lovely tits, Cindy," Valerie sighed, hefting the tit mound and then pulling at the tip with thumb and fingers. Cindy's nipple shot out like a rocket.

"This is real naughty," the girl whispered.

"Naughty but nice?"

"Well, it feels good--but I don't--I'm not--"

"Of course you aren't, darling. Neither am I. We're not lesbians. We're just good friends. And friends like to do nice things to each other--to make each other feel so good."

Cindy shook her head, still blushing but also flushed now, obviously becoming aroused.

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