The Spell: The Blizzard - Cover

The Spell: The Blizzard

by RGArrow

Copyright© 2024 by RGArrow

Science Fiction Sex Story: Snowed in with the Spell.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Sharing   Group Sex   Orgy   ENF   Nudism   .

“You sure about bringing her?” Ben asked as they drove down the snow-covered street,

“We can’t very well cancel on her now,” his wife Sarah, who was sitting in his truck passenger seat answered, “We’re five minutes away from her place, for god’s sake,”

“Maybe we can just say we didn’t want to risk the blizzard?” Ben suggested, looking cautiously at the heavy snow coming down from the sky; it wasn’t a lie if it was a real concern, was it?

“Honey, Gwen was just dumped like two days ago. We can’t just ditch her,” Sarah objected, “Besides, getting out of town might be good for her,”

Gwen was Sarah’s old college roommate and best friend; they had scheduled a couples retreat up at a cabin Ben had inherited from his grandfather. A wrench was thrown into this plan, however, when her boyfriend Randy, a skinny twig of a man who Ben never held a high opinion on, always striking him as flakey and a little pathetic, dumped her days before the trip was set to begin.

“Listen, I know it sounds bad,” Ben said, “But this is the first vacation we’ve had together since we got married. I just want to make sure we enjoy ourselves,”

“I know, honey,” Sarah smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her husband’s knee, “But you’ll see, she’ll get over it quickly once she sees the place, trust me, this is just what he needs,”

He glanced over at her and smiled back, taking her hand in his a squeezing it affectionately.

It was a common trope to say that wives were the ‘better halves’ of their respective couples, and if you were to ask Ben, he would’ve definitely agreed with you. To this day, he repeatedly questioned how an aimless twenty-something electrician managed to land a girl like her who was willing to put her own long-awaited vacation on the line to help a friend going through one of the hardest (and loudest) emotional turmoils of her life, while also being a stone cold fox with the figure of Marilyn Monroe and long flowing hair the colour of tree bark and skin like mocha,

“You’re right,” Ben agreed, “It’s the right thing to do. Besides, they broke up two days ago; surely she’s gotten all her crying out by now.”

“Over text!” Gwen sobbed as she sat curled up in the back seat, “What kind of moron dumps someone over text, after six fucking months!”

Gwen was usually a rather pretty girl; she had soft pale features, dark hair and a killer body that she had forged playing tennis with Sarah,

But with the tears streaming down her face and the snot filling her nose, she looked more like a screaming banshee than the attractive woman who had once been Sarah’s bridesmaid.

“Moron is right,” Sarah asked assuringly, handing her friend some tissues she kept in her purse,

“You wanna know why?” Gwen continued,

“Let’s not dwell on the why Sweetie,” Sarah insisted,

“Yes, please, for the love of god, don’t dwell,” Ben muttered under his breath, trying to tune her out and focus on the increasingly worsening conditions outside as they drove down the deserted country road,

“Apparently, I’m not ‘adventurous’ enough for Mr. Lip piercings,” Gwen soldiered on despite the muted objections, “I can be adventurous. I like trying new restaurants; I would’ve tried bungee jumping if he asked,”

“Actually...” Ben interrupted, kicking himself for getting involved, “In his crowd, I’m pretty sure ‘adventurous’ is code for ‘use illicit substances’”

“Well, we did smoke pot that one time,” Gwen remembered, “Was that not enough?”

“Actually, Pot’s legal in this state,” Ben corrected,

“Of course it is,” Gwen sighed, her sobs oddly growing more intense by this realization,

“Ben, honey,” Sarah said in quiet frustration, “For the love of god, stop helping,”

Ben glued his eyes forward and locked his mouth shut,

“You know what?” Sarah said, turning back towards Gwen in the backseat, “Enough about Randy. He’s a shumck who didn’t see what a good thing he had in you. It’s incredible how far out of his league he was dating,”

Sarah turned to Ben,

“Right?” She asked expectantly,

“I thought I wasn’t supposed to...” he trailed off when he saw her expression, “Oh yeah, definitely, you two were barely the same species,”

“Exactly,” Sarah agreed, “So here’s what we’re gonna do, we’re gonna spend the weekend at the cabin, we’re gonna go snowshoeing, we’re gonna sit in the hot tub, and we’re gonna drink a lot of beer, then after that, you’re gonna spread your wings and get on with your life, right?”

“Right!” Gwen affirmed, wiping the tears from her eyes and composing herself, “Fuck him, next stop, the cabin,”

“Hell yeah,” Sarah cheered, “Put her in double time, babe,”

She looked out onto the road, which was almost completely coated in a layer of snow at this point,

“Or not,” she said, angling herself to look upwards, “Are we sure the blizzard isn’t going to hit us?”

“It’s not gonna hit till tonight,” Ben assured her with confidence, “We have plenty of time.”

“You had to jinx it!” Sarah shouted over the wind as the three of them struggled to unload the truck through the full force of the blizzard,

“Yes, yes, I’m very sorry I pissed off the weather gods with my prediction,” Ben shouted back sarcastically, “Next time, I’ll hold my tongue,”

He made sure he was the last one through before he shut the door behind them,

“Holy shit,” Gwen gasped, pulling off her hat and shaking what looked like a pound of snow onto the floor, “It’s really coming down out there,”

“No kidding,” Sarah agreed as Ben walked over to the radio and flicked it on, “I’m soaked through to my underwear,”

The static-ridden voice of the newscaster rang out,

It was hard to imagine being infected with the spell and outside right now; Ben imagined it was the kind of imperceptible cold that a planet like Pluto would have, where you would immediately freeze solid and shatter,

At least metaphorically.

“I’m gonna go turn on the heater and the boiler,” Ben explained, shrugging off his coat and hanging it up, dumping another several pounds of snow on the floor, “You two go get in dry clothes before you get hypothermia,”

It didn’t take long for him to switch both machines on and begin generating heat,

By the time he was finished in the basement and made his way upstairs to change, he heard two showers pouring out water on different sides of the house,

“Sarah!” He called out, not wanting to go to the wrong room and create an awkward situation,

“Over here!” She called back. Ben followed the voice to the room she had picked,

Seeing she left the door open, Ben walked in to set up his toiletries and check they had enough towels,

“This water pressure is insane,” Sarah remarked as she heard him come in,

“Yeah, Grandpa knew what he was doing when he built this place,” Ben remarked, looking over to see her silhouette behind the curtain,

“That he did,” Sarah agreed. He could see her clearly rubbing water against her breasts to warm them up,

He smiled to himself as he undid his belt and tossed his sweater on the floor,

In only his underwear, he walked over to the curtain and pulled it open, a wave of steam flying out as he did so,

Sarah turned towards him and looked at him sternly as he absorbed the sight of water rolling down her wonderful c-cup breasts, with water droplets getting caught in her well-groomed bush,

His hard-on began to push against his boxers as she put one hand on her hip and one hand against the wall,

“You gonna keep perving from out there, or are you gonna drop your drawers and come warm me up?” She teased,

Needing no more invitation, Ben pulled his underwear down and stepped under the water with her,

The two began to kiss as Sarah reached down and wrapped her hand around his dick, running her thumb across the tip and sending a shudder up his spine,

He began to return the favour by reaching down to finger her pussy but was cut short by the sound of Gwen screaming from downstairs,

With heavy concern stifling their sexual frustration, the couple leapt out of the shower, both throwing on bathrobes and sprinting down the stairs,

“What is it, Gwen?” Sarah asked as they ran into the living room. Ben, having since grabbed a broom handle to use as a weapon,

“Somethings outside,” Gwen said, cowering in the corner as she pointed to the patio door,

Ben slowly and carefully approached the door,

Through the almost complete whiteout, he could see a figure peering through the window, their hood and ski mask coated with snow. As soon as this figure saw him through the glass, they excitedly began pounding on the window,

Ben immediately began to unlock the door,

“What are you doing?” Gwen asked, “We don’t know who they are!”

“They’re gonna freeze to death if they stay out there,” Ben argued, throwing open the door and allowing the stranger inside along with a huge gust of wind,

“Thank you so much!” The stranger said, her voice revealing her to be a woman as she shrugged her small bag off her shoulder, “I thought I was a goner,”

She pulled down her hood and slipped off her mask, revealing a very pretty, tanned face and a head straight shoulder length blonde hair,

“What the hell were you doing out there?” Sarah asked, “Didn’t you know about the blizzard?”

“I thought I had a few more hours before it hit,” she explained, “That’s what the report said at least; last time I trust the Apple weather app. I’ll tell you that. I’m Peggy, by the way,”

“I’m Sarah,” she responded, “Let me take your ... cape,”

“I’m Ben,” He introduced himself as Sarah walked over to Peggy to take her cloak, “This is my cabin,”

“I’m Gwen,” she chirped from the back corner before her face fell as Peggy handed Sarah her cloak, “Oh my god,”

Peggy had been naked under that cloak, save her boots and a pair of mittens,

The cold was clearly still affecting her, given the goosebumps covering her petite frame and how hard the nipples were on her perky a-cup breasts,

“Oh shit, I’m sorry,” she said, smacking her forehead and making no effort to cover up, “I forgot to mention, I’m a nudie; I’m infected,”

“But ... the cloak?” Sarah questioned, looking down at the material in her hands. Now that the snow had melted, it was apparent how light and transparent the cloth was,

“Someone discovered it a while back,” Peggy explained, “The silk is thin enough and far enough away from my skin that the spell doesn’t affect it,”

“Doesn’t look all that warm, though,” Sarah observed, “How did you not freeze to death?”

“It’s not,” she nodded, “It’s good for keeping the snow off my skin, though. As for the cold, the Spell takes care of that; it didn’t sting as much after I got infected,”

An awkward silence hung in the room as everyone stared at Peggy,

“Is this gonna be a problem?” She asked nervously, “You’re not going to make me go back out there, are you?”

“No, of course not,” Ben assured her, “We’re not monsters. We’ll just be careful not to touch you,”

“Oh, thank you,” Peggy sighed in relief, “I swear to you, as soon as the snow clears and I can get a ride, I am out of here,”

“That might not be for a while,” Sarah commented, peeking out the window only to be confronted by nothing but pitch white, “So you might as well get comfortable,”

Peggy shrugged as she kicked off her boots and pulled off her mittens before immediately flopping down on the nearest couch, now truly naked, no socks, no jewelry, no nothing,

“Done,” she smiled playfully, “Oh and by the way, I’m sorry I interrupted you two,”

“Excuse me?” Sarah asked,

“You both still have soap in your hair,” Peggy pointed out, “And Ben, your...”

She pointed to Ben’s waist, wherein all the chaos, his robe’s belt had come undone, accidentally giving the ladies a peak of his half-awake penis,

“Fuck,” he shouted, immediately fixing his robe to cover himself, “I’m sorry,”

“Don’t be, hell look at what I’m wearing,” Peggy chuckled, subtlety uncrossing her legs,

“I’m gonna go get changed,” he stammered, his face growing red as he rushed out of the room,

“You’re a very lucky woman,” Peggy remarked to Sarah as Ben went back up the stairs.

“Oh my god,” Gwen gasped as they disappeared from view,

“What?” Peggy asked, “Never seen a penis before?”

“No, I have,” Gwen answered, “Just never seen one so ... never mind,”

“Oh...” Peggy smiled as she realized what she was implying, “He does look quite fun to ride, doesn’t he? I feel bad for your boyfriend,”

“Ex,” Gwen corrected, “He dumped me two days ago,”

“Well, that was his mistake,” Peggy said,

“So, what were you doing out in the blizzard?” Gwen asked, trying to avoid the topic of her love life, “I would think with your ‘condition,’ the snow would be the last place you wanted to end up,”

“I’m a travel blogger,” Peggy explained, “If I couldn’t handle some snow, I might be out of work,”

“A nudie travel blogger?” Gwen questioned, “That’s new,”

“Oh, it’s fantastic,” Peggy bragged, “I swear the nomad life became so much better when I got naked. Now there’s nothing between me and the world,”

“You’re not scared?” Gwen asked,

“Of what?” Peggy asked,

“I don’t know,” Gwen thought aloud, “Having no home to call your own, walking around the country aimlessly buck ass nude for complete strangers to see,”

“Of course it does,” Peggy said honestly, “Put you see, that’s part of the fun. I lived the 9 to 5 life; it bored me out of my skull. When I started this, every day became an adventure. Now it’s a naked adventure. When was the last time you got out of your comfort zone? When was the last time you had an adventure?”

Gwen thought for a moment but came up short.

“Sorry about that,” Ben interrupted as he and Sarah walked back into the living room, now wearing large bulky sweaters seemingly designed to preserve their modesty,

“Are you comfortable, Peggy?” Sarah asked as she sat next to Gwen across from the nudie,

“I am, thank you,” Peggy smiled, “Gwen here is excellent company,”

“What were you talking about?” Sarah asked,

“Peggy here is a travel blogger,” Gwen explained,

“A nudie travel blogger?” Sarah repeated, sounding surprised, “You must have seen quite a bit,”

“Oh, I have,” Peggy nodded, “Seen some great weather, met some great people, had some great sex,”

“Excuse me?” Sarah asked as Ben coughed in the background after choking on his drink, “You okay, babe?”

“I’m fine,” he spattered,

“That’s a pretty typical reaction,” Peggy laughed,

“Like with other nudies or...” Gwen asked, seemingly fascinated with the whole thing,

“Sometimes,” Peggy smiled, “Sometimes I have fun making some converts. That’s how I got infected, y’know,”

Gwen and Sarah starred at expectantly to hear the story,

Ben remained at a safe distance in the kitchen, stealing unsubtle glances when he thought no one was looking,

“I ran into a couple down in Florida,” Peggy explained, “They ran a nudie advocacy group; they were in the middle of trying to pass a law protecting nudies from being fired from their jobs just for being infected. I asked them for an interview, thought it would be good for my website, let’s just say they were very convincing,”

“And you just changed your life over an afternoon?” Gwen questioned,

“I told you,” Peggy smiled, “I like an adventure.”

As the ladies continued to talk, Ben made dinner. He stayed mostly quiet throughout the night, desperate to keep faithful to his marriage by not looking at his new naked companion,

Eventually, as the white outside the windows turned black, Sarah and Ben decided to turn in for the night, offering Peggy one of the guest rooms before quickly walking up the stairs,

Gwen was almost certain she caught a glimpse of Sarah cupping Ben’s dick through the tent in his pants as they disappeared from view, leaving her and Peggy alone at the kitchen table drinking beer.

“So tell me about this schmuck you were dating,” Peggy encouraged,

“His name was Randy,” Gwen said, now lubricated by at least three beers, “He was DJ,”

“And you’re disappointed that a DJ broke up with you?”

“He did it via text,”

“I refer back to the same question,” Peggy chuckled, “You really want to have a long, drawn-out breakup like that?”

“It’s not that,” Gwen sighed, “He said I wasn’t adventurous enough for him,”

“Are you?” Peggy asked,

“Am I what?” Gwen responded,

“Adventurous?” Peggy clarified, “Here, what was your last vacation?”

Gwen thought for an extended period of time,

“You’re killing me here,” Peggy groaned,

“I went on a trip to Florida with my parents when I was twelve,” Gwen offered,

“That doesn’t count,” Peggy objected, “That was your parent’s idea, you were basically luggage,”

“Okay, maybe I don’t have any ‘adventures,’” Gwen said, “I like my world the way it is, safe and neat and controlled,”

“Yeah, I thought the same thing too,” Peggy nodded, “Until one day I found myself spending my nights alone and only talking to people when I was at work, and I realized how incredibly small I had made my world,”

“What changed?” Gwen asked,

“Simple, I sold all my garbage, picked a direction and started walking,” Peggy explained, “But it wasn’t until I became a nudie and could toss the clothes that I started to enjoy myself. Now it’s just me, my backpack and the road,”

“So, what do you suggest?” Gwen asked, leaning forward and listening more intently,

“Hey, look,” Peggy said, “It’s not an adventure unless you get out of your comfort zone, so find the edge, or better yet, take a leap of faith. You’d be amazed by what you can get used to,”

Gwen held Peggy’s gaze for a moment as she considered what she said,

Surprising both of them, Gwen put her hand down on Peggy’s and held it there.

“Oh,” Peggy said in surprise, “That’s not quite what I meant, but ... good for you, Gwen! Way to grab the bull by the horns,”

“Oh my god,” Gwen gasped, her heart beginning to beat in her chest, “What did I just do?”

She pulled her hand away from Peggy’s and held it gingerly; her wool sweater had already begun to unravel and break down,

“What you just did was begin your first adventure,” Peggy cheered, “Trust me, this was the greatest decision of your life,”

“I can’t be naked,” Gwen said on the verge of tears as her sweatpants melted off her legs, joining the pile of loose yarn on the floor under her chair, “How will I go to work? Sarah and Ben are just upstairs, oh god I can’t let Ben see me like this,”

She clutched her arms against her chest before her bra could fall off,

“Can I give you a piece of advice?” Peggy said, getting up from her seat and walking to Gwen’s side of the table, crouching down to gather up the remains of her clothes and toss them in the nearby garbage can, “I’ve met a lot of nudies who’ve been where you are right now, and they all said the worst thing you can possibly do is fight it, what I want you to do is stand up and let your arms fall to your side,”

“But...” Gwen stammered, stopping herself when she saw the insistent look on Peggy’s face,

She sighed, looked down at herself and slowly stood up, counting to three in her head and letting her arms fall.

Peggy couldn’t help but feel a twinge of envy when Gwen’s bra fell, exposing her B-cup breasts to the air,

“How do you feel?” Peggy asked, looking Gwen straight in the eye,

“A little cold,” Gwen admitted,

“That’ll pass,” Peggy said, crouching down to pick up her bra, finding herself at eye level with Gwen’s panties that were still somehow clinging to her hips, “Once these come off, of course,”

In one clean motion, Peggy grabbed the waistband and pulled it off with a snap, exposing Gwen’s untrimmed bush to the cold.

Now as nude as Peggy was, Gwen shivered against the cold night air of the cabin, her skin becoming covered in goosebumps and her nipples hardening.

“How’s it feel?” Peggy asked,

“Like I’m gonna faint,” Gwen explained,

“That’ll pass,” Peggy insisted, “You look really good if it helps,”

“Not as good as you,” Gwen debated meekly, “These tan lines look awful, and I should’ve shaved,”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Peggy objected, “Trust me on this, those nudie boys are going to have a hard time walking when they see you if you know what I mean. Besides, the tan lines will fade eventually, and as for your bush...”

Peggy smiled and grabbed Gwen by the wrist; with her other hand, she grabbed her backpack and began pulling her up the stairs toward the bathroom,

She took a minute to point and giggle when they passed Ben and Sarah’s closed bedroom door and heard a series of very loud muffled moans coming from inside.

Peggy eventually found Gwen’s bedroom and pulled her into the connected bathroom, closing the door behind them,

“When was the last time you went bare?” Peggy asked, filling her palm with shaving cream,

“Wait, you’re taking it all off?” Gwen asked as she sat on the edge of the rather large bathtub,

“It’s fashionable to take off all hair below the neck,” Peggy explained, to which Gwen gave her a suspicious look, “What? Nudies have fashion trends too; body hair’s currently out of fashion, so are nipple and clit piercings, knee-high socks are in, and surprisingly they don’t dissolve, so that’s nice,”

Without warning, Peggy began to spread the shaving cream over her mound, eliciting a soft gasp from Gwen as she spread her legs with next to no hesitation,

She had never been touched by another person this way before, much less a woman, and she surprised herself with her physical reaction. She felt herself begin to grow moist as Peggy continued on her task, and her nipples were now as hard as diamonds and not just from the cold.

“Um...” Gwen began, desperate for anything to distract her from these feelings, “What about rules? There’s some sort of code of conduct, right?”

“More like basic etiquette,” Peggy explained as she continued to work, “The big one that made the headlines was the one about guy’s erections. With the Spell, they apparently become way more common, and as long as they’re not shoving them in your face, there’s no shame in them. The rest are rather obvious, no touching without permission, no body shaming, no having sex where someone who might object may see you, etcetera, etcetera,”

Peggy then calmly wiped off Gwen’s now bare pussy with a towel,

Gwen stifled a cry at the sensation.

“How’s that?” Peggy asked, standing back up and placing the razor back down on the edge of the bathroom sink,

“Feels pretty good, actually,” Gwen remarked, feeling the bare skin gingerly so as not to stimulate herself, “How’s it lo-,”

Peggy cut her off by leaning forward and smashing her lips into Gwen’s,

“What are you doing?” Gwen asked, pulling away from the kiss and stepping backwards into the bathtub,

“It’s a well-documented fact that after initial infection, the surge of hormones leads most people to become unbelievably horny. It happened to me,” Peggy explained, climbing into the tub with her and bending down to push in the tub stopper and turn on the faucet, “I could feel you shiver as I touched you. You’re all hot right now. God damn it are you hot, so let me help you deal with that, unless you wanna go and bother Ben, of course,”

She was holding her face an inch away from Gwen,

“I’m not gay,” Gwen said softly,

“Neither am I,” Peggy said, her composure faltering slightly with desire, “But when you infect someone else, you get ... a similar sensation, so I thought it might be fun to help each other out,”

Gwen thought for a moment as the water surrounded her ankles,

When compared to the earlier risk she had taken that night, this didn’t seem that intimidating,

Gwen shrugged and put her arms around Peggy’s neck, and the two began kissing as they lowered themselves down to their knees as the bathtub continued to fill with warm water,

“I don’t really know what to do here,” Gwen admitted as she adjusted her position to sit down,

“Just leave it to me,” Peggy grinned,

She began to slowly move down Gwen’s body, leaving a trail of kisses as she travelled down her neck, across her collarbone and pausing to pay special attention to her breasts,

Every nerve ending Gwen had was on fire right now as Peggy ran her tongue over her nipple. She had never felt like this before; while she had given Randy similar services, he never felt the need to return the favour. He always liked to jump to the ‘main event’ so to speak,

Deciding she had shown her breasts enough love, Peggy began to move down her stomach, and she eventually met the rising water line when she reached her belly button,

“Sit on the edge,” She requested, “I don’t wanna drown,”

With trembling limbs, Gwen complied, lifting herself out of the water and positioning herself on the edge of the tub, knocking over a bottle of shampoo in the process,

Peggy chuckled at the look of overwhelming desire in Gwen’s eyes, she had seen it many times before in other partners, but it always was fantastic to witness,

As she placed her mouth between Gwen’s open legs, she reached up with one arm and grabbed a handful of her breast,

“Oh my god,” Gwen gasped as Peggy began to work,

Randy always had trouble finding the spot, he compensated by increasing the momentum of their lovemaking, but he still rarely hit it,

Peggy was borderline abusing it, hitting it over and over again in quick wild succession; Gwen cried out in uncontrollable pleasure, in the back of her mind hoping to god that Ben and Sarah were asleep by now, or at least distracted so much by their own lovemaking that they didn’t even notice.

“I’m gonna...” Gwen gasped after a few minutes of this, “I’m gonna...”

Peggy pulled her mouth away and looked up at Gwen, taking her hand off her breast and moving it down to her pussy where she began to finger her, pulling her back down into the water and continuing to kiss her deeply,

Gwen eventually pulled away to give one last soft moan as she came. Peggy once again laughed when she saw the look on her partner’s face.

“How was that?” Peggy asked as she reached over and turned off the tap as the water had nearly reached the top of the tub,

“An adventure,” Gwen gasped, earning another laugh from Peggy.

Ben woke up to the sun on his face; even by his limited view of the window, it was clear that the blizzard had passed overnight, leaving them with a clear, cloudless and probably still very cold day as he rolled over to his other side where Sarah lay sleeping face down,

With his thumb and forefinger, he carefully lifted the blanket off of her body, revealing her naked body to the air, still glistening after a night of passion,

With the topic of nudies still on the brain with Peggy’s sudden arrival last night, Ben looked down at his wife and considered what he would have to put into place for Sarah to ‘accidentally’ bump into Peggy and get herself infected, the world wouldn’t judge him, once they got one look at her they would’ve realized what a public service it was to do so,

“Enjoying the view?” Sarah said softly without opening her eyes,

“You know,” Ben thought aloud, “I think under my authority as your husband, it’s only just that I prohibit you from wearing clothes for the rest of the trip,”

“Your authority as my husband?” Sarah chuckled, still keeping her eyes closed to avoid the glare of the sun, “I think you can kiss my ass,”

Ben shrugged and complied, grabbing one of her cheeks and kissing it playfully as he threw the covers off himself and stood up to go to his dresser, slipping on a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt before walking downstairs towards the kitchen.

He wasn’t that surprised when he walked into the kitchen to find a naked woman with her hair in a towel sitting at the table with her back turned to him,

“Morning, Peggy,” he greeted, striking up a friendly early-morning banter,

Her back immediately stiffened upon hearing his voice,

“How do you take your coffee?” He continued; maybe he just caught her off guard,

“Good morning Ben,” Gwen said, turning to face him, her arms glued to her sides,

“Gwen?” He gasped, “Wait, are you...?”

“Infected,” Peggy interrupted, walking into the room as she rubbed her hair down with a towel, “Yes sir, I take it with cream, by the way,”

“Um ... what happened,” Ben asked, at a loss for words as he tried to distract himself by brewing coffee, “Did you trip or...”

“Peggy can be very convincing,” Gwen said awkwardly, “Very, very convincing,”

He sensed that there was a greater meaning to what she was saying but found it unwise to pry,

“Is the coffee ready yet?” Sarah asked, walking into the kitchen wearing one of Ben’s t-shirts and likely nothing under it. Her eyes widened when she saw Gwen in all her glory, “Oh my ... Gwen, what happened?”

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