Nazi Joy Camp - Cover

Nazi Joy Camp


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Even in the cruelest of conditions, some people can find the inner-strength to survive. In this story, two teens are forced for years to satisfy Nazi soldiers with their bodies. They are forced, and trained to allow any perversion that is put upon them by the soldiers and their trainers. But even in these harsh conditions, love can also be found.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ruth was met at KampEast by Fraulein Direktor Hilde Schmidt. She was certain that the papers she had hidden on her person had been discovered missing and just as sure that she would be placed under arrest and shipped to God only knew where. She was trembling as she stepped from the car, but she faced Hilde as though she were equal to whatever the terrible woman might be able to dish out.

"So, you return, Jew. Did you enjoy your work there?" She asked viciously.

Ruth smiled, partly from relief and partly because she had realized that Hilde had expected her to suffer at the hands of the SS. She could see the disappointment in the woman's eyes. "Yes, I did, Fraulein Direktor. Thank you." Ruth paused and looked at the woman, then asked, "And you, did you enjoy your work here while I was away?"

"You Jew Slut!" Hilde screamed, her face red and angry, "How dare you ask me such a question Bitch! I'll fix you! Go to your cabin right away. Move Bitch!" She continued to scream even though Ruth had turned her back and had started in the direction of her cabin.

Ruth was shaking all over. She had never in her life bated anyone before she met Hilde. But, more important, she had never had anyone hate her as that woman seemed to. Why? Ruth asked herself. Why would anyone carry a grudge so long? What had she really done to the woman? Ruth decided that the questions were just too large for her to answer, that they involved theories and ideas that she had never come in contact with. She held her head high and proceeded on to her cabin, forgetting about Nurse Hilde as soon as she stepped through the door.

Elizabeth still lay on her bed almost as Ruth had left her. She was staring open-eyed at the ceiling and gave no indication that Ruth might be in the room. Ruth was shocked when she looked at the girl. Elizabeth was filthy. The whole cabin stank. She walked cautiously to the bed and wanted to cry when she fully realized the condition of the girl. "Elizabeth?" She called softly. There was no response. "God in Heaven, Elizabeth, what has happened to you?" Ruth sobbed and sat on the edge of the bed.

She had her back turned to Elizabeth so that when the girl touched her she sprang up from the bed, shivering with alarm. She checked herself quickly and turned back to face her. She took her dirty hand in her own, and, looking at her close saw that she was crying. "What is it, Elizabeth? What's happened here?"

"Ruth! Oh, Ruth!" Elizabeth cried.

"Yes, it is I. Hasn't Gretchen been taking care of you? Where is she anyway?" Ruth demanded.

"Hilde wouldn't let her," Elizabeth said softly and then slowly turned her eyes back to the ceiling.

Ruth would have none of that. She was surprised that she had spoken, but since she had Ruth had no intention of letting her slip back into her mute self. "Elizabeth!" She spoke loudly, causing the girl's eyes to focus again, "I want you to answer my questions. NOW! First, when did you eat last?"

"I don't know!" She cried.

"When?" Ruth demanded, "Today? Have you had anything to eat today?"

"No," Elizabeth said, trying to turn her head away.

"Yesterday? Did you have anything to eat yesterday?" Ruth demanded, tugging at her hand, hard.

"I... I don't... I don't know," She answered.

"All right, Elizabeth, I'll manage something to eat. Have you been working the last two days? Have there been men here with you?"

"... Yes..." She sobbed. "Many."

"Who took the coupons? Who collected the coupons?" Ruth demanded.

"I don't... maybe Gretchen. They... they said they gave them to... to a girl," Elizabeth whined.

"I see," Ruth said, even though she wasn't sure she did. "I'll talk to her. I want you to get up and bathe and I'll go get us some food, Elizabeth. Hurry up!" She made her get out of the dirty bed and head toward the sink. "And you're going to do it for yourself, Elizabeth. I have to go for food. And don't get back in that filthy bed. I'll come back and help you change it." Ruth stopped only long enough to make sure that Elizabeth was doing as she told her, then headed for the door.

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