Nazi Joy Camp - Cover

Nazi Joy Camp


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Even in the cruelest of conditions, some people can find the inner-strength to survive. In this story, two teens are forced for years to satisfy Nazi soldiers with their bodies. They are forced, and trained to allow any perversion that is put upon them by the soldiers and their trainers. But even in these harsh conditions, love can also be found.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

The first morning at the new base of operation found Ruth somewhat restored to normal. Awakening, she yawned and stretched. Then she looked over at the bed on which she had dropped Elizabeth the night before. The girl seemed to be awake so Ruth crossed the few steps to her bed and looked down at her.

Elizabeth's large green eyes were open but they saw nothing. Ruth stifled a cry of pity for the poor girl and sat down on her bed and held her soft hand in her own. "Elizabeth," she said softly, stroking the girl's hand and arm, "You must hear me, please. It's too much for me. I can't look after myself and you too. I just can't... Please speak to me."

She could detect no response whatever from the girl. She leaned over her face and pressed her own lips to Elizabeth's then raised her head and looked into the girl's limpid eyes. No response. None. Ruth leaned over her again and pressed her lips once more against her soft ones, then bit harshly into them. She felt Elizabeth's body quiver under hers but when she looked at her she was still the same, staring straight up; but her eyes were brimming with tears. A trickle of blood ran from her lips where Ruth had bitten her.

"I'M sorry, Elizabeth, but you must come out of it. Don't you hear me at all?" Ruth pleaded. She received nothing by way of answer. She was searching her mind for something to do or say when there was a pounding at the door. Ruth was startled. She jumped off the bed immediately. She grabbed a small cloth and wiped the blood from Elizabeth's lips. She went to the door and opened It cautiously. A soldier stood at the door with a rifle slung over his back. His face was caked with dirt.

"What do you want?" Ruth demanded, automatically drawing back from the sight of him.

"I got three coupons. I won two from a couple of other guys." He held the three Yellow coupons out to Ruth.

"Go away!" Ruth said, trying to close the door. His rifle butt was suddenly between the door and the door frame. He was not to be denied. He stuck his face in the crack of the door and grinned hideously. "Please," Ruth begged, "we only got here last night and we are supposed to have twenty-four hours to ourselves. Come back tomorrow."

"Nothing doing. I'm horny now. I got a fuck ticket and I'm gonna fuck, even though you are Jewish." He barged his way into the small room and kicked the door closed behind him, He looked around until his gaze stopped on Elizabeth. He walked to her bed, dragging his rifle alongside, "What the fuck's the matter with her?" He wanted to know.

"Please Ruth begged, "just go away and come back tomorrow. Please?" She sat on her own bed and put her face in her hands.

"Nothing doin'. They only passed out twenty-five tickets and I won two more. I get three fucks." He crossed the room to Ruth's bed and lifted her to her feet. He threw his rifle onto the bed and grabbed Ruth into his arms. He pulled her head back by clutching a handful of hair, then clamped his mouth onto hers. Ruth started a struggle but she was helpless against him. He forced his tongue into her mouth and rammed it fully into her throat.

Ruth was saved by the bell so to speak. Something akin to a siren screamed, rending the air with its shrill sound, and the soldier dropped to the floor. A loud speaker was immediately activated and the magnified voice boomed, "All girls to morning roll call. Los! Los!"

Ruth looked down at the dirty soldier lying at her feet. He was shaking from head to foot. She moved away from him and looked from him to the bed where Elizabeth lay still staring straight at the ceiling. She wanted to cry. Instead she dressed hurriedly and went to the soldier and helped him onto her bed. She dampened the same cloth she had used to clean the blood off the lips of the girl and cleaned his face. His eyes were closed. He looked to Ruth to be a thousand years old. He still clutched the yellow coupons in his hand. Ruth relieved him of the burden of them and said, "I'll be back as soon as I can get back. Just rest."

She left the cabin, closing the door softly after her.

Ruth joined the line-up of girls for the morning muster. There was a huge woman standing on a box in the circle of girls calling out their names in a loud voice. Ruth arrived just in time to answer for herself. She didn't know what to do when Elizabeth's name was called so she said nothing until the silence grew pregnant with expectation and all the girls turned in her direction. Ruth stepped forward and explained carefully that Elizabeth was ill and added hurriedly that perhaps it would be a good idea to check for verification with the Kapitan who admitted them the previous evening.

Receiving a nod from the large woman standing on the box, Ruth returned to her place. She had to stand thirty minutes longer while their instructions were gone over again. The list of rules which were posted in each cabin alongside the douche kit was spelled out word for word before they were dismissed.

The woman blew a whistle and reassembled all of them before they had taken two steps away. "I am Frau Direktor of this group. You are to address me always as such. Each soldier will bring you one yellow coupon. No one soldier must ever have more than one. You will need two coupons for breakfast, three for lunch. There is no evening meal. Keep yourselves clean! You are with the cream of the German Reich! Dismissed!"

Ruth returned to her cabin with her mind in turmoil. She had safely put away the three coupons that she had taken from the soldier and now she had been ordered never to accept more than one. Hell, she thought, to breathe the air was probably breaking a rule. She sighed and quickened her steps. She knew she had problems awaiting her.

When she opened the door to the cabin the soldier was not on her bed. She looked in the direction of the labored breathing noise that she heard and saw the soldier pounding away between Elizabeth's open legs. She clutched at her throat, fearful that she would cry out in alarm, then moved to the bed. He hadn't even bothered to take off his clothes.

Ruth's first impulse was to use his rifle to shoot him with. Instead she moved cautiously toward the bed and saw Elizabeth's soft white hands on the back of his head. Then, before her eyes and ears the girl moaned, "Oh-Ooooh" and her long legs snaked around the slim hips of the soldier. Ruth stopped, watched, and listened.

She heard a low moaning deep in Elizabeth throat, a sort of gurgling noise that matched in rhythm the pitching and plowing of the soldier into her warm, clasping vagina. Suddenly the girl's white legs flailed in the air then dropped tightly around her lover's back and pulled him tightly into her. Both of them bucked and pitched at each other and cried out for the sheer joy of reaching a climax before the soldier pitched forward onto the soft white body of Elizabeth and lay still.

Ruth was even more surprised when she realized that Elizabeth was smiling at her. The girl's eyes no longer had the glazed and far away look that had distinguished them for the past seventy-two hours. She removed her hand from the head of the now still soldier and reached it out to Ruth. Ruth grabbed for it through a vale of tears, happiness and relief spilling out of her in a burst that blinded her vision and reduced her efforts of motion.

Ruth sat on the side of the bed. She leaned over and kissed Elizabeth on the mouth. She did not know what had revived the girl but she guessed rightly that the hair of the dog that bit her had something to do with it. Both of the girls were weeping and holding tightly onto each other when the soldier withdrew his now deflated penis from the tight little cunt of Elizabeth with a wet, sucking sound and then rolled over on his back. He smiled weakly at Ruth.

Ruth looked at him and felt a sort of sympathy. She saw that his white, limp pole was sticking through the fly of his trousers. She made a motion to put it back for him since he seemed so totally exhausted. He grabbed her head forcefully and smashed it down against his crotch. Ruth struggled with all her might to free herself from his strength and she was just on the verge of giving up when someone pounded at the door. The soldier released her immediately. "Answer the door," he told her.

Ruth opened the door only a crack. Two soldiers confronted her just as dirty as the one on Elizabeth's bed with a haggard look about them. Then they roughly pushed her out of the way and entered the small cabin. They propped their rifles against the wall and then turned to Ruth. Each of them held out a yellow coupon. Ruth sighed and reached for the coupons. They in turn reached for her, holding her between the two of them, one in front the other in the back.

"I'm first!" The bigger of the two howled, pulling Ruth forcefully away from the grasp of the other.

"There's supposed to be two broads to a cabin," the other said, releasing his hold on Ruth. He moved toward the bed where Elizabeth and the tired solider lay. He stopped within a foot of it.

"Awright soldier, you're time's up." He spoke toward the bed.

"Fuck you. I got three tickets and I only used one." The first soldier said, then rolled on top of Elizabeth to show his authority and possession of the girl.

The soldier turned back to Ruth and his buddy. "Hans?" he asked questioningly of the soldier who held firmly onto Ruth.

"Come on," Hans invited him, "we can both fuck her at once." He pushed Ruth roughly from him and said, "Get out of your god- damned clothes. You got a couple of men to deal with."

With trembling hands Ruth removed her clothing, then stood nude in front of the two soldiers. Their desire-filled eyes roamed over her soft whiteness from her jutting little breasts to the soft blond vee of hair at her loins. The first one whistled low and appreciatively. The other smiled broadly and nudged his buddy with his elbow. Both of them threw off their clothes in what seemed to Ruth like seconds then moved toward her. She was trembling with fright.

Hans lifted Ruth off her feet and carried her to the bed. He fell on top of her like a hungry wolf and clamped his mouth into her firm, full breasts, biting down hard. Ruth moaned and tried to move away from him, but it was wasted motion. He was hurting her terribly. She felt her legs moved roughly apart and stiff hair brushed against her soft inner thighs. The rough hands of the second soldier moved her vaginal lips apart causing pain to assault her little cunt even more harshly than the biting of her breast. She felt the hot wet tongue of the soldier move over her cuntal lips then into the soft secretness of her. Then, in spite of herself, she moaned with pleasure.

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