Nazi Joy Camp - Cover

Nazi Joy Camp


Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Even in the cruelest of conditions, some people can find the inner-strength to survive. In this story, two teens are forced for years to satisfy Nazi soldiers with their bodies. They are forced, and trained to allow any perversion that is put upon them by the soldiers and their trainers. But even in these harsh conditions, love can also be found.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Two days after she had seen the truck-driving-sergeant of police, she was resting in her cabin, secure in Elizabeth's arms, when there was a tentative knock on the door. Ruth dragged her tired body to the door and almost screamed because of the frightful appearance of the soldier standing there.

His right arm appeared to be gone; his left eye murky with the lid half closed. He was absolutely filthy. His once blond hair now brown from dirt was matted to his head. And there was a scar running from his temple in a long sweeping curve to the tip of his chin. He reeked of sweat and sour body odor.

Ruth started to close the door without even saying to him that he had arrived during the rest period. Before she could open her mouth she heard his voice - low and familiar and pleading. She couldn't remember the person the voice belonged to, but he seemed familiar to her. She hesitated for a second, trying to drag up from the depths of her memory a face to match the voice since the one that was before her seemed mutilated beyond recognition. He took the opportunity offered by her hesitation and pushed past her into the cabin.

Elizabeth took one look at him and screamed. Ruth was furious. "Get out!" She yelled, "This is our rest time. Out or I'll call the police." She had no intention of calling the police but the threat of doing so had rid her of unwanted client a couple of times before.

The scarred apparition turned and smiled at her crookedly, then "Ruth? Don't you remember me?"

Ruth was sure she was going to faint. She clutched the edge of the door for support. "Kurt?" She whispered.

"Yes, Kurt," he replied, sitting down on her bed.

Ruth went to him in a flash. She fell sobbing into his waiting arms. She clung to him with all her might. He stroked and soothed her with his left arm and said, over and over, "Don't cry. Please don't cry. Everything's going to be alright. Ruth, come on now, stop it." He continued, talking and massaging and calming her until she became quiet.

After a while he pushed her gently away from him and stood up. "Look, Ruth, I'm not as bad as I look actually," he said then laughed softly. He removed his torn and scarred tunic and asked the astonished Ruth to help him. Together they undid the tape that held his arm snug against his body. He had two arms, both of which he used to hold Ruth's trembling body his as she laughed and cried with relief. He then crossed the room to the small mirror and carefully removed the makeup that had been applied days earlier to make a scar. Ruth watched in fascination.

"If I can just have a bath. I'll be myself again," he told her, smiling the whole width of his dirty face, his teeth gleaming white in contrast with his soiled skin.

"Oh, Kurt," Ruth cried out, "you're still not hurt - I mean you're just you!"

"Yes. I've had a hell of a time getting here, Ruth. But I told you I'd return. Didn't I? I meant it. This war is a pot of shit and we're losing the whole thing. All of it. Just over the hill the Russian's are coming. I just planned a little escape and - well, here I am." He laughed at his own success.

"Kurt, Kurt, I can't believe it. Nothing's wrong with you! Nothing!" Ruth cried out with elation.

"Yes there is. I'm filthy." He laughed.

"Kurt?" a voice asked wonderingly from Elizabeth's bed. Ruth and Kurt turned to look at Elizabeth. Ruth had completely forgotten about her. Kurt smiled broadly and strode to her bed. He reached out his hand to her but she drew back in alarm. "Elizabeth?" Kurt asked, easing himself down onto her bed. "It's me, Kurt. I came back," he said gently.

Elizabeth ignored him and whimpered, "Ruth, Ruth."

Ruth went swiftly to Elizabeth and took her in her arms. "It's all right, Elizabeth. It is Kurt. Do you remember him? Of course you do, Elizabeth."

The frightened girl looked around Ruth's head at the smiling boy. Her face broke into a tentative grin, then a wider one. "Yes, I remember. I think. Kurt? Kurt?" she said, testing the name for the sound of it.

"How did you do it, Kurt?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'll tell you why and how. It's hopeless, Ruth. I was in a forward company and it was over-run by the Russians and only one other person escaped besides me. My friend. They killed all the wounded and dying men. We watched from an exploded bunker. They didn't come in after us for some reason and when they withdrew we took off. We made it back to our own lines and a Kapitan tried to force us to go back but I wouldn't do it. I knew that if I ever did I'd never come back alive. So, my friend and I helped each other to dress so that we looked injured and unable to fight. We forged ourselves some papers and made our way back to here. I had no idea you'd be here. But you see, Ruth, there are so many deserters that unless you're injured, they just arrest you and lock you up in a box car and ship you back. That's all. They don't even have rifles to give the men. They have to pull them out of the hands of the dead soldiers." Kurt stopped talking and his eyes took on a far away haunted look.

Then, remembering where he was, he continued. "It took a long time to get back here. Over a month. The Russians are right behind us. They're just over the forward hill. You should be able to hear the sound of fire within a couple of days. We all have to get the hell out of here."

"Will you take us, Kurt?" Ruth asked.

"Yes. But - we'll have to work out something about papers. I don't know how..."

"I have some!" Ruth exclaimed. She jumped up from the bed and went to the place where she had hidden her papers stolen from the girl at the SS Kamp. She returned with then to the bed and held them out to Kurt. "But... we don't have any for Elizabeth."

"We'll manage," Kurt assured her. "How did you get these?" He wanted to know.

Ruth told him about the papers and all about her treatment by Nurse Hilde since her return. She did not mention the truck driver in front of Elizabeth because she was unsure what her reaction would be. Kurt listened patiently, then smiled and said, "You mean to tell me that bitch is still here? The very one who had me sent to the Eastern Front?"

"Yes. She's mean, Kurt. She does everything she can to make life miserable for me... for us."

"Well, we'll see about her later. We have to plan on a way out of here. Soon. Within the next day. Can I have a bath? Please?" He smiled.

"Of course," Ruth told him. Then to Elizabeth, "Get up and let's give Kurt a bath, Elizabeth. He's going to help us escape from here. She took the girl's hand and pulled her out of bed. She noticed that Kurt's eyes roamed hungrily over Elizabeth's body.

The two girls prepared the bath while Kurt looked on. Ruth said, "Come on, Kurt." She curtsied deeply, "Your bath is ready, Sir." Both girls giggled.

Kurt stood and removed his filthy undershirt, then his trousers. He smiled weakly and dropped his shorts. Ruth couldn't believe it. His prick was just as she had remembered it, long and thick and white and purple headed. She cried out, softly, when it was exposed to full view.

Kurt seemed to have become shy. It was almost as though he was trying to cover his dangling sex with his hands as he walked to the prepared tub and eased himself into it with a sigh. Both girls recovered themselves and set to work on him. In short order he was gleaming clean, his hair restored to his original blondness and his body red from all the rubbing and attention it had received. He stood and the girls dried him front and back. Ruth giggled when she took his large prick in her hands to massage it dry on the towel. It throbbed gently in her small hands. She lowered her eyes to keep Kurt from seeing her face, which she knew was glowing red.

Kurt walked to the bed, looked at it, then jumped in.

Kurt reached out his arms for Ruth. She fell into them willingly, finding his mouth with her own before her body rested on his. He clutched her to him and kissed her long and passionately. Ruth's body shuddered. He was the first boy or man she had ever had; the memory of his second and last time with her burned in her memory. It was just as if there had been no one else between that time and this for Ruth. "Uum... umm," she purred as he kissed her, exploring his once familiar body with her hands just as he was doing hers.

"What about me," Elizabeth whined, standing above the bed and looking down at them.

Ruth laughed when she looked up and saw the girl standing there. She had completely forgotten about her. She looked at Kurt for confirmation before she spoke and he, seeming to know what she was going to say, nodded his agreement.

"Elizabeth," Ruth said softly, taking the girl's hand in her own. "Please let me be with Kurt for awhile - all by myself? I want to very much and then... well, we can all be together. Please?"

Elizabeth looked at Ruth with hurt eyes, but she nodded her head in agreement. She moved toward her own bed, slowly, and got into it. She lay flat on her back and stared up at the ceiling.

Ruth was angry with herself for being so selfish, remembering that Kurt was the first man for Elizabeth also, then told herself that she indeed had every right to him first because she had spent most of her time looking after Elizabeth for a couple of years. "Oh, Kurt, do you think I'm selfish? Wanting you all to myself for a little while?" Ruth asked.

"Ha," he laughed, then moved her off him and moved himself on top of her. "Yes. Selfish as all hell. So you have to pay for it!" He laughed again before he covered her mouth with his.

Ruth accepted his kiss willingly. She moved her lips apart and accepted his tongue in her mouth, working at it with her own, then sucking and massaging with all her strength. She felt his prick growing hard on her stomach and she wiggled under him. He kissed harder in appreciation and shoved his tongue into her throat. His strong sure hands played over her body, from her shoulders to her waist and then to her buttocks. He took her soft buttocks in to his hands and squeezed them as he forced his tongue deep into her throat.

Ruth moved her small hands over his head, his back and to his buttocks. She marveled at the familiarity of him after so long a time. Her body was on fire where he touched her - on her mouth and her stomach where his rapidly hardening and lengthening prick seemed to burn right through her.

Kurt stopped kissing her mouth and moved his hot searching tongue to her breasts. He kissed one nipple gently, then played about it with his tongue. Ruth's body heaved up to accept him. He bit tentatively at her hardening nipples, then smiled up into her face: "Delicious," he murmured, then went back to his business of kissing and sucking and drawing her body fire to her breasts.

"Oh! Oh... ooh, God, Kurt," Ruth cried, twisting and heaving under his busy mouth.

"How I've dreamed of this, Ruth," Kurt whispered to her now erect nipples, then bit each of them hard to emphasize his words.

"Oh! OH..." Ruth cried softly, then slid her hands down the length of his hard muscled body and then over his buttocks and under his stomach and took his long, hard prick in her hands. She held his burning rod in her clasp as he continued to kiss and suck and tear gently at her breasts. She felt his balls and put her palms on his hard, flat stomach, then ran her hand down the length of his rod and just for meanness dug her nails into the root of his prick.

"Aiiee..." he screamed, then bit down hard on her nipple.

They both laughed. Then Kurt looked at her very seriously. "You hurt it. If you don't kiss it, it'll start crying," he said. Not waiting for an answer he rolled over on his back. His long, white, hard prick stood straight up from his body. Ruth looked at it, then gasped. She had forgotten just how well endowed he really was. She hesitated but he lifted her gently and guided her mouth to the purple head of his hardened cock.

Ruth took the head of it into her mouth. It was so hot and throbbed so eagerly that it almost burned. She sucked gently on the head of it which completely filled her mouth. Kurt moved his hands over her back and moaned with pleasure. He then forced her head down and down until his hard, hot throbbing cock was sunk deep in her throat. He moved his hips up and pressed down gently on the back of her head.

Ruth's mouth and throat were crammed full of him and his hardness throbbed in her throat. She felt him move her hips up until she was resting on her knees with her warm, moist little cunt wavering over his face. She thought she would faint from the pleasure - that of the outward pressure of his thumbs on her cuntal lips, until she felt his hot, probing tongue touch the smooth sensitive flesh of her pulsating little cunt. "Ah... oh... ooh," she moaned around his hard prick as he penetrated her fully with his tongue, driving the hard wetness of it deep into her.

Kurt bit and sucked at her cuntal lips, causing desire to peak immediately. He probed at her clitoris until it became stiff and hard to his tongue, then moved her pink softness apart and took it between his teeth. Ruth's small body shuddered and quaked with every caress. He felt his balls tighten in readiness for their own explosion. He kissed her sweet cunt and bit and sucked and felt the joyous pleasure of her mouth tight around his prick.

Ruth hoped that she wouldn't burn up with desire. His kissing and probing and biting her was driving her to the limits of her ability. She felt his prick harden slightly and the throb there became more insistent. She quickened her motions up and down the long pole and sucked and worked hard on the head of it each time her tongue found its way there. Then she knew she was ready to cum, she couldn't help it, it was there, tearing at her insides, the fires stoked and fanned by Kurt's knowledgeable kissing and licking and sucking.

"Uh... ugh... Oooh," she moaned as Kurt thrust himself up and deep into her throat and she broke inside and came again and again as he sucked and kissed. She felt his semen bursting forth from him and accepted the constant river of hot liquid cascading down her desperately swallowing throat a she increased her motions up and down and sucked hard so that he would do the same for her.

Both of them were reluctant to desist even though both of them had been temporarily satisfied. His hard prick rested inside her mouth and she sucked at it slowly, moving over the length of it with ease; he continued to kiss and suck and nibble at her cuntal lips. Both of them quit at the same time and Kurt guided Ruth back to him, alongside him, and held her in his arms.

"Doesn't that ever get tired?" she laughed pointing at his still hardened prick that stood straight and tall over his body.

"Ha, ha!" Kurt laughed, "It hasn't been this way since I last saw you, Ruth," he paused then, "It'll take a lot of work to tire that to limpness." He turned sideways and pressed his hard prick into her stomach. "Lift your leg, baby." he ordered her. With a grin of anticipation on her face Ruth did as she was told.

Kurt guided the head of his prick to her open cunt and then pulled Ruth's hips around until he was able to fit the head of it inside her tight pink slit. "Aaaaah..." he gurgled pleasurably, then kissed her soft lips gently.

Ruth liked the feel of the huge spongy prick head inside her cuntal lips. She squeezed it tight inside her, ignoring the slight pain that it caused her. She felt that she had never in her life been happier than now, holding Kurt securely in her arms and feeling the pressure of his mouth on hers, his tongue probing gently into her mouth as she clamped the large hardness of his prick just inside her cunt. She could have remained like that forever, she thought, but she was not to have the opportunity.

Kurt couldn't take it. He had not lied to Ruth. Of all the girls he had fucked, of all those virgins he had split apart and pounded into, she was the one that he always dreamed about in the colds of Russia. He had watched a large Russian peasant woman, large hipped with ponderous breasts, run a bayonet through four fallen soldiers. He had watched dispassionately, wishing he could think of a way to shove his large prick into the warmth of her, all the way in until it came out her throat. Then the idea had revolted him. Looking at her had made him think of Ruth, of her young body, and he had closed his eyes and ground his teeth together from the desire for her. Now he was here - inserted inside her. He wanted to be gentle yet he wanted to be feeling her fire deep inside her, to stroke at her very heart with his prick.

Kurt rolled on top of Ruth and carefully took her legs in his hands and moved them over her shoulders. He eased his long moisture glistening cock into her, slowly, until it was all there, deep into her. He moved his hips slightly from side to side and then pushed heavily against her very core. Ruth responded by slipping her legs to his waist and clamping them about him. He kissed her fully on the mouth and ran his tongue inside, then he began a long smooth stroking of her vagina with his long, hard cock.

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