Nazi Joy Camp - Cover

Nazi Joy Camp


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Even in the cruelest of conditions, some people can find the inner-strength to survive. In this story, two teens are forced for years to satisfy Nazi soldiers with their bodies. They are forced, and trained to allow any perversion that is put upon them by the soldiers and their trainers. But even in these harsh conditions, love can also be found.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ruth lay crumpled on the narrow planking and cried until it felt as though her heart would break. Her whole young body shivered and convulsed with the pain that throbbed throughout her. The semen of the young war lords of Hitler's Third Reich oozed from between her bruised thighs and from the corners of her full, aching lips. Her emotions were spent and her soul bruised. She wanted to hate but that would require too much from her. She simply lay as still as possible and let the pain and shame slowly drain from her body. She could not help but think, however, of all the horrible and obscene things she had been so suddenly subjected too.

Ruth was sixteen years old. She had been arrested and catalogued and interned in the oldest prison in Vienna when she returned there upon her father's supposed summons. She had been a happy, dreamy little school girl in Switzerland unable to believe all the nonsense that was said about her country, Germany, until now. Even the events since her arrest and detention were as nothing compared to what she had been through this very morning.

Ruth had been awakened at five o'clock. The woman in charge of her section, Frau Moelar, a huge woman who weighed close to 300 pounds and didn't appear to be fat, said, "Up! Los, los. It is your day. You must prepare yourself."

Ruth had been directed to the cold water shower and then had been made to rub her body until it string from roughness of the heavy towel. Her hair had been cut short the first week she had entered the prison and therefore required little care from her. She just dried it and ran a comb through it. She was given a heavy gown to cover her young body and was then led to a long plank table and directed to eat. There wasn't a great deal for her to eat. She had been famished but the Frau Moelar had told her that she would be sufficiently nourished with the juice and hot weak tea that was ready for her. She devoured it, then hugged her arms around her body to keep warm.

Ruth had waited one hour. Then Frau Moelar had taken her arm and led her down the corridor to the whitest, most sterile looking room she had ever seen. It looked Just like a hospital room, an operating room, which indeed it was. She was made to sit on a cold metal bench with four other girls, all about her age, all dressed as she was, and wait. Shortly a nurse entered and greeted them in a cheery voice and injected each of them with kind of serum, using an extra long needle, on the upper arm.

Ruth was the second girl on the bench. That is, there was one girl, with raven black hair, sitting to the left of her, then three others on her right. She looked at the table in the center of the room and tried to figure out just bow it would be used and just what was to happen to all of them. Her body grew numb from the injection as she sat with the rest of the girls and did not speak one word since she had been warned not to.

Ruth had been sitting on the bench for one-half hour when a doctor entered through the gleaming white door. The lights were turned on over the table and the doctor, Herr Direktor of the entire experiment, entered the room with a flock of nurses behind him. He approached the five nubile girls and greeted each of them in turn and rubbed his hands and smiled and said: "You have been spared. If this experiment works - if you can learn easily - then perhaps you have a long joyous life ahead of you. If not, I cannot promise you anything. No. It is up to you girls. Follow the instructions that I give you and do your best." He turned to the nurses and told them that they could summon the young men.

Ruth's spirits lifted when the young men entered. There were four of them and they were handsome beyond description. She had been a very romantic girl at school, daydreaming of the time when a young man would enter her life and take her for long walks through the forests and kiss her and love her for all time. Her childish fantasies had never entertained what was to take place shortly before her.

The Direktor summoned the girl on her left, whose name turned out to be Beth, to the white table. She was made to take her robe off and get onto the table on her back. Ruth looked at the beauty of the girl, at her short black hair and her white skin, and felt a pang of jealousy because Beth was to be the first. She had large green eyes, through which she innocently looked at the world without the faintest hint of the madness that was about to take place upon her body, Her not yet fully formed breasts jutted out smartly from her body and the soft pinkness of her nipples contrasted sharply with the rest of her. Her flat muscled stomach was smooth and ended with her new growth of pubic hair that was black, soft and downy; it formed a perfect vee between her long white legs.

Once on her back on the table she was made to fit her feet into stirrup cups and her hands were strapped alongside her body. Ruth could see her shiver; and, looking at the four young men standing near the table she noticed that their eyes were gleaming in a strange anticipation as they took in the whole of the beautiful young female form spread out before them. The Direktor spoke to the young men, ignoring the girl on the table, then moved to her and told the nurse to move the table back.

Ruth watched in horrid fascination as the lower half of the table slid back and moved Beth's legs so that her knees were over her body and the whole of her tender young vagina slit was exposed for the eyes of everyone in the room.

The Direktor wasted no time. He moved to the end of the table and opened the spare, hairlined lips of Beth's naked cuntal opening with his thumbs, causing her to cry out in terror. He ignored her and spoke to the four young men: "You should always examine for cleanliness. This is the lips of the vagina, the protective shield that keeps out all the filth if they are properly taken care of. Now," he continued, stretching Beth apart abruptly, causing her to groan again. He nodded his head to one of the nurses and she roughly placed a piece of gauze over the girl's mouth and injected her again with the serum from the needle.

Beth relaxed immediately and her eyes rolled about strangely in her head. The Direktor smiled smugly and dug his fingers into the soft pinkness between her now unresisting thighs and continued: "This is the entrance only. It is soft and generally needs to be moistened in preparation for intercourse. This is the natural process of the woman's body and would happen if the normal preparation and play is made by the man. We do not wait for that because we do not have the time. We do it mechanically." He nodded again to one of the nurses and she came forward with a large black cylinder filled with warm baby oil and pushed it into the pinkness of Beth's tight, resisting little cunt. Ruth heard a low moan from the skewered young girl and vicariously felt the pain in her own loins. She shivered but continued to watch in abject fascination as the smooth bubbly oil flowed out the soft quivering lips clenching tightly to the pricklike tube.

After the nurse had moved the rubber-headed cylinder into the depth of Beth's soft slit, she maneuvered it about and then withdrew it.

"Good. We will move here to the upper part," the Direktor said, walking to the head of the table. "This one has a nice pair of breasts. Notice how the firmness of the flesh and the tautness of it makes the breasts flare up from the chest. The nipples are good, also. Small, but they will grow to largeness with the correct manipulation." He took the small pink nipples in his large fingers and massaged them teasingly back and forth. "You see, they harden immediately. You," he spoke to one of the boys, "Come and kiss."

The young man he had spoken to approached the table, his eyes gleaming and the muscles of his huge young shoulders massed into cords of muscles. He lowered his blond head over the upraised mounds of white flesh and without hesitation sunk his mouth over her left breast. Ruth could see the slight upward thrust of Beth's stomach as she apparently felt the teeth bite into her virgin flesh. Her own breasts suddenly felt warm and tense, the first such sensation she had ever had. She watched and listened.

"You should kiss and suck gently," the Direktor said almost clinically, then took his hand and put it on the back of the boy's head and pushed down hard. "Now nip your teeth into her, gently?" he leeringly told the boy.

"Aaaaaagh," Beth screamed. The noise piercing the whole room. Her whole body shuddered but she was unable to move much. Her feet were securely locked into the cup stirrups and her arms were strapped alongside her. The Direktor was furious. He spoke sharply to the nurse and she flew to the head of the table with another gauze mask and slapped it hard down against Beth's face.

"That's enough," the Direktor laughed, pulling the boy's head away from her white, now quivering breast. Then, to all of them, "You see how the nipple has hardened?" He took it teasingly in his fingers again and squeezed it so that it stood hard and straight. "It does not take much and it is a source of pleasure. These Jewish girls are small here at the nipple, but it is an instant source of excitement to them. Ya?"

All the boys agreed. The Direktor motioned for the young man who had been biting the lush whiteness of Beth's firm young breasts to move to the end of the table. Then, ordered him to drop his shorts. Ruth gasped when she saw the huge white prick that hung thick and heavy between his legs. She had never before in all her young life imagined that anyone could have something like that growing there.

As Ruth watched, the boy grasped his thick cockshaft in one hand, lifted it to a horizontal position, and began to stroke it slowly. It swelled even thicker, began to stiffen, and now she could see the helmet shape of the knob clearly outlined beneath the skin.

The boy fisted his now fully erect shaft, drawing the foreskin back, exposing the fat purple glans.

She looked closely and saw the head of it and the small bit of clear moisture that gleamed on the end of the large, smooth head. She noticed the dark veins that ran the length of his huge cock and, gasped in fright when she realized suddenly that he was going to force the mammoth organ into the small pink slit nestled between Beth's upraised thighs.

The boy was ordered forward by the doctor and he stood at the end of the table, his huge prick throbbing and standing straight out from his body, pointing at the small pink slit that was gleaming with beads of moisture from the warm wetness of the oil that had been used to lubricate it before the Direktor had him insert the head of his cock between the soft hair-lined lips of the girl's vagina, then made him stop. He then summoned the other three boys and placed them about the table, directing one of them to put his mouth on her left breast, another of them to sink his mouth onto her right breast, and the third youth to stand at the head of the table. Beth moved slightly as the two mouths were sunk into her breasts. She appeared to Ruth to be trying to move her loins away from the throbbing prick of the first boy, but it was of no use. She was too securely strapped onto the table.

"Now," the Direktor said, moving slightly away from the table. "You, Kurt, are to enter her slowly. She is a certified virgin, a Jew girl, and she will be tight. If you find it is too painful for you, Kurt, you may withdraw. Go in slowly, now," he instructed.

Kurt stepped closer to the end of the table and levered his cock down from its steeply erect angle. He guided the naked purple knob into Beth's exposed pink slit.

Ruth gasped to herself as she saw the big whiteness of Kurt sliding into the small pink opening of Beth and she wanted to cry out in sympathy but she dared not. She knew that she would be next and she hoped that she would not be too hurt. She watched the pole-like prick of Kurt inch its way into the pink softness between Beth's legs, stretching the tight elastic lips relentlessly around it and then stop before half of it was out of sight. Kurt turned to the Direktor and said, "It really is tight. Can't she help?"

The Direktor did not answer. Instead he stepped behind Kurt and put his large hands on the white flesh of the boy's buttocks and shoved forward with all his strength.

"Agh... oh... oooh!" moaned Beth. Her scream seemed to be torn from the throat of the poor girl on the table. Ruth thought she would faint. She put her hands alongside her hips flat down on the cold bench and steadied herself. Waves of shame and humiliation at the thought she would be next swept through her mind and she blinked her eyes to clear her vision.

She looked back at the table and saw the huge prick of Kurt easing out of the small slit and the flanges of the soft pink lips of Beth's vagina gently traveling the full, moistened length of it. The boy at the head of the table had let his shorts fall to the floor. The head of the table had been moved so that Beth's head hung backwards over the end of it. Ruth could only see her smooth white throat and her chin. A nurse opened the girl's mouth and the boy moved forward and thrust his large cock into the girl. Ruth shuddered anew and felt as though she would faint. But, she didn't. She was grateful now that she had not been given more breakfast than she had been.

She continued to watch in horrid fascination as the four young men worked away at the beautiful body of the spread-eagled young girl. The one at the head of the table jabbed furiously into her mouth; the two blond heads kissed and sucked and bit at her breasts as Kurt plunged in and out of her tight, squirming little cunt. As Ruth watched, the entire action speeded up. The plunging in and out of her cunt by Kurt became almost frenzied and she could no believe the working of the two bodies, joined together as they were, with the now hard prick slamming into the soft pinkness of the helplessly writhing girl on the table in lightning-like strokes.

The silence of the room was interrupted by the command of the Direktor. "Now!" he bellowed, standing away from the table and watching the whole process, his arms folded across his chest, "Shoot into her. Let the little woman feel the heat of the young men of the Fatherland!"

Ruth could not look at the Direktor. Even his eyes were vulgar to her. She looked at the table and saw the four boys sucking and biting and plowing into poor Beth at both ends of her and then Kurt moved up with the help of his tight muscled legs and threw himself harder and harder between her widespread thighs and ground mercilessly away. He plunged madly in small piston-like strokes, then suddenly he grabbed both her legs in his hands and threw his head back and pulled her toward him and plunged and rammed crazily into the softness of her wildly quivering belly. Then with a wild jerking spasm he banged himself fully against her full young buttocks and stopped. For all the horror of what she was watching, Ruth could not but help appreciate the beauty of the long-muscled legs of Kurt, the cording of the thigh muscles as the bunched themselves together for the final cataclysmic plunge.

She looked at the boy at the head of the table and he seemed to be beginning what Kurt had just finished. The whole thing looked odd to her, out of perspective. She was watching Kurt from the back and the other boy was facing her so that she seemed to be seeing only one, but his front and back at the same time. The image was broken for her, however, when Kurt desisted and the other boy rammed furiously into her mouth faster and faster until he, too, pressed his driving loins up tight against her face and moved his hips from side to side and then with a long, low grunt of animal satisfaction relaxed.

The Direktor, leering obscenely, told the boys that they had done a good job and ordered them to withdraw and stand back. They responded immediately. Ruth heard a wet, sucking sound as the glistening white pole of Kurt came out of Beth's cunt and saw that the same bard instrument that he had forced into her was still standing rigidly out from his body. The Direktor sent Kurt and the other boy away with orders for them to shower and return to the room within fifteen minutes. He then ordered two of the nurses to unstrap the girl. Ruth sighed with relief for the poor girl, then gasped with fright when she realized that she was to be next. But, her time had not approached as yet. They were not quite through with the voluptuous young girl quivering in fear before them.

Beth was turned over on the table, her feet were fitted back into the stirrups, toes down, and the table was moved back so that the beautiful, soft white mounds of her buttocks were jutted up toward the light that glared overhead. The Direktor moved back to the end of the table and motioned the two remaining boys to stand behind him and slightly to the side. He ordered the nurse to the table and she came, carrying the black cylinder of lubricant.

The Direktor moved around the table so that he was standing just at Beth's hips. He reached over and spread her buttocks obscenely apart, almost gently Ruth thought, and then the nurse shoved the cylinder into the pink rubbery tissue of her tight, cringing little anus. Ruth heard a moan from Beth and felt a pain of sympathy for her. She prayed fervently that when her time came she would be spared such a horrible indignity.

When the nurse was finished the Direktor dug his large fingers into the white flesh near the tight opening of Beth's rectum and ordered one of the boys to approach. The boy dropped his underpants. Ruth gasped as his hard prick jumped forth and stood out from his body. He moved forward. Without hesitation he slammed the whole of his huge rod into Beth's helplessly pulsating anus. "Ooooh... ooooh..." she screamed.

The Direktor motioned for the nurse to go away, since she had started to the head of the table with her gauze again, and told the other boy to go up there. He did. He tore away his restraining shorts and roughly lifted Beth's head by taking a handful of short hair. Then, without mercy, he shoved his long hardened prick into her tiny, ovalled mouth.

Ruth watched in horror, now, as the two boys shoved and battered into the front and back of the helpless girl, one ramming into her soft, giving buttocks, sinking his bard pole between her mounds of soft white flesh; the other shoving relentlessly into her gaping mouth. Ruth saw the girl push up with her hips to draw her rear away from the cock plowing into her tight, clasping rectum and at the same time having the long, hard prick of the other boy pushed into her throat so that her young body seemed to convulse like a helpless rag doll between them.

Then, without warning, the room grew absolutely silent except for the labored breathing of the two young Nazis and the muffled moaning of the unfortunate Beth. Ruth heard above this unusual noise the slapping together of the boy's muscled stomach and Beth's soft white buttocks of quivering flesh as he drove relentlessly into her. Ruth looked in disbelief at the wild, animalistic scene and saw the boy's hands cupped around Beth's white flesh at the hips and realized that he was forcing her helpless body back to meet his every plunge. The boy at the head of the table had both hands on her head and was violently pulling it toward him as he rocked ceaselessly into her mouth. From where Ruth sat she could see the pale lips of Beth encircle the stone hard whiteness of the boy. She shuddered and wondered if she would ever be able to undergo such a thing and if she should be able to do so, what she would be like after.

Then, before she could continue her thoughts, with loud explosive breathing and the noise of flesh slapping flesh, both boys shot their hot semen into Beth's helplessly skewered body at just about the same time. They then withdrew from her and from the room, their penises, still hard and standing proud before them, proceeding them through the door. The Direktor ordered the girl lifted from the table. That was done right away. She was helped out of the room by one of the nurses, a large woman, big- boned and big-breasted. The table was made ready again, the entire surface of it was scrubbed down and the linen changed while Ruth sat and watched and shivered in helpless anticipation of her own subjugation to this horrible ordeal.

Being at the age of sixteen did not help Ruth one bit. She was too young to imagine the actual act of sexual intercourse for the first time for a young girl; she had little idea of the attendant pain. She had no idea of the conception of the intensity of multiplied pain that went with rape as it had been committed before her very eyes. There was just nothing in her previous experience to give her the faintest hint. The shot of sedative that had been given to each of the girls had not only made them relax and accept the weir scene that they had just witnessed, but it also dulled their senses for each of their own experiences, as it was supposed to do.

Ruth watched the clean linen being placed just so on the movable table and then the Direktor spoke to one of the nurses who headed in Ruth's direction. Ruth drew back from the out-stretched hand of the nurse and was slapped soundly for her discourtesy. The sound of the slap caused the Direktor to turn and bellow at the nurse. "You are a sadist, Fraulein Schmidt! Bring the girl here immediately!"

Fraulein Schmidt jerked Ruth to her feet and pushed her toward the table. She dug her fingers cruelly into Ruth's arm and no amount of tugging and pulling on Ruth's part would loosen her grip. Ruth found herself standing at the end of the table and looking into the cold blue eyes of the Herr Direktor. "And you, Jew girl, you do not give the nurses here a hard time. You are very lucky to be here - to be permitted to have a tryout of the comforting of the cream of the Nazis youth. If you are not well behaved and courteous to a fault, we will find you some other place. I can assure you, Jew, that this is the best of all possible places for you. If you have another opinion, we will be inclined to let you put it to the test. You understand that once and for all. Onto the table!"

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