Wanda's Orgy - Cover

Wanda's Orgy

by Slutluver

Copyright© 2002 by Slutluver

Erotica Sex Story: Another adventure of my Favorite Slut - Wanda -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   .

The intercom next to the door buzzed, and I got up and pushed the talk button.

"Who is it?"

"It's Al."

"Come on in, Al?"

Al entered and sat down.

"I want to ask you something, Al."


"When's the last time you got laid? If you don't mind my asking, of course."

"When's the last time I got laid??

"Al, I'll tell you the last time I got laid."

A few moments of silence followed and Al said, "Actually, I can't even remember. I'm horny, damm it. My basic male needs are not being met."

"Well, I can't help you there, I'm afraid."

Al nodded. "If only it was also a basic female need, then I wouldn't have this problem. Some people say that women need sex, but I certainly haven't seen much evidence of it."

The intercom buzzed again.

"Who is it?"

"It's Wanda."

"Come on up."

I sat back down. "She's been coming over here every day after her workout to use my shower," he said. "They installed those low-flow shower heads at her health club."

Wanda came into the apartment and dropped an enormous gym bag on the floor with a loud thump. She was wearing a tight spandex leotard under a pair of running shorts, and a sweatband pulled her long brown hair back. Sweat evaporating from her leotard had caused localized cooling, and her nipples were poking through the spandex.

"Hi Larry, hi Al."

Wanda walked over to the refrigerator, took out a carton of milk, and began drinking like someone who had been lost in the desert for a week. Milk dribbled out of the corner of her mouth, down her throat, and into the cleavage of her leotard. Finally, she lowered the carton and let out a long, satisfied sigh.

"God, I needed that."

She noticed that we were staring at her.

"What?" She looked at the empty carton in her hand. "Oh, sorry about the milk. I'll bring you some more tomorrow."

"It's not that," I said finally. "You've got a little milk..." and motioned to my chin.

"Oh, thanks." She wiped her chin with her hand, and then did the same thing to her neck and the upper part of her chest. As she licked the last drops of milk off her fingers, she noticed that we were staring at her again.

"What's with you guys?"

"Nothing, really."

"No, come on - you're both staring at me with funny looks on your faces. What's going on? What were you talking about before I came up?"

"Al and I were just having sort of a guy talk," he said. "It turns out that Al hasn't... been with a woman in quite some time. We were sitting here talking, and then you waltz in here in that tight outfit and start guzzling milk, letting it run down your neck and between your breasts..."

"I get the point," she interrupted. "You're horny."

"Exactly!" said Al, slapping the armrest of the couch for emphasis. "We're horny."

"Well, I'm horny too," she said. She made a sour face. "I haven't gotten laid since Friday. Sex is a basic female need, you know."

Wanda looked at them and gave them a devilish smile. "Maybe we could sort of... help each other out. What do you say, Al?" Wanda knew Al had always had a crush on her.

"That would be fantastic," said Al.

"In fact," she said, "I was thinking it would be fun to have sex with both of you guys at once. What do you say?"

Al gasped for breath as he realized she was serious. "What do we say? What you think we say?? We say yes!!"

Wanda poked me in the ribs. "What's the matter, sport you know I love to have more than one man at a time?"

"I'll be back as soon as I take a shower," said Wanda over her shoulder as she went into the bathroom.

Al stared at me in amazement. "Can you believe it?"

At that moment, much to Al's dismay the door flew open and Ken burst into the apartment.

"Hi," he said to both of us. "Are you ready to go?"

"Go where?" I asked.

"To the store, remember? There's a big sale today."

"OK, Ken lets go."

Ken was looking at Al curiously. "What's the matter, buddy?"

"Nothings the matter," said Al defensively. "Why do you ask?"

Ken spun around and looked at I intently. "Something's going on here - I can feel it!"

Ken poked his finger into Al's chest. "Al, there's something going on and I want to know what it is. Now come on, out with it!"

Al swallowed hard. He was visibly trembling as Ken stared directly into his eyes. "All right, all right... Larry and I are going to be in a threesome together."

Ken jumped a few inches into the air as if an electrical socket had jolted him. "A threesome! That's unbelievable! Who's the lucky lady?"

Suddenly Ken heard the shower running, and realization dawned. "It's Wanda! You guys are going to do a threesome with Wanda!"

"So, Wanda is going to try some wild, uninhibited lovemaking," said Ken. "Count me in."

"Count you in?" shouted Al.

"Are you crazy?"

Just then Wanda walked out of the bathroom with a towel around her. "Larry, can I use your hair dryer? Oh, hi Ken."

"Well, hello there," said Ken in a low, husky voice.

Wanda stopped in her tracks and stared at Ken for a second. Then she said, "You told him, didn't you that's just great - well the more men, the better I like it."

Wanda asked Ken, " Do you want in?"

"Yes - I want in." Ken smiled happily.

"OK," Wanda said "I'll do all three of you at once. I have three holes, don't I and I love to have them all filled at the same time?"

"Do you know anyone else who can get in on this?" Wanda asked Ken.

"Wes, and some of his friends" said Ken with a knowing nod.

"Four guys! How are you going to do four guys at once? Can someone please explain to me how you are going to satisfy four men at once."

We launched into an animated discussion. Arguments began, and angry words were exchanged.

"SHUT UP, all of you!" Wanda was looking at us with hands on her hips.

"This is MY orgy and I'll decide who does what and who is in."

"Al, you can get my ass first."

Wanda continued, "Larry, you get my mouth. Ken, that leaves you with my pussy. Now, is everyone happy?"

"What about Wes?"

"He can be a substitute in case someone gets hurt," Wanda answered.

Ken left to get Wes.

Wanda found a bottle of whiskey and poured herself a huge drink. "Down the hatch," she said, tossing it back. "Whoa! That's more like it."

As the alcohol took effect, color returned to her cheeks and she began to dance around the apartment. She shimmied seductively up to Al and ran her hands up and down his chest.

"OK, Al, lets see it, " she suddenly said.

Al turned pale. "You want to see it? What, just like that?"

"You heard her, she wants to see it."

"I think I better have a drink first," said Al. He poured himself a shot of whiskey and downed it. "Ahhhhh... I see what you mean, Wanda. That does help."

He walked back over to Wanda and then, with quickly stripped. Whoohoooo!" shouted Wanda. "Now were getting somewhere."

Wanda walked over to I. "OK, wise guy, I think it's your turn. You need a drink first?"

"No thanks. But what about you? When are you going to get naked?"

"Not until everyone is here," Wanda said. "Now, lets go Larry".

"OK," Finally, I stood completely naked.

Just then the doorknob rattled and there was a loud thud as something hit the door.

Wanda opened the door, and Ken, Wes, and Ron walked in.

"You have me at kind of a disadvantage here," protested I. "I'm naked and you're fully dressed."

Wes glanced briefly down at my cock and said. "Oh, I have you at a disadvantage all right."

Ken suddenly noticed that Al and I were naked. "You didn't start without us, did you?"

"Not all,".

"Come on, everyone," Wanda said, doing another twirl. "All you guys have to take it off, and then we can get started."

"Let's Roll!!!," said Ken eagerly, and he tore off his shirt, sending a button bouncing across the floor, kicked off his shoes, and dropped his pants, leaving himself completely nude.

"Now that's what I call following orders," said Wanda.

Wes stripped, with a little smile on his face. His smile was the only little thing about him. His height and wide chest made him appear twice the size of any of the other men in the room. But what really caught ones eye was his immense cock, which hung half way down to his knees and was thick. The overall impression he gave was of a bull elephant.

"What can I say, Wes," said Wanda, sounding a little out of breath. "I don't know where I'm going to find the room for that."

Ron stripped also and his cock wasn't much smaller than Wes.

Wanda looked and smiled and said to Ken, "Thank you for bring these two to my party - I will really be able to enjoy them."

The three of us were trying desperately not to look at the Wes or Ron.

Wanda must have guessed how I felt. She beckoned me over. "You'll do first," was all she said. With a howl, all the other guys pushed the chairs and sofa back, and formed a large circle around us. Someone rushed into the room carrying a large cover from the bed and threw it down on the floor.

By now I was standing there with my cock erect, ten pairs of eyes looking at me. Though I was only aware of her eyes, looking directly into my eyes, a smile playing on her lips. Slowly she stepped back a pace, and undid the towel she had wrapped around her. She held it out at arms length, let it drop to the floor, and stood there for several seconds. Naked, beautiful breasts which I'd kissed and sucked so many times before gently rising and falling, legs slightly apart.

Slowly she knelt before me, bent her head forward, and slid her mouth down onto my cock. My own moan of pleasure was echoed by a sigh of appreciation from all the guys.

Ken said, "How about some massage oil?"

"All right, men. You may do with me as you wish."

Massage oil was squirted all over her body in generous amounts, and then Wanda felt the delicious sensation of eight pairs of male hands stroking every slippery square inch of her anatomy.

She opened her eyes for a moment to see who was doing what. Al was kneeling in front of her, kneading her breasts with both hands. Ken and Ron were on their knees, running their hands up and down a leg. Wes was behind her, massaging her back from her shoulders down to her ass.

"Mmmmm," she said. "That feels wonderful, guys."

She closed her eyes again and concentrated on enjoying the administrations of the four men as she continued to suck my cock. She became hornier and Hornier, and it was a relief when Wes finally slid his hand down between her slippery ass cheeks and fingered her pussy from behind.

There is more of this story...

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