Mary's Great Dane - Cover

Mary's Great Dane


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Four swingers who get turned on by the lady next door and a Great Dane. All three women give the Dane a try. Not a badly written book.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Swinging   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

He was home now. Mary was sleeping soundly beside him, but sleep would not come to Pete Braden. He lay flat on his back, his hands locked together behind his head, and stared at the semi-darkness around him. His thoughts were not on the first swap affair between the Bradens and the Alexanders, as they would have been ordinarily, but on the strange woman named Rose. There was no question about it-she was the strangest woman Pete had ever encountered. He recalled her sex scenes with the big dog, and while a part of him was somewhat turned off by it, another part was definitely intrigued; so much so that, even as he recalled it, his cock became immediately erect.

"Good grief," he murmured ruefully. "I need another hard-on like I need another leg."

"What did you say, honey?" Mary muttered in her sleep, turning and facing him at the same time. She pulled the sheet over her shoulders as if she were cold, though it was by no means chilly in the room.

Pete felt wild for a moment. This feeling passed and he calmed down and tried to get his thoughts off sex. He couldn't do it. The next thing he knew he was feeling his wife's tits, running his fingers over them, becoming excited by the act, which in itself was rather wild, having done this to her hundreds of times before, of course. Mary's lips parted.

"Stick your cock in my mouth, honey," she muttered thickly. "I don't mind."

Pete recalled having seen her going down on Mark earlier and he grinned, wondering if, in her dream now, he or Mark was the object of her affection. It didn't matter, really. He and Mary were not the kind of people who got uptight about sex, at least this one aspect of it -- infantile jealousy. Mary, still asleep, reached down for his cock, found it and began to jack him. Pete drew in his breath and wondered if he should waken her or not. He decided not to. He was enjoying what she was doing. However, the act of jerking his dick must have awakened her, for the next thing Pete knew, she was chuckling and leaning over to kiss his cheek almost at the same time.

"Honey, I was dreaming," she murmured.

"Nice dream, darling. Do you want to drift off to sleep and keep on with it?"

Mary laughed softly. "Oh, you nut." She fell silent briefly. Then, "Hey. Tell me again about Cindy. You didn't say much about her when we went to bed, but I gathered that you were kind of upset by her. Were you?"

This surprised Pete. He had no idea Mary might 0 have formed such an impression. "On the contrary," he told her. "I was anything but upset. I had a ball with Cindy. She is, if I may say so to my own wife, an awfully good lay." He glanced at Mary quickly to see what her reaction might be.

She poked him playfully in the ribs. "You think you're going to get a rise out of me by saying that, don't you, big shot? But you aren't." She kissed his cheek again.

He grinned. "Wasn't trying to get a rise out of you, darling. Can I tell you something?"

"Of course, silly. What do you want to tell me?"

"We got through earlier than you and Mark did. I came home, peered through the window and saw you sucking off Mark. I must say it made me so hot I went all the way back to... Cindy's." He had almost goofed and said Rose's place; He wondered if Mary knew Rose, decided not to ask her at the moment. Later he would. Maybe.

Mary was silent for just a brief moment. "Honey," she asked softly, "did it make you just a little bit angry to see me with another man's cock in my mouth?"

He knew what she wanted to hear, so he said it, though it was not quite true. "Just a little, baby. I got over it, though. You know why I got over it?

Because I know I have the greatest wife any guy could ever want."

Mary still had his hard-on in her hand. She pumped it a few times and giggled, much as Cindy had done, and kissed his mouth wetly. "Oh, I love to hear you talk that way, honey. You're such a sweet guy. I didn't really want to suck Mark off, but he told me that Cindy would insist on doing the same thing to you, would in fact do it more than once, so I..."

Now it was Pete's turn to kiss her, which he did. "It's okay, darling. We went into this swap thing knowing what we were doing. Let's don't feel we have to explain things to each other. Okay?"

She laughed and lowered her head to his prick, running her tongue over the head of it. Then she straightened up. "Want me to suck you, honey, to sort of even up the score, or something?"

Pete grinned excitedly. "Be my guest, darling."

She kissed his cock lovingly. "Have you anything left in it for poor little me, honey?"

He grinned again. "Yes. At least, I think so. Would you care to suck and find out for yourself

She lifted his balls lovingly. "You're an awfully nice guy, Pete Braden. Did anyone ever tell you that?"

"Yes. My mother did when I was six weeks old."

Mary giggled. "I mean lately."

"Yes, of course. Don't you ever read the editorial pages of the local bugle? Every now and then they run an editorial on what a nice guy Pete Braden is."

Mary kissed his stomach and straightened up briefly. "You crazy nut," she said. "I just love you to pieces.

"Compliments will get you nowhere, as someone once said."

"The hell they won't. Watch what I'm about to do." Mary took his prick all the way into her mouth and began to suck him off.

Pete lay there, tense and excited, more so than he had been in hours -- since, in fact, he had seen the dog fucking Rose -- while his green- eyed, red-haired wife proceeded to suck his cock to a mind-bending climax.

It was exactly a week later that the phone rang in the Braden home and Mary answered it. Pete was watching television. When Mary hung up, she came to his chair and kissed his mouth suddenly.

He glanced up at her and smiled. "What's that for, darling? Did I do something nice?"

"Good thing you've had your bath and shaved," she said.

He blinked. "Huh?"

"Cindy wants to see you right away."

"Which means?"

"Which means that Mark is on his way over here. He wants to see me. Do you mind, honey?"

"No, of course not. If you want to, that is. By the way, did you and Cindy have this all planned out?"

Mary smiled. "We talked over the phone this morning."

"I see," Pete said, grinning. "You won't tell me directly, only indirectly."

"Come on, honey. Put on another shirt. That one is worn at the cuffs."

"I was going to mow the lawn, but thought I'd listen to the news first."

Mary bit her lips. "Do you think it's too early in the evening for us to... you know?"

"To be seen swapping partners?" Pete shrugged. "It'll be dark in another hour or so. By the time I arrive at their place no one will see me; probably. What if they do? It's our business."

"You have to go now, honey. Mark is on his way here. He's walking, so that'll give you a little time."

Pete pretended to be alarmed. "Now, woman!" he cried, making a face. "Am I to be driven out of my own bed and board by another?"

Mary laughed nervously. "Please, honey. Put on another shirt, plus your jacket and... get lost for a while." She kissed his forehead when she said it, however.

Pete got to his feet and kissed her cheek. "All right. I know when I'm not wanted in my own home." He smiled back at her as he walked out the door and down the street.

He stopped at a bar before going to Cindy's. He wanted a few drinks in the worst way, and this was unusual for Pete Braden. He usually desired sex with no liquor in him. Liquor was not conducive to good relations with a woman, despite what many people have stated to the contrary. He walked up to the bar, yanked out a stool and ordered from the bartender. He had four drinks before leaving and, as he walked towards Cindy's place, he wondered why he had drunk the stuff. The answer came to him as he approached the house. Rose, he saw, was at the rear of the place feeding the big male Great Dane. At any rate, she was in the act of shoving a dish under a door of the enclosure, a fenced-in affair. Pete glanced at her as many times as he could without stopping to call out to her. He couldn't do that -- Cindy would be watching from inside the house. Because he had not told anyone about having seen Rose and the dog fuck, he felt as if he were a conspirator with her.

"Wait a minute," he murmured. "Did I tell Mary or not?" For the life of him he couldn't remember, but thought he had not.

He wanted to turn around and retrace his steps, but Cindy had seen him and was at the door at this very moment, calling to him. He waved at her self-consciously and moved quickly to her porch. Once inside the house, he slipped his arm about her waist and felt the lushness of her body.

"Gee, I thought you weren't coming, Pete," Cindy said, putting her arm about him, also, and leaning her head against his chest. "I hope you're very anxious tonight. Ol' Cindy has passionate panties."

Pete smiled. "What a nice way of putting it."

"Speaking of nice ways to put it, let's try for something original tonight, shall we, baby?"

Pete kissed her cheek and laughed lightly. "Any ideas yet?"

Cindy screwed up her face prettily. "Well, you've fucked me, sucked me, and I've sucked you-what else is there, baby?"

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