Mary's Great Dane - Cover

Mary's Great Dane


Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Four swingers who get turned on by the lady next door and a Great Dane. All three women give the Dane a try. Not a badly written book.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Swinging   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

The first thing he did was to reach between her legs, pull them farther apart and dip his fingers into her cunt. When he was certain the odor of cunt was on all of his fingers, he told her to remain where she was, that he would drive to the Alexanders', allow the Great Dane to sniff his fingers and after that the rest would be easy. The scent of pussy would excite the dog and make it simple for Pete to get him out of the enclosure and into his car. He promised to be back within twenty minutes.

Leaving the house, he climbed into the car and turned on the headlights and started the motor. He drove to the street where the Alexanders lived and parked two doors away from their place. He walked slowly up the walk and, observing that there were no lights on in either the Alexanders' or Rose's place, he stepped quickly between the houses and approached the enclosure. Hearing the dog's low, rumbling growl, he spoke to the animal, hoping his voice would sound familiar, or at least that his scent would. No, his mind whispered to him-not your scent. The dog must catch the scent of Mary's cant. Pete stretched his hands out until he encountered the fence. Immediately, the dog began sniffing at his hands and whining. Pete let the dog lick his fingers and then he entered the small shed as Mark had done and felt the big dog jumping up on him frantically.

"No, not me, Man-someone else," he said. "My wife wants to try you, baby." It didn't occur to him that speaking in this manner to a dog was rather far out.

Luckily there was a collar about the dog's neck and Pete grasped this firmly and half walked, half ran with the dog to the car. He had no trouble getting the Great Dane inside. One sniff of his fingers caused the dog to leap in on the seat beside him. A problem arose then, for the big dog evidently mistook Pete for the love partner and tried to pump his tool against the man's arm. After considerable difficulty Pete drove the car all the way back to his house and cut the motor and lights. Seizing the dog by his collar again, he managed to get him into the house.

Mary was dressed in her most sexy-looking clothes. Black stockings, garter belt to hold them up, no bra, no slip. She had on a pair of her old spike-heeled shoes, and when she stood up, Pete knew a degree of excitement he would not have believed possible earlier. His tool shot up in his pants and he nearly went off. The Great Dane sniffed about Mary's shoes and legs, licked her legs and rose on his hind legs, grasping Mary's legs with his front paws. His loins began to pump wildly and Pete saw the long red whang striking Mary's body w at random, little squirts of the dog's juice remaining on her flesh here and there and running down towards the floor. The dog apparently was frantically trying to understand what to do to this woman who stood up rather than lay down on a bed as Rose did.

"Down on your hands and knees, Mary baby!" Pete cried hoarsely, his heart hammering like a piston.

Mary stood motionless, her lips set and pulled inward, her eyes half closed, her body stiff as steel. "Down on your hands and knees, baby," Pete repeated. "Please... you're confusing him."

Mary groaned and sank to her hands and knees. The dog was in back of her in a flash, his front paws clinging fiercely to her waist and hips, his head and neck projected forward, his eyes set and glazed, his ass jerking inward and outward at lightning speed. Evidently he couldn't find the correct spot at first, but as Pete moved over to try to help, Mary screamed and left her knees momentarily to rise on her toes, her hands still touching the floor, supporting her. She screamed again and spread her legs like a bitch dog.

The Great Dane had sunk his long red shaft into her cunt all the way to the hilt.

Pete dropped to the floor nearby, his heart hammering so furiously now it threatened to jump out of his body. His own tool was so hard it ached. He pulled it forth and moved his body towards Mary, pulling his pants down somewhat as he did so. When he was close enough, he pressed his tool against her cheek, for now her head was hanging low to the floor, her eyes still closed, her mouth still set firmly.

"Suck me, baby," he begged. "Let me get in on it."

But Mary didn't hear him, apparently, for she made no move to touch her husband. She kept on moaning and groaning and every few seconds a tiny scream would issue forth from her lips. Suddenly she was leaning on her forearms instead of her hands. This lowered the top part of her body, but left her rear end high and in position for her cunt to continue to receive the plunging tool of the inflamed Great Dane.

Pete glanced at the big dog.

He wanted to grin, but the grin froze on his face.

The big dog seemed to be looking straight at Pete, but his eyes were so glazed with lust that there was nothing the animal was seeing, more than likely. The dog's back was curved and reminded Pete of a pulled bow about to release the arrow.

Every muscle in the animal's body seemed to be tight and hard and ready to burst at any moment. The long tongue kept darting in and out of the dog's mouth as if it had a personality of its own and wanted something to enter in a sexual sense. Pete watched the animal in utter fascination and a End of wild exhilaration as it continued on with its frantic fucking.

Pete wondered if dogs knew passion.

Or was it simply instinctive urge?

Marv screamed again and shot her butt up into the air.

This seemed to drive the dog even more frantic, for now he plunged his tool into Mary's cunt with terrific force and speed.

"Ah... ah... ah... ah..." Mary cried brokenly. "Ah... ah..."

The dog kept on with his fucking.

Pete moved about a bit so he could see the plunging tool as it entered and was withdrawn from his wife's cunt.

The dong was swollen to an unbelievable size now.

"Ah... ah... ah... ah..." said Mary, her eyes closed so tightly that it made her face look strange.

The dog continued to hump.

Pete watched.

Mary groaned. "Ah... ah... ah..."

Pete went off all over the front of his pants.

The dog evidently exploded then, for his eyes went shut and he breathed hard, his tongue darting in and out of his mouth at a fast rate of speed.

He barely realized it.

Mary was now up on her hands again, holding her body higher from the floor.

The dog was still fucking her, moving now at a rate of speed that was hard to believe.

Pete squirted again as he watched. His pants were a mess.

The dog apparently exploded again from the looks of his face.

"Ah... ah... ah... oh... so... wonderful... so... very... wonderful."

Pete didn't know how long it took for the dog to get down from Mary's back, but it seemed like an hour. Apparently, the dog's tool was so swollen that it could not be extracted until some of the swelling went away. Finally, the dog pulled it out of Mary's twat, and Pete was astonished at the length of it, even though he knew it must be much smaller now than when the fuck had been at its zenith. The Great Dane sniffed at Mary's butt, licked at her cunt with his long, sweeping tongue.

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