Jenny's Favorite Color - Cover

Jenny's Favorite Color


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - This story is about couples (interracial) who like to swing and swap partners and their sexual adventures. Sometimes things can go really go wrong, too. Oh, Jenny's favorite color is -- naw, you'll have to read it to find out :-)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Slut Wife   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jenny had been restless from the moment she got up. She busied herself doing her housework for the first couple of hours, but finally the itching in her loins grew too intense to be ignored. She had been unable to concentrate on anything as the blissful memories of the night before flooded her thoughts.

Ben had been the answer to all the boring months that had passed. The physical size of him, coupled with the raw, animal-like method of lovemaking that he enjoyed, had made her body a slave to him. As the memories flooded her now, she felt the rising heat in her loins flare up even more; and she knew she would have to do something.

She decided on a shower, hoping that the hot spray would banish the cravings that had built up in her body. She entered the bathroom and stripped quickly, then stepped into the stall and adjusted the water.

Ben had no more than left the house when the phone rang. Sue caught it on the second ring. A flutter of excitement swept through her when she recognized Janice's voice.

"Hi... I was just thinking about you."

There was a deep-throated chuckle on the other end of the line.

"I've been thinking about you, too, honey; both Don and I have been thinking about you, as a matter of fact. We talked things over last night, and we both agreed that you were the best thing that ever happened to us. Don suggested that I invite you over this afternoon, and the three of us could have a ball."

Janice had been expecting to have to do some coaxing, but she was wrong. Sue had been thinking about nothing but sex all morning, and she was ready and eager to accept the invitation.

"Sounds great; what time do you want me to come over?"

Janice laughed. "As soon as you can, honey. Don will be home by noon."

Ben moved from his office to the outer reception room and moved across to the front of his secretary's desk. He did his best to appear casual, but he was anything but at the thought of seeing Jenny again.

"Something has come up; I've got to see a client. I don't know how long it will take, so you'd better rearrange any appointments I have for the rest of the day. I'll give you a call later if I'm coming back in."

The hot shower wasn't cooling Jenny off; if anything, it was making her hotter. She could no longer ignore the rising desire that gripped her.

Her fingers moved over the full, firm cones of her lush breasts and teased the stiff nipples. She shivered uncontrollably and closed her eyes as her hands grew bolder, more determined, cupping and kneading her big tits passionately, rubbing the nipples, bringing them alive until they were stiff and pulsating wildly.

She began to moan softly; and she pressed her golden thighs together tightly, brushing the blood-engorged swollen outer lips of her tingling cunt together and sending a wild jolt of erotic pleasure through her. She let out a guttural whimper and let her right hand creep toward her crotch, moving slowly downward over her silky belly, past the deep indentation of her navel, downward toward her burning, tingling box.

Ben had been hesitant to use the office phone to call Jenny and Ian. He didn't want the call going through his secretary. He eased his car out of the parking space and swung into traffic, then began looking for a phone booth.

Sue was bubbling over with enthusiasm. The second she hung up the phone she moved into the bathroom and settled into a hot perfumed bath, her mind alive with envisionments of what the afternoon was going to bring.

It bothered her a little to be going into it without having let Ben know, but she had a feeling he wouldn't have been for the idea of her joining in with Don and Janice for a threesome. He wasn't eager for them to do it as a foursome, and she was sure he would be against her seeing Don and Janice without him.

She knew she should phone him and let him know, but she wanted it so badly she could taste it, and she was afraid he would say not to go. It seemed a little more delicious somehow to know that she would be doing it without his knowledge, and her body began to tingle with expectation.

Jenny was getting too hot to continue in the shower. She shut the water off and stepped out of the stall, then quickly dried herself. She was shaking with need as she tossed the towel onto the floor and hurried down the hall to the bedroom.

The screen and projector were already set up, and she moved into the semidarkness quickly, turning the projector on and dropping down onto the bed. The second it began running, her eyes went to the screen, watching the action as the big stud began to drive his cock into his mate in glorious color just a few feet away.

The sound of the phone ringing shattered her train of thought; and she cursed, then got up, crossing to the projector and flipping it off. She reached for the bedside extension and picked it up.

Sue dressed with care, using for the first time the brief bikini panties Ben had bought her a year before, sheer black and enticingly inviting in that the crotch was missing, leaving her raised mound completely free for open viewing.

She could hardly think straight as she envisioned the session before her; and she dressed quickly, eager for it to begin. She was ready to leave when the cab driver called her on the intercom.

If Jenny had been excited when Ben called, she was ecstatic now. Just the sound of his voice had been enough to bring her close to orgasm, and the knowledge that he was on the way over left her breathless.

She wanted to wait for him and share the desire she felt, but she couldn't. She moved back over to the projector and turned it on; then she moved back across to the bed.

Her legs were rubbery, and she had to sit down on the edge of the bed as she moved her hand back to her hot mound. She threw her head back and clamped her eyes shut tightly as her thighs flew apart, opening her tender vaginal lips and exposing the pink flesh below.

She passionately caressed the outer lips for a few seconds; then she pushed a single finger, between them slowly and let it sink fully into the juicy, hot confines of her tingling twat. She stroked it in and out slowly for a few seconds; then, with a moan of pleasure, she let the tip press against her throbbing, stiff clitoris. She shoved another finger inside, letting it slip deep inside while the first continued to press and release her clitoris.

The blissful, sensuous warmth grew stronger in her; and she began to pant, her big tits heaving frantically as her fingers began to work harder, more wildly.

She found herself envisioning Ben's big black cock as she fingered herself blissfully.

Jenny's sensual excitement had been clear to Ben over the phone, and he couldn't get to the house fast enough to suit the wild flames of desire the sound of her husky voice had built in him.

He had half-hoped that she would be alone, and that she would be willing not only to discuss the aspect of the four of them getting together, but would provide a little entertainment for him at the same time. There was no doubting that fact now, and he was really hot for her.

He whipped the Caddie into the circular driveway; and even before he had shut it off, Jenny had the front door open and was grinning widely across at him.

His eyes swept over the brief robe that covered her nude body, and he could see plainly that she had nothing on under it. The stiff points of her nipples were showing clearly through the thin material. He sucked in a deep breath of air and hurried across to her.

Jenny slammed the door behind him and grasped his hand.

"C'mon, into the bedroom; christ, I really need it."

She peeled the robe off the instant they were in the bedroom. The sight of the movie projector and screen attracted Ben briefly; but as her golden, firm flesh flashed out of the robe, he forgot it.

Jenny looked across at him and groaned huskily; then she flopped back onto the big bed and held her arms open to him.

"Hurry, get out of those clothes and love me."

Ben's fingers were shaking as he ripped at his clothing, pulling it away. In seconds he was nude and hurrying across the room to join her on the bed. Jenny was gasping for breath, her eyes tightly shut, waiting impatiently for him.

She felt the touch of hot flesh as Ben climbed up onto the bed and knelt between her firm, golden thighs. She opened her eyes and they widened with delight as she caught sight of him settling on his haunches between her legs.

He was holding his throbbing hunk of black meat in his right hand. It was even bigger than she'd remembered, and the sight really shook her.

"Oh my god... it's hard to believe that's real."

"It's real, baby... and it's all yours."

He shifted over her, bringing his mouth close to her ear.

"I'm going to fuck you, baby, long and hard."

Jenny moaned softly. "Oh yes... yes... yes..."

Ben moved his big hands over her lush body slowly, teasing the warm, tantalizing, perspiration-covered flesh; then he moved his lips to hers and kissed her lightly. His hands continued to work on her as he increased the pressure of his lips on hers and worked his tongue between her teeth.

Jenny welcomed it hungrily and lashed at it with her own. She found her breath coming in gasps as she shook with the desire that he was steadily building in her.

The feel of her, hot and yielding below him, drove Ben wild.

His big black tool had come into its glory now, completely hard and throbbing hotly as he pressed it against the gentle curve of her belly, letting her feel it, showing her just how much he was going to cram into her tender, hungry slit.

Janice waved Sue into the apartment and closed the door; then she moved across to the bar.

"It's a bit early, but I'm going to have a drink. You want one?"

Sue was as keyed up as a virgin on her wedding night, and the thought of a drink appealed to her.

"Yes, I could use one. Is Don home yet?"

Janice shook her head as she busied herself preparing the drinks.

"No, but I expect him any time. Let's go into the bedroom and get comfortable while we wait for him."

Janice handed her one of the drinks and the two of them moved down the hallway to the bedroom. Sue felt a little uneasy as Janice dropped down onto the bed, patting it beside her.

"C'mon over here. If Don isn't home by the time we finish these, we might as well warm each other up a little."

It was what Sue wanted, what she'd come over for; yet she was still having second thoughts about doing it without having Ben around. She moved over and got up onto the bed beside Janice, then lifted her glass to her lips, hoping to relax herself a little with the booze.

She reached down to pull her skirt flat as she set the glass down on the table beside her, and Janice laughed.

"Hell, honey, if you don't want to wrinkle it, maybe you'd better get if off. I think I'll join you."

Janice set her own glass down, then stood up and began to strip. It set the stage for what was coming, and Sue pushed her doubts aside and got up to take her own clothes off.

They dropped back down onto the bed again, and Janice openly inspected Sue's dark, delectable body before raising her glass from the table.

"That's much more comfy; let's get these drinks down."

Ben loved the feel of her hot, silky body against his. He rotated his hips slowly, brushing his big black prick back and forth across her as his hands moved to her full, ripe breasts. He cupped the firm mounds gently and then began to knead and massage them, brushing his fingertips back and forth over her dark, stiff nipples. They began to swell almost immediately, openly telling him of her need, demonstrating that she was as hot as he was.

Jenny could think of nothing but the gentle touch of his hands on her, the hot, molten feel of his naked black body against hers, muscular and so very male...

When he lifted his lips from hers, she let out a hoarse groan of desire and brought her hands up around his back, stroking and caressing the sinewy muscles with her fingertips, sending tingles of anticipated pleasure through him and bringing soft groans from deep in his throat.

Ben continued to press his hot, hard body against her for a moment; then he moved down farther between those beautifully spread thighs and lifted himself slightly so Jenny could reach between them and find the stiff, huge, black pulsating shaft of his long, gnarled prick. He held it for a second almost lovingly; then, as Ben shifted his hips forward slightly, she placed the massive, glistening, almost completely unshrouded knob between the open, oozing lips of her tight cunt.

He moved forward in one slow, powerful thrust; and Jenny's head flew against the pillow as she closed her eyes and let out a shriek of surprised but obviously delicious pleasure.

"Oh... oh... it's so big... oh god... do it slowly or you'll rip me in two..."

Ben didn't try to gain much ground on his first probe into her dripping slit. He could no more than get his big knob an inch past her swollen outer lips. Jenny prided herself in being tight, but after the recent fingering she had given herself, she expected to be able to accommodate him fairly easily. Instead she found she could barely handle the huge bulb of his throbbing, heartshaped knob.

The tightness surprised Ben a little, but excited him as much. He stopped his forward motion for a few seconds, letting the big knob pulsate hotly against the tender, swollen tissue of her cunt and force it to expand and prepare to accept the massive size of his monstrous prick. He made no move to remove the massive head of his cock, and the inactivity frustrated Jenny.

Ben knew how she felt, but rather than risk hurting her too much, he left it up to Jenny, letting her move upward and force the big tool inside as she bucked wildly against him.

As Sue lay beside Janice, their hot hips pressing lightly against each other, she realized what it was that was bothering her. She didn't like the idea of it just being the two of them, because as long as they were alone, it meant that she was openly accepting Lesbian lovemaking as a singular desire.

The thought of her becoming a Lesbian had never crossed her mind when she had been making it with a broad in a group session; it was just part of the overall deal, and the everything-goes concept. She couldn't call it that now, and it shook her a little to realize that she wanted it this way at the moment, she wanted to make love to another woman.

Janice finished her drink and set the empty glass down on the table beside her; then she looked over at Sue.

"C'mon, honey, drink up; momma wants to give you some loving."

Sue had dragged it out as long as she could. She raised the glass to her lips and drained it. She turned to set it down; and as she did, Janice made her move, reaching gently out with her hands and running them over the curve of Sue's breast.

Sue froze for a second, then shuddered. She felt a wave of arousal move through her body as Janice's smooth fingertips brushed lightly over her sides and trailed down over her long legs. She let out a half-stifled moan of need and felt her nipples begin to harden.

Janice seemed to sense her tension; and she smiled, then moved her left hand to Sue's belly and began to rub in a slow, circular motion.

"Relax, baby, you're too worked up; just relax. I'll do it real slow."

She began to caress and stroke Sue's dark, vibrant body slowly, lovingly; and Sue closed her eyes and rolled over onto her back, attempting to relax.

Her big full tits jiggled enticingly as she moved, and the sight of the lush, swollen buds crowning them sent a shiver of pure pleasure through Janice. She moved her head and let her lips capture one of them. It came alive as it surged between her sensuous lips.

Sue let out a moan of raw, sensuous need, and her last doubt was dispelled. "Oh god, yes... so good... yes..."

Her body arched upward off the bed to beg for more. Janice was so gentle; her mouth was so eager and knowing. The way Janice held her tender, throbbing nipple, firmly yet gently, sucking, nibbling, lapping...

Janice's right hand moved up to the other nipple, and she began to roll it between her thumb and forefinger as her lips and tongue teased the erect, pulsating tip in her mouth. She sucked and polished one delicious bud while she massaged and caressed the other, loving the feel of them reacting to her fondling.

Ben was in no hurry. He let Jenny work at his huge chunk of meat, working it inside at her own pace as his hands moved over her firm, proud breasts again, teasing and kneading the already burning flesh, rubbing the already stiff and straining nipples. Jenny let out a wild whimper of desire as she suffered through the torture of worming his cock into her. Her hips shot upward, urging more and more of the big black, throbbing prick inside her hungry cunt.

She filled the room with passionate moans as she began to rotate her ass in a wide, rhythmic circle against the rumpled sheets.

Ben groaned huskily as his massive tool was sucked slowly, delightfully, inch by delicious, thick, pulsating inch, into the tight, oozing depths of her lush, throbbing pussy.

He was really enjoying letting her fuck herself with his prick and he fought to hold himself in check as his body broke out in beads of passioninduced sweat. The feel of it was fantastic, and finally his own need was too strong to be ignored. He wanted to let her do it by herself, but the tight crevice of burning flesh grasping and releasing his aching prick was too much to ignore. He began to drive his huge tool into her.

Jenny's mouth dropped open at the first powerful surge of his hips. She let out a shriek of delight and shook wildly as the massive, pulsating cock hammered forward commanding, demanding of her body the room to sheath it. Five long vicious strokes later his heavy, wrinkled sac and its tender, burning contents slapped against the raised cheeks of her dimpled, satiny ass in a satisfyingly wet slap, and he was all the way into her.

Sue began to breathe heavily as she felt Janice's fingertips begin gently caressing the swollen outer lips of her burning cunt. She arched herself upward frantically, welcoming the feel of it; then she shook breathlessly as Janice lifted her head, reluctantly letting the pulsating nipple slip free of her mouth and began to let it follow the trip her fingertips had taken a few moments before.

She continued to massage Sue's hot cunt, noting the free flow of natural lubrication with satisfaction as she let her tongue trail slowly down over Sue's dark, heavily perspiring body, down through the deep valley between the high, proud, conical breasts, over the slightly rounded belly. She paused there fleetingly, just long enough to dip into Sue's navel and taste the hot, musky sweetness; then she was lapping hungrily through the thick black wiry pubic hair toward her goal.

Ben's initial desire to begin fucking Jenny had subsided a little now, and he pushed his big prick as far as he could into her yawning, stretched cunt and held it there, letting her writhe and hump up against him. His eyes swept over her, enjoying the lust-twisted look of her face, the sound of her wild snorts of passion, and the smell of her musky woman scent.

Jenny had never thrilled to the likes of anything quite like it. She felt as though she would rip apart; she was so full of the thick, throbbing hunk of meat that it frightened her, as it thrilled her beyond belief. She couldn't get enough of it. The feel of him deeply imbedded in her, stretching the tender tissues of her hot cunt further and further, demanding more and more room, left her panting wild and begging for him to begin to move in her again.

"Fuck me... hard... god, do it hard..."

Ben groaned and started to slowly stroke in and out of her. At the end of each stroke, his big knob hit the bottom of her milking slit; and Jenny eagerly picked up the blissfully mated motions to compliment him. Ben gave her the best he knew how, a slow, sensuous fuck, rotating, gyrating, picking up the motion of his massive shaft as it dipped in and out of her.

She was a tight fit even now, and Ben knew that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hold himself back for long.

Janice licked slowly around the outside of Sue's broiling chasm, then lifted her head to look at it. Sue's thighs had parted automatically, and Janice let out a groan of pleasure as she looked down at the swollen, dark outer lips and the glistening pink flesh of the open, invitingly moist slit below.

Sue was on fire by this time. She wanted action. She moved her hands up to cup her own breasts, capturing the stiff nipples that Janice had just released wildly, frantically, twisting and stroking them.

"Yes... god, yes... eat my cunt... lick my hot pussy..."

Janice didn't have to be asked twice. She groaned huskily and moved down to the end of the bed, kneeling between Sue's twisting thighs as she bent her head. She let her lips brush fleetingly against the tangy, swollen flesh below the mat of shimmering black cunt hair; then her tongue snaked out from between her lips and slowly worked its way around the outside of the inviting, honey-spewing fountain.

Sue let out a shrill cry of need as she felt the tip of the hot probe slip brazenly across her tender cuntlips, and in that instant she knew she wanted Janice to eat her more than anything she'd ever wanted before. She gave a wild cry, then grasped Janice firmly by the hair and yanked her face into the hot, viselike grip of her thighs.

"Now... eat me... eat me..."

Janice let out a moistly muffled moan, then drove her tongue deeply into Sue's musky, burning cunt. Sue's lithe black body lashed upward off the big bed as she shrieked with delight.

Ben wanted Jenny to hit the peak with him. As he felt the end coming for himself, he picked up the pace of his powerfully fucking cock, urging her up the ladder to release so they could go together.

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