Jenny's Favorite Color - Cover

Jenny's Favorite Color


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - This story is about couples (interracial) who like to swing and swap partners and their sexual adventures. Sometimes things can go really go wrong, too. Oh, Jenny's favorite color is -- naw, you'll have to read it to find out :-)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Slut Wife   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ben paused, letting his foot press slightly on the accelerator to warm the motor up as he waited for Ian to move his Buick out into the traffic. His eyes rested on the red convertible in front of him. Sue spoke, breaking into his thoughts.

"It was quite a night."

Ben nodded and smiled.

"That's an understatement. I'm glad you talked me into coming over; I was pretty disappointed with that deal we had at the motel. But this is more like it."

Sue smiled, taking pleasure in the fact that he had come around to her way of thinking.

"Yes, I feel ten years younger; and when you consider how little sleep we've had in the past two days, that's saying a lot."

Ian edged the Buick out into the traffic, and Ben turned his attention to his driving as he moved the white Caddie through the exit and filtered into the fast-moving traffic.

He accelerated, catching up to the pace, then glanced over at Sue.

"Ian and Jenny are something else, aren't they? They don't have any weird hang-up like Don and Janice. For a while there I was wondering if there were any couples like us, just looking for a little variety without being kooks."

Sue smiled as she briefly relived the wild hours just behind her.

"Yes, they think pretty well along the same lines that we do. Don and Janice aren't so bad though; they're harmless, and willing for almost anything."

Ben frowned slightly.

"They're not for me. They're only interested in one thing; she gets her kicks out of balling with a Negro broad, and he gets his by watching or screwing one of them anally. Don't get me wrong; I have to admit that I enjoyed their side of it. But I sure as hell wouldn't want to make a steady diet of it. Ian and Jenny are something else; they dig swapping partners and balling it. When we were making it with Janice and Don I got the impression they were just using us, but I sure as hell didn't feel that way when I was putting the blocks to Jenny."

Sue shrugged and lit a cigarette. She paused to exhale before answering him.

"I don't feel that way about Don and Janice... but then I guess you're sort of a fifth wheel when there's just the four of us. They sure as hell don't neglect me, though; that Janice sure knows how to turn me on. God, she's good at it."

Ben was silent for a few moments. He had something to say, and he wasn't exactly sure how to put it. Sue sensed his predicament almost immediately, and she turned to look at him.

"What's eating you?"

Ben hesitated, then shrugged.

"Nothing really. I was just thinking that we should try to ease out of the deal with Janice and Don and set up something permanent with Jenny and Ian. I kind of hoped you'd see it the same way."

The suggestion took Sue by surprise, and she didn't answer him for a second. Ben glanced over at her.

"... like I said, I don't feel comfortable with Janice and Don, but I do with Ian and Jenny."

Sue nodded slowly. "You felt that way from the first. I don't think you're giving Janice and Don a chance."

Ben thought he had been more than fair in his judgment, and there was a trace of impatience in his voice when he spoke. "Look, honey, you hit the nail on the head when you said I was just a fifth wheel when we got together with Janice and Don. They want a black broad to ball with; that's how they get their kicks. If I'm there they let me join in; hell, Don will go both ways, and Janice likes a root up her ass now and then, but that's not exactly wife-swapping in my book."

Sue had learned one thing in the past two days, and that was the fact that she not only enjoyed being the third party in a session with Janice and Don, she loved it. It was all good, but having Janice balling her and Don reaming her at the same time was exquisite pleasure, and she wasn't about to have it pulled oat from under her.

She took a deep drag off her cigarette and looked away from Ben, turning her attention to the buildings flashing by on her right as she spoke.

"Let's be fair about this, Ben. You told me what you liked about what we've done so far, and I'm not trying to cut it off for you. You like making it with Ian and Jenny--more specifically, Jenny. Well, that's fine by me, but I happen to dig balling it with Don and Janice and I don't want you to cut me off from that."

Ben sensed that she was firm in her position, and he knew that any attempt to force her to his way of thinking simply wouldn't work. He decided to try reasoning with her.

"Okay, honey, you like having another broad sixty-nine you while you're getting it in the ass; hell, I'm sure you can get the same thing from Ian and Jenny if you want it. And with them, it wouldn't be some kind of a depraved ritual; they'd enjoy it for the fun of it just like you and I."

Sue turned to face him. "Be honest, honey; you like the idea of swapping partners; you know, you and Jenny in one room and Ian and I in the other. That's great up to a point, but I don't see how I can have a threesome that way."

Ben shrugged. "Okay, I'll make you a deal. You agree to break with Janice and Don, and I'll agree to group sessions. I know damn well that Ian and Jenny will go for it; they're game for anything."

Sue didn't answer him, so he continued.

"Look, honey, there's something about Don and Janice that makes me uneasy. I can't put my finger on it, but they spell trouble; I know it."

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