Jenny's Favorite Color - Cover

Jenny's Favorite Color


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - This story is about couples (interracial) who like to swing and swap partners and their sexual adventures. Sometimes things can go really go wrong, too. Oh, Jenny's favorite color is -- naw, you'll have to read it to find out :-)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Slut Wife   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sue took a long time under her morning shower. She had spent a restless night thinking about what had happened the day before. The session with Don and Janice had made one point very definite in her mind; she liked it, and she wanted more. The conflict started when she realized that Ben, despite the fact that he'd said he'd think it over for a week, had already made up his mind to squash any further sessions.

He had refused to confront her on the point directly, brushing it aside with a "wait and see" attitude; but Sue knew him well enough to sense that he was simply waiting for her to come around to his way of thinking, and that if she didn't, he would eventually just flatly refuse to let the sessions happen again. It wasn't Ben's way to be overbearing about anything between them, but she had no doubt he would be in this case unless something happened to drastically change his mind.

Ben was still in bed sleeping, even though it was past nine and he was usually up and around by eight. She had been thinking things over for more than an hour, and she could see only one way to sway him to her side. She would have to see Janice and explain the situation to her and arrange for another session during which Ben could get more of what he had in mind. She knew that he had enjoyed the session, and it wouldn't take too much of a change to make him eager for more.

She stepped out of the shower and dried herself quickly, then dressed and walked into the bedroom of the motel room. Ben was still sleeping soundly; and she smiled as she left the room, heading for Janice and Don's motel room.

Don hefted his suitcase out of the cab and watched it disappear; then he followed Janice into their apartment building and crossed over to the elevator. He glanced over at her as he followed her through the doors and set the suitcase down.

"I hope we didn't make a mistake leaving that envelope for Ben and Sue."

Janice shrugged.

"I think they're all right. Besides, after last night I couldn't turn down another session with them anyway, could you?"

Don shook his head slowly.

"No, they were great; no doubt about that. It's just that we planned on keeping this on a first-name basis; giving them our phone number and address could be a mistake."

Janice took a deep drag off her cigarette and exhaled.

"I don't think so; it's obvious they have as much to lose as we do."

Ian edged the red Buick convert into the traffic and accelerated. Jenny felt a wild shudder of anticipation move through her; and she moved closer to him, resting her hand on his thigh and squeezing slightly.

"God, I feel like a schoolgirl on her first date; I'm so horny they'll be able to smell it."

Ian laughed and leaned back a little, spreading his legs and letting her see the semi-erect shaft of his thick cock growing against the crotch of his tight pants.

"You're not the only one, baby; this is going to be wild."

Sue paused just inside the door of her motel room. She ripped the envelope open and read the few short lines quickly; then she looked across at Ben's sleeping form for a second before shoving the envelope into her purse and leaving the motel room again.

Janice was just slipping into a pair of lounging pajamas when the doorbell rang. She looked over at Don, who was standing just outside the bathroom.

"You go ahead and grab your shower; I'll let them in and fix us up a batch of drinks."

Don felt a growing sense of anticipation, and he grinned.

"Christ, you'd think after all the screwing last night and damn little sleep we'd be beat, but I can hardly wait."

Janice flashed him a grin, then spun around and left the room. She heard the sound of the bathroom door closing and the shower starting as she opened the door and greeted Ian and Jenny.

"Hi, c'mon in."

She waved them into the room and closed the door behind them, then led them into the comfortable living room.

"I know it's a little early, but I think a drink would be appropriate; how about you?"

Ian felt a little self-conscious now that he had arrived. He nodded slowly. "I could sure as hell use one; Scotch and water, if you've got it."

Jenny nodded her agreement. "Me too."

Janice turned from them and crossed over to the small bar. She began to mix the drinks as she spoke.

"Don's grabbing a shower. We had a late night. He'll be with us in a minute."

She picked up two glasses and carried them over to the couch where Jenny and Ian were sitting. Her eyes rested on Jenny for a second, then moved to Ian.

"I guess Jenny told you about the other day."

Ian flushed slightly and cursed silently to himself for doing it.

"Yes... I... uh..."

Janice laughed throatily.

"Mmmm, a little uneasy. Well, I guess that's to be expected. Let's finish off this drink while we wait for Don, and then Jenny and I will break the ice."

Jenny flushed this time. The memory of the session with Janice was still very strong in her mind, and she wanted to relive it, but the thought of doing it in front of Ian shook her a little.

Janice seemed to read her thoughts. She picked up her own glass and dropped into the chair across from them. Her eyes rested on Jenny, and she smiled.

"Don't worry, honey, after the first few minutes you'll be enjoying yourself so much you won't even know we've got an audience."

Sue climbed into the cab and gave him the address; then she sat back and tried to formulate just what she was going to say to Janice and Don. It had to come out in a way that wouldn't turn them off, something about Ben and a problem they had to mutually overcome. It wasn't going to be easy, but there was too much at stake to meet the challenge without some kind of a plan.

Don came into the living room wearing a robe, his body still tingling from the shower. The fact that he was nude under the robe was obvious to everyone, the bulge at the front showing his semi-erect cock openly. The sight seemed to ease the embarrassment of Jenny and Jan, and that, coupled with the drinks they had consumed, eased their qualms a good deal.

Janice noted their reactions and smiled as she set her drink down on the table beside her.

"Help yourself to a drink, honey; Jenny and I are going to put on a little show for you boys and get things warmed up a little."

With that she stood up and reached for the top of her lounging pajamas. There was an audible zipping sound as she opened the front from the neck to her navel. She paused there for a second, the clinging material still molded to her lush body; then she looked at Jenny and smiled.

"C'mon, honey, get out of those clothes; I've been wanting a rematch with that lovely sweet cunt of yours ever since the first bout."

The conversation, the sight of Janice shrugging her shoulders and peeling off the lounging pajamas pushed aside all uneasiness for Ian. Suddenly he was aware of nothing but the big firm tits, the shimmering blonde fluff covering Janice's swollen cuntlips, and the deliciously pink flesh below. His temperature went up twenty degrees; his cock lurched and began to grow; his mouth opened.

"Holy fuck..."

Don laughed as he picked up his glass.

"Beautiful, man, I couldn't have stated it better."

Jenny was on her feet now, stripping her clothing away. Her eyes were on Janice and nowhere else; she could remember that beautiful mouth, those big tits, that humping, sweet, honey-filled cunt... oh god, she wanted some more of that...

Jenny's clothes flew in all directions, and in seconds she was nude. Janice beckoned to her, and Jenny moved across to the center of the living room, her feet sinking luxuriously into the thickly piled carpet. Janice slipped her arms around her and pulled her tight. Their lips met, and the strange beauty of the Lesbian kiss overpowered any hesitation Jenny may have had about performing in front of Ian.

Janice sensed her readiness, felt it, could almost taste it. She let out a husky, muffled moan, and her hands went around Jenny's shoulders and hauled her down onto the thick carpet. Jenny went eagerly. Janice pushed Jenny over onto her back and then stretched out on top of her. Their lips met again, and their bodies ground together passionately... lustily...

Almost instantly they were both covered with a light coat of passioninduced perspiration, attesting to their need, their eagerness.

Ian had never seen anything like it. To have it in front of him, in the flesh was enough to bring an unembarrassed cry from his lips.

"Jesus... holy fuck, this is wild..."

Don let out a husky laugh and moved across to a chair so he could sit down and watch from a better vantage point.

"This is nothing; wait until they get going."

Ian may have heard him, but he didn't acknowledge it. He had eyes only for the two female animals on the carpet. He watched breathlessly as the stiff, wiry hair of their cunts mingled and entwined as they rubbed their burning slits together, and the moans and whimpers of passion began to fill the room.

He could sense their passion... feel it... damn near taste it...

Janice moved her mouth to one of Jenny's stiff, throbbing nipples, and Ian felt a shudder of awareness sweep through him. It was as though he was balling Jenny and yet able to sit back and watch; it was great.

Janice took the hot tip between her lips and brushed her head from side to side; and then, as it reacted to her stimulation, growing bigger, pulsating more strongly, she brought her tongue into play, teasing it enticingly.

Jenny threw her head back and let out a low moan of delight. She had no thoughts of Ian, no thoughts of embarrassment, nothing but the wondrous feel of that deliciously wet and impulsive tongue. The very touch of it sent her blood boiling through her veins, hammering, cascading, pounding with erotic glee. She threw her hips up off the rug, and her legs flew apart as she fought to urge Janice's gently rounded belly against her hot slit, reveling in the feel of hot flesh meeting the tender, sensitive and ready lips of her hot, eager cunt.

Janice had known Jenny would be ready for it, but she had never dreamed she'd be this ready. It was enough to turn her on like she hadn't been turned on in years. This was going to be the best in a long time, and she knew it.

She began to work harder on the nipple between her lips. She sucked on it wildly, striving to make Jenny even wilder and more adamant for what was to come.

She nipped... she sucked... she lolled it until Jenny was reduced to a whimpering mass of fuck-hungry flesh.

Don had his robe open, and he was jacking himself off slowly as he watched. His eyes left the two women long enough to rest on Ian briefly. He noted the tent formed in Ian's pants, and he grinned.

"Don't be bashful, buddy; play with the fucking thing. How can you resist with the kind of show we're getting?"

Ian didn't resist; hell, his cock was aching like mad; hungry, begging for some kind of action. He reached for his zipper and pulled it down; then he fished out his stiff, throbbing prick and began to masturbate.

Janice could feel the hot juices flowing from Jenny's cunt spreading over her belly as the lush redhead ground up against her. She lifted her mouth and let a soft groan filter through her clenched teeth; then she shifted to the other nipple and brought it to delightful, swollen, throbbing perfection.

Jenny let out a cry of pure animal delight and arched herself upward, throwing her big tits up to the feast and rubbing her aching twat against the smooth, firm rise of Janice's belly.

"Do it, honey... eat me... chew it..."

Ian's pulse began to race out of control as he watched them. He'd never seen anything like it before. It was better than he'd dared imagine, in the flesh, wild, raw, animal lust seemingly dripping from both of them as they worked each other higher up to the pinnacle of ecstasy.

He couldn't take his eyes off them as Janice took Jenny's pleas to heart and raised her head from the throbbing nipple. She began to trail a line of damp, hot kisses down through the deep valley between the full orbs of Jenny's full tits, then over the dimpled rise of Jenny's belly.

A soft, high-pitched series of lust-filled cries filled Ian's ears as he watched Janice's mouth move. Jenny knew what was coming, and she was eager as hell for it. Her hands moved to the sides of Janice's head and guided it downward until that hot nibbling mouth reached the thick, flaming red mat of cunt hair covering her swollen, open cuntlips. Ian watched breathlessly as Janice's tongue slipped between Jenny's lush, damp pinkish lips, then surged forward.

A sensuous low-pitched whine of pleasure flooded Ian's ears as Jenny's body went limp and her mouth dropped open.

"Oh, god, yes... tongue-fuck me... eat me... god... so good... oh..."

Janice's hungry mouth ate leisurely at the flowing slit for a few seconds; then her tongue began to shift slowly up from the bottom of the yawning, honeyfilled chasm, searching for and finding the firm, throbbing, stiff bud at the juncture of Jenny's swollen cuntlips. Jenny's body came alive instantly, thrashing, twisting. She arched herself high up off the carpet, offering her dew-filled pussy to Janice's homage-paying lips and tongue. The stage was set and Jenny knew what she wanted. When it came out, it was a raw, animal-like demand for satisfaction.

"Let me do you too... hurry... god... hurry..."

Janice didn't have to be asked twice. She let her mouth leave Jenny's hot fuck-hole for only a second as she thrashed around on the bed, quickly dropping into the sixty-nine position above the humping, gasping redhead. Jenny's hands flailed out and encircled Janice's waist, pulling her downward to position Janice's hot, ready pussy where she could readily feast on it.

She attacked it ravenously, unable to think about anything but the wonder of mutual satisfaction.

Her tongue surged out of her mouth and shot into Janice's deliciously parted vagina, probing, lapping at the sensitive, wildly secreting flesh deep inside.

Don wasn't able to stand by any longer. His cock was hard and ready, and he wanted to get his special kicks out of the session. He got up and crossed over to the bed, then none-too-gently shoved Janice and Jenny over until their positions were reversed.

Ian watched him transfer saliva from his mouth to the generous length of his cock and felt a wild jolt of stimulation as Don moved up onto the bed behind Jenny and positioned himself on his knees.

Ian was conscious of his hand beginning to move faster on his own cock as he watched Don reach forward and part Jenny's firm, dimpled buttocks, then lean forward, pressing the thick, shimmering knob of his cock against the tight, puckered entrance nestled between them.

A soft mewing sound escaped from between Janice's gold thighs as Don thrust his hips forward slowly. Ian's blood raced wildly as he watched the thick, throbbing gnarled length of Don's stiff cock begin to slip into Jenny's ass. The sight thrilled him beyond imagination; and his cock exploded, erupting in a stream of hot come that arced bright through the air. He let out a husky moan and closed his eyes as he pumped the hot fluid free of his aching balls; and when he opened them again, Don was in full swing, wildly ass-fucking Jenny while she and Janice bucked and thrashed frantically against each other, their mouths driving them steadily higher up the ladder to release.

Ian dropped back into the chair and fought for his breath as his senses reeled under the power of his release and the wild sight in front of him.

Sue paid the cab driver and stepped out. She paused for a second, looking up at the multi-story apartment complex; then she crossed the sidewalk and entered the lobby. She paused, taking time to light a cigarette before pressing the button for the elevator.

Janice and Jenny made it together seconds after Don's deeply imbedded cock had spewed forth its sticky, creamy deluge of come into the recesses of Jenny's bowels. The three of them lay exhausted on the carpet for a few moments, catching their breath; then Don got to his feet and busied himself refreshing the drinks.

Ian found himself a little embarrassed with his cock still standing stiffly from his opened fly, and he moved to close it as Jenny and Janice got to their feet. Janice flashed him a smile.

"Well, what did you think of that?"

Ian grinned broadly.

"Wild! I can hardly wait to get started."

Janice chuckled throatily and was about to speak when the doorbell went. She frowned.

"Damn it; who the hell could that be?"

She looked across at Ian.

"Answer it, will you? The rest of us are hardly presentable. Find out who it is and get rid of them."

Don, Jenny and Janice moved down the hallway toward the bedroom; and Ian adjusted his fly, cramming his cock inside, then turned and moved across to the door. He opened it and found himself looking into Sue's disappointed face.

She managed a weak smile.

"I'm sorry; I was looking for Janice and Don Lane."

Ian had always been drawn to dark-skinned women, but Sue was something else. He couldn't remember when he'd found himself confronted by a more sensually attractive Negress. Sue had everything in the right places, and a musky animal sensualness that quickly added to the already heated flame in his loins. He had no idea who she was or what she wanted, but he did know that he didn't want to dismiss her until he found out more about her.

Sue's disappointment over not finding Don or Janice was short-lived. Another fact took precedence, and that was the huge, outlined hard-on in the front of Ian's tight slacks. She made a strong attempt not to openly stare at it, but she did so with difficulty.

She had no idea what was going on, but it was obvious that this stranger was sexually aroused, and it stimulated her almost frighteningly. After a short silence, Ian managed to speak.

"You've got the right place. Just a second, I'll get Janice."

He turned and left Sue standing in the doorway. Sue's mind was working overtime now. She put two and two together, quickly; she had the right apartment, and the man that had greeted her, the man that had turned her on sexually in a fraction of a second, was quite obviously just as involved sexually with Don and Janice as she was. The implications those facts conjured up in her mind left her a little breathless.

Ian walked down the hallway and opened the bedroom door. He looked across at Janice's questioning face.

"There's a Negro broad at the door, the sexiest thing I've ever seen. She wants to see you guys."

Janice looked over at Don.

"Sue... I wonder what she wants."

Don frowned for a second, then smiled.

"Look, why not invite her in; she could liven things up."

Janice wasn't too convinced that Sue would add to what they had going, but she shrugged.

"We don't seem to have too much choice."

She crossed over to the closet and pulled out a robe, then slipped it on and exited from the bedroom with Ian following her. He wanted another look at their unexpected guest; in fact, he wanted a hell of a lot more than that.

By the time Janice and Ian got back to the door, Sue had done a lot of thinking. She knew damn well that she had unintentionally walked in on some sort of a sex session between Don and Janice and this well-built stranger, and she had no intention of pressing her original purpose. The night before had just served to whet her appetite for uninhibited sexual satisfaction, and she was instantly ready for more. If she played her cards right, she might just be able to get in on the action right now, and she could think of nothing that would please her more.

She flashed Janice a smile and instantly made it obvious that she knew what was going on.

"I'm sorry if I'm breaking in on something."

She let her eyes move to Ian and the still clearly outlined tent formed by his stiff cock.

"To be honest... I can't say that I'm all that sorry."

Ian spoke before Janice could answer. "For christ sake, Janice, invite the lady in."

Ben moved around the small motel room area as soon as he got up. When he found Sue nowhere in sight, anger began to build in him. It became plain to him that Sue had ignored his thoughts about the swapping and ventured out herself for more while he was still asleep.

She had never openly defied him before, and it shook him a little. His first thought was to get dressed and go over to Don and Janice's place and have a showdown with her, but he pushed that aside, a little hesitant to bring out his problems with Sue in front of an audience. The only thing he could do was to wait until she returned and have it out with her then.

The instant Don and Jenny came out of the bedroom nude, there was no longer any pretense about what was going on. Janice resigned herself to the fact that Sue was in whether she liked it or not, and the coolness in her voice melted. She introduced Sue to the others and briefly outlined the session the night before, then offered a fresh round of drinks to everyone.

Jenny turned her attention to Sue instantly. "I've always wanted to make love to a... with a..."

Sue smiled, cutting her off. "Negro. We're not afraid of the word."

Jenny flushed slightly and smiled. "Why don't you call your husband and invite him over?"

It hit Sue like a ton of bricks.

Ben wanted regular, down-to-earth fucking, swapping in the real sense of the word; and here was a bluntly beautiful woman just begging for a chance at him, and she hadn't even seen him. Her problem was over.

She flashed Jenny a smile and crossed over to the phone.

Ben looked down at the address he'd scribbled down. He paused for a second, trying to go over what Sue had said. He was no longer angry with her; to be honest with himself, he had to admit that she had more than stimulated his imagination with a verbal account of what he was in for. Still there was a small doubt in his mind, whether they were just getting in deeper, or not.

He shoved the paper into his pocket and reached for the phone to call a cab.

Janice looked over at Ian and smiled. "Well, I guess it's obvious who's going to get the show on the road."

Ian grinned broadly and looked over at Sue. "How about it, baby?"

Sue was ready; hell, she was eager.

She reached around to the zipper at the back of her minidress and pulled it down. The second the dress dropped to the floor, Ian began to strip.

During the past few minutes Ian's cock had subsided slightly; but now, as he shoved his shorts off and looked over at Sue's naked brown body, the massive shaft began to swell again. In seconds it stood stiffly between his muscular, deeply bronzed thighs.

His breathing had become ragged as he viewed the high, firm mounds of her breasts and the dark, black, wiry hair covering her delightful slit. His arousal wasn't without company. Sue was hot too; the size of his big cock was really turning her on. She was conscious of his hard prick a few inches away from her, thick and throbbing with desire.

The memories of the day before, the expectation of what was to come, set her on fire. Her full breasts began to rise and fall rapidly as she fought to control her breathing, and Ian sensed that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

He didn't speak as he stepped toward her and bent his head. His lips met hers, and Sue's parted eagerly. Instantly he felt the stab of her moist tongue as it searched for his.

Ian had experienced his share of eager broads in his time, but he'd never dreamed a woman could be as hungry for loving as Sue. Her body went into motion immediately, rubbing against his. Without embarrassment she hauled him down onto the thick carpeting. She was like a wanton bitch in heat, her thighs parting, her firm buttocks shifting passionately on the luxurious pile.

There was no time or need for preliminaries. In seconds Sue was flat on her back on the rug, and Ian was kneeling between her open, inviting thighs. He bent his head and let his lips capture one of her stiff nipples; then he rolled his tongue over it slowly, sensuously, lovingly.

Sue let out a moan of desire and lifted her buttocks up to him; pressing her full, open cuntlips against the base of his throbbing cock. Ian sucked eagerly at her nipple, then moved over to its mate and gave it the same treatment. When he was through with it, Sue was moaning frantically.

"Oh god, please... do it to me... how I need to feel it..."

Ian was only too pleased to do as he was asked. It took him a couple of tries to get the head of his massive cock between her moist open lips; then he moved his hips forward slowly and began to shove it into her. He was more than pleased by the clutching tightness that surrounded his knob. She was so ready- and yet her delicious little pussy was trained to give the utmost in pleasure, staying tight, milking, embracing his big tool.

Sue let out a cry of pure delight as she felt the huge, burning lance tearing into her flesh. It felt so good, so very good... it was so smooth, so hard, so big...

Ian was lost in the feel of her; she was better than he'd dared imagine. The feel of her searing, quivering flesh surrounding his pulsing, eager cock made only one thing important. He lashed his hips forward, and Sue let out a short cry as he drove his stiff cock to the hilt.

Her cry was immediately replaced with a groan of delight as she felt the head of his stiff tool pressing deep within her, and the smack of his heavy balls against the firm flesh of her buttocks sent her wild.

"Oh... so good, lover... do it hard..."

Ian didn't hear her now as he began to move his hips. His huge cock slid back and forth, sending electric shocks of pleasure through both of them. He fought for breath hoarsely, and Sue's body lashed frantically below him.

"Ohh... ohh... ohh..."

Every long, powerful stroke of Ian's tool sent her a step closer to oblivion.

Suddenly she exploded below him. A cry of pleasure tore free of her clenched teeth, and Ian felt the first shudder of delight rip through her. It was all he needed to send him over the top, and he drove his quivering cock to the hilt as the dam broke.

The first hot, gushing flood of rich, creamy come lashing into Sue doubled her pleasure; and she threw her hips upward, pulling him even deeper into her. Ian let out an animal grunt of satisfaction as he pumped volley after volley of thick, spurting fluid into her twisting body.

For Ian it was something out of a dream. Her hot eager cunt milked his big prick, sucking out every last drop, caressing it lovingly, demandingly. It was like having a double crisis. It was better for him than anything he could remember and he came damn close to blacking out from pure pleasure as he finished in her.

They had an avid audience as they worked on each other, and they were greeted with profuse compliments on their coupling as they came back down the ladder of ecstasy and rejoined the world around them.

Don busied himself refilling their glasses again, and they took up positions around the room, relaxing and letting themselves come back down from the stimulation they had been given by the act.

They made no attempt to dress, and they were still nude when Ben arrived ten minutes later. Janice ushered him inside and introductions were exchanged. When they had finished, Ben shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "I guess I might as well get out of these clothes and join the party."

He began to strip, and Janice stood up.

"I think Jenny and I should take Ben to the bedroom and help him catch up."

She paused, looking over at Don.

"I'm sure you and Ian can keep Sue busy out here."

Ian laughed huskily. "You want to believe it."

Janice grinned broadly at him; then she moved over to Ben, who was stripping aside his shorts to expose his semi-erect prick. Jenny took one look at it and let out a low whistle.

"My god, is that real?"

Janice chortled happily. "You want to believe it, honey."

She took Ben's hand, and the three of them moved down the hall to the bedroom.

Sue waited until they had left; then she moved up out of her chair and tossed her drink back. She set the empty glass down on the coffee table, then dropped down onto the carpet and stretched out on her back.

"Love me up slowly... god, how I want this..."

Ian was the first to move; he had been waiting impatiently for a chance at Sue's lush brown body again. He knelt down on the carpet beside her, and his mouth found hers. As he was kissing her, Don joined them on the floor. His lips found one of Sue's pointed, tensed breasts, and he began to suck on it.

Ian kept his lips on Sue's for a long time; then he shifted his mouth to her free breast and began to pay homage to its dark, stiff tip. They didn't stop there.

They worked on her slowly, covering her body with their mouths, each working separately and yet to Sue it was a team of hungry mouths combining into one delightfully sensuous love machine. She moaned hungrily and thrashed about on the carpet, her body transformed into a raging inferno.

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