Jenny's Favorite Color - Cover

Jenny's Favorite Color


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - This story is about couples (interracial) who like to swing and swap partners and their sexual adventures. Sometimes things can go really go wrong, too. Oh, Jenny's favorite color is -- naw, you'll have to read it to find out :-)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Slut Wife   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

The soft steady hum of Ian's pocket pager broke the silence of the plush boardroom, and he reached into his pocket and shut it off. He offered a smile of apology to the three men sitting across from him and excused himself, exiting the room through the big oak doorway and entering the outer office.

The woman who was obviously the senior of the three secretaries listened to his request for the use of the phone, and without changing her expression waved her hand in the direction of one of the office doors adjoining the room.

Ian went inside and dialed his office. His secretary gave him the message, then he dialed his home phone number. Jenny answered it on the first ring, and he leaned back in the comfortable Naugahyde chair as he listened to her.

"Janice phoned up this morning and invited me over for coffee at two o'clock. It sounds as if they've taken the bait."

Ian allowed himself a smile. He had been doing a great deal of thinking about the possibilities of the four of them getting together, and by now the thought of uncertainty as to what might be expected from them was more intriguing than frightening.

"I never really doubted that they would. Look, honey, you get as much detail as possible out of Janice; let's walk into this thing with our eyes wide open."

Jenny let out a small nervous laugh.

"I will... and I'll call you as soon as I return and let you know how it went."

Don rarely came home during the day, and Janice was a little surprised to see him wander into the apartment shortly after eleven in the morning. He flashed her a smile as he dropped his attach case down and held out an envelope to her.

"I couldn't resist showing this to you."

Janice took the envelope out of his hand and pulled the letter out of it. She glanced at it briefly and looked up at him.

"It didn't take long for our ad to get results."

Don grinned broadly.

"You're not kidding. There were six more, but the others were pretty far out. Read it over and see what you think of it. It's a couple, not exactly what we had in mind, but they sound sincere and just as worried about keeping things discreet as we are."

Janice looked back at the letter and read it carefully. The idea of a foursome hadn't entered her mind; her tastes ran to making it with another woman while Don satisfied himself with the other broad at the same time. On the other hand, the possibilities a foursome offered didn't turn her off; it simply added a little more spice to the thought of what might come out of it.

Don moved across the room and helped himself to a drink while she read; then he looked over at her.

"Well, what do you think?"

Janice smiled. "It sounds great."

Don nodded slowly. "I thought you'd like it. I've drafted up a letter, and I'm going to take it down to the newspaper office before noon. If they're as eager as it looks, they'll probably phone in to check on any replies in the box number they've taken out, and they should have it this afternoon. I've offered a suggestion of a motel and told them we'd be checking in tonight under Mr. and Mrs. White, and that we'd be there until Sunday morning. Sound okay to you?"

Janice glanced at the letter, then back to him. "It's a bit fast, isn't it?"

Don laughed.

"I don't know about you, baby, but just reading the letter made me so hot I can taste it. I have an idea they feel the same way, and it wouldn't surprise me if they knocked on our door before midnight tonight."

Janice had got the same feeling from the letter.

"You're probably right. Now what do I do about Ian and Jenny? She's coming over this afternoon."

Don shrugged. "I don't know. We've pretty well committed ourselves with them. Do you want to back out?"

Janice shook her head. "Not after going this far; maybe this letter won't work out."

Don nodded.

"Well, when Jenny gets here, play it by ear. Lay it on the line for her, and see if she still wants to go ahead with it..."

He chuckled huskily. "I think I could manage to make it with two different teams; we could rotate them."

A warm flush of expectation moved through Janice, and she laughed.

"So could I, honey, so could I."

Don glanced at his watch. "How about fixing me a sandwich; I've got to get back. Don't forget to phone me when Jenny leaves and let me know how it went."

Jenny was far less sure of herself as she parked the red Buick convertible in the underground parking area of Don and Janice's apartment. Talking about swapping was one thing, but making the first step toward it being a reality was something else. She sat in the car for a few minutes, thinking and finishing her cigarette. She was far from sure about what was coming, about what it could lead to; yet there was no denying that she was excited about the possibilities.

She crushed her cigarette out in the ashtray and left the car, walking quickly toward the elevator.

Janice flashed Jenny a big smile when she opened the door, and waved her into the apartment. It relaxed Jenny slightly, but she was still keyed up. Janice seemed oblivious to her nervousness, and that helped a little too.

"What'll it be, honey? I was just about to fix myself a batch of martinis."

Jenny returned her smile as she sat down in one of the comfortably padded easy chairs.

"Sounds great; I could use one."

Janice chuckled softly.

"I guess we both could; this is a first for the two of us."

She turned and moved across to the bar, talking as she walked. "What made you and Ian decide to try swapping?"

Jenny had been wondering how the topic would be broached, and the ease with which Janice brought it up surprised her a little, throwing her off balance.

"Oh, I don't know... I guess both of us just wanted to try it with another couple. Ian's built up quite a collection of films, and we both get a kick out of doing it while watching the shows. We've been wondering what it would be like to do it with another couple."

Janice nodded as she worked on the martinis. In a few moments she returned with a pitcher and two glasses. She set them down on the coffee table in front of the big couch and then sat down on it, patting the cushion beside her.

"C'mon over here and sit beside me, honey; I won't bite."

Jenny flushed slightly at the suggestion but got up and joined Janice on the couch.

Janice poured two drinks and handed Jenny one; then she leaned back and let her eyes meet Jenny's.

"We might as well get down to the nitty gritty right off the bat. I suppose you and Ian have a fair idea of what Don and I are looking for?"

Jenny took a deep gulp from her glass, hoping the liquor would relax her. "Yes... well, I mean we know that you were..."

Janice chuckled throatily and finished it for her.

"A lezzie?"

Jenny nodded and helped herself to another slug from her glass.

Janice smiled. "Yes, I like making it with another woman, and Don enjoys watching me and making it with the other broad at the same time. Both of us are willing to make it both ways; are you and Ian AC/DC?"

Jenny managed a weak smile.

"I don't know. Neither of us have tried it that way, but I know Ian wants to try it; and to be honest, I've often wanted to see what it would be like."

Janice's eyes openly moved up and down over the length of Jenny's lush, well-rounded frame. The tip of her tongue slipped out from between her lips and moved around slowly, dampening them.

It was a new experience for Jenny to have a woman bluntly inspect her in an obviously sexual way. It frightened her a little; yet she felt a warm sensation deep in her loins.

Janice seemed to sense her uneasiness, and she reached for the pitcher to refill Jenny's glass; then she leaned back and smiled.

"Let's have another drink and then find out what you think of it."

Jenny hadn't expected anything but conversation. It was obvious that Janice intended to introduce her to the Lesbian way of lovemaking right here and now, no husbands, just the two of them.

A little jolt of excitement moved through her.

"I didn't expect... I thought..." Janice laughed, cutting her off. "There's no time like the present, honey. Not much sense in the four of us getting together if you don't take to making it with me... not that I think there will be any problem."

Jenny lifted her glass and drank deeply from it. The booze was beginning to register on her, and she was aware that her body temperature was rising, both because of it, and because she was warming to the thought of having another woman make love to her.

She had secretly wondered what it would be like for some time, and the tingling anticipation of it coming so soon started her blood boiling. Janice smiled as she watched the redhead empty her glass for a second time; then she refilled it and lifted her own glass in a toast.

"To the future."

Both of them tilted their glasses and drained them. Janice set her glass down on the coffee table, then moved closer to Jenny.

"Just lean back and relax, honey; you're going to like this."

She moved her right hand over and let it rest on the smooth, silky expanse of Jenny's leg, just above the knee. Jenny closed her eyes and leaned back as she felt the sensuous warmth of Janice's palm through the thin, sheer material of her pantyhose.

Janice smiled and began to move her fingertips in small circles against the firm flesh.

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