Jenny's Favorite Color - Cover

Jenny's Favorite Color


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - This story is about couples (interracial) who like to swing and swap partners and their sexual adventures. Sometimes things can go really go wrong, too. Oh, Jenny's favorite color is -- naw, you'll have to read it to find out :-)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Slut Wife   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

For the first time since the swapping had begun, Ben was quite obviously the most eager to get the show on the road. He and Sue had no more than arrived at Ian and Jenny's when he began showing visible signs of excitement and impatience to get rolling.

He was lauding the collection of erotica Jenny had shown him earlier, relating a few of the explicit scenes to Sue as Ian mixed them up a batch of drinks.

Sue was only half listening, but he didn't seem to notice it. Her attention was on the door, and she fidgeted uneasily as she accepted a drink from Jenny, nodding her thanks. She had just lifted the glass to her lips when the doorbell rang. Before either Jenny or Ian could move, she was on her feet and moving toward the door.

"I'll get it."

A puzzled silence came over the rest of them as they wondered for a second about her action, but they didn't have to wonder long. The instant that she opened the door the reason for her action was immediately apparent.

Ben's face was a mask of anger and resentment as she waved Don and Janice inside, pushing the door closed behind them. Her eyes met his, and she held them without flinching before looking across at Ian and Jenny.

"I asked Don and Janice to join us; I knew you wouldn't mind."

Ian got over his surprise quickly. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Hell, no, grab a seat; I'll mix up a couple more drinks."

Jenny's first feeling was one of anger, but it subsided slowly as her thoughts began to gel. From the instant that Ben and Sue had arrived she had felt a strong, uncontrollable attraction toward Ben; and it had left her uneasy about her earlier fears that she was getting too attached to him. With the arrival of Don and Janice, she wouldn't be tied to Ben alone as a sexual partner for the night; and with the choice offered, she could find out for herself once and for all if she really had anything to worry about when it came to she and Ben.

The acceptance of Don and Janice by the others didn't make any difference to Ben. His face was hard and strained. His anger wasn't directed at Janice and Don; it rested squarely on Sue. He set his drink down on the table beside him and moved across to Sue, taking her none too gently by the arm; then he looked over at the others.

"Excuse us for a second."

Sue opened her mouth to object, but Ben didn't give her a chance. He dragged her toward the kitchen and closed the door behind them. Sue shook his hand off defiantly and stepped back, leaning against the counter.

"What's this going to prove? All you've done is made yourself look like a fool to the--"

Ben cut her off, his voice cold and controlled, "I'm not playing games with you any more. You go in there and get rid of those two right now."

Sue stared at him for a second, not answering, then she shrugged, "And if I don't?"

Ben's eyes never left hers. "Make up your mind, baby; if they stay, I go. If you can't live without those two perverts then you can damn well move in with them, because I don't want you."

Sue had gone this far, and she was determined to have her way. She hesitated just briefly, a little unsure of herself, then spit it out.

"I just might do that."

The door opened behind them, and Janice stepped into the kitchen. Ben flashed her a daggered look, but she brushed it off easily and gave him a smug smile. Her eyes flickered onto Sue's face for an instant, gauging what had gone on before her entry; then she looked back at Ben, the smile widening.

"I take it you lost the battle, honey. Don't take it so hard; Don and I will see to it that you don't get left out. We're both pretty partial to that big black rod of yours."

Ben was past the point of politeness. He faced her squarely, "You don't even know what a cock's for, you lezzie bitch."

He didn't wait for her to reply. Instead he turned to face Sue.

"If you want to live with this kind of garbage, Sue, you can have it."

He spun around and left the room through the partially opened door, moving directly toward the front door of the house. He paused slightly as his eyes rested on Jenny, and his features softened briefly; then he reached for doorknob and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

Sue walked into the living room, followed by Janice, who was beaming. The others turned to look at her, and Sue raised her arms in a quizzical gesture.

"Ben's a little moody; he'll probably be back."

It was immediately obvious that Ben's leaving had put a damper on the session, and Sue had no intention of letting Ben ruin the evening by his bad temper. What she wanted most was to ball it with Janice and Don, but she sensed that she had to pull Ian and Jenny into the groove instantly or the group session would be a bummer.

She reached around to the back of her dress and unfastened it; then she shrugged her shoulders and let it fall to the carpet. Her hands moved quickly now that she held their attention, and in seconds she was as naked as the day she was born.

She looked over at Ian as she dropped down to the carpet. "C'mon, lover, I always give the host first crack at me."

Ian sensed that she was using him in some way, more than likely to get back at Ben. Yet he couldn't ignore what she was offering him, that full, firm black body eager for the feel of some loving.

His fingers moved rapidly, stripping away his clothing; and he dropped down onto the carpet, pulling her ankles apart and kneeling between her open legs. He stared at her ebony perfection for a second, then slowly ran his hands up to the gentle curve of her belly.

Sue whimpered with anticipation as his hands slowly slid upward toward her big, hard-tipped tits. She encircled his wrists with her hands and moved them slowly upward over his hairy arms, urging his hands toward their goal.

"Yes... feel me... love me..."

Ian let out a guttural groan and took a dark, vibrant mound in each of his hands. He began to circle slowly over them. Almost instantly he got a reaction from her, the sharp points of her nipples stiffening and digging into the hot flesh of his palms. The flame of need centered in Sue's stiff buds as he worked on them, then began to sweep wildly through her, consuming her body in the hot, sensual torrent of desire.

She groaned huskily and began to bounce her brown ass up off the rug.

"Oh god, yes... love me... eat me... fuck me... do it all..."

The wild sight in front of them soon brought the others up to a boiling point, and as it came Jenny felt a surge of pleasure. She was aroused, hot and ready for action; and Ben wasn't even with them. She seriously doubted her own fears about their relationship for the first time, and she was eager to dispel them completely.

She moved out into the middle of the floor and began stripping, her fingers shaking slightly in expectation. Both Don and Janice now shifted their attention from Ian and Sue to Jenny as she reached back to undo her bra and then peeled it off, revealing her lush, proud mounds. Getting their attention had been Jenny's aim; and now that she had it, she skinned her sheer bikini panties off quickly, giving them all the more to look at.

Janice made no attempt to hide her obvious interest as she openly inspected the redhead's beautifully proportioned body. A husky moan escaped from her lips, and she began to strip away her own clothing frantically.

Don was a little disappointed to find that Sue wasn't going to be a part of their first session, something that was immediately obvious by her choice of Ian as a partner, but he was more than pleasantly surprised to find that Jenny obviously intended to make up for Sue's temporary absence.

His eyes rested on the stacked redhead as Janice finished stripping and the two of them met, their arms intertwining as they dropped down onto the rug. He grinned and began to take off his own clothing as he watched them twist and writhe on the carpet, their hungry mouths meeting.

Jenny was out to prove something to herself, and she threw everything she had into fully enjoying what Janice had to offer. She held back nothing, losing herself to the fires of lust that filled her, returning Janice's every caress, molding her body to Janice's, melding their firm hot, hard-tipped breasts into one hot, sweating mass, pulsating, stiff nipples pressed tautly against each other's, lust-fired hips grinding together as their furry muffs joined to become one hot, flowing sex machine.

The action on the carpet was becoming frantic. For Sue there was a deep hungry need inside that was as much emotional as it was physical. For what she was getting now she had gone against Ben and all he had to offer, and it had to give her everything she wanted or needed, or it was all a horrible mistake. She was determined to get everything she could out of it, willingly giving herself completely over to Ian, letting him use her in any way he wanted.

She buried herself in the raw sensuality of it, accepting as completion in itself the surging flames licking at her loins. Her body took control of her thought processes, moving openly, stating the degree of her lust. Ian was lost in the animal-like sensual aura that surrounded her.

He replaced his right hand with his mouth and sucked her stiff nipple between his damp lips. Sue let out a moan of pleasure and lifted her hips frantically, offering her hot, hungry pussy to him.

Ian moaned and pressed tightly against her, letting her feel the molten pressure of his throbbing prick against the swollen, tender tissues of her yawning box. The pressure of that hot, thick sword was everything to Sue. Her body shook wildly, and her head began to roll from side to side on the carpet.

"Yes... oh god, how I love the feel of a cock..."

Ian moaned and pressed down against her again, shoving his cock against her silky sheath, thrilling to the reaction it caused in her.

"That's good, baby... you like to feel a hot prick nuzzling your pussy..."

Sue moaned huskily and began to thrash against him.

"Yes... yes... but I want more... do something... please... anything..."

Ian couldn't remember when he'd had a woman so hot, so eager for the feel of him. His senses reeled under the pure wonder of the power he held over her; and suddenly he wanted to play the part of the super lover, wanted to give her the best balling she'd ever received. It was then that Sue felt his hot, moist tongue moving down over her belly.

A wild trembling surge of pure delight ripped through her.

"Yes... eat it... fuck me with your tongue... hurry..."

Sue's mind went blank. Her hot pussy was churning inside; her clitoris was stiff, impatient, waiting for his hot, wet tongue to find her flowing slit. She let out a stifled cry of frustrated desire.

The sound of her cry added to the excitement of the others in the room. It was enough to start Don masturbating slowly as he watched them, and for Janice it was the trigger that pushed her past the point of no return.

She became the aggressor now, utilizing her years of experience to bring Jenny's body completely alive, to make it beg for the feel of her tongue deeply imbedded in its most sensitive spot, plunging, flicking...

Her head began to move, her mouth tracing a hot, liquid path from across Jenny's neck over the full rise of a firm, hard-tipped breast, down to capture a pulsating, firm nipple that quivered in anticipation.

Janice was a lover of the female body, and she knew all the intricacies of thrilling in the world of Lesbos. She somehow sensed that for Jenny this was a test of some kind, and she was determined to give Jenny more than she had bargained for.

She took the erect, eraser-hard bud between her lips and moved her head from side to side slowly, teasing it, bringing it to life and urging it to its fully stimulated perfection.

Jenny had been primed for this, so ready to enjoy it fully; and the feel of Janice's experienced mouth turned her on to a degree she hadn't believed possible. She began to whimper softly with pleasure. She arched her hips frantically up off the thick, luxurious carpet, spreading her thighs completely apart; then, with a husky moan, she began to rub her open, freely flowing slit against the quivering, firm curve of Janice's belly.

The session beside them had taken on a sensuous, slow progression; and despite Don's interest in Jenny and Janice, he found it difficult not to shift his eyes from their lovemaking to the rhythmic beat of lusty mating between Ian and Sue.

Ian had been completely transformed by Sue's glistening, tawny body. He was a slave to it as much as she was a slave to him. He knew what she wanted, and he was giving it to her as she asked for it, working on her slowly, relishing the taste of her as he licked at the flowing lips of her box.

He held it open slightly as his tongue spent a long time at the juncture of her delicious, swollen cuntlips, lapping up the succulent juices through the wiry, soft forest of black hair. He drove her wild with it before he finally let his tongue dip to find the stiff bud of her eager, throbbing clitoris. He licked at it a couple of times and felt Sue's body shudder violently as though a shattering explosion had viciously cut through her.

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