Sweet Tammy Too - Cover

Sweet Tammy Too

by Tarl Cabot

Copyright© 2024 by Tarl Cabot

Erotica Sex Story: Followup to My Sweet Tammy. Tammy and Chuck had a daughter. she's turning 16 and is the spitting image of her mother. Chuck has a surprise for her on her 16th Birthday.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Teen Siren   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Harem   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Voyeurism   .

You all remember Tammy, don’t you? The lovely young lass that slipped through my window and stole my soul? Well, it’s been twenty-three years since that day. Tammy is now a gorgeous specimen of womanhood, and still as tight and toned as ever.

She even got my lazy ass up and into the gym. After the birth of our daughter, she wanted to ensure she kept her figure. Well, she did, and more. She could compete on American Gladiators.

Her rich brown eyes are still attention-grabbing. Her lips still beg to be kissed, Her long Tawny hair now reached below her hips and was usually up in a bun. Her already naturally tanned skin is even more golden from her tanning regimen.

And let me tell you, Childbirth did nothing to damage her delicious pussy and bright rosebud clit. Her hips still tilt forward giving her now matured body a rather sexy and inviting stance.

Our now fifteen-year-old daughter, Jenn, was the spitting image of her mother. Well, except for the fact that she had my piercing blue eyes and regrettably, my huge, comical ears. So she rarely wore her hair up.

Anything you heard about Tammy from my previous account, you can visualize with Jenn. Even the tone of her skin that quirky nose and her mother’s smile. Seen her naked? Of course, I’m her father, I’ve bathed her. “AHEM!” Yes recently as well.

Life had been good. Tammy’s Mom, Jan, had moved into an assisted living home sponsored by her church and had sold the apartment building to me, with the proviso that we maintain a residence there and never up the rent for tenants that had lived there since I moved in.

I had hired a management company to handle most everything and given them a list of “No Evict” tenants. Then there was the Manager’s apartment that was ours. That left a whopping thirty-five units that could be leased out.

So summer had come. Jenn would be off school for vacation in a day or so, and her sixteen birthday was looming only a month away. I’d sign out for the summer, taking a whole four months of paid time off that had been building for more than a decade.

Yes folks, if you don’t use your allotted vacation time, you eventually lose it. I had nearly a year saved up. I just don’t take vacations. But this year, Tammy and I would take Jenn on a week-long vacation for her birthday.

“Aaah!” I shouted, suddenly being yanked out of my reverie by a cold hand grasping my balls. “What the hell Tammy?” I asked as I turned to my giggling wife as we lay naked in bed on a hot night in early June.

“What were you thinking about?” she leaned over. Her broad smile gave way to a seductive pout and her eyes closed. Were you thinking about how gorgeous I am?” This was her go-to icebreaker. She’d used it on me when we first met.

I dragged her over on top of me, planted a sensual kiss on her lips then parted them with my tongue and she began sucking it as soon as it entered her hot mouth. For a long moment, I caressed her soft tanned skin and gripped her tight ass cheeks.

When I finally broke our kiss I replied. “I don’t have to think about it,” then winked. “It’s in my face day after day, year after year and I’ll never get enough of it,” Her face lit up like the sun, and she kissed me again, then grabbed my cock and began stroking it.

“Keep talking like that and I’ll have to let you fuck me,” she said. But stopped mid-stroke as she saw my eyebrows shoot up almost to my hairline.

“Again, you mean?” I asked with a devilish smirk. She slapped my chest with her free hand. The skin-on-skin smack echoed.

“I will have you know, Sir...” she immediately sounded like her mother. “I am a woman of virtue. I would never dally with the likes of you!” she punctuated that with a serious tone and an amused grin.

“Really?” I asked in a challenging tone. “Then explain the fifteen-year-old whizkid down the hall.”

“Immaculate conception,” she announced nonchalantly. But before I could reply, the bedroom door slammed open and Jenn came storming in.

“Mom! Dad!” she yelled as she nearly skidded to a stop at the foot of our bed, just as we were covering up. She looks back and forth from me to Tammy and then back to me. She sighed. “Seen it!” she proclaimed. “Prude much?”

“What do you want, Jenn?” I asked with just a hint of annoyance in my voice.

“Well, you see ... Britt, and Kris, and Vic, and Liza an...” my mind blanked and I just stared at her and nodded contemplatively. When she finished, I heard Tammy say...

“Sure, Go have some fun.” She giggled and then said. “Your father and I can think of something to do, I’m sure.”

Jenn wrinkled her nose and croaked, “Eew! TMI Old folks!” then turned to go.

“You know the rules, Jenn,” I called after her. “And what it means to break them!”

Jenn turned to me, and a serious expression took over her features. “A little faith, please?” she asked. “We made a deal Dad, and I always keep my word,” Then she skipped back over to us, gave us each a chased kiss on the cheek, and was gone.

Less than an hour later, we heard Jenn call out a goodbye to us, and the front door close and lock. With that, I threw off the remains of our covers grabbed Tammy, and fucked her like I had back when we first met.

Later that afternoon, while trying my hand at making sushi. Ok, I was one of those who bought one of those “Sushi Bazookas” You fill it with rice add your fillings, add more rice then squeeze out a log onto some seaweed wrappers and roll it.

“Have you thought of where to go?” Tammy asked. We were discussing destinations for Jenn’s birthday celebration. It was going to be family only. No friends, just the three of us.

I gave her a sly grin and said. “I have the perfect vacation,” I claimed. “We can see all the best stuff up and down the coast and never have to deal with hotels,” If you listened carefully you could hear my chest puff out and my pride swell.

“You don’t mean one of those smelly campers, do you?” I shook my head and raised a finger for her to wait. I walked back to the bedroom and grabbed my wallet and came back. Tammy had already downed the roll I’d made and gave me a thumbs up.

I pulled out a sky blue card with colorful insignia all over it and in large dark blue print it read, “STATE OF CALIFORNIA: CAPTAIN’S LICENSE,” under which was scrawled, “BOATER’S LICENSE,” I showed it off to Tammy with a huge grin.

“Chuck,” she stated flatly. “You look like a ten-year-old with his first baseball card,” Then she smiled. “Congratulations, Captain.” and she gave me a wink.

“I guess you haven’t thought that far ahead, dear,” I said then pulled up a reservation confirmation on my phone. It was for a one-month rental of a Tug R-43 Coastal Cruiser. Tammy’s brow furrowed then she looked at me speculatively.

“We’re going to flay down to San Diego, pick up the boat, and sightsee along the coast,” I began. “Of course, we’ll stop at the San Diego Zoo if Jenn wants to,” Then I looked at Tammy, “Or you?” She smiled back at me.

Then I laid out our ports of call along the coast. We’d stop in the L.A. Area and check out Venice, Redondo, and Santa Monica, top off the fuel in Marina Del Rey, and then head north to Santa Barbara.

We’d stop and see Hurst Castle on our way to Carmel by the Sea. Cruise up into San Francisco Bay and see the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, and the Embarcadero. After that, head up to Mendocino. Then take a long cruise back without stopping.

We’d deliver the boat to the return spot at Half Moon Bay and catch the Amtrak home. I figured this whole trip to take us about three to three and a half weeks. By the time I finished, Tammy’s jaw was nearly on the floor.

After a long pause, Tammy scowled at me. Then with venom in her heated response, “You’re going to do it, aren’t you?” she hissed. “How long have you been planning this?” I looked at her with confusion written all over my face.

Then a memory snapped into my mind, clear as day. “You just want to add another young girl to your stable!” My face became a mask of suspicion and a cocked an eyebrow at Tammy.

“Before I answer,” I said in a sickly sweet voice. “Shall we discuss the odd noises coming from Jenn’s room on nights you happen to have gotten up and left the room?” Tammy’s face went white. All the fight left her as she realized I had known and never said anything.

“Is it in-tact?” I asked, pointedly. “Or did you accidentally pop it?” Tammy mumbled her answer toward the floor.

“Still there...” she grumbled. “It started one night I caught her sneaking in,” Tammy confessed that all she wanted to do was check to make sure Jenn had kept her promise. I had made a deal with her, that if she kept her virginity until after her sixteenth birthday, I would buy her her first car.

Nothing new, Nothing fancy, Definitely not a Tesla. But good enough to get around in. Tammy had been checking on it in secret. Looking for blood-stained panties, Et-cetra. The night she’d caught Jenn coming in, something different happened.

“I insisted she show me that she hadn’t been popped,” Tammy groaned. Then looked up at me defiantly. “She squealed when I touched her and it got me horny!” she burst out. “So I went down on her. At first, she was weirded out, but as she felt it more she relaxed.”

I was treated to the whole story of how both of my ladies had ended up enjoying each other’s bodies and agreed it would be “A girl’s secret,” I wasn’t pleased, but at least I knew Jenn was whole. Then I faced Tammy and demanded. So what if I am?” I began. “Do you have a problem with me taking our Daughter’s virginity?” Tammy just looked back, dumbfounded. “How can I resist?” I asked. “She’s the spitting image of you at that age. Right down to the way her hips jut out and dark, pointed nipples.”

I saw Tammy blush at that. Then she sighed heavily and said. “Well, I really can’t say I know anyone better for the job,” She walked over and placed a warm hand on my cheek. “Don’t hurt her,” she implored. I cocked an eyebrow at her. “You know what I mean. Be kind, like you were with me.”

“You realize I’m going to tease her mercilessly when she gets home tonight?” I stated, rolling myself another sushi roll. Tammy just glared at me and shook her head. Her ire was belied by the smirk on her face.

It was about nine o’clock when Jenn got home. I was sitting on the sofa in my boxers and nothing else. Tammy was in a sports bra and a g-string. We were watching Game of Thrones on a streaming service.

“Hi hon,” I called out as she came in. “Dinner’s on the table for you. Hope you enjoy it,” Tammy smacked my chest and it resounded through the room. A few minutes later I heard Jenn’s plaintive shout from the kitchen.

“What the hell is this?!?” she screamed. I got up and walked back toward the kitchen.

“What’s what, Jenn?” I asked. It was really hard to hide my amusement as Jenn stood before the table with a single plate on it. On the plate and a selection of carpet samples in different textures and colors. Next to the plate sat a can of Reddi-Whip whipped cream.

“Dad?” she asked. “Is this some kind of a joke?” Here’s the build-up, I thought. I reached into the cabinet pulled out a jar of honey in a cat-shaped bottle and set it next to the plate. “What the hell Dad?” she asked again.

“Sorry dear,” I said apologetically. “I thought you liked munching carpet,” her glare could have killed.

“Eeew! You are So...” She stopped mid-sentence and looked at me. My face was a study in amusement while her face had drained of all its color. Completely dumbstruck. She stood there staring at me until Tammy walked up behind me and shook her head.

Jenn bolted for her bedroom and slammed the door. Tammy moved to go talk to her but I stopped her. “I’m sure you have some motherly advice for her, but leave this to me, please.”

I headed to Jenn’s room and knocked on the door. “Go Away!” she shouted. I could hear the tears in her voice.

I muffled my voice and responded. “No ... I am your father!” that drew a slight chuckle.

“Geek!” she yelled back. “I don’t wanna talk, Darth!” She took after me and not her mother in this respect. She was one too.

“Mmm, Want, you may not,” I went on in my best Yoda. “But talk you already have,”

“What?” she asked, but then I heard a loud, “Tsk! ... Goober!” then. “Just go away.”

“I can’t,” I retorted. “If I do, your mom is just going to come back here and lecture you with all her Motherly advice,” I heard the door click and it swung open an inch or two. I assumed she’d turned the handle and then went back to whatever corner she was moping in.

I swung the door open stepped in and shouted, “We came ... We Saw ... We Kicked...”

“Dad!!” Jenn shouted, cutting off my best Venkman. I closed the door behind me and went to sit on the bed next to her. She looked up at me and grimaced. “You Suck!” I raised an eyebrow at that. “But Mom sucks worse. She swore she wouldn’t say anything,” She went back to pouting.

“Well...” I began “In your Mother’s defense, I did force it out of her,” Jenn looked up at me her brow furrowed. “And really, it isn’t like I didn’t know,” Her eyes grew wider. “Oh come on Jenn, these walls are thin and you aren’t the quietest person,” Her jaw dropped then she turned away and her head hung again.

“There’s nothing wrong with it,” I said the the back of her head. “And as for what I did tonight?” I moved closer to her and whispered,” Ye who live in glass houses should never throw stones, little miss, let’s tease Dad about his love of Science Fiction,”

She turned to me, her brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed. Then she flung her arms around my chest and hugged me. She began to cry into my bare chest. I patted her back and stroked her hair, trying desperately not to get a hard-on.

After a few minutes, she pulled herself together and looked up at me. “Is it ok?” she asked still sniffling. “I mean, isn’t it dirty? Two girls?” then she sat back suddenly and gasped, “And with Mom? Isn’t that Incest or something?”

“Where did you learn a word like that?” I asked, laughing heartily. I reached out and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to me. “Don’t worry,” I said. “It’s a family thing, and no one else’s business,” I hugged her close and kissed the top of her head. “Besides, your mom tells me you’ve kept your promise.”

At that, Jenn began wiggling and struggling to get out of my grasp. “Let me go!” she yelled. Let me go, Pervy Dad!” her struggles were becoming less frantic and more playful with each passing minute. She was finally able to slip out of her sweater and escape, leaving her only wearing her sports bra.

She stood in front of me defiantly and stared down at me. “Do you like it?” she asked. My confused look made her go on. “What me and Mom did, do you like doing that to her?”

I grinned. “You can say it,” My smile grew broader then. “Come on, say it with me, I like eating pussy,” Her face suddenly turned beet red. “Yes, I do and I’m a pretty cunning linguist at that,” It took a minute to register, but when it did she yelped and hid her face in her hands.

That’s when I got a surprise acknowledgment. “He is,” Came a sultry voice from behind me. Jenn and I both looked up to see Tammy standing in the doorway. “Undressing her already, Chuck?” she asked. She just loved that indignant hands-on-hemed pose.

“She did that herself,” I protested. “But if she wanted, I’d finish it for her,” I grinned then turned and winked at Jenn. I thought she’d have a horrified look on her face, but she didn’t. If there was some kind of supernatural, telepathic link between Mother and Daughter, I was sure of it at that moment. Neither had spoken and there was nothing but their eyes meeting. Then Jenn nodded And began stripping.

I’m sure I was gaping. But in the next moment, I was faced with a living copy of Tammy at that age, and nostalgia-filled my thoughts. Sure, I’d seen her sunbathe nude, and she had no compunction about running from the bathroom to her room naked after a shower. But this, this was different.

In the dim light of her room, I was flung back to the night Tammy had climbed through my window and confronted me. Then Jenn said something that was like a smack in the face.

“Are you marveling at how stunning I am?” She asked. My head immediately snapped to Tammy, who just shrugged and grinned, trying to look innocent.

“I’ll deal with you later,” I growled at Tammy, who just blew me a kiss. Then I became acutely aware of Jenn’s proximity to me.

“Daddy, will you...” she stopped, her face still red and she was fidgeting, trying to decide if she should try to cover herself or not.

“Like I said, sweetie, it’s not dirty,” I reached out and placed a hand on her bare thigh. Electricity coursed through my body at the touch. Her skin was smooth as silk and warm to the touch. “You can say it. Go ahead and ask.”

I let my hand rest where it was. But Jenn stepped forward and my hand slid up. I guided it around to come to rest on her taught, but silky buttocks. “Daddy,” she began again. “Will you...” she began to hesitate, I felt her butt cheeks clench. Then quickly she spat out, “Will you eat my pussy?!?”

A shudder ran through her and she jerked away but came back just as quickly. I looked up into her eyes which were like the sea on a calm day. “Of course, I will sweetheart,” I smiled and placed my other hand on her other butt cheek. “Anything for my little girl.”

She shivered again but then clapped and thanked me. Tammy came over and hugged Jenn, then leaned in and whispered. “Only oral, right?” I nodded. “If you do her good enough, I’ll give you something special later on.”

I stood, hands still grasping her buttocks. And looked her in the eyes. “Are you sure?” and her immediate nod of ascent was good enough for me. I ran my hands up along her lithe torso and cupped her breasts. I flicked both nipples with my thumbs.

She shivered again and squealed at the electric shock she must have felt when her hard nipples were tweaked. I moved my hands to grasp her by the shoulders. “This is the first time any man has touched me at all,” she croaked out in a whisper.

I could believe it, since all of her Doctors were female and Tammy had verified everything else, including their talk about boys, and how the ones at school were repulsive. I picked her up with ease. A smile split her lips and she squeaked as I deposited her on the bed. I was about to kneel between her legs but she stopped me. “Can I see it?” She asked, color returning to her cheeks.

“Jenn...” was the only thing Tammy said, before Jenn amended her question.

“Daddy, can I see your cock? Please.” I gave Tammy a withering look but relented and dropped my boxers. Jenn gasped and then covered her mouth. “No, I mean...” she began to stammer. “It’s ... Oh my. Umm, Wow!” I smiled and told her to just lay back and relax.

I climbed up onto the bed and bent her knees up and spread them as if I were going to fuck her missionary style. My cock hanging in full view and she gasped as I moved closer. Tammy gasped as well. Almost as if she were going to say something.

Whatever it was died in her throat as I laid forward and lifted Jenn’s legs over my back as I placed my head and shoulders between her thighs and blew a warm breath against her mound. I could smell her excitement and her nervousness.

I ran my hands along the insides of her thighs and alternately kissed them as my hands passed. Jenn’s mound was beautiful, she’d shaven, leaving only a thin strip of hair from her above her clit to just below her naval.

I looked up for a moment and saw Tammy had stripped and was sitting at Jenn’s desk fingering herself. Then I looked up into Jenn’s eyes and said. “Yes, now I am marveling at how stunning you are,” and dropped my head again.

This time, I gently pressed my thumbs against her outer lips and pulled them apart slowly. Jenn gasped at the touch and I released them and then pulled again. I was now staring at bright pink perfection.

With slow and deliberate precision I extended my tongue and gently rested it at the entrance to her channel. I slowly ran my tongue up across her opening and stopped just below the prepuce.

I made a wide circle around her inner labia with my tongue. Jenn’s hips bucked, and I held her down. “Ooooh!” she whispered. “That feels good,” Of course, Tammy had been here before, but I was going to do my best to go above and beyond.

As I completed another lap I drive the tip of my tongue into her open pussy. She was moaning now sounding very contented to have her slit tongued and licked. As I pulled my tongue back and began making patterns across her labia, I would flick her clit as I passed it. Each time my tongue landed on her clit she would yelp softly. But then I grabbed the nub between my teeth and pushed it back, exposing the ruby bud underneath. Tammy must have sensed what I was about to do and shouted, “Oh Shit!” then groaned as her orgasm hit.

Jenn gasped as my teeth closed and began dragging the small fleshy hood back, then I closed my lips around the exposed clit and sucked, hard. Jenn screamed.

“Holy fuck!” then her hips bucked and she screamed again. This time when her hips came up, I was sprayed in the face by a hot stream of tangy liquid, and Jenn’s hips and ass just kept slapping my face.

I didn’t relent, I kept sucking and she kept squirting. Until I had to release her to keep breathing as her legs kept opening and closing on my head. Her convulsions subsided after a few minutes and I sat up and crossed my legs.

Tammy was picking up her clothes when Jenn suddenly sat up after the shaking stopped. She stared at me for a second, then looked down at my erect cock. Then back up at me. Then, without a word, she launched herself at me across the bed.

She hit me hard enough that we both tumbled off the end of the bed and onto the floor. I grabbed her in a bear hug and pulled her to me as I landed on my back letting my body cushion her impact.

“Daddy!” she squealed. “That was awesome!” she was nuzzling into me, her head up under my chin. Her silky soft hair felt wonderful as it rubbed against my skin. “We can do it again, right?” she asked quickly. Then impatiently, “Right??”

“Yes dear, we can do it again,” I told her. Tammy came over and pulled her off of me and hugged her. She set her back on the bed and told her it was bedtime. There were the usual complaints and pleas, but ultimately the Parents won out.

Back in our room Tammy immediately went to the bathroom to shower. I’ve never known her to shower before bed, but whatever. A clean pussy was a wonderful thing. When she emerged her body was glistening and her hair seductively slicked back.

When she climbed up onto the bed and straddled me, I caught a scent I hadn’t smelled in years. Decades to be precise. It was that indescribable citrus scent I’d caught from her the first night we met. It had to be some kind of body wash, and she hadn’t used it since then.

She saw the shock and confusion on my face and smiled a predatory smile. “Hey there Mister,” she began, leaning forward and placing both hands on my chest, forcing me to lay back. “Am I still as gorgeous as you remember?”

My eyes narrowed and I stared daggers at her. “You mean when broke into my apartment in the middle of the night?” she grinned and took the bait.

“I heard there was an old guy with a big weenie living there,” with that she reached back and grabbed my cock. It hardened in her grip as she stroked it slowly.

“Bullshit!” I exclaimed. But there was no heat in my words. “You were just a spoiled runaway, and I made an honest woman of you,” She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off. “And ... if it is at all possible, Yes, you are even more gorgeous today than you were back then,”

Her gaze softened and she fell forward, releasing my cock and clamping both hands to the sides of my face before planting a sensual kiss on my lips. She released me a moment later and sat up.

“Have I ever told you that you are one smooth motherfucker?” I laughed out loud.

“You, my dear are the only Mother I’ve ever fucked,” then began massaging her breasts and said, “And I made you the Mother you are today,” She moaned deeply but the smile remained on her face.

“You always know what to say...” she began. “But I fear that being the perfect wife and mother has made you complacent. You seem to have forgotten a few things over the years,” Her grin widened and she whispered low in my ear.

Suddenly, cold apprehension gripped my body. I began frantically searching my memory for something important to Tammy that I might have forgotten. Tammy saw the conflict on my face and kissed me again. Then she giggled.

“Didn’t you once tell me that you were going to pop my ass cherry?” Her amusement just grew as she saw the look on my face change from apprehension to realization, to villainous intent.

“Decades ago,” I admitted. “But I also recall saying I wouldn’t push and it would be up to you to decide,” She nodded her head and gazed at me with those deep brown eyes of hers.

“And so I have,” she said. Her voice takes on a musical quality. “After all this time and everything you’ve been to me, I’m sure it’s time.” Then she let out a giggle as she dismounted and stood beside the bed. “I was ready long ago, but I forgot til recently.”

I slapped her ass as I got up and pulled her into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist and marveled at how tight her body still was. “So tonight is special then?” I asked. She nodded and pushed me back a step.

She went back into the bathroom and came out with a spray bottle of KY and a condom. Always be safe I’d taught her. We were exclusive and even wanted more children, but it never happened. Condoms during vaginal sex were no longer something we cared about.

Anal though ... She knew what it would entail, and was prepared. I took both of them from her and motioned her toward the bed. She climbed up on all fours and began wiggling her butt at me in a rather seductive way.

Before I realized it myself, I was on all fours behind her and spreading her ass cheeks. She giggled as I did but then yelped as my tongue suddenly and forcefully darted out and found her puckered sphincter and began probing it.

“Yikes!” she squealed. “Damn Mister you like my ass, don’t you?”

In answer Pressed my tongue hard against her sphincter and then made a smacking sound with my lips. Then I noticed it. This was one of the places she used whatever that intoxicating body wash was. The Fruity, Citrusy fragrance hit me hard as my face sank in between her buttocks.

After leaving her ass crack-soaking wet with my saliva, I got up and grabbed the KY and condom. “I’m not gonna lie,” I began. But never got to finish, since Tammy began laughing hysterically. “What?” I asked pointedly.

“I’m not gonna lie to you, The first time is gonna hurt,” mocking me and imitating my voice. I laughed with her. “Which reminds me, I still need to kick Becca’s ass.”

I rolled the condom down over my erection and sprayed some KY on it to get it slick. Then I sprayed some in Tammy’s ass crack and began rubbing it around her sphincter. “Don’t be shocked, I’m going to press one finger in and lube you up.”

As I did, Tammy hissed and I felt her anus clench around my finger. I sprayed more KY and began making slow circles in her anus to lube her. “Relax Sweetheart, If you tense up it only hurts more and this is just the beginning.” Tammy began slow breathing like she’d been taught in birthing classes. That and her Kegals helped when Jenn came out, and her continued Kegals were amazing during sex. I sprayed some more and said, “One more finger going in now.”

As my index finger entered alongside my middle finger, Tammy almost jumped. “Ahh, Shit!” she exclaimed, as a sharp pain ran up her spine. I stopped and let my fingers rest in one place.

After a minute I pushed my fingers straight up to the knuckle. Tammy hissed again but then sighed. “Ooh! That’s not bad,” she let out a low giggle.

“Are you ready for the Big Weenie?” I asked in a mocking tone. She stopped giggling and sighed. She took a deep breath and nodded her head. So I moved forward and place the tip of my cock against her sphincter. I pushed just enough to spread it and admit the tip.

“Don’t go too fast, lover,” she pleaded. I pushed and spread her anus open a little more. “Oh Fuck!” She growled. And I stopped. No! No! Don’t stop!” she demanded. So I pushed until the head of my cock popped into her anus. “Oh Gods! Oh Fuck!”

I leaned over her and kissed her back. “You okay sweetheart?” I asked. She was panting now and her breathing was fast and shallow. She let out a sudden peel of hysterical laughter. I had to wonder if I’d broken her.

“Oh man!” she exclaimed. “I am not just gonna kick Becca’s Ass, I am gonna shove my high heel straight up hers without lube!” I chuckled along with her for a moment.

“If you want me to stop, I won’t be disappointed at all,” I assured her.

“Fuck no!” she growled. “If it takes all night, inch by inch,” she grunted hard as my cock throbbed begging to enter further. “I’m going to take all of you into me,” I heard a sob and sniffle. “Because you’re a great Husband and Father and I love you.”

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