Flights of Consciousness
Copyright© 2002 by Paul Phenomenon
Chapter 6
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A story or incest and the paranormal. What would a sixteen-year-old boy do if his consciousness could take flight and observe his loved ones at a distance? Would he become a voyeur and more, using his ability for prurient purposes, or would he use the gift to perform good deeds?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual BiSexual Science Fiction Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Group Sex Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Exhibitionism Voyeurism Slow
It was five-thirty in the morning, and the air was brisk and clean. David's body felt rested but vibrant. He'd extended his morning swim from fifty laps to sixty. Last night after another exhilarating incestuous, psychic suck with his mother, he'd continued to perfect his senses while his consciousness roamed his home. He'd visited Barbara and her home as well, but his numerous attempts to connect with Coach Connors had all failed. Naked, he was air-drying his body after his swim, when his mother stepped out onto the patio.
"Thanks for making coffee, David," she said as she walked toward him with a cup in her hand. Then her stride faltered when she noted he was naked. Recovering quickly, she smiled and added, "I see you've been skinny dipping."
He blushed and reached for his walking shorts.
"Don't," his mother said. "You'll get them wet. I don't mind if you're naked if you don't."
He shrugged and dropped the shorts back to the cool deck. Being embarrassed about his nakedness did seem a bit silly considering the psychic sexual games he'd been playing with his mother.
She sat across the table from him and sipped her coffee. The glass tabletop allowed her to see her son's nakedness, and she took advantage of the situation and looked.
"You're developing into a handsome young man, David. I'm proud of you." Good golly Miss Molly, my son is hung! She wondered what that monster would look like angry and erect. She didn't wonder long.
Damn, I'm getting a hard-on, David thought. Should I put my shorts on? Or... ah hell, I've seen her naked, and she seems to enjoy seeing me naked.
She knew she shouldn't stare, but she couldn't take her eyes off her son's cock as it unfolded and lengthened. Within seconds it stood straight up, waving long and proud.
"Impressive," she whispered, not realizing she'd said the word out loud.
"Thanks, I guess," David said.
The sound of his voice forced her to remove her eyes from his hard-on and look at his face.
"Sorry, Mom, but I don't have much control over my erections."
She chuckled and glanced furtively at his hard-on again. "Obviously." Lord help me, I want to... no, don't even think it. She licked her lips as she continued to stare. "You're larger than your father, David."
He didn't say anything, didn't know what to say.
She raised her eyes to his. "I enjoyed last night, Son. Your psychic powers are amazing. Stick out your tongue."
"Stick out your tongue, please."
He did as she asked.
"Suspicions confirmed. The tongue you used last night was much longer."
He grinned. "Yeah. I can make it any length I want."
She shook her head and squirmed in her chair. Then it hit her! She'd told him last night when he was stabbing her with his imaginary tongue that she wished it were longer. "You can hear during your trips now, can't you, David?"
He nodded. "Yes, I have a fair amount of control over all five senses. I love your scents, especially the fragrance of your arousal, and the taste! Oh, Mom, your... ah, your pussy is absolutely scrumptious!" He grasped his hard shaft in his hand - an unconscious move.
He's heard me talking nasty! Though initially embarrassed, she recovered quickly, and tried to remember some of the things she'd said. When excited, she usually used dirty words. Dirty words turned her on. The more she thought about it, the more she was glad he'd heard her talking nasty. That ice had been broken.
She noted his hand fisting his cock. He's hot, she thought. He's enjoying this situation. Me, too. How far should I take it? He'll follow my lead. He's given me so many climaxes I lost count long ago. Should I return the favor? God, I want to! I want to wrap my fingers around his cock and feel its heat, feel it throb in my hand, in my mouth, in my cunt. Stop it! Control yourself.
"Go ahead," she whispered.
From his expression, her suggestion must have confused him.
"Go ahead. Jack off. I want to watch."
That's when he realized his hand was around his cock. He jerked it away.
She grimaced. "Sorry, Son. I guess I went too far."
Suddenly he understood. His reluctance had shamed her, which was not his intent. She'd accepted his strange powers, even helped him develop them without condemnation or reluctance. If she wanted to watch, he'd let her watch. Besides, her eyes on his erection excited him. He returned his hand and stroked his shaft, emitting a soft moan.
"You don't have to..."
"No, I want to," he said, interrupting her. "I like your eyes on me." With the statement, he understood his mother's exhibitionism for the first time. No one had ever watched him jack off before, and he found the concept exciting. Her eyes were fixed on his cock, on his stroking hand. To enhance her view, he slid forward on the chair a little and cupped his balls with his other hand.
"Would you rather watch or be watched?" he asked.
"Be watched, but... right now I want to watch."
"Am I really larger than Dad?"
"Uh-huh." She licked her lips again.
She gets as excited watching as she does being watched. She's drooling. Does she want to taste me?
"You want my hand to be your hand, don't you?" he said. Would she do it? Would she wrap her long fingers around his hard-on and stroke it until he came all over her hand? And if she did, would either of them feel guilty afterwards? Maybe. Probably.
She didn't speak. Her eyes darted to his and then back to his cock. She nodded.
"You want to touch me, wrap your hand around me, and stroke me. And you keep licking your lips. You want to taste me, too, don't you?"
"Yes," she said quietly. "I want to touch you." She raised her eyes to his again. "I want to touch you, taste you and more." She licked her lips and her eyes became unfocused. Then she shook her head, and her eyes refocused and gazed directly at him. "But I won't." She smiled. "I'll watch you, though."
"Are you getting close?" she asked when her eyes dropped to his cock again.
"I'm hot, too."
"Go ahead and touch yourself."
"Wouldn't seeing me in the flesh make you feel guilty?"
"No. Does watching me like this make you feel guilty?"
She grinned. "No. I have a confession to make. I watched you jack off once about two years ago. Watching you excited me. I went to my room..."
Her grin left her face, and lust filled her eyes. "I didn't feel guilty then, and I don't feel guilty now." She stood and quickly pushed her shorts and panties to the cool deck. Returning to her chair, she slid forward and splayed her legs. It wasn't as though he hadn't seen her like this before.
It was David's turn to stare. He'd seen the sight before, but not while in his body. This time he was flesh and blood, not an apparition, and being in his body enhanced everything, every sight, every smell, every touch. He couldn't take his eyes off her as her fingers pulled her labia apart giving him an interior view of her cunt. Her vulva glistened like dew in the early morning sunlight, and he gasped when she dipped a finger inside and then rolled it around her prominent clitoris.
"God, that's sexy," he said.
"No more sexy than watching you stroke your long cock, David."
"I can smell the fragrance of your cunt from here." He wasn't concerned about using nasty words. His mother used them whenever she was excited. Besides, they excited him. Nasty could be very nice.
"And I can see your shaft throb from here," she said as she jammed a finger inside her as far as it would go. "Last night, your tongue was longer than my finger." Her hips started to move a little when she added another finger. "Thicker, too." She eyed his cock. "But not as long or as thick as your huge cock. How long is it? I know teenaged boys, so I know you've measured it."
"Just shy of eight inches."
"When you give me a psychic fuck, fashion a cock identical to yours, David. Don't make it larger like you did your tongue. I want to feel what it would be like to actually have your cock inside me."
"All right." He jerked his hand from his cock. One more stroke and he would have climaxed. He couldn't remember ever being so hot, but he'd had the same thought many times before. Regardless, he was so close he nearly climaxed without touching himself.
"No, don't stop," she said. "I'm close. I'll come when you come. I want to watch your semen squirt out. I want to see its force and gauge its volume, so when you give me a psychic fuck I can use this experience to imagine your come flying into my cunt."
David groaned, and when his hand made one last stroke, his balls lifted and tightened, and he felt semen fly up through his shaft and shoot into the air. His eyes started to roll back into his head as his body stiffened, but he forced himself to continue watching his mother as another contraction wracked his body, and a second rope of white stuff flew through the air to fall to his chest.
"Yes!" she exclaimed, her eyes fixed on his spurting cock. She grimaced as the first contraction of her orgasm jerked her body stiff. But like him, she concentrated and watched him as he moved through his orgasm.
They watched and were watched.
David noted she had at least five contractions to each of his. He'd read somewhere that a female's orgasm was stronger and lasted longer than a male's, and incongruously he wondered how one could measure the intensity of an orgasm. With that silly thought, he let his eyes roll back as his last contraction jerked his hips off the chair and he held steady to expand the time the blissful sensations of the orgasm visited him. When he collapsed back to the chair, he opened his eyes and watched his mother move through the rest of her climax. The pink flush of orgasm she wore made her look so beautiful he knew he'd never tire of watching her climax.
Suddenly she relaxed and opened her eyes. She smiled shyly. "Whew! That was intense."
He nodded. Would she feel guilty now? He didn't. If she'd touched him or more, he believed he'd be feeling so much guilt he probably couldn't look her in the eye. He returned her smile, and her expression turned from shyness to contentment. She hadn't closed her legs. They remained splayed, and her labia looked red and swollen and still gaped open. Her reddened clit throbbed, and he had a brief but intense desire to suck it into his mouth.
"Do you feel guilty?" she asked.
"No. I feel good - very relaxed. All the tension is gone."
"Yeah, me, too."
She eyed his half-hard cock and the semen splotches on his belly and chest, and a wicked grin twisted her lips. "Stay right where you are." She jumped up and pulled on her panties and shorts. "I want to clean up your mess."
A minute later she returned with some facial tissues and a damp washcloth, pulled a chair next to his, sat and lovingly cleaned his belly, chest, cock and balls. "You came buckets, Son."
"Yeah." Her ministrations lengthened his cock again.
She wrapped her dainty fingers around it and stroked it a couple of times. "Put your shorts on," she said and stood up. "I'll make breakfast. How about bacon and eggs for a change?"
"Hash browns, too?"
"You've got it."
Tim Darlington had been David's best friend for six years, since David's mother purchased the home the Stanley family now occupied. Tim was five days older than David and lived three doors down and across the street from David's home. Tim obtained his driver's license the day he turned sixteen, and his parents' presented him with a used Honda Civic for his birthday.
Living only ten blocks from the high school, David usually pedaled his ten-speed bicycle to and from school, but on inclement days or at David's request, Tim gave him a ride. Earlier that morning, David called his friend and asked if Tim would pick him up.
After hearing a car honk, David kissed his mother on the cheek. "Don't plan on me for dinner, Mom. I'm going out with friends."
"Okay. Have fun."
David hurried from the house and to the curb. "Thanks for the ride, Tim," he said as he hopped into the front passenger seat of the bright red Honda.
"No problem. I don't know why you don't ride with me every day."
David grinned. "I ride my bike for the exercise, but I've been getting up early and doing laps in the pool, so I might take you up on the offer as long as you let me help with the gas. By the way, I'll be taking the driver's test next Monday."
"Really? I thought your mother wouldn't let you drive as long as you phased out once in a while."
"More good news. I've learned how to control my spells."
In his early teens, Tim carried a bunch of extra weight, but during the last couple of years he'd grown taller and slimmed down, though some lingering baby fat still plagued him. He drove with his window down that morning, and the air rushing in through the window tousled his blond, naturally curly hair.
"About my spells. I need a favor, Tim. I need to take a consciousness trip starting this afternoon that will go on for four or five hours, maybe longer, and I need a place to park my body during the trip. For reasons I don't want to go into, I can't use my house. May I use yours?"
"Jeez, I don't know, David. If my mom saw you unconscious half that time, she'd freak out." He grinned. "Besides, I have a date tonight." His smile widened. "Tina Granger," he announced proudly.
"Tina, huh? Good for you, Tim." Tim had had the hots for Tina for years, and for the life of him, David couldn't understand what Tim saw in the girl. It wasn't that David didn't like Tina; the girl just didn't turn him on, certainly not like Darla or Barbara, or Ellen for that matter. Mom, too, he thought with a grin as an image of his mother flashed into his mind, an image of her sitting by the pool naked from the waist down.
"I don't need to be tended, Tim. I just need a place to park for a few hours. Is our old tree house still intact out behind your house?"
"I think so. Jeez, I haven't been up there in years. We had some good times in that place."
"Can you leave right after school?"
"Good, you can give me a ride to your house, and we'll check out the tree house. If it will work for my purposes, you can leave me up there, have dinner or go on your date, whatever you need to do. I'd also appreciate it if you told no one about the trip. I can walk home after I wake up."
"Okay, and mums the word. Speaking of dates, I heard you asked Ellen out."
"Yeah, but she called last night and cancelled the date."
"Too bad. I also heard if you played your cards right, you could get into her panties."
David grinned. "I heard that, too, but that's not the reason I asked her out. Besides, I don't pay much attention to gossip."
Tim shrugged as he pulled into the school's parking lot. "Meet me here right after your last class. Damn, thinking about the old tree house makes me nostalgic. We sure did have some fun up there when we were kids."
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