Flights of Consciousness
Copyright© 2002 by Paul Phenomenon
Chapter 5
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A story or incest and the paranormal. What would a sixteen-year-old boy do if his consciousness could take flight and observe his loved ones at a distance? Would he become a voyeur and more, using his ability for prurient purposes, or would he use the gift to perform good deeds?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual BiSexual Science Fiction Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Group Sex Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Exhibitionism Voyeurism Slow
When David checked on his mother, she was sound asleep. He hovered over her face and gave her a soft, goodnight kiss, and then watched her sleep for a while. Like Darla, when she slept she looked so childlike and innocent. She rolled over and the sheet fell away. She was naked. Her voluptuous, naked body, unlike her face, looked neither childlike nor innocent.
He caressed the side of her face with feather-like touches and kissed her neck just below her ear and suddenly realized what he'd been missing with his psychic kisses. Taste!
He wished for the sense of taste and girded the entity he was for a mishmash of various flavors and wasn't disappointed, nearly gagging when thousands of tastes assaulted him at one time. He quickly wished for the flavors to leave, and then started bringing up flavors one at a time. He did the same with scents.
His mother stirred when he tasted her pussy, but merely rolled over in her sleep. He now knew what various parts of her body tasted and smelled like, but suspected saving the settings would provide false positives. Instead, he saved the locations on her body, so her actual flavors and fragrances at any given time could be called up when he connected with her. He anticipated her scents would change depending on her level of activity, when she'd bathed, and other possible variables, so many no matter how hard he tried, he'd miss some. The last thing he wanted was to have her smell the same all the time when he knew her scents changed slightly from moment to moment.
When he'd explored all the flavors and scents on the woman who'd brought him into the world, he switched and did the same with his sister. Her pussy tasted sweeter than his mother's, but her little pucker was more pungent. He didn't prefer one over the other, merely appreciated the differences.
Finished with the females he lived with, he roamed the house and cataloged all the flavors and scents he could discover. He enjoyed his mother's candles, and many of the scents contained in her makeup. The taste of his sister's lipstick became one of his favorites, and he hoped he'd have a chance to kiss her again and taste her lipstick directly from her lips.
In the kitchen, he tasted and smelled the bread on the counter, and the scent and flavor of a banana, and wished the refrigerator door were open so he could catalogue the various foods inside. Then he remembered he had imaginary fingers with an opposing thumb, so he opened the refrigerator door. The light came on, and he smiled. What would Darla think if she got up for a glass of milk?
The sun was coming up when he reentered his body and his eyes opened. He'd spent the entire night cataloguing scents and flavors. With his body in a deep delta state while his consciousness made a trip, he didn't worry about being tired when he awakened. He'd probably be more rested than his mother or sister. Tomorrow night after everyone was asleep, he'd visit Barbara Gaines' home and catalogue any new scents and flavors he found there, and if he could ever connect with others while on a trip, he'd do the same with them and their environments.
Sight and sound were almost perfected. Touch needed a little more work, and he'd made great strides with taste and smell. Soon his flights of consciousness would carry a close proximity of the five senses he enjoyed when he was conscious.
He showered and pulled on a pair of walking shorts. In the kitchen he perked coffee for his mother and squeezed some oranges so his ladies could have fresh orange juice. The coffee smelled good, so he poured himself a cup. He didn't have the coffee habit, but he loved the taste, especially with cream and sugar.
He stepped outside onto the patio. At five in the morning the air was cool and clean. He sipped coffee and looked out over their yard. Petunias were in full bloom, and the oleander bush in the corner had so many pink flowers on it the limbs sagged toward the ground. His mother had made a nice home for him. For Darla, too. Love for the women in his life washed over him. He felt at peace.
Why had he fought being an early riser all these years? Part of it, he knew, was he hated to give up a day so he stayed up late. Now he could roam all night and could still wake up refreshed. His flights of consciousness had some real advantages. He leaned back and checked on his mother and sister. Darla was still asleep, but his mother was starting to rouse. He returned to his body pleased that during the visits he could smell each of them including the various odors in their rooms. He'd pulled the sights and sounds and fragrances into a harmonious whole.
He kicked off his walking shorts and moved into the swimming pool naked. The water was cold, but not too cold, and he pushed himself through fifty laps. He returned and sat by the patio table, electing to let his body air dry before he pulled the shorts back on. The bittersweet taste of the orange juice felt pleasant in his mouth and gave his body nourishment. Leaning back, he checked on the ladies again. Darla was still sound asleep, but his mother was drying off after her shower.
He'd promised to touch her if he visited, so he took a corner of her towel in his imaginary hand and helped her finish drying.
"David, you're amazing," his mother whispered.
While she was hanging up the towel, he wished for his entity to take the shape of his body and pulled his mother into his arms.
"What?" she squeaked with surprise.
He hushed her by giving her a soft kiss, a kiss that moved quickly to a romantic embrace. He allowed his hands to roam over her body, like he'd done with his sister during their passionate kiss. His mother didn't seem to mind. In fact, she moaned and melted into the embrace and kissed him back with fervor. When he inserted an imaginary tongue into her mouth, she gasped, but not from shock. As the kiss stretched out, he fondled her breasts, softly pinching her baby-chewed nipples, and while tasting the inside of her mouth he found a new flavor. She'd obviously brushed her teeth before showering.
She didn't know what to do with her hands and arms. He could touch her, could feel her everywhere she touched the entity he'd formed for the embrace, but she couldn't touch him because he didn't exist in three dimensions. She could feel his hands and fingers on her, but she couldn't grasp them. She could feel his mouth on hers, but she couldn't put her arms around him like he held her. He resolved to fix the problem somehow as soon as possible.
"Yes!" she gushed when his imaginary fingers started to caress her vulva.
He took her by the hand and pulled her toward the bed, arranging her on her back with her knees up and splayed, one of the most beautiful yet obscene postures he'd ever seen. He branded the sight in his consciousness so he could revisit it for the rest of his life.
A new scent assaulted him, and a quick investigation proved his assumption correct about her scents changing. Her cunt smelled differently now than it had the night before. Would it taste differently, too?
Yes! So much more pleasing!
He wallowed in the delicious flavors and reveled in her many fragrances. He willed his tongue to be longer and stabbed her with it over and over again while he rubbed an imaginary nose over her clitoris. He did the same with a finger while his tongue lashed the nubbin.
He didn't know how many times she climaxed while he performed his incestuous, psychic suck. He lost count after the fourth one. Finally she collapsed and wept, but she wept with pleasure, not pain.
"No more. Please, no more. Oh, God, David that was wonderful!"
When he reentered his body sitting on the patio chair, he missed her fragrance under his imaginary nose, missed her delicious flavors on his imaginary tongue, missed the feel of her satiny flesh under his hands, and missed the small and large sounds of passion she emitted.
But he could remember. He had an excellent memory, and before he could wrap his hand around his instantly hard cock, it erupted and made a mess over his belly and chest.
Later after Darla caught her ride to school, his mother took his face between her hands and kissed him softly.
"Thank you, David."
"The pleasure was all mine."
"Hah! You were there; you know better."
"Do you feel guilty?"
She shook her head.
"Good. I feel only one emotion, Mom, and that's love. And don't get your panties in a twist. I'm not in love with you, or falling in love with you. You're my mother, and I love you, and I'm happy you enjoyed this morning as much as I did."
"David, ah..." she said and blushed. "David, do you think sometime you could... damn this is embarrassing, so I'll just say it. Do you think sometime you could give me a psychic fuck?"
No, David thought with a grin, but I can give you an incestuous, psychic fuck. He nodded.
"Not right away. Surprise me sometime."
Darla watched her brother stride to his tree. He's so tall, she thought, and he'll get taller, and he'll fill out some more, but he already looks strong with his wide shoulders and deep chest. There's so much potential there in his slim frame and ropey muscles. In the last year, his face has lost its childlike roundness and thinned to a rugged masculinity. We share some features like our dark eyes and complexion, but they look better on him than me.
She couldn't get their kiss out of her mind. The sensations it evoked sneaked up on her and rippled through her body when she least expected it, causing joyful shivers and a quickening of her breath. As David had said, they needed to keep their wits about them, but damn it, she wanted him to kiss her again.
He smiled when he saw her approaching him, which pleased her. Why did they fight so much before? She didn't have an answer, but she hoped the truce they'd fashioned would never end.
"Hi, sis," he said, his voice a low melody.
"Hi. May I join you for lunch?"
His smile broadened. "Of course. I can't think of anyone I'd rather break bread with than you."
They settled on the grass together.
"Have you seen Ellen today?" he asked between bites.
"She's not in school. Rumor has it she didn't get home until well after midnight. If I know her Dad, and I do, she's probably grounded for the rest of her life. I don't think you'll need to be blunt with her. If she's grounded, she'll call you and cancel the date."
"She'll want to reschedule it, though."
"I'll be appropriately vague. She's not the type of girl I want to date, Darla."
"You're the type of girl I want to date."
She smiled at him. "I know what you mean. Why do you have to be my brother, bro?"
"Just lucky, I guess. I have a question. What happens to the gymnastic program if coach gets fired?"
She shrugged. "Nothing, probably. The assistant coach is pretty good and would most likely take over the program until a new coach is brought in. Why do you ask? You're not getting involved in my problem, are you?"
"Maybe, but only in a peripheral way. One more question. Have you seen the coach touching any of the other girls inappropriately?"
"I think so. He seems particularly interested in a freshman girl named Barbara Gaines."
"A cute brunette with blue eyes about your height?"
"I need a favor. Would you have a conversation with her about coach? I've been nosing around, and I think I can get the slime bag fired without involving either of us, but the Gaines girl could attract some fallout, which wouldn't be fair if she detests his hands on her as much as you do."
David loved the way his sister's eyes glinted when she was angry, even if he were the source of her anger.
"I asked you to stay away from this problem, David. I can handle coach. He hasn't felt me up since I threatened him."
"I don't doubt your ability to handle the sneaky pervert, sis, but can a younger or more timid girl handle him as well as you? He has no business being in a position of authority over young girls if he can't keep his hands off them. Am I right or wrong?"
She fumed, but said, "You're right. How can you get him fired without becoming involved?"
"Anonymously." He grinned.
"Damn it! You're infuriating. Explain!"
"And you're cute when you're angry. I sure do want to kiss you right now."
"Yeah. And I want to kiss you, too, but we can't, so tell me how you plan to get the dirty old man fired."
"If I tell you, you couldn't resist becoming involved, which could prove disastrous at this juncture. Talk to Barbara. If she doesn't like coach's hands on her, I want the two of you to meet me at Denny's right after practice. If she enjoys playing games with the perverted son of a bitch, let her stew in her own juices and meet me by yourself. Okay?"
"Tell me, damn it!"
"Uh-uh. I'll tell you this. He won't be fired for touching you or any of the other girls. That's why you won't be involved. It's not a complicated plan. It's easy and can probably be achieved with one anonymous phone call. I'd have made the call already except I wanted to warn you and any of the other girls he's fondled to keep your mouths shut about the fondling so those charges aren't added to his other crimes. I have no doubt certain authorities will question each of you. Today's Thursday. I'd like tomorrow to be coach's last day. I'll make the call from Denny's payphone this afternoon."
"Okay, I would like to see the filthy freak fired."
"Talk to Barbara after practice, not before, and don't act any differently than you would otherwise."
She nodded and grinned. "You want to kiss me, huh?"
"In the worst way."
"Good. I'm glad I'm not the only one in pain." She glanced at her wristwatch. "Gotta go, bro. I'll see you at Denny's after practice."
David watched as Coach Connors pulled a videotape from a VCR and placed it in the large drawer at right side of his desk. Glancing into the drawer before coach closed it, David noticed about twenty tapes. Coach locked the drawer.
He's not only watching the girls, he's taping them, too, which presents a new, serious problem, David thought. He'd discuss it with Darla at Denny's. Barbara, too. He'd listened to his sister's conversion with Barbara. The younger gymnast would be joining them at the restaurant. David had admired his sister's interrogation style. Talk about blunt!
"Barbara, is coach feeling you up?" Darla had asked as she walked with Barbara out of the gym.
The younger girl's blue eyes had widened with shock and fear, and she'd pursed her lips as she shook her head.
"Ah, come on, Barbara. I saw the way he lifted you to the high bar today. He actually rubbed your pussy with his fingers. Do you like his hands all over you?"
Barbara shook her head and tears welled in her eyes. "I hate it!" she whispered passionately. "Hate it!"
"I know how you feel. He used to grope me like that, too."
"He did?"
"Uh-huh. I told him if he ever touched me inappropriately again, I'd report him to the principal."
Barbara squared her shoulders. "Then that's what I'll do. I love gymnastics. It's the only thing I'm really good at. I let him keep touching me at first because I wanted to make the team. After I made the cut, I tried to avoid him, but..."
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