Flights of Consciousness - Cover

Flights of Consciousness

Copyright© 2002 by Paul Phenomenon

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A story or incest and the paranormal. What would a sixteen-year-old boy do if his consciousness could take flight and observe his loved ones at a distance? Would he become a voyeur and more, using his ability for prurient purposes, or would he use the gift to perform good deeds?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

Carol soaked in water as hot as she could stand. The fragrances from the bath oils she'd used filled the air, and candles provided the only light in the room. She leaned her head back and tried to relax. Before going to her room, she'd stopped and knocked on her son's door and asked him to honor her privacy tonight. She needed to think, and she didn't want to deal with wondering if he were hovering where he could see her or touch her. He'd promised to respect her privacy.

Memories rolled over her. She didn't allow her mind to relive the past very often. She still missed her husband, George, but his loss was bearable now. Time, all the years since his death, helped. She wished she could talk with him, though. What would he tell her to do about David? She didn't think he'd condemn her. He'd had a short affair with his sister during his teens, and his attitude about incest was lenient. But he'd also understood incest's inherent problems, and not just from a religious or moral viewpoint. He'd told her he'd nearly fallen in love with his sister, but she'd had the good sense to stop their experimentation before it developed into gut-wrenching, painful first-love that had nowhere to go but down.

He'd been a good provider, a good father, a good husband, and a superior lover. When he was killed, she fell into a deep depression. If she had not had the children to care for, she might not have recovered, but they needed her love. They needed her whole and happy and nurturing, so she'd pulled herself out of the deep hole she'd fallen into and went on with her life.

"What should I do, George?" she whispered. "Our son is a marvel, one of a kind. He's smart and handsome and kind and loving, but he has this power..."

Surprised, she'd never considered her son's flights of consciousness a power before. She'd referred to it verbally or in her mind as an ability or a curse, but never a power, perhaps because the flights controlled him, not the other way around, which was no longer the case. Regardless, it was powerful. It made him unique among men.

"He has this power, George. He hovers invisible in the air and watches me, and you know how being watched turns me on. You discovered early on I had a streak of exhibitionism in me, and to your credit, you allowed me, even encouraged me to explore that side of my sexuality and made certain no harm came to me when I exhibited myself to turn us both on. Since you left me, I've hidden that part of me from everyone, including myself."

She turned the faucet with her toes and added more hot water to the tub, which was nearly running over, so while hot water flowed from the faucet she opened the drain.

"Anyway, I made a decision earlier today, and I'm not sure it was the right decision. David asked me to help him develop his power, make it even more powerful, and I caved in to his request. What's bothering me isn't that I agreed to help him. I'd help him regardless, but at the time I agreed, I also decided to use his power to satisfy some of my own needs. I'm being selfish, and my selfishness might prove to be destructive, not only for David but also for me."

She closed the drain and leaned her head back, sinking as deeply into the hot water as possible and still breathe.

"He can not only see me, George, he can also touch me and kiss me. Amazing, huh? Talk about an exhibitionist's wet dream! And I've rationalized the situation to make it acceptable for David to kiss and fondle me while his body remains unconscious elsewhere. What's more, I've done all this under the guise that I'm helping him learn more about his power."

She reached with her toes and turned off the hot water.

"It's scary, George, but it's also so damned exciting I go around with wet panties most of the time. I'm like I was when we were first married. Remember? For a while, we couldn't get enough of each other. Being watched turns me on, and David is watching me. Incest... damn it, incest turns me on, too, like it did you. It's so... I don't know, forbidden, I guess, and the fact that it's forbidden makes what's happening that much more exciting. Oh, I'd never actually invite David into my bed, but I've already allowed, even encouraged the entity he becomes to continue to watch me. And the decision I made today takes the situation way beyond mere exhibitionism. I want him to use his power to kiss me, George. Damn it, I want him to kiss me everywhere. Yes, even there. Just thinking about it..."

She groaned and her hands went to her cunt. "Just thinking about an invisible entity going down on me, George, turns me on more than anything I've ever imagined. That the invisible entity is our son only makes it that much more exciting."

The water began to wave as her fingers flashed over her pussy.

"You know how much I enjoyed your mouth on me. You'd eat me for hours, give me so many climaxes I'd lose count. Can you imagine how exciting an incestuous, psychic suck would be?"

Water started to splash over the rim of the tub. Carol didn't care, didn't even notice.

"I can! Every time I close my eyes, I feel an imaginary tongue on my cunt! God, I'm hot! So hot! I wish I hadn't told David to honor my privacy tonight. I'd pull his invisible mouth to my cunt and let his invisible tongue lash my clit until I came all over his invisible face!"

She bit her lip as she climaxed to keep from screaming. As her hips shuddered with contractions more and more water splashed over the rim of the tub.

Back in his room, David's eyes snapped open, and without touching himself, his cock rose up and climaxed, spurting massive amounts of semen all over his belly and chest. When he ultimately crashed back to the bed, he started to feel guilty, not because he'd just watched his mother masturbate again, not because he'd listened to her most private thoughts, but because he'd broken a promise to her, two of them. He'd promised to touch her whenever he visited her, and he'd promised not to visit her tonight.

He'd visited his sister earlier, watched her sleep, and his visit had no prurient purpose. He'd merely whispered in his mind a heartfelt goodnight. Then he'd tried to connect with Ellen and failed, so he moved his entity to his mother, ostensibly to say a quick goodnight, but what he saw and heard had captured his attention.

"Incestuous, psychic suck," he whispered just before he fell asleep.

David took a bite from his sandwich and chewed. He sat under his favorite tree and reminisced about the previous day. So much had happened. First, he'd asked Ellen to go out on a date, his first, and she'd accepted. After school, his mother had helped him start to perfect his sense of touch when he was away from his body on a trip. Then she'd given him a kissing lesson, which at the time David had believed was the most arousing thing he could possibly experience until his sister had shown him what a passionate kiss should really feel like. Jeez! She'd climaxed while he was kissing and touching her!

Finally, late that night, he'd taken a trip to say a secret goodnight to the two beautiful females he lived with and discovered his mother wanted an incestuous, psychic suck! Like his mother, the idea excited him beyond belief, but he'd discovered her desires by being dishonest. He'd visited her merely to say goodnight, but what he saw and heard forced him to stay well beyond the time it would have taken to whisper a silent goodnight. He'd need to be careful to never say or do anything that would lead his mother to suspect he'd broken his promise, and for the same reason, he had to keep the fact he could hear during his trips a secret, a secret that would become more and more difficult to hide from the discerning woman as time went on. His ability - his mother had referred to it as a power last night - gave him more information than he deserved to know, and information was power, so his mother had been accurate with the label.

But his major worry revolved around Darla. She'd avoided him last night and this morning, and he needed to know how she felt about what had happened, needed to know how she felt about him. Confused, he grappled with how he felt about her, too. The passionate kiss was the most intimate experience he'd ever had with anyone. He knew he didn't regret it. In fact, he'd love to kiss her again and again, but he worried she might feel otherwise.

Glancing to his left, he noticed Darla striding purposefully toward him. At first his face broke into a wide smile. Her shapely legs moved like a jungle cat's, graceful and powerful, and her narrow hips swayed just the right amount to be alluring without being blatant. He adored her overall look, and he could study small pieces of her for hours on end.

Good, he's alone, Darla thought. She worried Ellen might have stopped by to flirt with him, and she wanted to talk about what happened between them late yesterday afternoon. God, she was embarrassed. She was supposed to give him a kissing lesson, a lesson he certainly didn't need. Instead, he'd kissed her a hundred times better than she'd ever been kissed before, and the passionate kiss had been so powerful, she'd climaxed when his hand cupped her cunt. Fuck! He probably thinks I'm a slut.

Look at him! He's so handsome and smart and sexy, and he's my fucking brother! Fuck! Look at that smile! It's enough to make me melt. She felt her blood running hot just from his look. If he touched her, she'd embarrass them both by falling into his arms.

David noticed the worried expression on her face, and his smile faded. She's unhappy. Is she angry with me? Upset about the way I touched her when we kissed. She hates coach's hands on her. Does she feel the same about mine? God, I'd love to pull her into my arms and kiss her right here, pull her onto my lap and put my mouth on hers, and explore her mouth with my tongue while my hands roam over her body. He felt his cock stiffening in his pants and groaned with frustration.

"Hi, sis," he said when she settled on the grass next to him.

"Hi. We need to talk."


"Well?" she said.

"I'm not sorry about what happened." He'd decided the best course of action was honesty. "I enjoyed kissing you more than anything I've ever done, and I want to kiss you again and again, but..."

"But what?" Damn, he's going to be nice. Don't be nice, bro. Be a son of a bitch so I can get you out of my system.

"But I don't know how you feel."

"What I feel and what you feel doesn't matter a hell of a lot. You're my brother, and I'm your sister. There's a word for what we did. It's called incest. What happened started off innocently enough..." Like hell, you wanted what happened to happen, even encouraged the situation to move beyond an innocent kissing lesson. "... but we both got carried away by the moment, especially me. I want to apologize..."

"Apology not accepted," David said heatedly. "I won't allow you to even attempt an apology for what happened between us yesterday. An apology would cheapen what I consider a highlight in my life. I kissed a girl, a beautiful, sexy girl. I put my arms around a young woman and placed my mouth on hers, and the sensations, the heartfelt feelings I experienced thrilled me beyond description. Don't you dare apologize for that. You can say you'll never let what happened happen again, but don't you dare apologize for the most beautiful and warming experience I've ever had."

Tears welled in her eyes and overflowed. Where did this David come from? When did this sensitive and caring man take over my brother's body? "I'm sorry, not for what happened, David, but for wanting to apologize for my behavior. I feel the same as you about what happened, and I'm scared to death."

He took her hand in his. "Tell me about it. I don't want to go out with Ellen Saturday night. I want to go out with you. I want to kiss you again, and touch you again, and fall in love with you, but that would be wrong, Darla. We can't fall in love with each other."

"I know." She squeezed his hand and brushed the tears from her face with the back of her other hand. He handed her his handkerchief, and she wiped her eyes and blew her nose. "Sorry for the tears, but they are happy tears, David." She smiled brightly, trying to be happier than she felt. "I agree. We can't fall in love with each other, so what are we to do?"

"Try our damnedest to keep our wits about us."

She chuckled. "Sounds like a plan." She looked beyond her brother and saw Ellen walking toward them. "Speak of the devil. Ellen will join us soon, and I don't want to explain my red eyes to her. We'll talk some more about this tonight. Okay?"

He nodded, and she jumped to her feet and hurried away.

When David arrived home from school, he found a note from his mother telling him she had some sales calls she needed to make and would arrived home about six that night. She planned to pick up Chinese takeout for dinner on the way home. David pulled a cola from the frig and popped the tab. It was nice to have the place to himself for a change. A month ago, he'd have taken the opportunity to jack off, but with all the climaxes he'd had over the last few days, he didn't feel the need. Besides, he expected his mother to explore her incestuous, psychic suck with him later than night. He had to admit just thinking about it excited him.

To dampen his arousal, he thought about the conversation he'd had with Ellen when she'd joined him during lunch after Darla left. Ellen paled in comparison to his sister, which bothered him more than he wanted to admit. He'd been pleasant to Ellen, but his mind kept wandering to his sister and their passionate kiss the night before. After David told Ellen he planned to get his driver's license in a week and a half, they discussed the driver's license test while she flirted with him. By the end of the lunch hour, he'd warmed up to the sexy blonde. She did have magnificent legs, and as she squirmed around on the grass, she showed him all the legs she had and then some. Her panties were pink.

David chuckled and settled comfortably on the couch to check out the females he lived with. His mother sat in front of a desk speaking with the owner of a gift shop in Scottsdale, writing up an order. He'd promised to let her know whenever he visited her, and with a wicked invisible grin, he nuzzled her neck with invisible lips. A shocked look entered her eyes, and then she smiled. She knew he was watching her. She finished her sales call and quickly left.

Inside her car, she asked, "Are you still with me, David?"

Her skirt had risen on her thighs, so he tickled her knee.

She laughed. "Naughty! Do your homework. I've one more sales call to make. See you in an hour."

If he could hear, he reasoned, he'd obey, and he needed to hide the fact that he could hear on a trip, so he brushed his imaginary lips against hers while he caressed her long, graceful neck with imaginary fingers. When he let the soft kiss evolve into a romantic one, she moaned into his imaginary mouth. Now he could leave, which he did abruptly requesting his consciousness to locate Darla.

Cool, he thought when he realized he hovered in the girl's showers at the gym. What a sight! Tall girls, short girls, fat girls and skinny girls, all naked and wet, and his sister was by far the most attractive girl in the showers. He let his eyes study some of the other girls, but they kept returning to his sister. The only one who competed with Darla at all was a younger girl. He tried to remember her name. Then he remembered his sister had mentioned her during a telephone conversation she'd had with Ellen. Barbara Gaines.

Barbara was the girl Darla believed was encouraging coach's baser instincts. A pretty girl with perky breasts and dark pubic hair, she was about Darla's height. Her nipples were engorged, probably from the pounding water from the shower, and were larger than his sister's. Feeling naughty, he swooped in and tweaked one of her nipples. An amazed look entered her eyes, and she glanced around to see if anyone had noticed what had just happened. When she relaxed, he gave the other nipple a small pinch, and Barbara's mouth opened, which cause her to choke a little when the water from the shower sprayed into her mouth.

David reasoned if she liked to be touched, he could touch her, so using an imaginary finger, he slipped it between the crease of her little pussy, which produced a small moan from the girl. She spun away from him to face the tiled wall and leaned against the wall with her hands on the tiles, presenting a marvelous view of her little ass. Lowering his viewpoint, he could see her pussy between her legs. Was her hymen intact? Extending an imaginary digit, he explored the depth of her cunt, and the sexy girl pushed back, taking his imaginary finger deeply inside her.

No hymen. That didn't mean she wasn't a virgin. He'd overheard a conversation his sister had with another gymnast. They'd both lost their maidenheads to the strenuous exercises of gymnastics, and David reasoned Barbara could have ruptured her hymen the same way.

From her reaction, she liked his imaginary finger inside her pussy. She kept looking over her shoulder wondering what was happening to her as David continued to finger fuck her. He considered experimenting with a psychic suck, as his mother called it, but he preferred to wait. He wanted his mother to provide his first psychic experience with oral sex, so he wished up another digit and lightly rubbed it over the girl's clitoris.



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