Flights of Consciousness
Copyright© 2002 by Paul Phenomenon
Chapter 3
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A story or incest and the paranormal. What would a sixteen-year-old boy do if his consciousness could take flight and observe his loved ones at a distance? Would he become a voyeur and more, using his ability for prurient purposes, or would he use the gift to perform good deeds?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual BiSexual Science Fiction Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Group Sex Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Exhibitionism Voyeurism Slow
Before we proceed, I need to ask my son some questions, Carol decided, some very pointed questions.
"You mentioned you believed it wasn't normal for you to become sexually excited about me. If you remember, I disagreed. I think it's normal for a teenager to be curious about the opposite sex, and a parent or sibling is the handiest individual around to satisfy that curiosity as long as things don't go too far. Curiosity is one thing, but what we're doing is a giant leap from curiosity. And what you're suggesting takes it a step further. How far do you want to go with this, David?" She hoped her expression looked serious, but not too serious.
He blushed and shrugged. "I don't know. I do know I'd like to perfect my sense of touch during my trips. I have this strange and unique ability, Mom, and I feel obligated to perfect it as much as I can."
"Do you think what we've done so far is incestuous?"
His blush deepened. "Yeah, but it was incestuous when I looked up Darla's dress not long ago and saw her panties. I was lying on the floor at the time, and couldn't resist the view she offered." And a few other times when I saw her naked breasts. "I believe that instance and our situation fall within the limits you consider normal. It isn't as though I'm actually touching you. I'm an entity without form or substance during my flights of consciousness."
"You have enough substance I actually felt a mouth on my breast."
"How do you feel about incest, David?"
"I think it's wrong."
"I feel the same way. If I lowered my dress right now and pulled your mouth to my breast, would that be incestuous?"
His eyes widened. "God, yes!"
"What about while I'm lying on my bed half-naked with my breasts out of my dress, and you place an imaginary mouth on my breast?"
"It's incestuous, but for some reason it's not the same. If I placed my mouth on your breast right now, I'd feel really guilty, like I'd done something very wrong. Last night, I felt no guilt."
"I see." Am I rationalizing like him? Probably, she thought, but I feel the same way. She decided to use guilt as their bellwether. "Okay, I'll help you but only on one condition. You must promise to tell me if you feel the least amount of guilt, and I'll do the same, and we'll bring this experiment to a screeching halt. And let's start simple like a touch on my hand and on my cheek; then we'll proceed to a soft kiss, and we'll talk again to see if we should take it further. Okay?"
He nodded enthusiastically.
"And I need another promise from you. It has to do with my privacy. Will you promise to touch me whenever you're visiting me?" When he hesitated, she added, "I don't know if I'll act any differently if I know you're watching, but I want and need the option."
Finally he nodded. "I understand. Okay, I promise."
She doubted he'd keep the promise, but most of the time he'd do as she asked, and that was better than nothing. "Good. Let's get started. We have a half hour before Darla gets home."
"Maybe not. If she's been cut from the gymnastic team..."
"What? Why would she be cut?"
Open mouth; insert both feet, he thought. "I don't know. She mentioned last night being cut was a possibility."
She pursed her lips. "I'll speak with her about it later. Okay, I'm going to my room. You go to yours. If I leave my room, it means I've heard Darla come home, and your consciousness can return to your body."
"Mom, go ahead and talk with me while we're doing this. I can't hear you, but sometimes I understand, like reading lips, or something." David wondered if his nose would grow like Pinocchio's. He didn't know why, but he wasn't ready yet to inform his mother he could hear during his excursions.
After she entered her room, she locked the door. She'd play sexual games with him, but only when they were physically in separate rooms. Instead of lying on the bed, she stood in the center of her room.
"All right, let's start if you're ready," she said looking up at the ceiling. She knew he was in the room but was still surprised when she felt a heavy-handed touch on her hand, which caused her to jump. She giggled, definitely nervous. "If that was meant to be a soft touch, it was too forceful by ten. Try again and make it softer." She rubbed her arm softly with her other hand to demonstrate what he couldn't hear.
The next touch was softer, but still not soft enough. "Still too strong. Lighten up the touch a little more... yes, like that. Perfect." Suddenly she felt a soft touch on her cheek. She took her hand to her cheek, expecting to feel his hand, but whatever had touched her couldn't be touched itself. The hand caressed her cheek and the side of her neck, and she felt herself becoming aroused again. Careful, she admonished herself. This is a scientific experiment, not a make-out party. She enjoyed the caress, though. It was feather-like, soft and sensuous. "Nice," she said out loud. Male hands. Her son's hands were caressing her. She shivered with passion.
David studied his mother's expression. It was the same look he'd seen when he'd visited her while she was in the guest bath. He'd seen it other times, too, and suddenly he recognized it for what it was. Lust! His soft touches had aroused his mother. Using another imaginary hand, he slid it softly onto the opposite shoulder from the side of her neck he was caressing, and then let his fingers trail down her silky, bare arm. He agreed with his mother. Nice! Very nice!
But it was time to test a firmer touch. He wanted to experience all forms of touching, so he pushed more forcefully against her shoulder.
"Easy," she said as she nearly fell over. "Not so hard."
Through trial and error, he soon controlled the touch of his fingers as well as he did when he wasn't on a trip; that is until he gripped her arm.
"Ouch!" she exclaimed.
He wanted to apologize, but he certainly couldn't speak during a journey. Or could he? He'd never considered becoming verbal when he was out of his body, but then no senses except sight traveled with him not many days ago. Like taste and the perfection of the sense of smell, he'd leave speaking for another day.
Time to kiss.
Carol felt what she assumed were her son's imaginary lips. They didn't feel like lips, though. They applied steady pressure, and his lips didn't move on hers. She tried to move her lips a little to give him an idea of how his lips should react to hers, but nothing changed. The pressure wasn't too hard or too soft, just pressure, not like a kiss at all. She'd received better mother/son kisses than the one...
Suddenly it dawned on her that perhaps David didn't know how to kiss. He'd been on a few group-type dates, no not dates, more like get-togethers between friends that included both sexes.
She stepped back from the kiss and left her room, finally knocking on his bedroom door. "David, are you back amongst the living?"
"Meet me in the kitchen."
They sat around the kitchen table and talked about his touches, and she tried to explain what it felt like to be touched by his imaginary fingers. Finally she brought up the kiss and told him it had not felt like a kiss at all.
"David, have you done much kissing?"
He blushed and shook his head. "Only with relatives."
"Hmm. Okay, in the interest of science, I'm going to give you a kissing lesson. Are you up for it?" Oops, wrong question. He's probably erect right now. She furtively glanced at his crotch. No, he looked normal.
"Yes! Gee, thanks, Mom. I have a date with Ellen on Saturday, and I was really worried she might want me to kiss her, and I haven't a clue."
Carol laughed. "Stand up," she said as she rose to her feet. "Good. Now put your arms around my waist." He complied, but held his body well away from hers. A quick glance indicated why. "Don't worry about an erection. We'll talk about that during a separate conversation. Pull me up against you. Yes, perfect. Now lean down and kiss me, a soft kiss, just brush your lips against mine."
She could barely feel his lips on her, but it definitely felt like a kiss. Her lips tingled when he leaned back, and his erection was a problem for her. It increased her arousal, so she tried to ignore it, which wasn't easy.
"That was good, David. Okay, on with the lesson. There are different kinds of kisses. You've felt relative-type kisses. They're merely expressions of affection, a greeting, if you will." His damned hard-on was driving her crazy. "Adjust your erection so it doesn't poke me, David."
Blushing, he manipulated it until it was flat against his belly and didn't poke out so much.
"Thanks." God, I'm dripping, she thought. She wasn't sure this kissing lesson was such a good idea, but she was committed. "Besides a soft kiss like you just gave me, there's what I call a romantic. A romantic kiss shows love, a stronger emotion than affection. Then there's a passionate kiss, which we'll talk about later. A romantic kiss involves moving your lips around a little, but leave your tongue in your mouth. Reserve involvement of your tongue for a passionate kiss. A romantic kiss is heartfelt and full of emotion, and to achieve a romantic kiss, you need to put your body and soul into it. Also soft kisses, can evolve into romantic ones, and romantic kisses can definitely become passionate. If you have your father's kissing genes, or mine for that matter, you shouldn't have any problem with a romantic kiss. Your father was the best kisser I ever knew. Ready?"
"I guess."
"Kiss me then, you fool." Which was the wrong thing to say before a romantic kiss. The both cracked up with laughter, which was just as well. The sexual tension had become so heavy it could have been cut with a knife.
The laughter didn't do anything with her state of arousal, though, except increase it as his erection rubbed and moved against her when his body shook with mirth. Sighing, she gazed up at him. He was so tall and handsome. God, she loved this boy, this young man.
"Let's try again," he said.
She nodded, and when he leaned down she moved into his embrace. He started too forcefully, but with body language she was able to push him back a little. When her lips moved, his moved, too. She opened her eyes and noticed his were open, gazing at her. Pulling back, she said, "You're not getting with the kiss, David. You're being too intellectual about it. This time close your eyes and feel, just feel. Understand? Don't let thoughts intrude. Don't try to remember my instructions. Kissing is natural. If too much effort is used, it ruins the kiss."
"I think I understand."
He leaned again and this time had her moaning into his mouth before he finished. She hadn't been kissed so thoroughly since his father was killed. The kiss went well beyond romantic, although he'd followed her instructions about keeping his tongue in his mouth. The kiss started tentatively, and he melted into the embrace. When he let the kiss take over his entire being, she did the same. Good gracious, the boy curled her toes!
"Whew! Now that was a kiss!" she exclaimed when it ended. Her breathing had become heavy and the blood in her veins felt like hot oil. If her pussy was dripping earlier, it had to be running a stream now. It was time for the last example, but should she be the one to demonstrate a passionate kiss? She wanted to kiss him passionately, but...
When a car door slammed outside, the difficult decision became unnecessary. Darla had arrived. Carol glanced at the clock. It had been slightly more than a half hour since the experiment and lesson began. My how time flies when you're enjoying yourself, she thought.
"Darla's home, David. I don't really want her to know about our experiments and lessons."
He cleared his throat, let his arms fall to his side and stepped back. Blushing, he turned and rushed from the room, but not before Carol saw the large wet stain at the front of his pants. Had her son ejaculated during the kiss? No, she decided. She hadn't felt him jerking or moaning with pleasure. He probably merely emitted copious amounts of pre-cum. She suspected he'd quickly take care of the problem in his room. Chuckling, she guessed five minutes tops would relieve his tension. Hers was another problem. She'd need to wait until she went to bed later.
The Stanley family sat around the dinner table and talked with each other while they ate. Carol was amazed at how well David and Darla were getting along the last little while. Was the change permanent? Not likely. She waited for one of them to say something that would set the other one off, but they remained friendly throughout the meal.
When Darla walked in the door from school, she'd announced she'd made it through the last cut for the gymnastic team, and when her mother had questioned her if she'd ever had a doubt, Darla had given her a strange look and said, "Not really."
Then the dinner conversation turned to a subject Carol wanted to avoid. David asked her if he could take the test for a driver's license. He'd been sixteen for about four months, but she'd refused to let him drive because of the possibility he could slump over the wheel unconscious.
"I can control the trips now, Mom. I won't fall asleep at the wheel, and I've been through driver's education at the high school and passed with flying colors. I'm the only sixteen-year-old I know who doesn't drive. I have a date Saturday night, and..."
"You have a date?" Darla asked.
"Yeah, I asked Ellen to the movies. I can't drive, though, so she has to do the driving. I felt like a little kid when I told her we had transportation problems."
Strange, Carol thought. Darla doesn't look happy about David dating Ellen. What's going on? Then she questioned how she felt about him going on a date alone with a girl. She'd declared years ago that her children could not go out on alone dates until age sixteen, and David had followed the rule. In fact, he'd never pushed her to change the rule. Darla had not been so obliging. She'd already had a couple of arguments with her daughter about the rule, but she'd remained steadfast. Could she trust David to stay out of trouble? Deep down she knew how much trouble he got into had more to do with his date than it did him. Like most teenaged boys, he'd go as far as Ellen would let him. She made a mental note to question Darla later about Ellen's level of sexual experience and readiness.
"Okay," Carol said, "here's what we'll do. If you don't make an unscheduled trip for two weeks, you can take the tests."
David groaned. "Make it a week."
"I'll be out of town at a trade show starting Wednesday next week, returning late Sunday night. That's a week and a half from now. Besides, I won't be here to take you to the DMV until I return anyway. Okay?"
David nodded.
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