Flights of Consciousness
Copyright© 2002 by Paul Phenomenon
Chapter 2
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A story or incest and the paranormal. What would a sixteen-year-old boy do if his consciousness could take flight and observe his loved ones at a distance? Would he become a voyeur and more, using his ability for prurient purposes, or would he use the gift to perform good deeds?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual BiSexual Science Fiction Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Group Sex Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Exhibitionism Voyeurism Slow
Furious, Darla slammed the door to her room.
"Dirty old man!" she muttered under her breath.
The gymnastic coach had become too familiar when he helped her onto the high bar, and it wasn't the first time he'd touched her inappropriately. With one hand on her butt and the other on her upper thigh, he'd lifted her so she could reach the bar to begin her routine, but the hand on her thigh had moved around and cupped her mound while the other hand moved into the crack of her ass.
While still in the air, she'd pushed at his hands, and he'd released her. Off balance, she'd fallen to the mat onto her back, which knocked the wind out her. The coach reached and lifted her from the small of her back, a useful method to help her regain her breath, but she'd been so angry she'd rolled from his grasp and gasped for air without his help.
"Don't ever touch me like that again!" she'd whispered menacingly when she could speak again.
"Like what? I was merely trying to help you get your breath back."
"Not then. Before, when you - you know when, when you were lifting me to the bar. If you touch me like that again, I'll register a complaint with the assistant principal."
His eyes glinted with sudden anger, but he calmly remarked, "I'm sure I don't know what you mean. Are you planning to do your routine, or not?"
Darla rose to her feet, and when he lifted her to the bar he appropriately used her waist for leverage, but she was so upset by the incident, she'd made one mistake after the other. When she skidded off the mat at her dismount, she noticed an evil smile on his face.
Tears stung her eyes as she paced her room. "Fuck!" she exclaimed a little too loudly while kicking off her shoes.
A knock sounded at her door.
"What?" she screeched.
"It's David. May I come in?"
"Sounds like you have a problem," he said when he opened the door.
"Yeah. I don't think I'll make the gymnastic team." Which was all right with her if she had to put up with coach's filthy hands all over her every school day.
Her brother's expression showed doubt. "Why not. You're the best of the gymnasts at the school."
Darla grimaced. "Not today. I was lousy today, and coach has been looking for an excuse to cut me."
"Darla, that makes no sense. Why wouldn't he want you on the team?"
Because I won't let him feel me up all the time, bro, but I won't tell you the reason. You'd just get on your high horse and do something both of us would regret.
"Let's just say he has his reasons," she said curtly.
"If you won't discuss the problem with me, try Mom. I've found her to be very understanding lately."
Hmm, not his usual retort. He's actually trying to be helpful instead of confrontational. It's probably a temporary thing, a lapse in concentration. "We'll see. Leave me alone, please. I want to change clothes." And I need another shower. I still feel dirty.
Back in his room, David stretched out on his bed. He'd never seen his sister completely naked, and he wondered if he could connect with her again, but this time purposefully. He closed his eyes and wished he could see his sister. A bright light appeared and engulfed him, and soon he hovered over the girl and watched as she peeled off her clothes down to her bra and panties.
She glanced into the bathroom they shared. A door to the bathroom opened directly from each of their bedrooms. No door existed from the hall. Seeing the room empty, she stepped inside and locked the door to his bedroom. Before stripping completely, she turned on the shower and adjusted the water's temperature. He'd need to readjust it for his next shower. She liked the water hotter than he could stand it. Satisfied, she removed her bra and panties and stepped under the shower.
Sexy, his ego thought, very sexy. Darla was short, about five three, but her developing body looked perfectly formed. David had always thought of her as cute, but now he abridged his definition to beautiful. She had the roundest, tightest little butt he'd ever seen. Whom was he kidding? He'd only seen one other butt - his mother's. Regardless, he adored the shape and look of his sister's backside.
His mother's shape was womanly, whereas Darla's was girlish, with narrow hips, a tiny waist and perky little breasts. The most pronounced visible difference between mother and daughter was the size and shape of their nipples. His mother's were much larger, about a half-inch wide and half that much again long, and their size and shape weren't symmetrical. Darla's little nipples looked like small raisons, except they were perfectly symmetrical and round like new pencil erasers, and her areolas were half the size of her mothers and more pink than brown. Her nipples stiffened and lengthened, though, when she washed them, briskly scrubbing over them with a soapy washcloth. He watched as she scrubbed her vulva not unlike his mother had scrubbed hers an hour before, except Darla didn't appear lewd in the process, not that lewdness bothered David overmuch. Sexual vulgarity could be arousing, he'd discovered.
Darla stepped from the shower and dried herself with a red towel, somehow still appearing ladylike in the process. Inside her room, she selected a fresh pair of white cotton panties from a drawer and slowly pulled them up over her shapely legs, finally encasing her marvelous butt with the soft, tight fabric. David decided he preferred watching her get dressed than observing her taking off her clothes. After she finished dressing, she walked back into the bathroom, and David willed the session to end. Seconds after his eyes opened, he had another hard-on. He groaned with frustration. Living with two sexy females and having the ability to observe them without their knowledge would keep him perpetually hard.
"Did you speak with Mother about your problem with the gymnastic coach?" David asked. With their homework done, the siblings had bumped into each other in the kitchen looking for a late snack.
Darla shook her head, causing her long, dark hair to wave as she bent to look in the refrigerator. David admired her backside once again. At eye level, it was presented at a different angle than the view she'd offered during his vision, and he wondered if he could move his viewpoint around when he took a trip.
She pushed her hair back from her face and pulled out a couple of cheese slices and the bottle of milk. David already had a sandwich and glass of milk in front of him on the kitchen table.
"Why not? You deserve a place on the team, sis, and I know gymnastics is important to you."
"Not that important. If I don't make the team, I'll do something else. Ellen thinks I should try soccer. She's involved with a soccer league not tied to the school. I talked with her about it just before I sat next to you on the grass today at lunch." She poured milk in a glass and returned the milk bottle to the refrigerator. "I enjoyed soccer when I was younger, and I was pretty good at it," she added as she sat across from her brother.
"All things being equal, would you rather be involved with gymnastics or soccer?"
She shrugged. "If I'm not wanted on the gymnastic team, the subject is moot. I'll know tomorrow if I've been cut. If I haven't, I'll stay with gymnastics. Otherwise, I'll try soccer again." She peeled the plastic off a cheese slice, tore the cheese in half and popped it into her mouth.
Her pink tongue and full lips captured David's attention as she ate, which he thought was a bit strange. Perhaps because he'd seen her naked a few hours ago, he could now note little things about her he liked. She looked vibrant, and as she moved her long muscles tensed deliciously. Her dark eyes shined, reminding him of a panther. She was sleek and strong, too, like the jungle cat, and just as graceful.
"I wish you'd tell me the problem you're having with the coach. Maybe I could help."
"Hah! You're so freaking macho you'd just go ballistic and create a huge mess, and in the end, nothing would be solved." That should piss him off.
"Yeah." Her eyes and expression mocked him, but he didn't look angry. She'd expected anger, but he merely looked curious. Why?
"I rarely go ballistic, Darla." Normally, by now he'd have picked a fight with her. She certainly hadn't tiptoed around his feelings. Did seeing someone naked make the observer more tolerant of that person?
Maybe I can talk with him about the problem, she thought. "If you promise to remain calm and not go off half-cocked, I'll tell you. I'd really like to talk with someone about the problem."
"I promise."
Here goes nothing. "Coach can't keep his hands off me. Oh, he's careful. He never touches me inappropriately when someone else can see him, and the touching can almost be explained as an accident, but he's groping me on purpose. The whole situation makes me so angry, I want to scream sometimes."
Anger glinted in David's eyes, and she watched his hands clench. Had she fucked up telling him? Would he explode? Or would he keep his promise? Surprised, Darla watched him purposefully stifle his anger, and his clenched hands relaxed. When he relaxed, she relaxed. He's cute when he's angry, though, she thought.
"If he's groping you, he's touched other girls inappropriately, too. Have you asked the other girls in gymnastics if they've been fondled?"
What the hell is going on? My explosive brother is being reasonable. Shrugging inwardly, she replied, "Fondled isn't the right word, bro. Felt up is more like it, but to answer your question, no I haven't asked around. If he's feeling up other girls, none of them has mentioned it to me, so I have no intention of asking around. I know I won't tolerate his hands all over me, but I wouldn't put it past a few of the other girls to encourage the slime bag." She shuddered with distaste. "Today, I told him if he ever touched me inappropriately again, I'd tell the school authorities about him. That's why I think he'll cut me from the squad. Also, I was so upset by the incident I screwed up my routines big time, and I refuse to discuss the problem with Mother, bro. At the very least, she'd feel compelled to march down to the school and demand they fire the dirty old man."
"Maybe that's exactly what should happen," David remarked.
"Probably, but I don't want the notoriety that would surely be heaped upon me if I blew the whistle on him."
David nodded. "I see what you mean." He gulped milk.
"If he doesn't cut me from the team, I'll handle him." She chuckled. "You have a milk mustache, bro." Cute, my cute brother is a hunk, she thought as she watched him wipe his mouth with the back of his hand. No wonder Ellen is interested in him. He's different tonight. I wonder why? I pushed a bunch of his buttons, but he didn't fly off the handle.
After he set his plate in the sink, he told her goodnight. She hoped his new attitude became permanent. As he walked from the room she wondered if he was still a virgin like her, and decided if it were David feeling her up, she wouldn't be upset. She let her imagination run wild for a few seconds, and shook her head. You're not very nice, she told herself and grinned.
His mother had just retired for the night. Would she masturbate again? He had to know and soon hovered above her. Still dressed, she was lying on the bed reading what looked like some work-related brochures. Then he remembered wondering about viewpoint, and with a wish the hovering invisible light swooped down until he could see up her dress finally satisfying his need to know whether she'd pulled on fresh panties after her lewd and arousing display when she'd scrubbed her pussy.
No panties!
In the shadow under the dress, he could see tendrils of pubic hair and hints of puffy lips. She raised one knee as she turned a page on a brochure, and the view improved considerably. Moving the viewpoint even closer, he settled directly in front of her exposed cunt only a couple of feet away.
Suddenly he wanted a similar view of his sister's vulva. He wanted to compare the two, and with a wish his viewpoint abruptly changed, and he hovered near the ceiling in Darla's bedroom. Like her mother, she was still dressed and was lying on her bed reading one of her trashy romance novels. As David watched, one of her hands idly wandered to a breast, and she squeezed the nipple between her forefinger and thumb. She must be reading a sexy scene in the book, David thought.
Darla couldn't stop thinking how cute her brother looked with the milk mustache earlier. The scene she'd just read in the book paled in comparison to the scene she'd created in her imagination. In her fantasy, the milk on her brother's upper lip was actually sex juice from her pussy. She'd had fantasies about her brother for years, ever since she'd entered puberty. Every time her imagination created intricate incestuous scenarios, she felt guilty, but that didn't stop them from frequently entering her mind. She rationalized the scenes she created and directed in her mind as fantasies she'd never act upon, but over the years, David had become her favorite fantasy lover.
Switching abruptly from Darla's bedroom to his mother's, David groaned. During his absence to watch his sister, his mother had pulled her dress up and now had her fingers at her pussy. She'd also pushed the spaghetti straps of her sundress down off her shoulders and exposed her lovely breasts. Her fingers from the hand not fondling her pussy were pulling a nipple out away from her body, elongating her breast. Her lips moved, and David wished he could hear what she was muttering, but the scene remained silent.
Although she rarely masturbated more than once a day, Carol couldn't resist a third rendezvous with her fingers that night. She couldn't stop thinking about David watching her. She'd debated about getting up and getting ready for bed, but the possibility that she was being watched made her so hot she'd merely jerked the sundress above her waist and pulled her tits out of the bodice. "Are you watching, David?" Carol whispered. "Can you see your horny mother playing with herself again?"
The switch from Darla's room appeared to be almost simultaneous, so David moved back to his sister's room. She was standing and removing her clothes. He adjusted his viewpoint to a couple of feet directly in front of her and watched as she pushed her panties down off her hips. She'd shaved almost all the hair off her pussy, maintaining only a small patch on her mound. Her labia were completely hairless, another difference between mother and daughter. When Darla bent to push the panties completely off, he hurried behind her to see her wonderful ass again. The sight excited him beyond belief. He could see her puffy little cunt lips between her slim thighs, and as she bent deeper, the cheeks of her ass spread slightly, and her little brown pucker came into view.
Switching again, he watched his mother slide her middle finger deep inside her pussy and at the same time rub a forefinger from her other hand over her clitoris. He zoomed in for a close-up until all he could see was his mother's cunt and fingers. Her hips jumped rhythmically as she finger fucked her cunt and lashed her clit. He wished he could smell her, but no sexy fragrances assailed him. It appeared he was stuck only with sight during his trips. He also wished he could stick out his tongue and taste her, but the sense of taste eluded him, too.
What was his sister doing now?
She was lying naked on her bed fondling her breasts. David couldn't believe his good fortune. Like his mother, his beautiful sister planned to pleasure herself. Her perky breasts were flattened slightly by her prone position, but they still poked up alluringly. Her nipples were hard, and he wanted desperately to take them in his mouth and suck them even harder.
Suddenly a strange look entered his sister's face, and she glanced down at her breasts, removing her hands from them at the same time. They appeared to be moving by themselves.
What the hell? David thought. Rolling an imaginary tongue over his sister's nipples, he could feel their rough texture, feel them throb against his invisible tongue, and feel them lengthen and harden just a little.
Glancing up at his sister, he noted a frightened look in her eyes, so he backed away. Besides, it was time to visit his mother again, and soon his position over his mother allowed him to take her nipple into his imaginary mouth. She, too, looked amazed, and David wisely pulled away, back up near the ceiling. She'd be able to figure out he'd rolled an imaginary tongue over her breasts if he continued; maybe he'd gone too far already. He watched her lips move, and again he wished he could hear as well as see, and abruptly a cacophony of sounds assaulted him. It was as if the volume knob on a stereo were turned up all the way. Even without ears, David could feel the pain, so he wished the session to end.
Back on his bed, his eyes flashed open. He didn't become immediately erect as he expected, probably because of the astounding discoveries he'd just made. He could now touch during his trips, and he'd initiated sound, too, but the sound was unbearably loud and strident. Would the noise assail him again if he revisited his mother? With only one way to find out, he soon hovered near the ceiling in the master bedroom, and the raucous noise assaulted him as before. Strangely, he didn't notice his mother's lips moving. He remained in the room for a few more seconds, but the noise became unbearable, so he switched to his sister's bedroom. The jarring sounds were worse in her room. Her mouth was open and her body stiff. He assumed she was moaning in orgasm.
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