Flights of Consciousness
Copyright© 2002 by Paul Phenomenon
Chapter 17
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 17 - A story or incest and the paranormal. What would a sixteen-year-old boy do if his consciousness could take flight and observe his loved ones at a distance? Would he become a voyeur and more, using his ability for prurient purposes, or would he use the gift to perform good deeds?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual BiSexual Science Fiction Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Group Sex Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Exhibitionism Voyeurism Slow
David's consciousness left his body and found his mother alone, which pleased him. She was asleep, though. He touched her shoulder, and her eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning, Mother," he said.
She stretched and smiled. "Good morning. What time is it?"
"In Phoenix, it's five o'clock. It's six here, I guess. Did I wake you too early?"
"We need to talk, Mom."
Oh, oh. Now I know how he feels when I say those words, Carol thought. "Okay, but we'll need to talk while I get ready to work, and I'll need breakfast. If the show is as busy as it was yesterday, I might not get any lunch." She pushed the covers off and rose to her feet.
She was naked, and David noted some love bites on her breasts. Were they his or Denise's? He felt his constructed penis start to lengthen. Fuck! She strolled to the bathroom.
"Give me a minute, David. I don't appreciate your presence while I pee."
David chuckled nervously. "Okay. Mom, wear a robe when you return."
She raised an eyebrow, a silent question.
"I'll explain."
When she rejoined him, she was wearing a robe. She picked up the telephone and ordered coffee.
"Order breakfast, too, Mom. This will take a while," he said before she hung up the phone.
She sat at a small table, and David took the other chair, sort of. David had never really figured out how to sit when not in his body. "I need to straighten out my act, Mom. Things have gotten out of hand."
Oh, he's feeling guilty about our psychic fuck, Carol thought. "I'm sorry I tempted you last night, David."
"Don't be. I'm not feeling guilty about what we did last night. Perhaps I should, but I don't. That's part of my problem." I do feel guilty about what happened later, he thought, but he didn't want to get into that with his mother, not yet. "When you mentioned an incestuous, psychic fuck, I became intrigued with the idea and promptly created an erect cock the size and shape of my real one, like you asked, but I wanted more."
David gave his mother a detailed account of how he'd created a ghostly penis that closely resembled a real cock in the way it functioned. "And it functioned perfectly, Mom. When I became mentally aroused while on a trip, imaginary blood would rush to my imaginary cock, and it would lengthen just like a real one. But as I said, I wanted more. I wanted to actually feel the sensations of arousal while I was a ghost. I wanted to come! Creating the sensations proved to be quite difficult." He detailed his attempts, and his mother listened avidly, asking a pointed question from time to time, which he answered as best as he could.
"Utilizing my chakras, I could FEEL, Mom. I couldn't have an orgasm; or rather, I couldn't duplicate precisely the sensations of an orgasm. I could ape the physical process, but I couldn't achieve a peak followed by a release. Last night, did you feel me have an orgasm?"
"Yes, and I was amazed. I could have sworn you actually climaxed inside me, except you didn't ejaculate, of course."
"Physically, I had an orgasm, but it didn't feel like an orgasm. Oh, the sensations were intense, very intense. They continued to build until I felt like I was climaxing, but the release never came. It was terrifying, Mom. My constructs were obviously flawed, so I returned to my body, expecting my normal sexual responses to take over and give me release. But for some reason, my consciousness didn't connect with my body completely. Release didn't come! I couldn't come! And the intense sensations neither diminished nor went away!"
"Jesus! I'm sorry, David. It's all my fault."
"Let's not get into the blame game, Mom. To finish the story, I need to move back in time a few days. After I dropped you off at the airport on Wednesday morning, I returned home, and Darla was in the shower, so I..."
He detailed how he'd broken his promise, and why.
"Fuck! I knew your promises were worthless!" Carol exclaimed. Don't be too rough with him, she berated herself. You leave two teenagers alone with each other for five days, two teenagers in love with each other, and what the hell did you expect? Did you really believe they could keep their promises? This is as much your fault as it is theirs.
David expected to see anger, and his mother didn't disappoint him.
"Have your bags packed Sunday night when I return, David. I made a promise, too. I promised if the two of you fucked while I was gone, one of you would be graduating at a different high school. You broke the promise, so you pack your bags. I'll speak with Kate later today." I might call Kate, but I won't send David away, not yet, not until I sit down with the two of them and talk this out. Damn it. Their promises didn't last an hour. David's reasoning was accurate though. Darla would have seduced him sometime during my trip.
No, David thought. I won't pack my bags, and I won't allow you to separate me from my sister.
But he kept his resolve to himself. Now wasn't the time to get into that debate. He had to finish his story first. David needed his mother's help and guidance to protect his sister - the reason for his confession.
"It gets worse, Mom." He hurried along, described what happened when he returned to his body after psychically fucking her. When he finally admitted the condom had come off inside Darla's while he fucked her, fear replaced anger in his mother's eyes.
"What did you do?"
"Darla ran to your bathroom and used a couple of your disposable douches while I hurried to the drugstore and purchased two different brands of contraceptive foam. While I was gone, Darla surfed the Internet for information about morning after pills and discovered they were merely increased dosages of standard birth control pills. The Web site listed the dosage required for various brand names, and she took four of the pills her doctor prescribed. In a few hours she's supposed to take four more. In addition, she filled herself with both contraceptive foams."
Carol rose and located her address book. "I hope Darla hasn't harmed herself," she said.
"The Web site indicated she could become nauseous and possibly vomit," David added. "Would you please call her doctor and find out if what she did was okay. I'm worried about her, Mom."
"That's exactly what I planned to do."
She found the number for her doctor and dialed, connecting with the doctor's answering service. The service promised the doctor would return her call.
"Thank you. It's an emergency."
Carol hung up. She'd done what she could, and her anger returned as quickly as fear over her daughter's welfare arrived a few minutes before. "You couldn't wait, could you? Two lousy weeks! That's all! Two fucking weeks! Fuck!"
A knock sounded at the door, and Carol let the waiter push a cart into the room with her breakfast. She tipped him and let him out the door. As she finished pouring herself a cup of coffee, the phone rang.
"Hello," Carol said, anticipating a return call from the doctor.
"Mom, is David there with you?" Darla asked.
"Has he told you what happened?"
"Don't blame David for everything. I'm just as much at fault as he is."
"Yes you are, and we'll talk about it later. Right now I need the phone line open. I'm expecting a call from your doctor. I want to make sure you haven't harmed yourself with the increased dosage of birth control pills you took."
"I'm fine, Mom."
"Goodbye, Darla. I'll speak with you as soon as I know anything."
She hung up the phone and sipped coffee.
"Eat your breakfast, Mom, before it gets cold."
"I'm not hungry."
The phone rang again. It was the doctor, and Carol outlined what happened.
"The douche was useless, maybe even enhanced the possibility of pregnancy. Contraceptive foam is spermicidal, but it's designed to block the opening in the cervix and would probably have little affect on the sperm already in her uterus of fallopian tubes. Amazingly, she did exactly the right thing with the increased dosage of birth control pills."
"What about nausea?" Carol asked.
"I'll prescribe some medication for nausea she can pick up at the pharmacist this morning. What pharmacy do you use?"
Carol told him.
"I'll also prescribe another batch of birth control pills to replace the eight she'll use."
"Okay. What's the prognosis, doctor? Will she get pregnant?"
"It's possible, but if she does, the so-called morning after pill will most likely cause her body to abort the fertilized egg."
Carol thanked him for calling and placed the phone on the receiver.
"You heard?" she asked.
"Yes. Mom, I explained to Darla what happened to me because of my flawed psychic arousal, but I didn't tell her what you and I did."
"I should hope not!"
"I'll leave you now and inform Darla about your conversation with the doctor."
"David, you..." She stopped talking. Her son was no longer with her. Why or how she knew, baffled her, but during his last few visits, she sometimes sensed his presence before he touched her, and she always knew when he left her.
When David opened his eyes, Darla was holding him. She felt him stir and looked up at him.
"Was she pissed?"
"Big time, but concerned about you, too."
"What did she say?"
"To have my bags packed Sunday night, but I have no intention of allowing her to separate us."
With wide eyes, Darla said, "If she gets determined, David, she's unstoppable."
"She can't become anymore determined than I am."
Darla asked, "Why didn't you discuss the trip with me first?"
"Because you might have tried to stop me."
"I'd planned to call the doctor myself, David."
"Yeah, well I didn't know. Besides, we planned to tell Mom we'd broken our promises Sunday morning anyway."
"Well, what did the doctor say?"
David gave her the details. "So you have a go ahead to take the other four pills. I'll run over to the drugstore and pick up the prescriptions. How do you feel? Are you nauseas?"
She swallowed and chuckled. "Not until you asked the question."
"I'll get dressed and go now."
"The birth control pills aren't cheap, David. Do you have enough money?"
He smiled. "Probably not, but I have the emergency credit card Mother put in my name. I'll use it if I have to."
"Buy another dozen condoms, David. We're running low."
He raised an eyebrow. "Maybe we should revert to oral sex until the pills kick in, Darla."
"Phooey! From what the doctor said and the information on the Web site, I'm protected for at least seventy-two hours because of the morning after pill. Still, it would be wise to use condoms. Besides, today we planned to explore the various positions described in the Kama Sutra."
After David left, Darla squeezed some oranges and started to prepare breakfast. In the cold light of day, she was feeling a lot of guilt. The scenes involving her mother and ex-lover that David shared with her last night still invaded her mind, keeping her in a constant state of arousal. She loved her brother deeply. Nevertheless, if she'd been with her mother and Denise last night, she'd have fucked them both without a thought for any subsequent consequences to her relationship with David.
Fortunately, the scene took place hundreds of miles away, but that didn't preclude a future opportunity for Darla to fuck her mother. She remembered last night how she'd hoped desperately that her mother would generate some sexy ideas about her when she learned that Denise had fucked her own mother.
Did Darla feel the same way today? If she were honest with herself, the answer would be yes. If she had an opportunity to have sex with her mother, she'd take it. In a heartbeat, she added silently. If she had an opportunity to have sex with Denise again, would she take it? Probably not, but leaving the option open bothered her. Was she really that fickle? Would she avail herself of a future opportunity to be with her mother and Denise at the same time? You bet she would.
And David would rightly consider any of the scenarios a violation of their vow of monogamy. She was certain about one thing. She wouldn't fuck her mother or anyone else without a discussion ahead of time with David.
"We need to talk, David," she said when he entered the kitchen fifteen minutes later with a bag from Walgreen's in his hand.
"Okay, but take the nausea medicine and let's eat first."
Carol's heart rate quickened as she watched Denise walk toward her booth. When Denise noticed her, she smiled, which heated Carol's blood a little. Good Lord, Carol thought. Am I falling for her?
They greeted each other with a friendly hug, and Carol decided to be businesslike until after the workday ended. She reviewed her products with Denise, showed her how to write up orders, and answered the many questions Denise asked. They were good questions, too.
The show opened to the public, and an hour later Kyle Trent straggled in. With Denise helping, Carol didn't need Kyle, especially when she noticed how his eyes popped out when Carol introduced the beautiful woman. Carol started to tell him she didn't need him at all that day when an idea struck her.
"Kyle, Denise and I can handle the show, but I need to meet with her to discuss future shows and her involvement with my business. We can handle the meeting and have lunch at the same time. Would you relieve us at noon for an hour?"
While she'd been talking with Kyle, a customer had entered the booth, a man, and Carol watched Denise wrap him around her little finger and write up an order.
When the customer left, Carol said, "Good job, Denise." She told Denise about the hour for lunch she'd arranged. "How about I call the hotel and we have lunch in my room?"
Denise smiled wickedly. "What a marvelous idea?" She leaned to Carol's ear. "I'll gobble down the food and eat you slowly."
Unaccountably, Carol blushed. She didn't know why. After all, she'd had the same luncheon concept in mind.
After Carol watched Denise expertly handle a female customer, she stopped worrying. Hiring Denise was the best thing she'd done this trip. No, the second best. Asking Denise to her room last night was the best by far. She smiled brazenly and greeted another customer.
When she had brief moments without customers pressing her, Carol's thoughts returned to her children. The more she thought about them, the more convinced she was that they couldn't remain in an exclusive relationship. They needed to explore their sexuality with others, not just with each other. If she could convince them to have an open relationship, one of them would soon find love with someone else, or if not love, then one of them would have sex outside their relationship, which would make them question how much they really loved each other. With an audible sigh, she decided she could handle them fucking each other for a while if they opened their relationship to others. When she discussed the situation with them Sunday night, she'd emphasize the scare they experienced last night to bring home to them the impossibility of a lifetime, monogamous relationship.
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