Flights of Consciousness - Cover

Flights of Consciousness

Copyright© 2002 by Paul Phenomenon

Chapter 14

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 14 - A story or incest and the paranormal. What would a sixteen-year-old boy do if his consciousness could take flight and observe his loved ones at a distance? Would he become a voyeur and more, using his ability for prurient purposes, or would he use the gift to perform good deeds?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

Darla opened her eyes and glanced at the clock on her nightstand. Five o'clock. Expelling a small groan, she wished she could roll over and go back to sleep, but she'd had all the sleep her body needed and then some. Besides, she had to pee - badly. Usually, she relieved herself just before going to sleep, but last night... well, last night was different.

Turning, she studied her sleeping brother lying next to her. He looked so innocent when he slept, almost pretty. But innocence and David were strangers. Anger welled up in her again. The nasty fucker had molested her friend. That Barbara didn't care, even encouraged the molestation didn't matter to Darla's mind. Mostly she felt betrayed.

Rolling her feet to the floor, she padded into the bathroom and relieved herself. After rinsing her hands, she brushed her teeth. Gazing into the mirror she noted her puffy eyes. From crying like a baby, she reasoned. The discovery that the love of her life had molested Barbara had devastated her.

"He finger fucked her," Darla whispered to her image in the mirror. With a grimace, she replied, "So what? You finger fucked Ellen, finger fucked her and more, and not just once either, and yesterday when Barbara invited you to stay with her after she'd told you about her nasty ghost, you were tempted to sleep over with her Friday or Saturday and fuck her. Yes, fuck her, not just finger fuck her, but do everything a couple of girls could do."

But spite and revenge were poor excuses for misbehaving. She'd learned that lesson with her payback night. Besides, she didn't want the sexy girl, not really. She wanted only one person, her brother, her incestuous lover.

She asked herself how, in the cold light of day, the knowledge that David was capable of psychically raping a girl made her feel? Yesterday, it had hit her with the force of a sledgehammer. So many emotions boiled over in her, especially anger and deep sorrow, she couldn't think clearly. She could only act, and act she did; she acted like an insane person. But she knew more now. She'd heard from both parties involved in the event. David swore he would have stopped if Barbara had been upset in the slightest, and Darla believed him. On the other hand, he'd also said he could do it without fear of reprisal, so he did it, or words to that effect. Still, Barbara told her she'd enjoyed the ghostly assault, actually wished it would happen again. She certainly wasn't traumatized by the event. Was she raped?

You bet! And David, bless his wicked soul, knows it was rape, too. What was his toast? Yes. "To a repentant, reformed psychic rapist." What bothered her was his hesitation when she'd asked him if he'd finger fucked anyone else. He'd said no, but there was some guilt there. My darling brother wears his emotions on his sleeve.

"How about it, Darla?" she asked her image. "Should I call it even and call a truce?" She grinned. "Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say."

She walked from the bathroom into her brother's bedroom and opened the nightstand drawer. Pleased, she noted he'd purchased a dozen. Extracting one of the condoms, she returned to her bed.

Cuddling up to his sleeping form, she kissed his eyes, and brushed her lips across his. "Wake up, David," she said and kissed him again. When she leaned back, his eyes fluttered and opened. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

He smiled. "Good morning."

The room vibrated with raucous sound. Carol groaned and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Five-fifteen. Hank's enthusiastic, insufferable snoring had awakened her, and she regretted she'd asked him to stay. But last night she'd felt a strong need to have a warm body next to hers while she slept, that and to wake up with one next to her. She missed sleeping with George as much as she missed the sex she'd enjoyed with him. Hank wasn't a close substitute for her late husband, but he was the only one she had.

Reaching, she pinched his nose, and he snorted and rolled. He stopped snoring, but only for a few seconds.

Wide-awake, she scooted away from him and climbed from the bed. She needed to pee, and her mouth felt like cotton. After relieving herself, she washed her face and hands and brushed her teeth. Feeling almost human again, she gazed at her image in the mirror. A love bite dotted her left breast, and then she noticed another low on her neck on the right.

Smiling, she said softly, "David, did you watch your old mom last night? If you did, you broke your promise because I never felt your touch." And I anticipated that touch, even longed for it, she added silently. I wanted you to see your old mom fuck Hank's brains out. I did, too. I doubt if Hank's ever been with a woman as needy as I was last night, which was your fault, David. You started my fuck motor while you watched me bathe. No, that's not fair. I started my own motor when I conceived the underwater incestuous, psychic suck. She shivered with passion, and felt a knot of arousal start to form in her cunt. "Were you too busy fucking your sister, David? Is that why you didn't visit me, why you didn't watch me fuck Hank?"

This mess is your fault, George, she thought. You started it all when you happily fucked your sister. Your loving description of your incestuous affair with Kate made me embrace incest instead of revile it as I was taught. David complimented my open mind, a mind opened wide by you, George. The compliment should have been directed at you. Obviously, I didn't teach my children to revile incest, and now they're joyfully fucking each other like you and Kate at their age. Worse, I want to fuck my son, George, and when his affair with his sister ends, I'll probably do just that. Did you see his cock, George? Were you watching over us while we masturbated together? Sexy, huh? Your son is longer than you, George, thicker, too. He has a magnificent cock. It took all the will power I had not to sit on it, take it inside me, and fuck it.

With a groan, her hand went to her cunt. She was wet, but a sour odor assailed her nostrils. Hank's old come, she reasoned. She ran hot water over a washcloth, added soap and, throwing one foot up on the counter, she scrubbed her cunt. The scrubbing increased her arousal.

Hank, you're going to get lucky again this morning.

"You are so beautiful," David said as his eyes rolled back in his head. "Sexy, too."

He was lying on his back, and his sister was sitting on him, fucking him. Her perky tits bounced alluringly as she moved, and she'd discovered a graceful sliding motion that moved her on and off his cock. She'd started with a bounce, but bouncing not only looked awkward, it must have felt awkward to her, too, because she soon switched to the slide. Her back arched when she moved off him and straightened when she slid down around him.

"I like being on top, David," she said and her eyes rolled back in her head as she emitted a groan of passion. "I like it a lot."

"Not long ago, I found a Web site about the Kama Sutra," David said as he lifted his hips when Darla descended, forcing his cock deeply inside her lively cunt. "It's illustrated and describes a whole bunch of sexual positions. Tomorrow, let's spend the day trying as many as we can."

"Yes! But we'll start right after school, not tomorrow." With a chuckle, she added, "You might need to buy another dozen condoms."

"I'll use the eating-out money Mother left us."

"Ah, such sweet irony. I'm awfully hot, David. Are you close?"

"I've been on the edge for quite a while waiting for you."

She increased the pace of her slide. "You won't need to wait much longer. I'm hot! Really... really... hot!"

They didn't speak for a few minutes, and David knew his thoughts would have irritated Darla. He needed to curb his arousal, and he forced arousal-dampening images through his mind. Still, he reached his climax before her, but happily his orgasm took her to a peak. She collapsed onto his chest, but she was light enough he didn't mind. They held each other, kissed softly and murmured endearing words until his dick softened enough to slide out of her. He reached down and pulled the condom off. He'd flush it later.

"Oh, David! What will we do if Mother separates us?" she asked sadly.

"She won't, not if we get our act together and give her a reasonable plan to keep our relationship a secret."

"Do you think that's possible?"

"In reality, no, but we can certainly outline a plan she'll accept. Whether, we can follow the plan is another matter."

"No kidding. If my reaction yesterday about something that happened before we were a couple is any indication, what will I do if you actually go on dates with other girls? Girls like Ellen and Barbara. Cute or sexy girls, or both, girls that will give it up for you." She groaned. "And once they fuck you, David, they'll want you all the time like I do. Fuck!"

She rolled away from him and sat on the edge of the bed. "I don't believe I can share you, David," she whispered.

He sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. As he nuzzled her long, graceful neck, he said, "Good, because I don't want anyone else."

"Yeah. We'll see." She smiled, a forced smile that turned into a grin. "I like waking up early. It gives us more time to play. Let's shower and check out the Kama Sutra Web site and do a little planning. We'll worry about the plan for Mother on Sunday. Until then..."

"Go ahead and shower. I want to check on Mother first, and then I'll join you."


After Darla left the room, he reclined on the bed and soon hovered in his mother's room. Déjà vu, he thought. His mother was in the same position Darla had used earlier. She was riding Hank's cock, and curiously she was using the same graceful slide David believed Darla had invented. It must be instinctual, David thought. How should he touch her? After a brief personal debate, he tweaked a nipple as it bounced temptingly, which caused his mother's rhythm to falter. Would she tell him to leave? Then he realized she might not have noticed his touch. She was, after all, quite involved, so he moved to her ear and whispered, "Good morning."

She smiled widely. "Yes! I'm happy you're here."

"Yeah, me, too," Hank said as he threw his hips up at her.

Sexy, David thought as he felt his arousal soar. He'd just fucked his sister, but still the sight of his mother joyfully fucking Hank excited him greatly. He caressed her ass with an imaginary hand as she slid on and off her lover's cock.

"Yes!" she exclaimed. "Touch me! Touch me all you want. Touch me everywhere!"

Hank lifted one hand and squeezed her breast. David conjured up a magic digit and massaged her clitoris while he continued to caress her magnificent ass.

"Perfect! Perfect!"

An imaginary tongue wiggled at her ear.

Oh, God, it couldn't get any sexier! Hank's cock plunging in and out of her cunt. Her son's fingers at her clitoris. Hank's hand fondling a breast. David's hand caressing her ass. And then her son sticks an imaginary tongue in her ear, sending chills up and down her spine. No, it couldn't get any sexier, but a minute later, she revised her opinion.

"I'm coming!" she announced to her lovers. "Oh, God, am I ever coming. Don't stop!" Either of you, she added in her mind.

David twirled an imaginary finger around her rosebud.

"Yes!" she shouted again and moved back against the finger, taking it inside her.

She peaked at that moment, as did Hank. With his imaginary digit inside his mother's ass, David could feel Hank's cock swell up in his mother's cunt and pulse as it ejaculated. She seemed to enjoy his finger in her ass, so he elongated it a little and made it a bit thicker as he sawed it in and out of her.

"Yes!" she screamed, and her body went rigid. She threw her head back; her mouth fell open and she emitted a long low wail expressing her pleasure.

Mom sure does enjoy coming, David thought.

"Yeah, Carol, come for me!" Hank said and shoved his ejaculating cock as deeply as he could into her spastic cunt.

David rained kisses across her neck and shoulder and whispered in her ear. "Yeah, Mom, come for me, too." His whisper appeared to create the start of a new orgasm, which delighted David because he felt his presence and touches had excited her as much as Hank's.

When she collapsed, David returned to his body. As his eyes opened, he noted Darla standing next to the bed. Her eyes were fixed on his cock, and she watched it spring up fully erect in a second.

Her face clouded up. "Whom were you visiting?"


"Are you sure it wasn't Ellen or Barbara."

David grinned. "Yep. I visited Mom. She was getting it on with a man."

Darla's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "No kidding?"

"I kid you not."

"Hold that thought. Let me get another condom," Darla said, eyeing his erection. "It'd be silly to waste that wonderful hard-on, even if Mother created it, not me." At the bathroom door, she looked over her shoulder and grinned mischievously. "I'll want details, David."

He nodded, decidedly uncomfortable about describing what he'd seen, let alone what he'd done. Then he grinned. She seemed excited not upset. He'd tell her. He'd tell her what he'd seen. Whether he told her anything about what he'd done would depend on her continued reaction.

Darla hurried into the room and quickly rolled the condom down over his shaft.

"Come on, tell all," she said as she straddled him.

"When I connected with her, she was sitting on top of the guy in a similar position to the one we just used."

Quickly rubbing the head of his cock through the crease of her pussy, she said, "I take it you broke your promise and didn't touch her."

"A promise is a promise. I touched her."

His confession obviously shocked her. "How?" She let gravity sink his cock into her cunt, that and a few clever twists and turns plus a couple of bounces. With a small moan of pleasure, she added, "Nice. Mom sure got you hard. How did you touch her?"



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