Flights of Consciousness - Cover

Flights of Consciousness

Copyright© 2002 by Paul Phenomenon

Chapter 13

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 13 - A story or incest and the paranormal. What would a sixteen-year-old boy do if his consciousness could take flight and observe his loved ones at a distance? Would he become a voyeur and more, using his ability for prurient purposes, or would he use the gift to perform good deeds?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

David returned from the airport and poured himself a cup of coffee. He strolled outside and sat at the patio table, enjoying the cooler morning air while he drank his coffee. His mother had a date that night and demanded privacy. Why? What did she have planned? He couldn't remember his mother ever bringing a man home with her, and until recently, he had not thought of her as a sexual being. No longer. He now knew she had sexual needs no less intense than his own, and certainly as powerful as his sister's. He wondered if she'd let her date fuck her. He hoped she would to take the edge off her own needs. The images in his mind of his mother naked and hot with a man gave him an erection. He'd love to see her ride a hard cock, but he'd promised her not to peek. Could he resist the temptation?

He stripped off his clothes and dove into the pool, not only to exercise his body but also to clear his mind of the prurient images he'd imagined. At lap forty, he pulled himself from the water and sat to air-dry in the morning sun. Soon he would fuck his sister. Would the day come when he would also fuck his mother? He'd read "Oedipus Rex" the night before while studying incest, and Sophocles' story had affected him greatly. "Incest most foul!" Would the doom of incest lay on him like it did on Oedipus? Yes. He couldn't resist his sister. He loved her, wanted her above all others, and sometime during their mother's absence Darla would take him inside her. She'd break her promise, and so would he.

He leaned back and soon hovered in an aircraft, which pleased him. Making a connection with his mother while she was in an airplane moving away from him at a high speed felt like a real accomplishment. He now had no doubts he could connect with his mother in Albuquerque. Distance was not a factor for his flights of consciousness.

His mother gazed out the small oval window to her left. Obviously deep in thought, she jumped a little at his touch, but smiled when she realized he was with her. He moved his imaginary mouth to her ear and whispered, "I love you, Mother."

"I love you, too," she whispered back."

He brushed his lips to hers and returned to his body.

His situation was different than Oedipus's, he reasoned. He had not slain his father, and he would not wed his mother, but deep down, he knew someday he would fuck her, and not while he was a ghost. Oh, sometime soon, he believed she'd ask once again for a psychic, incestuous fuck, and he would comply with her request, but it wouldn't count, not in his mind, or hers either. No, when he finally entered her body with a hard, flesh-and-blood cock, then it would count. When he climaxed and filled her hot cunt with his seed, then it would count. When this real incestuous fuck would happen, he couldn't fathom, but deep in his heart he knew he was fated to fuck his mother. He didn't want it to happen now or any time soon; he was too much in love with Darla to even consider betraying her. No, when he fucked his mother, it would be with Darla's full knowledge and consent. Besides, his mother wasn't ready now either. She had too many issues to resolve before she'd allow him to fuck her.

After gathering his clothes, he moved inside and walked briskly to his room. He could hear the shower splashing. Darla was up and about. Smiling, he checked the bathroom door. It was unlocked, so he entered. Covered with a shower cap, Darla's head was back under the water spray, so he studied her briefly, took in her lithe, strong body, and felt his erection return. He opened the shower door and stepped inside with her. The water was too hot for him, uncomfortably hot, but when she smiled, his discomfort fled. He wrapped her in his arms, and she moved against him, pressing her mouth to his.

"Good morning, lover," she said softly after their kiss. She wrapped her dainty hand around his hard shaft.

"It's time," he said.


"Yes." He turned off the water and stepped from the shower. Taking her hand, he pulled her wet but willing to his bedroom. "Lie on the bed," he ordered.

She raised an eyebrow and pulled off the shower cap. With a shake of her head her lustrous dark hair fell around her wet, bare shoulders. "We'll be late for school."

"I know."

With a shrug, she did as he asked.

"Pull your knees up toward your shoulders and spread your legs."

She smiled and obeyed him yet again.

"God, that's beautiful, obscene but beautiful. I love that posture. It's so... inviting, so submissive."

"True," she commented. "Eat me."



"No, I'm going to fuck you."

"But..." Her smile widened. "All right. Fuck me."

He took two steps and opened his nightstand drawer. Extracting a condom, he handed it to her. "Put it on."

She sat up and licked around the crown of his shaft while she tore the package. Leaning back, she expertly rolled the sheath down over his hard-on, the results of another illustrated article she'd read on the Internet.

"Why now?" she asked.

"Why not?"

"We did make promises." She reclined on the bed, returning to her previous posture.

He kneeled between her splayed legs. "I knew the promises would be broken the second they were made. Sometime between now and Mother's return, you would have decided Mother might separate us on Monday, effectively eliminating the possibility that we could fuck each other. With that threat hanging over us, you would have taken me inside you sometime while she was gone, not necessarily to defy her, but to make certain we became lovers in every sense of the word." He waved his sheathed cock through the crease of her cunt, liberally soaking it with her juices. "Upon Mother's return, you would have taken the blame, placing some of the blame on her because of her threat." He pushed slightly, and the lips of her cunt separated. "I couldn't allow you to do that." With a boyish smile, he added, "Besides, why should we waste even one day of the five days we'll be alone?" He pushed again, and the head of his cock popped into her tight, little cunt.

She winced.

"Did I hurt you?"

"Just a little. Don't stop." She placed the heels of her feet just below the curve of his buns and pulled him toward her.

He pushed at the same time, and about half his length slipped inside her. Her liquid heat thrilled him, and he moaned with pleasure. Gazing down at her, his eyes locked with hers. He looked for signs of pain and saw none. He saw lust, though. And love - a lot of love.

"I'm going to break another promise," he said.


"Yes, I promised you I'd make love with you before I fucked you."

She smiled. "I'm glad. Right now, I want to fuck. Tonight, we'll make love." With a slight rotation of her hips, she took another inch of his length inside her. "Oh, I feel so full, David." Pushing herself up to her elbows, she gazed down at the junction of her cunt and his cock. She still had about two inches to go. Could she take it all? She didn't know, but she was damned well going to try. "God, that's sexy. I love the feel of you inside me."

Her hips moved back and then rotated up, and at the same time, David pulled back and thrust forward.

"Oh!" she gasped from a slight, smarting sting, but the sudden pain fled almost immediately to be replaced with an overwhelming sense of well-being. His cock inside her made her feel whole. Glancing down again, she smiled as her eyes rolled back in her head. "That's it," she muttered as she relaxed back against the mattress. I took it all, she shouted in her mind. I took it all! David is fucking me! He's inside me! All of him, every inch of him!

He leaned down and brushed her lips with his, much like he'd done with his mother during his recent trip, but his sister's taste, the warmth of her lips, the lust and love in her eyes, enhanced the brief kiss beyond belief. His cock in her cunt no doubt helped the enhancement, too.

She moved her hands to his face and pulled his lips to hers as she opened her mouth, and his small kiss became suddenly passionate as her hips started to move against him.

She groaned and became impatient. "Fuck me now, bro. Fuck your little sister! Yes! Like that!" His pubic bone had smashed against her clitoris sending cascades of pleasurable sensations through her body. With each downward thrust, she reached up with her hips and rubbed her clitoris against his mound or the top of his shaft. Yes, she decided. I can come. I can come like this. "Fuck me hard, David! Smash my clit! Yes!"

His thrusts became fast and hard, without rhythm at first, but soon he settled into a measured cadence Darla seemed to like. He more than liked it; he reveled in it. The hot, wet friction of her interior membranes amazed him. The inside of her cunt was alive. Pulsing. Demanding. He felt her cunt grab at him when he moved back, trying to impede his withdrawal, and then open up and let him inside, palpitating, throbbing, fluttering around his length as he plunged deeply into her until he was as deep as he could go, and in that brief instant before he withdrew to thrust back into her, her cunt made love to his cock with spasms when she gave her hips a slight little twist. The next time down, he twisted, too, and her gasp told him how much she'd appreciated it.

They stopped talking, but they exhaled sounds. A thin sheen of perspiration soon covered both of their bodies. David's orgasm built, became closer with each thrust until he knew he couldn't stop it, couldn't wait for her, but he was determined to continue to fuck her hard and fast like she wanted. He groaned and his rhythm faltered when his climax overwhelmed him, but he reared back and slammed deeply into her again and again.

"Oh, God, I can feel it! You're coming! Inside me! You're coming inside me!" Darla said emotionally.

Soon, when he doesn't need to wear a damned rubber, I'll feel his seed flying into me, bathing my cunt, she thought, and with the thought, her orgasm struck. She hadn't expected it, and she sucked in a massive amount of air as her eyes flew back in her head and her body went rigid. She fell into the white light of sensation as the first contraction of her orgasm gripped her entire body, and she tried to hold it, tried to make it never end, but it defied her.

"Me, too! I'm... oh, God, yes!" she shouted when she could speak. Suddenly, she fled her body to experience the sensations of her orgasm as it peaked again. Contraction after contraction jerked her - massive, pleasure-filled contractions. Between contractions, she could feel David's long, hard cock throbbing inside her. He had stopped thrusting and held her tight. His hands grasped the cheeks of her ass, and his head had fallen down onto her upper chest. She cupped his face with the palms of her hands and mashed her lips to his, as she ratcheted on and off his vibrating cock.

When she collapsed, David couldn't hold himself up off her any longer, and fell heavily atop her, but he quickly rolled to her side and pulled her into his arms. He was still hard and throbbing inside her, so he pulled her leg up over his thigh as he kissed her. There, he thought. It's done. She doesn't need to take the heat now. Mother can't blame her. She'll have to blame me. "I love you, Darla," he whispered.

"Uh-huh, me, too, you," she gasped as one last contraction jerked her small body. A satisfied smile crept onto her face. "I'm a woman now."


"I'm not a virgin anymore."


Her smile became mischievous. "Guess what, David?"


"I love fucking! I just adore fucking." She sighed. "Are condoms cheaper by the dozen?"

After school when David connected with his mother again, he debated with himself whether to inform her he'd broken his promise but elected to defer the confession until later in the week. Guilt had never allowed him to hide his wrongdoings from her. She couldn't see him, though, so she couldn't see his guilty look.

She was at the convention center directing the setup of her booth, one of the largest booths in the show. Before David had a chance to touch her and let her know he was present, a good-looking man walked up behind her and patted her on her backside. She spun, ready to give the man a piece of her mind, but then she suddenly smiled.

"Hank! Be nice!"

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. Are we on for dinner tonight?"

"Of course."

"Good." He looked around her booth. "As usual, you'll have one of the best, if not the best display in the show. I'm jealous. I haven't seen the decorative wheat before. Is that a new line?"


"It should do well, especially those with the dried chilies on the raffia ties. Are you about to give it up for the night?"

"Soon. I'll want to shower and change and talk to my kids before I meet you. How about the hotel bar in about an hour?"


So that's Mom's date, David thought and waited until Hank walked away before he touched his mother. She smiled and gave some last minute instructions to the men setting up her booth. David followed her from the convention center. Outside, he asked, "Was that man your date?"


"Good looking."

"Yes, but fickle as they come. He's good for some laughs, though."

"I bet."

They walked into a hotel lobby, and David entered an elevator with her. She was its only occupant, so he said, "How's my tone of voice."

She laughed. "Close, but no kewpie doll. Still needs a lot of work. Are you and Darla behaving yourself?"


She snorted and exited the elevator. Inside her room, she gave him her room number and telephone number. "Write them down as soon as you enter your body. If you forget, call the operator and ask for the Hyatt Regency's phone number, and call me back."

"I'll remember."

She kicked off her shoes and started to unbutton her blouse. Should he leave?

"I never brought men home after your father died, David. Somehow, I thought exposing you and Darla to such a situation would be inappropriate, but I haven't been celibate all these years. Does that shock you?" She pulled off her blouse and hung it on a hanger.

"No. I'd be shocked if you'd told me you'd been celibate."

She unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it.

"Like I said, Hank isn't husband material. He has a roving eye. I'd never be able to trust him, but he's fun, and the sex is good."

She was purposefully stripping in front of him. She wanted him to think about her now and later, wanted to remind him there were other females around besides his sister. She hoped he'd continue to check out Barbara and Ellen, too. Monogamy at sixteen years of age just wasn't natural, especially if the monogamous relationship was between siblings. He should be playing the field, experiencing different situations with different girls. She'd even considered asking him for a psychic, incestuous fuck, but if Darla found out, it would break her heart. No, she'd tease, but she wouldn't be overt. Reaching behind her, she unclasped her bra and pulled it off her breasts. "Ah, that feels better. I think I'll go braless tonight," she said as she kneaded them, rubbing on the marks the garment had left on her skin.

"Good plan," David said to let her know he was still present. "You have beautiful, full breasts, Mom, and they certainly don't need a bra to enhance their appearance."

"Thanks, Son." She pushed her panties to the floor and strolled to the bathroom, bending to adjust the temperature of the water in the tub. She looked over her shoulder and winked. "How's my backside?"



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