Flights of Consciousness
Copyright© 2002 by Paul Phenomenon
Chapter 12
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 12 - A story or incest and the paranormal. What would a sixteen-year-old boy do if his consciousness could take flight and observe his loved ones at a distance? Would he become a voyeur and more, using his ability for prurient purposes, or would he use the gift to perform good deeds?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual BiSexual Science Fiction Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Group Sex Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Exhibitionism Voyeurism Slow
My son is losing his innocence, Carol thought sadly when David walked into the kitchen the next morning. He looked energetic and pleased with himself, not shamefaced.
"Did you fuck her?" Carol asked bluntly. Good, he's not so jaded he can't blush.
"No, of course not."
"From the sound of things, you did everything but," Carol said. "I'd have thought, out of respect for me, you could have waited until I went to bed before you filled the house full of moans and groans. You'd better stop thinking with your dick, Son, and use some of the gray matter between your ears. I'm adamantly opposed to the course of action you and Darla have chosen. No good can come from it."
He looked at her, shook his head, and without saying a word, stepped outside and dove into the pool.
Good move, Carol. Preach to him. Preaching always works. Hah!
She was at the end of her rope. This time next week, her son and daughter would be fucking each other, and once they started they wouldn't quit. To maintain any control, she might have to separate them, not permanently, but at least for a short time.
After pouring herself a cup of coffee, she flipped through her address book and dialed the phone.
"Kate, it's Carol. Am I calling too early?"
"Not at all. How are you and the kids?"
"Not good. That's why I'm calling. I need your advice, and maybe a huge favor. I've never discussed this with you, but George told me about what happened between the two of you when you were teenagers."
After a few seconds of silence, Kate said, "That boy always did have diarrhea of the mouth." She hesitated and then added, "If you need my advice, Carol, I can only assume David and Darla are doing the deed. Hang on a minute. Let me move to another room. Bill's asleep, and unlike George, I didn't inform him of my... there. Where was I? Yes. I haven't told my sweet, straight-laced hubby about my excursion into incest. Tell me all while I make a pot of coffee."
Carol related the situation as she saw it, leaving out David's psychic ability and the sexual games she'd played with her son.
Kate groaned. "First love complicates things a lot. George and I never fell in love. We were deeply in lust, though, but when I saw he was starting to fall in love, I cut him off - the most difficult thing I've ever done. Are you sure they haven't gone all the way?"
"Yes. Any advice?"
"Uh-huh, but you might not like it. They're teenagers. They live together, and from what I remember, they argue a lot. I'd be surprised if the love affair lasted through the summer. My advice would be to make sure Darla couldn't get pregnant and be patient."
"You wouldn't separate them?"
"If they weren't in love, separating them would me an option, but since... damn it. Do you want to lose one or both of them?"
"No, of course not."
"If you separate them, I think that's just what'll happen. Because they're in love, separating them will alienate them, Carol, and I don't mean from each other. Separating them will make you the villain and in my humble opinion will actually prolong the love affair beyond its probable normal course, which at their age shouldn't be very long. Think about it. How many love affairs that you were aware of that started in high school became permanent unless a pregnancy was involved?"
"Not many."
"I agree. Marrying your high school sweetheart is actually quite rare, and there's a reason. First love is exciting, crammed chuck full with intense emotion, and is usually traumatic. It's so passionate it quickly burns itself out. Toss incest into the mix, and the flames will burn brighter and faster. My advice - let it burn, maybe even stir the fire if you can. They'll use up all their fuel before you know it. Make some hard and fast rules about how they're to conduct themselves. Don't let them throw their affair in your face, and demand their respect. Tell them you're opposed to their behavior, but out of your love for them you won't separate them. And, keep it secret, for hell sakes."
"Surprisingly, I agree with you, Kate. One more question. If I feel a need to separate them briefly, may I foist one of them on you? I'm not talking more than a week or two, but I might need to make a point."
"Sure, anytime, but don't tell them about George and me. No one tumbled onto our incestuous experiment while it was going on, and I've never told anyone. Frankly, I'm upset George blabbed to you."
"Why? I've wanted to thank you for years. I wondered where George had acquired his sexual expertise and kept after him until he finally admitted his big sister had taught him everything he knew."
Kate laughed. "Don't believe it. He taught me a few things, too. I'm happy you don't feel badly about me because of it. I'd tell Bill, but I don't think he'd handle it as well as you."
Carol wanted to ask Kate if she and George had gotten together after they were adults to relive their youthful fun and games. The two of them had disappeared for a few hours at a family reunion a couple of years before George was killed. She'd wanted to ask George then, but was afraid of his answer. Still afraid of the answer, she squelched her curiosity. Some things were best left in the unknown column.
Looking out through the sliding glass door, Carol watched her son pull himself out of the pool. He cut his laps short this morning, she thought.
"David is coming. Thanks for the advice, Kate. May I call you again on the subject? Before this mess runs its course, I'm sure I'll be in need of an open mind and an attentive ear, and you qualify on both counts."
"Sure. Hubby's up and about. I'd better hang up, too. I love you, Carol, and you know I loved George. For what it's worth, I never looked back with any regrets about my short affair with my brother, and after his death, our time together became a cherished memory. Gotta go. Bye."
"I love you, too, Kate. Bye."
David walked into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. "I apologize, Mom. Neither Darla nor I meant to show you any disrespect. We just got carried away."
"Yeah, I understand, but I will not have the two of you throwing your affair in my face. We'll need some hard and fast rules about how this situation must be handled, or I won't be able to live with it."
The sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was a hot day, and Darla kept thinking about her hot night with David. Although Darla was sitting under her brother's favorite lunchtime tree, he hadn't joined her for lunch. But Barbara had joined her and quizzed her about her fight with her mother. Darla had given her a very abbreviated version of the altercation.
"So, as it stands," Darla concluded, "I'll be staying at my house and sleeping in my bed while Mother's out of town. I dread the long list of do's and don'ts she'll have written up for me when I get home from school." With a chuckled, she added, "She'll probably pin the list on the refrigerator door with a magnet."
"Will you be able to sleep over at my house on Saturday?"
Darla shook her head and smiled inwardly. Uh-uh, Barbara, I'll be sleeping over with my brother.
Ellen joined them, and Darla introduced Barbara to her, and then Darla had to retell her story to Ellen.
David, where are you? I don't need this. I don't want lunch with these girls. I wanted lunch with you. Yes! She spotted him and hopped up. "There's David. I need to talk to him. Bye."
Ellen and Barbara watched Darla hurry away and join her brother, pulling him away in the opposite direction when she met him.
"He's such a hunk," Barbara said dreamily.
"Yeah. He asked me out, but I had to cancel the date when my parents grounded me."
"Oh? I didn't know. Are you still grounded?"
"Yeah. Will be until Monday. And I'm going stir crazy. Hey, how about dropping by my house after school? We can hang out and get to know each other."
Why not? Darla seems preoccupied with her problems, Barbara thought. Besides, I'm curious about Ellen. I wonder if the stories I've heard about her are true.
"Where were you?" Darla asked her brother.
"Mom took me out of class and went with me for the driver's test."
"No kidding?"
"Yeah. She said if she had to leave us alone, she'd feel more comfortable if I could drive if an emergency came up."
"Well, did you pass?"
"Was there a doubt?" he asked with a smug grin.
"Congratulations. Mom's been a busy lady. This morning right after my first class, she pulled me out of school and took me to the doctor to put me on the pill."
"Really?" he said with a wide grin.
"Yeah. Cool, huh? With my cycle and everything, I won't be protected for a couple of weeks, though."
"Bummer. Well, I can wait if you can. I gotta tell you, Darla, that oral sex is great stuff."
"Uh-uh. Next Monday plan on making me a woman." She grinned mischievously. "Find out if condoms are cheaper by the dozen."
"Thanks for dropping by, Barbara," Ellen said as they stepped into Ellen's room. "It feels like I've been grounded forever. It's really nice to have some company for a change."
It was a feminine room, white and pink with frilly lace everywhere. The room fits Ellen, Barbara decided. The bed was piled high with stuffed animals, which Ellen pushed aside as she stretched out on the flowered comforter covering the bed and pulled a pillow down under her arm. She wore a pair of shorts that came down halfway to her knee and a the halter-top covered her breasts, pert breasts that bobbed seductively as she moved, occasionally outlining a nipple that stiffened and relaxed against the material.
Barbara didn't know where to sit and stood awkwardly for a moment until Ellen patted the bed. "Sit here. Wait. I'll slide over and give you room." Some stuffed animals fell to the floor on the other side of the bed.
For the first time Barbara noticed how sexy Ellen really was with her beautiful blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. Barbara compared her to Darla, but a comparison wasn't possible or fair. The two girls were too different. Ellen was tall, like Jill, and Barbara liked that about her. Darla had a gorgeous ass, but Ellen's legs were magnificent, so long and smooth and shapely. Barbara often wished she were taller. The word modelesque came to Barbara's mind to describe Ellen. Was modelesque a word? Probably not. Barbara tended to make up words. Anyway, as tall and slim as Ellen was with her perky breasts and her lovely, surprisingly dark complexion for a blonde, Ellen could be a model.
"Why were you grounded?" Barbara asked. Will she be honest, or put me off? Barbara hoped she'd be open and confide in her. If she did, they could become friends.
Ellen grimaced. "I really screwed up. I went out for a short drive with a boy I knew, and everything got out of hand. We got wasted, and I stayed out past my curfew."
Barbara grinned. Almost honest. She'd heard it was two boys, not one, and she wondered if she could entice Ellen to give her details.
The night after she'd heard Ellen had taken on two boys at the same time, Barbara was playing with herself before going to sleep, creating sexy scenarios to heighten her excitement, when she remembered hearing about Ellen and two boys. In Barbara's fantasy, Ellen's dreamlike face and form changed, and Barbara became the girl with the two boys. In her mind, she felt four hands caressing her, felt one pair of lips kissing her mouth and another pair down below moving over her pussy. Not surprisingly, during the fantasy, the participants of the threesome changed yet again into one boy and two girls. When she climaxed, David was kissing her mouth passionately while Darla was licking her pussy.
Ellen groaned and blushed. "Ah, hell! You've heard the rumors, haven't you?"
With a nod, Barbara said, "Doesn't it just frost you the way boys just have to brag about their sexual successes? Heck, they even embellish their failures."
"Yeah. If they only knew how stupid it was to boast. To tell you the truth, Barb, I had a blast. If Tommy and Neil had kept their mouths shut, I'd have done it with them a second time. As it is, I'll never speak to either of them again. Am I shocking you?" Ellen decided she might as well find out where she stood with this cute, little brunette. If Barbara couldn't accept her as she was, a friendship wouldn't be possible.
"A little," Barbara said, and then grimaced. "No, that's not true. After I heard the rumor, I fantasized about being with two boys at the same time." She blushed. "To tell you the truth, Ellen, it made me hot!" Though not as hot as fantasizing about David and Darla doing me at the same time. Now that scorched my sheets!
"Uh-huh. I've never been with one boy, let alone two, so my imagination couldn't provide many details. Still, it made me hot."
She's so damned cute, Ellen thought. She reminds me of Darla. Thinking of Darla jogged Ellen's memory about the few times she and Darla had experimented with girl/girl sex. No one had ever kissed her as passionately as Darla, or made her climax as many times in a session. Shaking away the memories, Ellen studied the girl sitting beside her. She liked what she saw, and Ellen suspected Barbara wasn't as inexperienced at she claimed.
With a blush, Barbara asked, "Would you mind terribly giving me some details. It sounds so exciting!"
Why not? At least, she's not looking down her nose at me like Darla. Hmm. This could prove to be interesting. Would relating some details make Barbara hot again, and if so...
"I guess not, if you're truly interested."
"Oh, I am." Barbara giggled, already feeling the heat of arousal. "I'm more than interested, and unlike the boys, I don't tell all."
"Okay, but if I embarrass you in any way, tell me, and I'll stop." She sighed, stared off into the distance and said, "I was sitting in the front seat between Tommy and Neil. It was Neil's car and it was an old one, the kind without bucket seats. Everything started when I twisted in the front seat of the car and leaned to a cooler in the backseat to get a bottle of water. Anyway, while I was bent over, Tommy ran his hand up under my dress and touched my... do you mind if I don't use formal terms for body parts?"
"Not at all. I take it he touched your pussy," Barbara said with another giggle.
Good, she's going to make this easier for me, Ellen thought. "Yeah. He rubbed my pussy with his hand, and when I spun around to sit, my dress ended up around my waist. I protested but Tommy cut off my protest with a kiss." Ellen went on to tell the curious girl how she'd necked with the boys and how she'd discovered the unusual size of Neil's cock. "As soon as I felt his big cock, I knew I had to have it."
"Wow! This is way better than my fantasy. Don't stop!"
Ellen watched the girl as she told her story, and as the tale progressed she could see Barbara was becoming aroused. "... so I ended up kneeling on the seat with Tommy under me with his cock in my mouth while Neil fucked me with his big one from behind."
With a shiver, Barbara muttered, "Hot!" She squirmed around and reclined on the bed next to Ellen. "The details are hot, and so am I."
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