Flights of Consciousness
Copyright© 2002 by Paul Phenomenon
Chapter 10
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A story or incest and the paranormal. What would a sixteen-year-old boy do if his consciousness could take flight and observe his loved ones at a distance? Would he become a voyeur and more, using his ability for prurient purposes, or would he use the gift to perform good deeds?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual BiSexual Science Fiction Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Group Sex Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Exhibitionism Voyeurism Slow
"Dar-la," a strange sounding voice said late that afternoon.
Darla's eyes widened with shock, and she squealed with excitement. "David, you said my name!" She couldn't see him, of course, because he was busy being a ghost, but she felt his presence somehow. She jumped to her feet. "You deserve a hug. Go back to your body..."
Suddenly she felt invisible strong arms wrap her, and the ghost pulled her close. Carol walked into the room and chuckled when Darla rolled her eyes at her. "He's giving me a hug, Mom."
"Takes a little getting used to, doesn't it?"
"Yeah." And she preferred flesh and blood arms to the constructs David had fashioned. "He said my name, Mom!"
"Uh-huh." With a chuckle, she added, "Good thing my name wasn't Mary or Matilda or Nancy. He'd have to learn how to open the air hole in the... I forget." She felt the arms holding her release her. "Say my name again for Mother, David."
Carol grinned and cocked her head. "What about your old mom's name, David. Got a handle on it yet?"
"That means no. He can't say em or en yet. Too nasal, he says."
"Caw... o." the voice quipped.
"Close, David. Say care," Carol said.
"Care," David said.
"Great! Perfect! Now say olé."
"Now put the two together."
"Yeah, you're almost there. Now leave the 'a' sound off at the end."
"Care-o-l. Carol."
"By gosh, I think you've got it!" Carol exclaimed. "Give me a hug, too."
She realized she'd seriously missed her son's imaginary arms around her when he pulled her close.
"Kiss, too," the breathy strange voice announced.
Ah! She melted. She'd missed his lips on hers even more. She felt her baby-chewed nipples stiffen a little as the soft kiss became just a touch romantic. "Enough!" Carol exclaimed waving her hand in front of her face like a fan. "You'll make me swoon."
Darla laughed at her mother's rendition of a woman with vapors.
David's concept of a laugh frightened both of them.
"David, don't try laughing, not for a while," Carol advised.
Darla glanced at the clock on her nightstand. Midnight. Finally! She'd vowed not to stir until the witching hour. Rolling her feet to the floor, she pulled off her t-shirt, and then peeled off her panties. The light at her dresser was small, perfect for her purpose, and she flipped the switch. The sudden light momentarily blinded her. She sat and lifted her hairbrush. Fifty strokes later, her hair shined. After pinching her cheeks, she applied just a touch of rouge, and then brushed everything smooth before she applied new lipstick.
Ready or not, David, here I come.
She walked through the bathroom and turned the knob on the door leading to David's room. Locked! Damn him! She'd told him to leave it unlocked. She knocked quietly, and suddenly the door swung wide. The light from the computer let her see her brother. He was unconscious on his bed.
"Go back to your body," Darla demanded with a forceful whisper.
"No," David's disembodied voice stated.
"Congratulations. You've learned to make the nasal sounds, but you'd better turn down the volume a little or you'll wake mother. Check on her quickly to make certain she's asleep and come back to your body."
She couldn't see if he obeyed, but still she moved into his room and climbed up on the bed with David's unconscious body. He wore a t-shirt and boxers. Squirming close to him, she waited for his return while enjoying his body heat. Seconds later, David's eyes fluttered and snapped open.
"Hi," Darla whispered and kissed him.
David struggled a little, but not much, and soon went with the kiss. Finally he pushed her away, holding her from him with his hands on her shoulders.
"Darla, this is insane."
"Yeah. Fun, huh? Was Mother asleep?"
"Yes, but I watched her set her alarm for one o'clock. I think she plans to check on us."
"Perfect that gives us forty minutes." She reached through the hole in his boxers and wrapped her hand around his flaccid dick, which caused it to start growing immediately.
"Uh-uh. I inherited Mother's acute sense of smell. If we mess around, this room will reek. I adore the fragrance of your arousal, but... ah, hell, it's just too risky, Darla."
Damn it! He's right. "Okay," she said as she pulled his half-hard cock from his underpants and gave it a few strokes until it stood straight, fully erect. "A shame. This is what I was going to do for you." She leaned down and took as much of his length as she could into her mouth, and swirled her tongue around the shaft.
He groaned. "Unfair."
With a smack, she released him. "Just a sample of things to come," she said with a grin. "Wake me after she goes back to sleep."
He shook his head, but Darla could see his heart wasn't in the negative response. He needed a little more incentive. "David, one of my favorite fantasies is to have you come in my mouth after I've come all over your mouth, or vice versa. Have you ever fantasized about either?"
His jaw gaped, and he nodded enthusiastically.
"How would you like to turn the fantasies into realities? Wake me after Mom goes back to sleep."
He struggled with the request but in the end couldn't resist. He nodded.
Carol groaned and slapped the alarm with the palm of her hand and the raucous sound gave way to magnificent silence. A mother's work is never done, she thought bitterly and rolled her feet to the floor. She pulled on a robe and left her bedroom, hoping she was wrong.
If they were sleeping together, she'd catch them in David's room. She'd checked both beds earlier that day, and only David's sheets showed evidence of dried semen.
Darla's bedroom came first in the hall, and Carol turned the knob. It was locked, which meant nothing. Half the time Darla locked the door, and half the time she didn't. If David's door were locked, she'd knock on it. His ghost would be up and about and would open the door for her; either that, or she'd wake up the real David. If he didn't rouse, she'd knock on Darla's door, and if needed, she'd pound on both doors. She needed to know if they were sleeping together, damn it!
David's door wasn't locked, but she knocked anyway before she pushed it open.
"Mom," said the unreal voice David used while on a trip.
"Yes. I couldn't sleep and wondered if I'd catch your consciousness up and about. Would you mind reconnecting with your body for a while?"
A few seconds later, David's body stretched. "Hi, Mom."
She sat next to him on his bed. Glancing at his computer, she asked, "What are you researching?"
She raised her eyebrows. "Why?"
"So far, I've only connected with individuals, but I'd like to connect with a place, too. I've tried to visit the Tempe Public Library so I could do some of my research there at night, but I haven't succeeded. Also, I worry about my consciousness getting lost." He went on to tell her why. "So I'm studying navigation, which is leading me into areas of physics and mathematics the high school doesn't teach."
"I see." She wanted to check on Darla. "Excuse me a minute. I need to use the bathroom." Looking over her shoulder at the bathroom door, she said coquettishly, "No peeking."
"I've honored our agreement."
"I know."
She closed the door and tried the door leading into Darla's room. It was locked, too. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe her children weren't messing around. She sat on the toilet and peed. Announcing the urge to go to the bathroom had caused it to flourish. She wiped, flushed the toilet and rinsed and dried her hands.
Back in David's room, she sat on his bed and took his hand in hers. "David, I believe you and Darla are doing stuff together you shouldn't be doing. Both of you have denied it, and your denials rang true at the time. Still, I have reasons to believe... ah hell, I'm tired of pussyfooting around. David, have you fucked your sister?"
"Not only no, but hell no!"
Her shoulders sagged with relief. She believed him. "Have you had oral sex with her?"
"No!" An image of Darla's pretty mouth around his hard-on about an hour ago popped into his mind, and he knew he looked guilty.
Another bit of misdirection was warranted. "Damn it, you just can't leave it alone, can you? Think! I said I catalogued Darla's tastes and smells. Does tasting her pretty pussy while she was asleep and I was a ghost count as oral sex? Christ! Now the two of you have me using the ghost word. Anyway, I damned well know what her pussy tastes like. If that's oral sex, then I'm guilty as charged."
"If you haven't been fucking and having oral sex, you've been kissing and petting," she persisted.
"Yep, and I told you all about the kissing lesson. A passionate kiss involves a little petting, at least according to Darla. I'm sick and tired of this inquisition, Mother. Get off it. Please."
She squeezed his hand affectionately. "Okay." She yawned. "I guess, I'd better go back to bed and let you return to your studies. By the way, your grandmother will be staying with you and Darla while I'm gone."
"Crap! That's because you don't trust us alone. Right?"
"Yep. I'm not completely convinced the two of you are as innocent as you claim. I considered shipping Darla off to stay with Barbara during my absence, but I really don't know her parents well enough to impose, but that option is open. Goodnight, Son."
"Yeah, goodnight." Furious, he leaned back, willed the bright light to appear and exited his body. He found Darla scurrying back to her bed. She'd been eavesdropping, and he wondered how much she'd overheard.
Shrugging imaginary shoulders, David moved his viewpoint to his mother and watched her remove her robe. He was supposed to touch her, but he was angry, so he kept his imaginary hands to himself and watched as she climbed into bed. A small nightlight in the master bath gave David just enough illumination to see.
Mumbling, she pounded her pillow angrily with her fist. "Fuck!" she exclaimed. "I still don't know."
She tossed and turned for a minute, and then rummaged about in her nightstand. She removed an object, and quickly pulled it under her sheet. Even in the dark, David recognized his mother's vibrator. He'd never seen her use it, but when he'd roamed the house to catalogue scents and tastes, he'd run across it.
"David, if you're watching, get the hell out of my space!"
He heard a buzzing sound and, to honor her demand, he suddenly appeared in his bedroom, which confused him because he'd expected to connect with Darla. Then he saw her on his bed cuddled up to his body.
She was naked again, gloriously naked, and so beautiful she took his breath away, that is, if he'd been breathing at the time.
With a silent groan, he wondered what to do? He wanted her, wanted her in the worst way, but if he allowed their relationship to develop any deeper, they'd end up fucking. Hell, she wanted him as much as he wanted her, more if that were possible. Could they maintain a sexual relationship that didn't progress beyond oral sex? He believed he could, at least for a while, but Darla had led their sexual explorations from the get go, not him. She'd decide when it was time to fuck, and try as he might, he wouldn't be able to resist when she gave him the green light.
He wondered if his mother had his sister pegged. Was Darla in love with him? He knew he loved her, loved her more than a brother should love a sister - way more. But was he in love with her? He couldn't answer the question, not definitively, and because he couldn't, he suspected he wasn't in love with her. But then, he didn't have a clue what romantic love felt like. He only knew he didn't want to be with another girl, not intimately, and that included his mother. Though an incestuous psychic fuck would be an interesting experiment, he added.
With imaginary lips, he smiled and switched viewpoints to check on his mother's progress. She'd removed her nightgown and kicked the top sheet down. Her knees were up and splayed. She'd assumed that obscene yet beautiful posture of female submission, so open and so very inviting. The fingers of one of her hands were pulling forcefully on a nipple, and she was plunging her vibrator into her and jerking it out, back and forth at an amazing speed. He doubted he could match the speed if he were doing the thrusting.
The buzzing sound seemed louder than when he'd first heard it, and he decided the vibrator probably had variable speeds.
"Fuck me, David!" his nasty mother exclaimed. "Fuck - me - with - your - big - long - cock!" She gasped between each word. She was living a fantasy, an incestuous fantasy, one in which he played a major role. What would she do if he touched her now? Never mind. He remembered. She'd slap him silly the next time she saw him, and he'd deserve whatever punishment she inflicted.
He made a request and reentered his body.
"Hi," Darla said and kissed him
He quickly pushed her back from his lips. "Mother's still awake."
"Bummer." She stifled a yawn.
"She's..." No, he had no right to tell Darla what his mother was doing. "She might come back. You should go to your room."
God, he was hard. His mother's fantasy and the vision she'd offered by plunging a vibrator in and out of her cunt combined with his sister lying naked and willing on his bed had him as hot as he could remember.
"Okay," she said and stroked his cock, which had slipped up through the hole in his boxers, standing tall and throbbing in the light from the computer monitor. She leaned and gave the end a quick lick. "I love your taste, David," she whispered. "Touch me in my room when she's asleep. I'll be awake."
"Go! I'll check on Mom right now." He could hardly wait.
His mother's body stiffened in orgasm just as he entered her space. She wailed and then whimpered, pulled out the vibrator and jammed it back in as hard as she could. "Yes!" Her hips relaxed and ratcheted up again. "Yes!" Again. "Yes!" And yet again. "Yes!"
Then she collapsed. Tears streamed from her eyes, and she rolled to her side, jerking occasionally when aftershocks from her orgasm yanked her.
A few minutes later, she begrudgingly rose from her bed and washed the vibrator. While in front of the mirror, she berated her image. "You're a shitty role model. Your children could very well be fucking each other, and what do you do? You fuck yourself with your faithful friend and give it your son's name. Fuck! You're no better than they are." She wiped the back of her hand across her tear-filled eyes.
The problem is I understand Darla and her needs, she thought while she bathed her face with a warm washcloth. I want to fuck David, too. And not when he's a ghost.
Staring at herself in the mirror, she tried to be honest with her image. She wanted her son warm and alive and fucking her hard and fast. She wanted his long cock inside her, a real cock, one that felt hot, one that throbbed with need, not a construct he'd fashioned in his imagination.
Yes, like her daughter, she wanted the flesh and blood David.
"Lord help me," she said out loud, not as a prayer but as an expression, "but I sure do want him. I can't get him out of my mind."
She looked up toward the ceiling. "Are you there, David. If you are, you need to help me. I don't know if I'm strong enough. I need you to be strong enough for both of us." She shook her head, and returned to the bedroom, unceremoniously dropping the vibrator, her friend she'd named David that night, into the nightstand drawer and slamming it shut.
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