M M M Motivation - Cover

M M M Motivation

by Ryan801army

Copyright© 2024 by Ryan801army

Flash Story: A hopefully amusing story of how I helped motivate a fellow soldier during basic training

Tags: True Story   Humor   Military  

Motivation is a big thing for performing, whether it’s general workouts or just doing your work. Everyone needs it and the Army is no different. Towards the end of basic training we had to take a final PT (physical training) test in order to graduate and move on to whatever AIT (Advanced Individual Training - AKA training for your military job/MOS).

I wasn’t worried really about my own performance. I had passed the first PT test comfortably. The challenge for me was whether I’d be able to max my run or how high I would score on my push ups and sit ups. At the time the Army was still doing just the three event PT test, which started with 2 minutes worth of push ups a 10 minute break, 2 minutes of sit-ups another 10 minute break, and finishing with a timed 2 mile run. You scored higher the more reps you did or the faster you ran.

There was a guy in my squad who was worried about his push ups though. At this point we were almost 2 months into being in the same squad, so I knew Dawson fairly well and he me. He also knew I was one to try and help push people. “Yosh, I need help. I’m going to struggle on my push ups so I need you to give me something to keep my mind right and motivated to keep pushing.”

I thought about his request and ways I could push him. He would be at least 10 feet in front of me and for whatever reason we were supposed to face away from the people actively testing while we waited for our turn. So I couldn’t be up close and my voice would possibly be drowned out. “Alright, Dawson. You have to do 45 push ups to pass, right?” At his nod of assent I continued on. “If you fail, for every push up you fail by you have to stand there and let me kick you in the nuts cause it means you’ve got no balls.”

The last part had venom in it, not only the threat but the no balls insult were both meant to get a reaction. I meant to piss him off with it and get his blood pumping. One look at him and I could practically see his spine stiffen. “You’re an ass, but I asked for that.”

I chuckled to myself and kept my arms moving and loose. I was after him in line anyway and wanted to be ready. I would find out what he said when I went up for my turn with the Drill Sergeant grader. Dawson went up next and after he finished he gave me a quick “Thanks” as he walked by me to the back of the line.

I went up and dropped into the prone position when I heard the Drill Sergeant. “So Dawson said he had to keep going or you were going to kick him in the balls. Interesting motivation, but it worked. He did 46. You better top that or I’ll kick you in the balls.”

I knew he couldn’t do it at least, but it did make me chuckle as I got into position to get started. “I’ll top that within a minute, Drill Sergeant.” Thankfully I had the strength and conditioning to make good on my words.

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