Honeymoon Hotel - Cover

Honeymoon Hotel


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - What do you do when on your honeymoon you realized that you were hypnotized to make love to someone other than your spouse, and that pictures were taken to bribe you for more sex and money and that there were others before you that had the same thing done to them? What would you do?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   NonConsensual   Hypnosis   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sue was fascinated by Lord Medwell when he arrived shortly after lunch. He's cute, she thought; and a strong wind would blow him away. He was shorter than she and seemed terribly old in appearance but young in action. His manners were so nice, so polished... and he even wore a bow tie and had a very small rosebud boutonniere on the lapel of his tweed suit. He had bowed low, kissed her hand, and told her she was "charming" and "refreshing."

Lady Margaret, his young sister, was something else again. She frightened Sue by the intensity of her stare. Too, she was tall and heavy to the point where she seemed almost square shaped. Her hair was gray and cut like a male's, and she wore a masculine suit. When Lady Margaret spoke, her voice was almost a baritone and it purred like a hungry tiger shortly before feeding time. In a great many respects, Sue thought, Lady Margaret looks and acts an awful lot like the girl's physical education teacher back home who was fired after some scandal involving two freshmen year girls and another teacher.

There was no doubt about it in Dick's mind. Lady Margaret was a truck-driving butch type if he had ever seen one, and he wasn't about to let his naive wife stumble into a situation where she would have to defend herself. As for Lord Medwell, that was something else again. Dick had noted that the older man was sizing him up; it was almost as if he were an old stallion looking at a young stud as possible competition. The Morgans obviously knew and liked Lord Medwell and Lady Margaret. For just a brief moment he thought he had glimpsed an intimate flash between Nora and Lord Medwell, but then he mentally laughed. "Besides," Dick told himself, "the poor old bastard probably hasn't had a hard-on since before World War II." He couldn't imagine the old goat and Nora together. He could imagine himself with her, however. The image was exciting, and once again he saw himself in the dream with her. Nora seemed somehow different this morning -- a healthier glow, an air of contentment. As far as that was concerned, even Sue seemed more relaxed -- different -- this morning. He couldn't quite put his finger on the difference; it had to be, he thought, because she had finally had a good night's sleep.

Dick listened to the four older people gossip about obviously wealthy and important friends. It was pretty boring stuff, especially so considering that it was such a beautiful afternoon... a day to be outside, not inside yakking in a dreary old castle. He glanced at Sue and raised his eyebrows questioningly. She nodded imperceptibly. Dick stood and apologized, "I hope you'll forgive us; we have a date to go sailing this afternoon."

"Of course, of course," Lord Medwell said. "Shall we meet for cocktails?"

"We'd be honored, sir."

Sue ran upstairs to change into shorts and a sweater, while Dick went out to the dock and unfurled the small sail on the boat. Sue was back again within five minutes, and a short time later they were rapidly skimming across the lake.

Back at the castle, Morgan had shown Lord Medwell to his room. The two men stood at the window watching as the boat sailed around a point of land and disappeared from sight.

"By Jove, the girl's really something," Lord Medwell said admiringly, as he laid down the binoculars he had been using to study Sue's breasts and legs.

Morgan snorted. "You don't know the half of it."

"Why you wicked devil you. I suppose you've already sampled the merchandise."

"Merely my official duties as tastour to the king."

"And how did it taste?"

"All honey, m'lord," he laughed.

Lord Medwell cocked one eyebrow in amusement. "I don't suppose you stopped with that. A bit of buggery for dessert, perhaps? How was that?"

Morgan stopped smiling. He stared at him and said with great sincerity, "Incredible. Absolutely incredible! She has the most phenomenally talented rectal reactions of any apprentice I have ever met. The first time, the very first time she's ever indulged, and already she reacts like a specialist."

"Come now, Morgan. She can't be all that good."

"She is! Furthermore, she's so innocent, so naive, that one would almost suspect she's acting."

"Perhaps she is."

"No, she isn't putting on." He paused, thoughtful. "I really suppose I should try to cure her vaginismus before we start our training sessions."

Lord Medwell looked alarmed. "I say! Is it contagious?"

Morgan guffawed. "No. It's just the silly little bitch thinks sexual intercourse is painful to her. She's been brainwashed by someone. Bloody mother, probably."

"Well, it's our Christian and charitable duty to do all we can to bring joy to her life," Lord Medwell said, biting his lower lip and grinning broadly.

Morgan's stare was enigmatic. "She has a great deal of joy already, providing she can learn to relax."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Brace yourself. I know this will come as a traumatic shock. The boy could loan you a couple of inches and he'd never miss it."

Lord Medwell glared. "That's supposed to be a joke?"

"No. The truth. You might ask Nora. He went in so deep that Nora was sure she'd suffer peritonitis; she even had me do a pelvic examination of her this morning to make sure that nothing was ripped."

"I don't believe it!"

Morgan shrugged. "You'll have your chance to see him in action with Nora tonight... after our photographs are taken."

Lord Medwell was still shaking his head and muttering in disbelief when Morgan left him ten minutes later. He went to the window and noticed that the boat had come into sight again beyond the headland. His mouth watered as he though of the enjoyment to come to him tonight and the delights -- the sheer delights -- that would come tomorrow when the girl would be forced to do anything he asked.

Aboard the boat, Sue watched Dick expertly tacking against the wind. She sat on a big red flotation cushion which also served as a lifebuoy in case of capsizing. How sure he seemed of himself, she thought. How very poised for a young man, and how very handsome. She was so proud of him. She shifted her buttocks against the cushion, seeking a more comfortable position. That dream last night! That had been quite a dream -- so real! And this morning she had even awakened with her rectum feeling very sore. She supposed the soreness had something to do with the breaking of her hymen. Her vagina still ached... odd about that part of the dream, too. She felt a vague stirring of excitement as she remembered Dick's tongue and lips down there in her dream. She resolutely told herself that it was Dick in the dream, even though he had Morgan's features. That coupled with Dick's making love to her in the behind! Men didn't do that with women! Or did they? She wished life was that simple -- that men and women could just make love any old way they wanted and enjoy it. Perhaps some did. In her case she knew it was wishful thinking anyway. She wasn't normal, she knew it now. It was all well and good to have a dream where you reached a climax two different ways, but reality was a different thing... and reality had already proven that her mother was right: Sue was constitutionally unable to enjoy sexual intercourse because of the pain.

Abruptly she stiffened as she recalled another part of the dream. Again, in her mind, she heard the phrases, "mental vaginismus" and "monosymptomatic hysteria." Now where did I ever learn crazy words like that, she wondered.

"Penny," Dick said.


"A penny for your thoughts."

Sue smiled and impulsively wrapped her arms around his outstretched legs. "I was just thinking how lucky I am... with you as a husband." It was the truth, and she knew it.

Dick kissed the top of her head, then pointed to a small beach at the foot of one of the hills; it was hidden from the castle and from other viewpoints. "What say we picnic -- go swimming here tomorrow?"

The beach did look terribly inviting. "Oh, honey. Can we?"

"I don't see why not. They told us the lake belonged to the castle grounds." He leered at her, and one eyebrow shot up suggestively, "We could even... ah... dispense with bathing suits. How about that?"

She pretended as though he were making a joke, even though she knew he was probably serious. "Dick! I'm surprised at you."

Her blushing protest brought laughter from him.

The afternoon wind had sprung up since they left the castle; choppy little waves slurped across the bow and sides. They both were beginning to get wet when Dick turned and began running with the wind toward home. It had taken them almost an hour and a half to reach the far end of the lake; the return trip was done in less than twenty minutes. Dick swung the tiller and the sails fluffed as the boat coasted in to dock -- touching as gently as a hummingbird moving into a flower.

"Can I help store things or anything?" Sue asked.

Dick shook his head. "I can manage. Why don't you run on in and put on some dry clothes."

Sue shivered. "I am getting a little chilly to tell the truth."

"Take a real hot shower then."

Sue kissed him, then headed toward the castle. Dick watched her buttocks swing inside the tight little shorts and pursing his lips, made a loud wolf whistle. Sue looked back -- grinning and pleased -- then laughed raucously, as the two dogs came racing over to him and jumped on board barking excitedly.

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